
Defines functions get_dated_otol_induced_subtree get_otol_synthetic_tree

Documented in get_dated_otol_induced_subtree get_otol_synthetic_tree

#' Get an Open Tree of Life synthetic subtree of a set of given taxon names.
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @param otol_version Version of Open Tree of Life to use
#' @param resolve Defaults to `TRUE`. Whether to resolve the tree at random or not.
#' @inheritDotParams check_ott_input
#' @return A phylo object
#' @export
get_otol_synthetic_tree <- function(input = NULL,
                                    ott_ids = NULL,
                                    otol_version = "v3",
                                    resolve = FALSE, ...) {
  message("... Getting an OpenTree induced synthetic subtree.")
  input_ott_match <- suppressMessages(check_ott_input(input, ott_ids, ...))
  if (length(input_ott_match) < 2) {
    message("At least two valid taxon names or numeric OTT ids are needed to get an OpenTree tree.")
    message(paste0("'input' is ", input, "and 'ott_ids' is", ott_ids, "."))
  # enhance: we might need a check of ott_id elements, are they all numeric, are there no NAs, etc.
  # also, another check here, are all ott_ids from valid taxa? this is checked with get_ott_children, but from other functions we should check This
  # enhance: add a class to get_ott_children outputs so its easier to check here if all ott ids are valid taxa, indicate if it has been cleaned, maybe within an atrribute
  # system.time({sapply(rotl::taxonomy_taxon_info(df$ott_id), "[", "flags")})
  # system.time({tnrs_match(rownames(df))}) # this one is faster
  phy <- tryCatch(suppressWarnings(rotl::tol_induced_subtree(ott_ids = input_ott_match, label_format = "name", otl_v = otol_version)),
    error = function(e) {
      message("Some or all 'input' taxa are absent from OpenTree synthetic tree, look for invalid taxa and clean them from 'input'.")
      # this will happen if there are some extinct taxa, barren or any invalid taxa in taxonomy
      # enhance: to avoid it, clean invalid taxa at the beginning
  if (length(phy) == 1) {
  if (!ape::is.binary(phy)) {
      "OpenTree synthetic tree of 'input' taxa is not fully resolved (",
      phy$Nnode, " nodes/", length(phy$tip.label), " tips)."
    if (resolve) {
      message("... Resolving nodes at random with 'multi2di()'")
      phy <- ape::multi2di(phy)
  } else {
    message("OpenTree synthetic tree of 'input' taxa is fully resolved.")
  # example of weird behaviour on tip labeling from otol:
  # tnrs <- rotl::tnrs_match_names(c("Staphylococcus aureus", "Bacillus subtilis", "Neisseria meningitidis"))
  # tol_sub <- rotl::tol_induced_subtree(ott_ids = tnrs$ott_id)
  # curl -X POST https://api.opentreeoflife.org/v3/tree_of_life/induced_subtree -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"ott_ids":[1090496, 1084928, 611778]}'
  # tol_subpost <- ape::read.tree(text = "((((((((((((((((((((((((Bacillus_subtilis_ott1084928)mrcaott6603ott41501)mrcaott6603ott219996)mrcaott6603ott51434)mrcaott6603ott7907)mrcaott1417ott6603)mrcaott1417ott130524)mrcaott609ott1417)mrcaott609ott695050)mrcaott609ott3174)mrcaott218ott609,(((((((mrcaott4291ott4292)mrcaott3204ott3205)mrcaott3204ott109201)mrcaott3204ott935729)mrcaott3204ott460129)Staphylococcus_ott720488)Staphylococcaceae_ott949800)mrcaott1420ott85485)mrcaott218ott1420)mrcaott218ott9340)mrcaott218ott1491)mrcaott217ott218)mrcaott217ott1456)mrcaott47ott53)mrcaott47ott63791)mrcaott47ott10726)mrcaott47ott184124)mrcaott47ott64165)mrcaott47ott2035)mrcaott47ott19087)mrcaott47ott63363,((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Neisseria_meningitidis_ott611778)mrcaott22944ott239089)mrcaott22944ott237408)mrcaott22944ott239091)mrcaott22944ott469870)mrcaott22944ott233491)mrcaott22944ott279619)mrcaott22944ott279613)mrcaott22944ott279628)mrcaott22944ott279610)mrcaott14134ott22944)mrcaott14134ott67965)mrcaott14134ott1011641)Neisseria_ott611812)mrcaott5074ott139204)Neisseriaceae_ott286853)Neisseriales_ott779197)mrcaott90ott5074)mrcaott90ott103)mrcaott90ott11872)mrcaott90ott191429)mrcaott89ott90)mrcaott89ott3892)mrcaott50ott89)mrcaott50ott21523)mrcaott50ott6117)mrcaott50ott107113)mrcaott50ott1100)mrcaott50ott73)mrcaott47ott50;")

  # now include ott_ids as phy element:
  if (is.null(phy$ott_ids)) {
    phy$ott_ids <- input_ott_match[match(phy$tip.label, gsub(
      " ", "_",
    ))] # will give NAs where there are mrcaotts, but fixed after
  mrca_index <- grep("mrcaott", phy$tip.label)
  if (length(mrca_index) > 0) {
    mrcaott_names <- unlist(lapply(phy$tip.label[mrca_index], recover_mrcaott))
    phy$tip.label[mrca_index] <- names(mrcaott_names)
    phy$ott_ids[mrca_index] <- mrcaott_names
  phy$ott_ids <- as.numeric(phy$ott_ids)

#' Get a dated OpenTree induced synthetic subtree from a set of given taxon names, from blackrim's FePhyFoFum service.
#' @inheritParams check_ott_input
#' @inheritDotParams check_ott_input
##' @param ... Arguments to pass to check_ott_input
#' @return A phylo object with edge length proportional to time in Myrs. It will return NA if any ott_id is invalid.
#' @export
#' @details OpenTree dated tree from Stephen Smith's OpenTree scaling service at
#'   https://github.com/FePhyFoFum/gophy if you want to make an LTT plot of
#'   a dated OpenTree tree you'll need to get rid of singleton nodes with
#'   [ape::collapse.singles()] and also probably do [phytools::force.ultrametric()].
get_dated_otol_induced_subtree <- function(input = NULL,
                                           ott_ids = NULL, ...) {
  # for debugging:
  # utils::data(threebirds.rda)
  # input <- threebirds_query$cleaned_names
  # ott_ids <- threebirds_query$ott_ids
  message("... Getting a dated OpenTree induced synthetic subtree (from blackrim's FePhyFoFum).")
  input_ott_match <- suppressMessages(check_ott_input(input, ott_ids, ...))
  if (length(input_ott_match) < 2) {
    message("At least two valid taxon names or numeric OTT ids are needed to get an OpenTree tree.")
  pp <- tryCatch(httr::POST("",
    body = list(ott_ids = input_ott_match),
    encode = "json", httr::timeout(10)
  ), error = function(e) NA)
  if (length(pp) > 1) { # this means it retrieved a tree successfully
    pp <- httr::content(pp)
    rr <- httr::POST("",
      body = list(newick = pp$newick),
      encode = "json", httr::timeout(10)
    rr <- httr::content(rr)
    rr <- ape::read.tree(text = rr$newick)
    rr$ott_ids <- ape::read.tree(text = pp$newick)$tip.label
  } else { # this means it errored and we return NA
    message("There was probably a connection error with dated OpenTree service (blackrim's FePhyFoFum); you should try again later.")
phylotastic/datelife documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:50 p.m.