
Defines functions sim.glmm

Documented in sim.glmm

#' Simulate responses from a GLMM
#' A vector of responses is randomly simulated from a GLMM
#' and added to an input data set as dataset$response.
#' The values of the fixed effects, the random effects variances and covariances,
#' and the response distribution are inputs.
#' @param mer.fit A fitted GLMM object of class merMod. This includes models fitted by lmer
#' and glmer in the lme4 package. If mer.fit is supplied, no other argument should be used,
#' as all of the required inputs will be extracted from mer.fit.
#' @param design.data A data frame containing all the data except the response. Its columns
#' should correspond to names(fixed.eff), excluding the intercept, and names(rand.V).
#' Optionally can include a column called "offset" (design.data$offset) to be added to
#' the linear predictor. The offset must therefore be on the same scale as the linear
#' predictor (the link scale). See ?offset.
#' @param fixed.eff A list of fixed effects.
#' One element of the list must be called "intercept" or "(Intercept)".
#' The names of the other elements should correspond to variables in design.data.
#' For example, to specify a model of the form y ~ 10 + 2*(sex=="Female") + 0.5*age
#' you would use fixed.eff = list(intercept=10, sex=c("Male"=0,"Female"=2), age=0.5).
#' This should work as long as design.data has a factor called "sex" with
#' levels "Male" and "Female" and a numeric variable called "age".
#' @param rand.V Either: (a) A vector of the variances of the random effects, where the
#' names correspond to grouping factors in design.data; (b) A list of variance-covariance
#' matrices of the random effects, where the names of the list correspond to grouping factors
#' in design.data. Currently only simple random effect structures are allowed: either
#' random intercepts, or random intercepts-and-slopes. There is no limit on the number of
#' random effects, and either crossed or nested structures are allowed.
#' Option (b) allows covariances between random effects to be specified, which is necessary
#' for random slopes-and-intercepts models because slopes and intercepts are almost
#' always correlated. ***Note that the function currently doesn't allow random slopes on
#' variables that are factors. See the examples for a workaround.***
#' Where rand.V=NULL the resulting response will be simulated without
#' random effects, i.e. from a GLM.
#' @param distribution The response distribution. Currently has to be one of
#' "gaussian", "poisson", "binomial" and "negbinomial". For all but "poisson"
#' some additional information must be supplied:
#' "gaussian": SD must be suppied.
#' "binomial": For a binomial response (x successes out of n trials), design.data must have a
#' column named "n" to specify the number of trials. For binary data (0 or 1),
#' design.data$n should be a column of 1s.
#' "negative binomial": theta, the dispersion parameter, must be supplied.
#' theta is equivalent to "size" as defined in ?rnbinom. A negative binomial
#' distribution with mean mu and dispersion parameter theta has
#' variance mu + mu^2/theta.
#' @param SD The residual standard deviation where distribution="gaussian".
#' @param theta The dispersion parameter where distribution="negbinomial".
#' @param drop.effects Deprecated, and only included for backward compatibility, so should be ignored.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Poisson-lognormal example
#' # simulate counts of tick burden on grouse chicks in a single year from
#' # a Poisson-lognormal GLMM,
#' # loosely based on:
#' #   Elston et al. (2001).
#' #   Analysis of aggregation, a worked example: numbers of ticks on red
#' #   grouse chicks. Parasitology, 122, 563-9.
#' #   http://abdn.ac.uk/lambin-group/Papers/
#' #   Paper%2041%202001%20Elston%20Tick%20aggregation%20Parasitology.pdf
#' # chicks are nested within broods, and broods within locations
#' # simulate data set that defines sampling of chicks within broods within locations,
