
Defines functions pstest

Documented in pstest

#' pstest: Tests for the Propensity Score
#' \emph{pstest} computes Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises type tests
#' for the null hypothesis that a parametric model for the propensity score is
#' is correctly specified. For details of the testing procedure, see
#' Sant'Anna and Song (2019),'Specification Tests for the Propensity Score'  <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2019.02.002>.
#'@param d a vector containing the binary treatment indicator.
#'@param pscore a vector containing the estimated propensity scores.
#'@param xpscore a matrix (or data frame) containing the covariates (and their
#'               transformations) included in the propensity score
#'               estimation. It should also include the constant term.
#'@param model  a description of the functional form (link function) used
#'              to estimated propensity score. The alternatives are:
#'              'logit' (default), 'probit', and het.probit
#' @param pscore.model in case you you set model="het.probit", pscore.model is the entire hetglm object.
#'                      Default for pscore.model is NULL.
#'@param w a description of which weight function the projection is based on.
#'            The alternatives are 'ind' (default), which set \eqn{w(q,u)=1(q<=u)},
#'            'exp', which set \eqn{w(q,u)=exp(qu)}, 'logistic', which set
#'            \eqn{w(q,u)=1/[1+exp(1-qu)]}, 'sin', which set \eqn{w(q,u)=sin(qu)}, and
#'            'sincos', which set \eqn{w(q,u)=sin(qu)+cos(qu)}.
#'@param dist a description of which distribution to use during the bootstrap.
#'            The alternatives are 'Mammen' (default), and 'Rademacher'.
#'@param nboot number of bootstrap replicates to perform. Default is 1,000.
#'@param cores number of cores to use during the bootstrap. Default is 1.
#'              If cores is greater than 1, the bootstrap is conducted using
#'              parLapply, instead of lapply type call.
#'@param chunk a value that determine the size of each 'tile'. Such argument is used
#'              to split the original data into chunks, saving memory.
#'              Default value is 1,000. If the \emph{pstest} function throw a
#'              memory error, you should choose a smaller value for \emph{chunk}.
#'@return a list containing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises test
#'        statistics for the null hypothesis of correctly specified propensity
#'        score model (kstest and cvmtest, respectively), and their associate
#'        bootstrapped p-values, pvks and pvcvm, respectively. All inputs are also
#'        returned.
#'       Sant'Anna, Pedro H. C, and Song, Xiaojun (2019), \emph{Specification Tests for the Propensity Score},
#'       Journal of Econometrics, vol. 210 (2), p. 379-404,  <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2019.02.002>.
#' # Example based on simulation data
#' # Simulate vector of covariates
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x1 <- runif(100)
#' x2 <- rt(100, 5)
#' x3 <- rpois(100, 3)
#' # generate treatment status score based on Probit Specification
#' treat <- (x1 + x2 + x3 >= rnorm(100, 4, 5))
#' # estimate correctly specified propensity score based on Probit
#' pscore <- stats::glm(treat ~ x1 + x2 + x3, family = binomial(link = "probit"),
#'               x = TRUE)
#' # Test the correct specification of estimated propensity score, using
#' # the weight function 'ind', and bootstrap based on 'Mammen'.
#' pstest(d = pscore$y, pscore = pscore$fit, xpscore = pscore$x,
#'        model = "probit", w = "ind", dist = "Mammen")
#' # Alternatively, one can use the 'sin' weight function
#' pstest(d = pscore$y, pscore = pscore$fit, xpscore = pscore$x,
#'        model = "probit", w = "sin", dist = "Mammen")
#'@importFrom stats binomial rbinom runif glm
#'@importFrom parallel makeCluster parLapply stopCluster nextRNGStream
#'@importFrom glmx hetglm.fit
#'@importFrom MASS ginv
pstest = function(d, pscore, xpscore, pscore.model = NULL,
                  model = "logit",
                  w = "ind",
                  dist = "Mammen",
                  nboot = 1000, cores = 1, chunk = 1000) {
    # Define some underlying variables
    n <- length(d)
    xx <- as.matrix(xpscore)
    pscore.fit <- pscore
    uhat <- d - pscore.fit
    # Run some tests
    if( !is.element(model,c("logit", "probit", "het.probit"))) {
      stop("model must be either 'logit', 'probit' or 'het.probit' ")
    if( !is.element(dist,c("Mammen", "Rademacher"))) {
      stop("dist must be either 'Mammen', or 'Rademacher' ")
    if( !is.element(w,c("ind", "exp", "logistic", "sin", "sincos"))) {
      stop("w must be either 'ind', 'exp', 'logistic', 'sin', or 'sincos' ")
    # #Define the score variables for the projection
    if (model == "logit") {
        g <- pscore.fit * (1 - pscore.fit) * xx
    if (model == "probit") {
        beta.x <- stats::qnorm(pscore.fit)
        g <- stats::dnorm(beta.x) * xx
    if (model == "het.probit") {
        stop(" You must provide the entire hetglm model if you are using het. probit")
        stop(" pscore.model must be estimated using the hetglm function. See glmx package")
        stop(" You must include the option x=T in your glmx model")

