
Defines functions diff_popup change_popup zone_leaflet extract_zonedata diff_leaflet change_leaflet extract_zones

Documented in change_leaflet change_popup diff_leaflet diff_popup extract_zonedata extract_zones zone_leaflet

#' Get zones geometry from the database or built-in files
#' @param zones_shp_name chr.  The name of the zones_shp object in \code{data} to use if
#'        the database does not contain the WKT geometry for zones.  Possible values are
#'        "zones_shp", "zones_shp_swim25".
#' @param db class \code{src}.  The connection to the database.
#' @param tbl_name chr.  The name of the table in \code{db} containing the geometry
#'        Defaults to ALLZONES.
#' @param wkt_col chr.  The name of the column in \code{tbl_name} containing the
#'        WKT geometry. Defaults to WKTSURFACE
#' @param proj4string chr.  The proj4 string for the
#'        \code{wkt_col} coordinates.  Defaults to Oregon Lambert.
#' @details This function extracts the geography for the zones from the scenario
#'          database. It automatically reprojects the data to WGS84 using \code{st_transform}.
#'          If the database does not contain geography, then data(zones_shp) is returned instead,
#'          unless otherwise specified by the user.
#' @return a \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} in WGS84 lat long coordinates.
#' @export
extract_zones <- function(zones_shp_name = NULL,
                          db = NULL,
                          proj4string = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=43 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=41.75 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=399999.9999999999 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=ft +no_defs"

  wgs84 <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"

  if ( !is.null(zones_shp_name) ){
  } else if ( !wkt_col %in% colnames(tbl(db, tbl_name)) ){

    warning('Column ', wkt_col, ' not found in ', tbl_name, ' in ', db$con@dbname,
            '. Using "zones_shp" instead.')


  } else {

    zones_tbl <- dplyr::tbl(db, tbl_name) %>%

    zones_tbl <- zones_tbl %>%
      #dplyr::filter(!is.na(!!quo(wkt_col)))  # Doesn't work
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.[[wkt_col]]) & !grepl('EMPTY', .[[wkt_col]])) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(id = as.character(row_number() - 1)) %>%
      dplyr::left_join(y = regions, by='COUNTY')

    # Make sure AZONE is capitalized because other functions assume that it is.
    names(zones_tbl)[grep('Azone', names(zones_tbl))] <- 'AZONE'

    zones_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(as.data.frame(zones_tbl), wkt=wkt_col, crs=proj4string) %>%

    zones_shp <- as(zones_sf, "Spatial")


#' Leaflet plot of change over time in one scenario.
#' @param db The scenario database
#' @param year1  The first year
#' @param year2  The second year
#' @param ...    Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{extract_zones}}.
#'               Specify the source for the zones here.
#' @details This function creates an interactive Leaflet plot of the alpha zone
#'   system, showing annualized implied growth rates of key socioeconomic
#'   variables between two years. For instance, the user can select 2010 and
#'   2030 as analysis years, and the plot will show the implied average
#'   exponential growth rate between them.
#'   As a note, SWIM does not generate alpha-zone level statistics in years when
#'   the transport model does not run. If the user asks for year that does not
#'   exist, then the plot will use the nearest available year.
#' @export
change_leaflet <- function(db, year1 = 2010, year2 = 2030, ...){

  # Get nearest years in db to year1 and year2
  # The database doesn't have population and employment at
  # alpha zone level in years where the transport model doesn't run.
  # This simply corrects the value of year1 and year 2 if the user asks for
  # a year that doesn't exist.
  years <- 1990 + as.numeric(names(table(
    dplyr::tbl(db, "AZONE") %>% dplyr::select(TSTEP) %>% dplyr::collect(n=Inf) %>% .$TSTEP)))
  year1 <- years[which(abs(years - year1) == min(abs(years - year1)))]
  year2 <- years[which(abs(years - year2) == min(abs(years - year2)))]

  # Get scenario information and put it onto the shapefile for
  # leaflet plotting.
  shp <- extract_zones(db=db, ...)
  shp@data <- shp@data %>%
    dplyr::left_join(extract_zonedata(db, year1, year2))