#' # assuming 3 chicks pr brood and 2 broods per location. N locations = 20.
#' tickdata<-expand.grid(chick=1:3,brood=1:2,location=1:20)
#' # make brood and chick ids unique (otherwise random effects will be simulated
#' # as crossed, not nested)
#' tickdata$location <- factor(paste("loc", tickdata$location, sep = ""))
#' tickdata$brood <- factor(paste(tickdata$location, "brd", tickdata$brood, sep = ""))
#' tickdata$chick <- factor(paste(tickdata$brood, "chk", tickdata$chick, sep = ""))
#' # simulate tick counts with an average burden of 5 ticks per chick
#' # random effect variances are 2, 1 and 0.3 for location, brood and chick respectively
#' tickdata<-
#'   sim.glmm(design.data = tickdata,
#'            fixed.eff = list(intercept = log(5)),
#'            rand.V = c(location = 2, brood = 1, chick = 0.3),
#'            distribution = 'poisson')
#' # plot counts and fit GLMM
#' plot(response ~ jitter(as.numeric(location), factor = 0.5), pch = 21,
#'   bg = as.numeric(brood), data = tickdata)
#' lme4::glmer(response ~ (1 | location) + (1 | brood) + (1 | chick),
#'   family = 'poisson', data = tickdata)
#' # re-do the simulation with an offset, by including a column called
#' # "offset" in design data.
#' # e.g. let the sampling effort (which could be the area of chick feathers
#' # surveyed for ticks) for the first ten locations be unchanged
#' # i.e. multiplied by 1, while the effort for the locations 11-20
#' # is doubled:
#' tickdata$effort <-
#'   (as.numeric(gsub("loc", "", tickdata$location)) > 10.5) + 1
#' table(tickdata$effort)
#' # the offset must be on the link scale, which is log here
#' tickdata$offset <- log(tickdata$effort)
#' tickdata<-
#'   sim.glmm(design.data = tickdata,
#'            fixed.eff = list(intercept = log(5)),
#'            rand.V = c(location = 2, brood = 1, chick = 0.3),
#'            distribution = 'poisson')
#' # plot counts and fit GLMM
#' # repeating plotting several times should show that on average
#' # abundance in locations 11-20 (effort = 2) is twice that in
#' # locations 1-10
#' boxplot(response ~ effort, data = tickdata)
#' plot(response ~ jitter(as.numeric(location), factor = 0.5),
#'   pch = 21, bg = as.numeric(brood), data = tickdata)
#' lme4::glmer(response ~ (1 | location) + (1 | brood) + (1 | chick) +
#'     offset(log(effort)),
#'   family = 'poisson', data = tickdata)
#' # lognormal-poisson example: trial of mosquito traps
#' # simulate mosquito abundance data from a field trial of 6 types of trap in 6 huts
#' # huts A-F, weeks w1-w6 and experimental traps U-Z.
#' # six counts are taken in each hut on days 1-6 of each week.
#' # traps are rotated through huts weekly, 6 weeks every trap has been tested
#' # in every hut for 1 week (a Latin square design).
#' hut.data <-
#'   expand.grid(hut = LETTERS[1:6], week = paste("w", 1:6, sep = ""), obs = 1:6)
#' # rotate trap types through huts weekly
#' hut.data$trap <-
#'   factor(LETTERS[21:26][
#'     unlist(
#'       by(hut.data, hut.data$week,
#'         function(x) 1 + (0:5 + unique(as.numeric(x$week))) %% length(levels(x$week))))])
#' # give each row a unique indentifier to allow lognormal overdispersion to be simulated
#' hut.data$row.id <- factor(paste("row", 1:nrow(hut.data), sep = ""))
#' # simulate abundance data
#' hut.data<-
#'   sim.glmm(
#'     design.data = hut.data,
#'     fixed.eff =
#'       list(
#'         intercept = log(5),        # mean abundance = 5 mosquitoes/night in control trap
#'         trap =
#'           log(                     # NB all fixed effects are logged (because link scale is log)
#'             c(U = 1,               # U is the reference category, so has relative rate = 1
#'               V = 3,               # trap V catches 3 times as many mosquitoes as U, on average
#'               W = 1.5, X = 1.5, Y = 1.5, Z = 1.5))), # other traps catch 50% more than control U
#'     rand.V =
#'       inv.mor(
#'         c(row.id = 2,              # the overdispersion median rate ratio (MRR) is 2
#'           hut = 1.3,               # there is variation in abundance between huts (MRR=1.3)