      pp <- pscore.model
      index.mean <- as.numeric(pp$x$mean %*% pp$coefficients$mean)
      index.scale <- as.numeric(pp$x$scale %*% (pp$coefficients$scale))

      #beta.x <- stats::qnorm(pscore.fit)
      index <- index.mean * exp(-index.scale)
      g <- cbind(stats::dnorm(index) * exp(-index.scale) *pp$x$mean,
                 - stats::dnorm(index)*index.mean*exp(-index.scale)*pp$x$scale)

      xx <- as.matrix(cbind(pp$x$mean,pp$x$scale))
      #rm(pp,xx.scale,index.mean,index.scale,index )

    gg <- crossprod(g)
    # Define variables to be used in the loop
    # Number of covariates
    k.dim = dim(xx)[2]

    # unique pscores
    #un.pscores <- unique(pscore.fit)
    un.pscores <- (pscore.fit)
    n.unique <- length(un.pscores)

    # Initialize `beta` matrix (K coefficients for each of n.unique responses)
    beta <- matrix(0, k.dim, n.unique)

    # Initialize `Rw` row vector (n.unique dimension)
    Rw <- matrix(0, 1, n.unique)

    # We split n columns into l tiles, each with chunk columns
    l <- floor(n.unique/chunk) + 1

    # Initialize the bootststrap test statistics vectors
    ksb1 <- matrix(0, nboot, 1)
    cvmb1 <- matrix(0, nboot, 1)
    # Let's define some parameters for the bootstrap
    # Better to define these outside the loop that will follow.

    if (dist == "Mammen"){
      # Use the Mammen(1993) binary V's
      k1 <- 0.5 * (1 - 5^0.5)
      k2 <- 0.5 * (1 + 5^0.5)
      pkappa <- 0.5 * (1 + 5^0.5)/(5^0.5)

    if (dist == "Rademacher"){
      # Use the Rademacher V's
      k1 <- 1
      k2 <- -1
      pkappa <- 0.5

    # function for the bootstrap
    bootapply <- function(nn, n, pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed) {
        # to make each run fully reproducible, we set the seed
        seed.run <- Seed[nn, ]
        set.seed(seed.run, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")
        v <- stats::rbinom(n, 1, pkappa)
        v <- ifelse(v == 1, k1, k2)
        # Bootstrapped emprirical process
        Rwb <- colSums(uhat * v * w1.temp)/n
        # KS test
        ksb <- sqrt(n) * max(abs(Rwb))
        # Cramer-von Mises test
        cvmb <- sum(Rwb^2)
        # Return both tests
        return(cbind(ksb, cvmb))
    # Define seeds: Guarantee reproducibility
    ss <- floor(stats::runif(1) * 10000)
    seed.temp <- gather.ps(nboot, seed = ss)