  # Create a palette for
  palq <- leaflet::colorFactor(
    palette = "RdBu",
    domain = cut_diverror(shp@data$pop_rate)

  zone_leaflet(shp) %>%
      group = "Population", fill = TRUE, color = FALSE, stroke=FALSE,
      fillColor = ~palq(cut_diverror(pop_rate)),
      popup = change_popup(shp, "pop", year1, year2)
    ) %>%
      group = "Employment", fill = TRUE, color = FALSE, stroke=FALSE,
      fillColor = ~palq(cut_diverror(emp_rate)),
      popup = change_popup(shp, "emp", year1, year2)
    ) %>%
      group = "HH", fill = TRUE, color = FALSE, stroke=FALSE,
      fillColor = ~palq(cut_diverror(hh_rate)),
      popup = change_popup(shp, "hh", year1, year2)
    ) %>%
      overlayGroups = c("Population", "Employment", "HH"),
      options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)


#' Leaflet plot of difference between two scenarios.
#' @param db1 Reference scenario VIZ database connection.
#' @param db2 Current scenario VIZ database connection.
#' @param year Year in which to compare the two scenarios.
#' @param variable Which variable to show in difference plot; currently
#'  \code{variable = c("Population", "Employment", "HH")}
#' @param scen_names Names of the scenarios in the comparison. Defaults to
#'   "Reference", "Current".
#' @param ...    Additional parameters passed to \code{\link{extract_zones}}.
#                Specify the source for the zones here.
#' @details Note that if the zones geography is pulled from the database (the default),
#'          only zones from \code{db1} are used for the map.  In case zones differ
#'          between \code{db1} and \code{db2}, note that the difference is based
#'          on a join between the zone data based on \code{AZONE}.
#' @export
diff_leaflet <- function(db1, db2, year,
                         variable = c("Population", "Employment", "HH"),
                         scen_names = c("Reference", "Current"), ...){

  if(variable == "Population"){
    crit <- "variable == 'pop'"
  } else if(variable == "Employment"){
    crit <- "variable == 'emp'"
  } else {
    crit <- "variable == 'hh'"

  # Get nearest years in db to year
  # The database doesn't have population and employment at
  # alpha zone level in years where the transport model doesn't run.
  # This simply corrects the value of year if the user asks for
  # a year that doesn't exist.
  years <- 1990 + as.numeric(names(table(
    dplyr::tbl(db1, "AZONE") %>% dplyr::select(TSTEP) %>% dplyr::collect(n=Inf) %>% .$TSTEP)))
  year <- years[which(abs(years - year) == min(abs(years - year)))]

  # get se data from both scenarios and join together ----
  se <- extract_zonedata(db1, year) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(extract_zonedata(db2, year), by = "AZONE") %>%
    tidyr::gather(var, value, -AZONE) %>%
    tidyr::separate(var, c("variable", "year", "sc")) %>%
    dplyr::select(-year) %>%
    tidyr::spread(sc, value) %>%
    dplyr::filter_(.dots = crit) %>%

    # calculate absolute difference between scenarios
      diff = y - x,
      pct = diff / x * 100

  # Get scenario information and put it onto the shapefile for
  # leaflet plotting.
  shp <- extract_zones(db=db1, ...)

  shp@data <- shp@data %>%
    dplyr::left_join(se, by = "AZONE")

  # Create a palette for
  palq <- leaflet::colorFactor(
    palette = "PRGn",
    domain = cut_abserror(shp@data$diff)

  # Fix legend as shown here:
  # https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/issues/477#issuecomment-678542769

  zone_leaflet(shp) %>%
      group = "Absolute", stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity=0.7,
      color = ~palq(cut_abserror(diff)),
      popup = diff_popup(shp, variable, scen_names)
    ) %>%
      pal = palq,
      values = ~cut_abserror(diff),
      group = "Absolute",
      className = "info legend Absolute",
      title = paste0("Change in ", variable, " per sqmi<br>",
                     scen_names[1], " - ", scen_names[2] )
    ) %>%
      group = "Percent", stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity=0.7,
      color = ~palq(cut_abserror(pct)),
      popup = diff_popup(shp, variable, scen_names)
    ) %>%
      values = ~cut_abserror(pct),
      group = "Percent",
      className = "info legend Percent",
      title = paste0("Pct change in ", variable, " per sqmi<br>",
                     scen_names[1], " - ", scen_names[2] )
    ) %>%
      baseGroups = c("Absolute", "Percent"),
      options = leaflet::layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)
    ) %>%
      function(el, x) {
         var updateLegend = function () {
            var selectedGroup = document.querySelectorAll('input:checked')[0].nextSibling.innerText.substr(1);

            document.querySelectorAll('.legend').forEach(a => a.hidden=true);
            document.querySelectorAll('.legend').forEach(l => {
               if (l.classList.contains(selectedGroup)) l.hidden=false;
         this.on('baselayerchange', el => updateLegend());