#'           week = 1.5)),            # there is also variation between weeks (MRR=1.5)
#'     distribution = "poisson")      # we are simulating a Poisson response
#' # view and analyse hut data, testing for a difference between trap V and trap U
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' hist(hut.data$response, xlab = "Abundance")
#' boxplot(response ~ trap, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Trap")
#' boxplot(response ~ hut, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Hut")
#' boxplot(response ~ week, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Week")
#' (mod.pois <-
#'   lme4::glmer(response ~ trap + (1 | hut) + (1 | week) + (1 | row.id),
#'         family = "poisson", data = hut.data))
#' exp(lme4::fixef(mod.pois))
#' # ... the "trapV" row of the "Pr(>|z|)" column of the fixed effects
#' # results table gives a p-value for a test of the null hypothesis that
#' # U and V have the same abundance.
#' # if you repeatedly run this simulation you should find that p < 0.05
#' # close to 100% of the time, that is, power is close to 100%.
#' # That could be considered wastefully excessive,
#' # and might motivate reducing the number of observations collected.
#' # however you should find that power is inadequate (~50%) for each of traps W-Z.
#' # binomial example: simulate mortality data
#' # now we are interesting in comparing mortality between the different traps,
#' # i.e. the number of n trapped mosquitoes that die.
#' # we need a column called n to store the denominator (n mosquitoes cauhgt)
#' hut.data$n <- hut.data$response
#' # simulate the number that died
#' hut.data <-
#'   sim.glmm(
#'     design.data = hut.data,
#'     fixed.eff =
#'       list(
#'         intercept = qlogis(0.7),   # mortality is 70% in the control trap
#'         trap =
#'           log(                     # NB all fixed effects are logged (because link scale is log)
#'             c(U = 1,               # U is ref category, so has odds ratio of 1
#'               V = 2,               # the odds of mortality in V is twice that in U
#'               W = 1.5, X = 1.5, Y = 1.5, Z = 1.5))), # in other traps, odds ratio = 1.5
#'     rand.V =
#'       inv.mor(
#'         c(row.id = 2,              # the overdispersion median odds ratio (MOR) is 2
#'           hut = 1.3,               # there is variation in mortality between huts (MOR=1.3)
#'           week = 1.5)),            # there is also variation between weeks (MOR=1.5)
#'     distribution = "binomial")     # we are simulating a binomial response
#' # view and analyse hut data, testing for a difference between trap V and trap U
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' hist(hut.data$response / hut.data$n, xlab = "Mortality")
#' boxplot(response / n ~ trap, data = hut.data, ylab = "Mortality", xlab = "Trap")
#' boxplot(response / n ~ hut, data = hut.data, ylab = "Mortality", xlab = "Hut")
#' boxplot(response / n ~ week, data = hut.data, ylab = "Mortality", xlab = "Week")
#' (mod.bin <-
#'   lme4::glmer(cbind(response, n - response) ~
#'       trap + (1 | hut) + (1 | week) + (1 | row.id),
#'     family = "binomial", data = hut.data))
#' plogis(lme4::fixef(mod.bin)[1])   # estimated mortality in the control trap
#' exp(lme4::fixef(mod.bin)[-1])     # odds ratio estimates for the other traps
#' # we could also simulate a gaussian response
#' hut.data <-
#'   sim.glmm(
#'     design.data = hut.data,
#'     fixed.eff =
#'       list(
#'         intercept = 10,            # mean=10 in control. NOT logged because link fn = identity
#'         trap=
#'           c(U = 0,                 # U is reference category, so has regression coefficient = 0
#'             V = 1, W = 1, X = 1, Y = 1, Z = 1)), # other traps raise the measure by 1 unit
#'     rand.V = c(hut = 1, week = 1), # there is variation between huts and between weeks (var=1)
#'     distribution = "gaussian",     # we are simulating a Gaussian response
#'     SD = 2)                        # the residual SD is 2
#' # view and analyse hut data, testing for a difference