    Seed <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = 6)
    for (i in 1:nboot) {
      Seed[i, ] <- seed.temp[[i]][2:7]
    # If we are going to use paralell coding, initialize the cores
    if (cores > 1) {
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
    # Start the loop to compute the tests (this is more memory efficient)
    # we do a loop for each weight function, to avoid loss in speed
    # indicator weight
    if (w == "ind"){
        for (i in 1:l) {
          start <- min(chunk * (i - 1) + 1, n.unique)
          end <- min(chunk * i, n.unique)
          w.temp <- outer(pscore.fit, un.pscores[start:end], "<=")
          Gw <- crossprod(g, w.temp)

          beta[, start:end] <- MASS::ginv(crossprod(g)) %*% Gw
          #beta[, start:end] <- solve(gg, Gw)
          w1.temp <- (w.temp - g %*% beta[, start:end])
          Rw[start:end] <- colSums(uhat * w1.temp)/n
          # Now the bootstrapped test in the chunk
          if (cores == 1) {
              boot.chunk <- lapply(1:nboot, bootapply, n, pkappa, k1, k2,
                                   uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
          if (cores > 1) {
              boot.chunk <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:nboot, bootapply, n,
                                                pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
          # Put the Bootstrap resuls in a matrix
          boot.chunk <- t(matrix(unlist(boot.chunk), 2, nboot))
          # Compute the KSb and CvMb over chunks
          if (1000 * (i - 1) + 1 <= n.unique) {
            ksb1 <- pmax(ksb1, boot.chunk[, 1])
            cvmb1 <- cvmb1 + boot.chunk[, 2]
    # exponential weight
    if (w == "exp"){
      for (i in 1:l) {
        start <- min(chunk * (i - 1) + 1, n.unique)
        end <- min(chunk * i, n.unique)
        w.temp <- tcrossprod(pscore.fit, un.pscores[start:end])
        w.temp <- exp(w.temp)
        Gw <- crossprod(g, w.temp)
        beta[, start:end] <- solve(gg, Gw)
        w1.temp <- (w.temp - g %*% beta[, start:end])
        Rw[start:end] <- colSums(uhat * w1.temp)/n
        # Now the bootstrapped test in the chunk
        if (cores == 1) {
          boot.chunk <- lapply(1:nboot, bootapply, n, pkappa, k1, k2,
                               uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        if (cores > 1) {
          boot.chunk <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:nboot, bootapply, n,
                                            pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        # Put the Bootstrap resuls in a matrix
        boot.chunk <- t(matrix(unlist(boot.chunk), 2, nboot))
        # Compute the KSb and CvMb over chunks
        if (1000 * (i - 1) + 1 <= n.unique) {
          ksb1 <- pmax(ksb1, boot.chunk[, 1])
          cvmb1 <- cvmb1 + boot.chunk[, 2]
    # Logistic weight
    if (w == "logistic"){
      for (i in 1:l) {
        start <- min(chunk * (i - 1) + 1, n.unique)
        end <- min(chunk * i, n.unique)
        w.temp <- tcrossprod(pscore.fit, un.pscores[start:end])
        w.temp <- 1/(1+exp(1-w.temp))
        Gw <- crossprod(g, w.temp)
        beta[, start:end] <- solve(gg, Gw)
        w1.temp <- (w.temp - g %*% beta[, start:end])
        Rw[start:end] <- colSums(uhat * w1.temp)/n
        # Now the bootstrapped test in the chunk
        if (cores == 1) {
          boot.chunk <- lapply(1:nboot, bootapply, n, pkappa, k1, k2,
                               uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        if (cores > 1) {
          boot.chunk <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:nboot, bootapply, n,
