MRM <- function(formula = formula(data), data, nperm = 1000, method="linear", mrank = FALSE)
# MRM: Multiple Regression on distance Matrices
# Sarah Goslee 2008-07-18
# tests R^2 and regression coefficients using a
# permutation test
# added method argument
# linear is the default, standard option
# logistic adds capability to do logistic regression
# - this will be much slower
# mrank is ignored if method is not "linear"
# Stuff R needs to be able to use a formula
m <- = FALSE)
m2 <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(m), nomatch=0)
m <- m[c(1, m2)]
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
m <- eval(m, parent.frame())
m <- as.matrix(m)
# End of R stuff. m is now the data for the MRM test as
# columns y, x, n1, n2, n3, ...
# Determine the size of the matrices & do some error checking.
n <- (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * nrow(m)))/2
if(abs(n - round(n)) > 0.0000001)
stop("Matrix not square.\n")
n <- round(n)
if(ncol(m) < 2) stop("Not enough data. \n")
if(method == "linear") {
if(mrank) {
m <- apply(m, 2, rank)
# convert matrices to column order to ensure compatibility with C
for(thiscol in seq_len(ncol(m))) {
tempmat <- full(m[,thiscol])
m[,thiscol] <- tempmat[col(tempmat) > row(tempmat)]
# use matrix form to speed up calculations
X <- m[ ,2:ncol(m), drop=FALSE]
X <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(X)), X)
Y <- m[ ,1, drop=FALSE]
nd <- nrow(X)
# only need to calculate (X'X)^-1 once
XX <- crossprod(X)
XX <- solve(XX)
# will need to calculate Xy for each permutation
XY <- crossprod(X, Y)
YY <- crossprod(Y)
# regression coefficients
b <- XX %*% XY
rownames(b) <- c("Int", colnames(X)[2:ncol(X)])
bXY <- crossprod(b, XY)
SSE <- YY - bXY
SSTO <- YY - sum(Y)^2/nd
# R2 = 1 - SSE/SSTO
R2 <- 1 - SSE/SSTO
R2 <- as.vector(R2)
# F* = MSR / MSE
# MSR = SSR / (p - 1)
# MSE = SSE / (n - p)
p <- ncol(X) # number of parameters estimated
F <- (SSR / (p - 1)) / (SSE / (nd - p))
R2.pval <- NA
b.pval <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
F.pval <- NA
if(nperm > 0) {
R2.all <- numeric(nperm)
# for regression coefficients, use pseudo-t of Legendre et al. 1994
b.all <- numeric(nperm*p)
# try out an overall F-test for lack of fit
F.all <- numeric(nperm)
cresults <- .C("mrmperm", as.double(as.vector(X)), as.double(as.vector(Y)),
as.integer(p), as.integer(nd), as.integer(n), as.integer(nperm),
R2.all = as.double(R2.all), b.all = as.double(b.all),
F.all = as.double(F.all), as.double(numeric(n*n)),
as.integer(numeric(n)), as.double(as.vector(XX)), as.double(numeric(p)),
as.double(0), as.double(numeric(p)), PACKAGE = "ecodist")
R2.all <- cresults$R2.all
R2.pval <- length(R2.all[R2.all >= R2.all[1]])/nperm
F.all <- cresults$F.all
F.pval <- length(F.all[F.all >= F.all[1]])/nperm
# b.all contains pseudo-t of Legendre et al. 1994
b.all <- matrix(cresults$b.all, nrow=nperm, ncol=p, byrow=TRUE)
b.pval <- apply(b.all, 2, function(x)length(x[abs(x) >= abs(x[1])])/nperm)
results <- list(coef=cbind(b, pval=b.pval), r.squared=c(R2=R2, pval = R2.pval),F.test=c(F=F, F.pval = F.pval))
} else {
if(method == "logistic") {
# extract data from formula object
X <- m[ ,2:ncol(m), drop=FALSE]
Y <- m[ ,1, drop=FALSE]
colnames(Y) <- "Y"
newdata <- data.frame(Y=Y, X)
fit1 <- glm(Y ~ ., data=newdata, family=binomial(link = "logit"))
# want to save coefficients, deviance & df
b <- coefficients(fit1)
dev <- summary(fit1)$deviance
dev.df <- summary(fit1)$df.residual
b.pval <- NA
dev.pval <- NA
if(nperm > 0) {
b.all <- matrix(NA, nrow=nperm, ncol=length(b))
b.all[1,] <- b
dev.all <- rep(NA, nperm)
dev.all[1] <- dev
for(i in 2:nperm) {
newSample <- sample(n)
newY <- full(Y)
newY <- newY[newSample, newSample]
newY <- lower(newY)
newdata <- data.frame(Y=newY, X=X)
newfit <- glm(Y ~ ., data=newdata, family=binomial(link = "logit"))
b.all[i,] <- coefficients(newfit)
dev.all[i] <- summary(newfit)$deviance
b.pval <- apply(b.all, 2, function(x) length(x[abs(x) >= abs(x[1])])/nperm)
dev.pval <- length(dev.all[dev.all >= dev.all[1]])/nperm
results <- list(coef = cbind(b, pval = b.pval), dev = c( = dev, resid.df = dev.df, dev.pval = dev.pval))
} else {
stop("method must be 'linear' or 'logistic'\n")
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