#' # between trap V and trap U
#' par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' hist(hut.data$response, xlab = "Response")
#' boxplot(response ~ trap, data = hut.data, ylab = "Response", xlab = "Trap")
#' boxplot(response ~ hut, data = hut.data, ylab = "Response", xlab = "Hut")
#' boxplot(response ~ week, data = hut.data, ylab = "Response", xlab = "Week")
#' (mod.gaus <-
#'   lme4::lmer(response ~ trap + (1 | hut) + (1 | week), data = hut.data))
#' lme4::fixef(mod.gaus)
#' # returning to abundance, we can also simulate overdispersed counts
#' # from the negative binomial distribution
#' hut.data <-
#'   sim.glmm(
#'     design.data = hut.data,
#'     fixed.eff =
#'       list(
#'         intercept = log(5),        # mean abundance = 5 mosquitoes/night in the control
#'         trap =
#'           log(                     # NB all fixed effects are logged because link = log
#'             c(U = 1,               # U is the ref category, so has relative rate of 1
#'               V = 3,               # trap V catches 3 x as many mosquitoes as U, on average
#'               W = 1.5, X = 1.5, Y = 1.5, Z = 1.5))), # other traps catch 50% more than control
#'     rand.V=
#'       inv.mor(
#'         c(hut = 1.3,               # there is variation in abundance between huts (MRR=1.3)
#'           week = 1.5)),            # there is also variation between weeks (MRR=1.5)
#'     distribution = "negbinomial",  # we are simulating a negative binomial response
#'     theta = 0.5)                   # overdispersion is introduced via the theta parameter,
#'                                    #   rather than as a random effect as in lognormal Poisson
#' # view and analyse hut data, testing for a difference between trap V and trap U
#' # plot data
#' par(mfrow = c(2,2))
#' hist(hut.data$response, xlab = "Abundance")
#' # ...similar amount of overdispersion to the lognormal Poisson example above
#' boxplot(response ~ trap, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Trap")
#' boxplot(response ~ hut, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Hut")
#' boxplot(response ~ week, data = hut.data, ylab = "Abundance", xlab = "Week")
#' if(FALSE) {
#' # load glmmADMB package (http://glmmadmb.r-forge.r-project.org/) and prepare data
#' library(glmmADMB)
#' # (note that this analysis failed when running glmmadmb on 32-bit R 2.15.3 for Mac.
#' # Worked fine on 64 bit).
#' # fit negative binomial mixed model
#' mod.nbin <-
#'   glmmadmb(response ~ trap + (1 | hut) + (1 | week), family = "nbinom2", data = hut.data)
#' summary(mod.nbin)
#' mod.nbin$alpha
#' # ...glmmadmb calls the overdispersion parameter "alpha" rather than "theta"
#' exp(glmmADMB::fixef(mod.nbin))
#' }
#' # simulation from a random slopes model using the sleepstudy data
#' # from the lme4 package (see ?sleepstudy for details)
#' # illustrate variation in slope between subjects
#' ss <- lme4::sleepstudy
#' lattice::xyplot(Reaction ~ Days | Subject, ss,
#'        panel=
#'          function(x, y){
#'            lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y)
#'            if(length(unique(x)) > 1) lattice::panel.abline(lm(y ~ x))
#'          })
#' # fit random slopes model
#' fm1 <-
#'   lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), ss)
#' # use the estimates from the fitted model to parameterise the simulation model
#' # this can be done explicitly, by extracting the estimates and supplying them as arguments
#' sim.glmm(design.data = ss, fixed.eff = lme4::fixef(fm1), rand.V = lme4::VarCorr(fm1),
#'          distribution = "gaussian", SD = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fm1), "sc"))
#' # but if the model was fitted with lmer or glmer, the function can extract the
#' # estimates automatically
#' sim.glmm(mer.fit = fm1)
#' # check that the data is being simulated from the correct model by estimating the parameters
#' # from multiple simulated data sets and plotting the estimates with the input parameters
#' sim.res <-
#'   sapply(1:100, function(i) {
#'     print(i)
#'     sim.fm1 <-