#' Extract se data for leaflet zone plots
#' @inheritParams change_leaflet
#' @details If \code{year2 = NULL}, then will return only the values from year 1
#'   and will not calculate the implied exponential growth rate.
extract_zonedata <- function(db, year1, year2 = NULL){

    year2 <- year1

  # pre-construct growth rate function call in order to mix variables
  # and field names. See vignettes("nse") for details.
  grt_exp <- lazyeval::interp(
    ~ calc_exprate(p1, p2, year1, year2) * 100,
    p1 = as.name(year1), p2 = as.name(year2))

  # Get socioeconomic data from database.
  se <- dplyr::tbl(db, "AZONE") %>%
    dplyr::transmute(AZONE, pop = POPULATION, emp = EMPLOYMENT,
              hh = TOTALHHS, year = TSTEP + 1990) %>%
    dplyr::filter(year %in% c(year1, year2)) %>%

    # return density of variable
      dplyr::tbl(db, "ALLZONES") %>%
        dplyr::transmute(AZONE = Azone, sqmi = AREASQFT * 3.587048e-8),
      by = "AZONE") %>%
    dplyr::collect(n=Inf) %>%
    dplyr::mutate_at(vars(pop:hh), funs( ./sqmi)) %>%
    dplyr::select(-sqmi) %>%

    tidyr::gather(variable, value, -AZONE, -year) %>%
    tidyr::spread(year, value)

  if(year2 != year1){
    se <- se %>%
      # calculate implied growth rate
      dplyr::mutate_("rate" = grt_exp)

  # reformat
  se %>%
    tidyr::gather(period, value, -AZONE, -variable) %>%
    unite(var, c(variable, period)) %>%
    tidyr::spread(var, value, fill = NA)


#' Construct a base leaflet zone plot
#' This function creates a standard leaflet base image that we can add
#' information to.
#' @param shp An object of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} with the
#'   plotting fields already appended.
zone_leaflet <- function(shp){

  leaflet::leaflet(shp) %>%
    leaflet::addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
    leaflet::addPolygons(color = "grey", weight = 0.5, fill = FALSE)


#' Build change popup tag for leaflet
#' @inheritParams zone_leaflet
#' @inheritParams change_leaflet
#' @param var Variable to create popup tag for (e.g., \code{"pop"})
change_popup <- function(shp, var, year1, year2){
  # build popup
  zone_info <- paste0("<strong>Alpha Zone: </strong>", shp@data$AZONE)

  var_info <- paste0(
    "<strong>", year1, " ", var, " density: </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, paste0("", var, "_", year1)], digits = 2), "<br>",
    "<strong>", year2, " ", var, " density: </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, paste0("", var, "_", year2)], digits = 2), "<br>",
    "<strong>Growth rate </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, paste0(var, "_rate")], digits = 3), "%"

  paste(zone_info, var_info, sep = "</br>")


#' Build diff popup tag for leaflet
#' @inheritParams zone_leaflet
#' @inheritParams diff_leaflet
#' @param var Variable to create popup tag for (e.g., \code{"pop"})
diff_popup <- function(shp, var, scen_names){
  # build popup
  zone_info <- paste0("<strong>Alpha Zone: </strong>", shp@data$AZONE)

  var_info <- paste0(
    "<strong>", scen_names[1], " ", var, " per sqmi: </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, "x"], digits = 3), "<br>",
    "<strong>", scen_names[2], " ", var, " per sqmi: </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, "y"], digits = 3), "<br>",
    "<strong>Difference </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, ("diff")], digits = 3), "<br>",
    "<strong>Percent diff </strong>",
    round(shp@data[, "pct"], digits = 3)

  paste(zone_info, var_info, sep = "</br>")

pbsag/swimr documentation built on Dec. 12, 2020, 3:08 a.m.