                                            pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        # Put the Bootstrap resuls in a matrix
        boot.chunk <- t(matrix(unlist(boot.chunk), 2, nboot))
        # Compute the KSb and CvMb over chunks
        if (1000 * (i - 1) + 1 <= n.unique) {
          ksb1 <- pmax(ksb1, boot.chunk[, 1])
          cvmb1 <- cvmb1 + boot.chunk[, 2]
    # Sine weight
    if (w == "sin"){
      for (i in 1:l) {
        start <- min(chunk * (i - 1) + 1, n.unique)
        end <- min(chunk * i, n.unique)
        w.temp <- tcrossprod(pscore.fit, un.pscores[start:end])
        w.temp <- sin(w.temp)
        Gw <- crossprod(g, w.temp)
        beta[, start:end] <- solve(gg, Gw)
        w1.temp <- (w.temp - g %*% beta[, start:end])
        Rw[start:end] <- colSums(uhat * w1.temp)/n
        # Now the bootstrapped test in the chunk
        if (cores == 1) {
          boot.chunk <- lapply(1:nboot, bootapply, n, pkappa, k1, k2,
                               uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        if (cores > 1) {
          boot.chunk <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:nboot, bootapply, n,
                                            pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        # Put the Bootstrap resuls in a matrix
        boot.chunk <- t(matrix(unlist(boot.chunk), 2, nboot))
        # Compute the KSb and CvMb over chunks
        if (1000 * (i - 1) + 1 <= n.unique) {
          ksb1 <- pmax(ksb1, boot.chunk[, 1])
          cvmb1 <- cvmb1 + boot.chunk[, 2]
    # Sine and cosine weight
    if (w == "sincos"){
      for (i in 1:l) {
        start <- min(chunk * (i - 1) + 1, n.unique)
        end <- min(chunk * i, n.unique)
        w.temp <- tcrossprod(pscore.fit, un.pscores[start:end])
        w.temp <- sin(w.temp)+cos(w.temp)
        Gw <- crossprod(g, w.temp)
        beta[, start:end] <- solve(gg, Gw)
        w1.temp <- (w.temp - g %*% beta[, start:end])
        Rw[start:end] <- colSums(uhat * w1.temp)/n
        # Now the bootstrapped test in the chunk
        if (cores == 1) {
          boot.chunk <- lapply(1:nboot, bootapply, n, pkappa, k1, k2,
                               uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        if (cores > 1) {
          boot.chunk <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:nboot, bootapply, n,
                                            pkappa, k1, k2, uhat, w1.temp, Seed)
        # Put the Bootstrap resuls in a matrix
        boot.chunk <- t(matrix(unlist(boot.chunk), 2, nboot))
        # Compute the KSb and CvMb over chunks
        if (1000 * (i - 1) + 1 <= n.unique) {
          ksb1 <- pmax(ksb1, boot.chunk[, 1])
          cvmb1 <- cvmb1 + boot.chunk[, 2]
    # close the clusters, if we used paralell
    if (cores > 1) {
    # Compute our test statistics
    cvmtest1 <- sum(Rw^2)
    kstest1 <- sqrt(n) * max(abs(Rw))
    # Put the bootstrap tests in a matrix
    boottest <- matrix(0, nboot, 2)
    boottest[, 1] <- ksb1
    boottest[, 2] <- cvmb1
    # Name the Columns
    colnames(boottest) <- c("ksb", "cvmb")
    # compute the Bootstrap P-value
    pvksb <- sum((boottest[, 1] > kstest1))/nboot
    pvcvmb <- sum((boottest[, 2] > cvmtest1))/nboot
    # record the call
    call.param <- match.call()
    # Record all arguments used in the function
    argu <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
    argu <- list(model = argu$model, w = argu$w, dist = argu$dist, nboot = argu$nboot )
    # Return these variables
    ret <- list(kstest = kstest1, cvmtest = cvmtest1, pvks = pvksb, pvcvm = pvcvmb,
                call.param = call.param, argu = argu)
    # Define a new class
    class(ret) <- "pstest"
    # return the list
pedrohcgs/pstest documentation built on July 24, 2022, 7:39 a.m.