#'       lme4::lmer(response ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sim.glmm(mer.fit = fm1))
#'     c(lme4::fixef(sim.fm1),
#'       unlist(lme4::VarCorr(sim.fm1)),
#'       SD = attr(lme4::VarCorr(sim.fm1), "sc"))
#'   })
#' boxplot(t(sim.res),
#'   main = "Boxplot of fixed and random effect\nestimates from 100 simulated data sets")
#' points(c(lme4::fixef(fm1), unlist(lme4::VarCorr(fm1)), SD = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fm1), "sc")),
#'   pch = "-", col = "red", cex = 4)
#' legend("topright", legend = "True values", pch = "-", pt.cex = 4, col = "red")
#' # the same example, but with a random slope on a factor fixed effect
#' # currently sim.glmm doesn't handle random slopes for factors, so the
#' # following is a workaround
#' # convert Days to a binary factor and fit model
#' ss$fDays <-
#'   factor(ss$Days > 4.5, c(FALSE, TRUE), c("Lo", "Hi"))
#' table(ss$fDays, ss$Subject)
#' (fm1f <- lme4::lmer(Reaction ~ fDays + (fDays | Subject), ss))
#' # use the estimates from the fitted model to parameterise the simulation model
#' # this can be done directly from the merMod object:
#' sim.glmm(fm1f)
#' # but if we wanted to change the parameters we would need to be able to
#' # specify the parameters individually which gives an error:
#' # sim.glmm(design.data = ss,
#' #          fixed.eff = list(intercept = 271.6, fDays = c(Lo = 0, Hi = 53.76)),
#' #          rand.V = lme4::VarCorr(fm1f),
#' #          distribution = "gaussian", SD = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fm1f),"sc"))
#' # a workaround is to represent the factor as an indicator variable
#' # (or variables if there are more than two levels):
#' ss2 <- cbind(ss, model.matrix(~ fDays, data=ss))
#' # the simulation code above should now work:
#' sim.glmm(design.data = ss2,
#'          fixed.eff = list(intercept = 271.6, fDays = c(Lo = 0, Hi = 53.76)),
#'          rand.V = lme4::VarCorr(fm1f),
#'          distribution = "gaussian", SD = attr(lme4::VarCorr(fm1f), "sc"))
#' # i will apply this fix internally when i have time.
#' # a poisson random slopes example
#' # this example uses the Owls data which is in the glmmADMB package (see ?Owls for details)
#' # load glmmADMB package (http://glmmadmb.r-forge.r-project.org/) and prepare data
#' if(FALSE) {
#' library(glmmADMB)
#' owls <- Owls
#' owls$obs <- factor(1:nrow(owls))            # to fit observation-level random effect
#' owls$ArrivalTimeC <- owls$ArrivalTime - 24   # centre the arrival times at midnight
#' # illustrate variation in slope between nests
#' lattice::xyplot(SiblingNegotiation ~ ArrivalTimeC | Nest, owls,
#'        panel=
#'          function(x, y) {
#'            lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y)
#'            if(length(unique(x)) > 1) lattice::panel.abline(lm(y ~ x))
#'          })
#' # fit random slopes model
#' owlmod.rs <-
#'   lme4::glmer(SiblingNegotiation ~ ArrivalTimeC + (ArrivalTimeC | Nest) + (1 | obs),
#'         family= "poisson", data = owls)
#' # fit simulate from fitted model and fit model on simulated data
#' (sim.owlmod.rs <-
#'   lme4::glmer(response ~ ArrivalTimeC + (ArrivalTimeC|Nest) + (1|obs),
#'         family = "poisson", data = sim.glmm(owlmod.rs)))
#' # check that the data is being simulated from the correct model by estimating the parameters
#' # from multiple simulated data sets and plotting the estimates with the input parameters
#' sim.res <-
#'   sapply(1:20, function(i) {
#'     print(i)
#'     sim.owlmod.rs  <-
#'       lme4::glmer(response ~ ArrivalTimeC + (ArrivalTimeC | Nest) + (1 | obs),
#'             family = "poisson", data = sim.glmm(owlmod.rs))
#'     c(lme4::fixef(sim.owlmod.rs), unlist(lme4::VarCorr(sim.owlmod.rs)))
#'   })
#' dev.off()
#' boxplot(t(sim.res),
#'   main = "Boxplot of fixed and random effect\nestimates from 20 simulated data sets")
#' points(c(lme4::fixef(owlmod.rs), unlist(lme4::VarCorr(owlmod.rs))),
#'   pch = "-", col = "red", cex = 4)
#' legend("topright", legend = "True values", pch = "-", pt.cex = 4, col="red")
#' }

  function(mer.fit=NULL, design.data=NULL, fixed.eff=NULL, rand.V=NULL,
           SD=NULL, theta=NULL, drop.effects=NULL)

    # if mer.fit is supplied, extract all inputs from it

      design.data <- model.frame(mer.fit)
      fixed.eff <- lme4::fixef(mer.fit)
      rand.V <- lme4::VarCorr(mer.fit)
      distribution <- as.character(family(mer.fit))[1]
      if(distribution == "binomial") design.data$n <- get("n",envir=slot(slot(mer.fit,"resp"),".xData"))
      SD <- attr(rand.V,"sc")

    # add column of 1s. this is the "data value" for the intercept


    # add the fixed effects to the data frame, first changing "intercept" to "(Intercept)"

      names(fixed.eff)[names(fixed.eff)=="intercept"] <- "(Intercept)"
                 if(is.factor(design.data[,fe])) fixed.eff[[fe]][as.character(design.data[,fe])]
                 else fixed.eff[[fe]]*design.data[,fe]
    } else
      design.data$combinedeffects.fixed <- model.matrix(mer.fit) %*% fixed.eff
      fix.names <- "combinedeffects"
    eff.names <- paste(fix.names,".fixed",sep="")

    # if random effects are specified, simulate them


      # if rand.V is a vector, convert it to a list

      if(!is.list(rand.V)) rand.V <- as.list(rand.V)

      # simulate the random effects

                 design.data[,rn] <- factor(design.data[,rn])
                 nt <- nlevels(design.data[,rn])
                 vcv <- rand.V[[rn]]
                 if(is.null(dim(vcv))) vcv <- structure(vcv, dim=c(1,1), dimnames=list("(Intercept)","(Intercept)"))
                 rownames(vcv)[rownames(vcv)=="intercept"] <- "(Intercept)"
                 colnames(vcv)[colnames(vcv)=="intercept"] <- "(Intercept)"
                 a <- MASS::mvrnorm(nt,rep(0,nrow(vcv)),vcv)
                 rownames(a) <- levels(design.data[,rn])
                 ax <-
                   if(is.null(mer.fit)) {
                     a[design.data[,rn],colnames(vcv)] * design.data[,colnames(vcv)] } else {
                       a[design.data[,rn],colnames(vcv)] * model.matrix(mer.fit)[,colnames(vcv)] }
                 if(is.null(dim(ax))) dim(ax) <- c(nrow(design.data),nrow(vcv))
      names(a.list) <- rand.names

      # add the random effect residuals to the data frame

      design.data[,paste(rand.names,".random",sep="")] <- do.call("cbind",a.list[rand.names])
      eff.names <- c(eff.names,paste(rand.names,".random",sep=""))

    # sum the fixed effects and random effect residuals to give the linear predictor
    # of the GLMM


    # if design.data includes an offset, add it to the linear predictor

    if(!is.null(design.data$offset)) {
      design.data$linear.predictor <- design.data$linear.predictor + design.data$offset

    # simulate the response values from the linear predictor


    # drop the intercept, fixed effects and random effect residuals from the data frame

    design.data<-design.data[,!(names(design.data) %in% c("(Intercept)","linear.predictor",eff.names))]

    # return the data frame including the simulated response vector

pcdjohnson/GLMMmisc documentation built on May 24, 2019, 11:40 p.m.