
Defines functions discriminate_nests get_explodata

Documented in discriminate_nests get_explodata

#' Extract nests and non-nests from revisited locations
#' \code{get_explodata} uses known nest locations to extract an equal number of
#' true nests and non-nests from a set of revisited locations for exploration
#' of parameter values.
#' @details If no prior information is available to the user about which
#' parameter values to use to filter nests among revisited locations, some
#' exploration of the data is necessary. The objective of the exploration
#' phase is to identify the set of parameter values that best discriminates
#' between nests and non-nests in the species or population at hand.
#' Our suggested procedure consists in running a first coarse screening of
#' revisited locations, using loose thresholds of behavioral parameters for
#' filtering. For example, using \code{min_consec = 1}, \code{min_top_att = 1},
#' and \code{min_days_att = 1} in \code{find_nests}. In most cases, previous
#' knowledge about the biology of the species should allow the user to
#' already provide values for \code{sea_start}, \code{sea_end}, and
#' \code{nest_cycle}. The output of this first screening is a set of revisited
#' locations at the \code{buffer} distance of choice, which should include
#' some nests as well as other repeatedly visited locations that are not nests.
#' Comparing the values of behavioral parameters at nests versus non-nests can
#' inform the choice of parameter values for later analysis.
#' This procedure requires knowledge of true nest locations for at least a
#' subset of the data. Given some data on known nest locations and the
#' coarse-screening output of \code{find_nests}, the function
#' \code{get_explodata} identifies true nests and an equal number of non-nests
#' to compare them to.
#' Comparing behavioral parameter values at nests versus non-nests will
#' allow the user to find the set of parameter values that best discriminates
#' between them. The resulting set of parameters can then be used to find nests
#' in new data or in a subset of data for which no prior information on nests
#' is available.
#' The user can pass data on known nests as either coordinates or location IDs.
#' Ideally, prior and independent information on nest locations
#' is available for a subset of the data. In this case, we recommend
#' that coordinates are passed to the function argument \code{known_coords}.
#' When coordinates of true nests are not known a-priori but the user is able
#' to visually inspect revisited locations and identify those that are true
#' nests (for example because they fall within known colonies), providing
#' location IDs for true nests in \code{known_ids} is an alternative option.
#' When passing \code{known_coords}, the user is required to also specify a
#' value for \code{buffer}. Because of GPS error, the coordinates of the point
#' representing the true nest in \code{candidate_nests} might not exactly match
#' those of the known nest location. If coordinates of true nests are provided
#' rather than location IDs, the function selects the true nest among the set
#' of candidates by choosing the candidate with the most visits among those
#' that fall within a \code{buffer} distance from the known nest location.
#' We recommend using for this argument the same value used for argument
#' \code{buffer} in \code{find_nests}.
#' @param candidate_nests \code{data.frame} of candidate nests output by
#' \code{find_nests}
#' @param known_coords \code{data.frame} of coordinates for known nests. Needs
#' to include burst, long, lat.
#' @param known_ids \code{data.frame} of location IDs for known nests. Needs
#' to include burst and loc_id.
#' @param buffer Integer. Buffer distance (in meters) used to select true
#' nest location among candidates when \code{known_coords} is provided.
#' @param pick_overlapping Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default), the non-nest is
#' picked among those whose time range overlaps with the true nesting attempt.
#' @return A \code{data.frame} including an equal number of true nests and
#' non-nests and their revisitation parameters.
#' @export
get_explodata <- function(candidate_nests,
                          pick_overlapping = TRUE) {

  # Case 1: known_coords and buffer are provided
  if (!missing(known_coords) && !missing(buffer)) {

    # Keep only bursts for which we have a known nest
    candidate_nests <- candidate_nests %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$burst %in% known_coords$burst)

    # Create empty lists to store results
    nests <- list()
    non_nests <- list()

    # Loop through each burst
    for (i in unique(candidate_nests$burst)) {

      # Subset burst and order by total visits
      sub <- candidate_nests %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$burst == i) %>%

      # Make into matrix for distance computation
      cands_matrix <- as.matrix(sub[, c("long", "lat")], ncol = 2)

      # Select known nest location
      known <- known_coords %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$burst == i) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$long, .data$lat)

      # Compute distance of each candidate from real nest
      sub$dist_from_known <- geosphere::distGeo(cands_matrix, known)

      # Subset candidates within buffer distance of known nest location
      true_nest <- sub %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$dist_from_known <= buffer) %>%

      # The real nest is the top (most visited) among those
      nests[[i]] <- true_nest

      # Get rid of dist_from_known column
      nests[[i]] <- nests[[i]] %>%

      # If the true nest was found, select a non-nest too
      if (nrow(nests[[i]]) > 0) {

        # Subset the rest
        rest <- sub %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$loc_id != nests[[i]]$loc_id)

        # If pick_overlapping == TRUE, pick non-nest among those that
        # temporally overlap with the true one
        if (pick_overlapping == TRUE) {

          # Get start and end of true attempt
          true_start <- true_nest %>%
          true_end <- true_nest %>%

          # The non-nest is the top visited among those that temporally
          # overlap with the nest
          non_nests[[i]] <- rest %>%
                                  true_end) |
                              true_end)) %>%

          # Get rid of dist_from_known column
          non_nests[[i]] <- non_nests[[i]] %>%

          # Warning message in case there are no temporally overlapping attempts
          if (nrow(non_nests[[i]])==0) {
            warning("No temporally overlapping candidates. Consider re-running using 'pick_overlapping = FALSE'")

        } else { # Otherwise, if pick_overlapping == FALSE, the non-nest
          # is simply the top visited among the other points

          # The non-nest is the top visited among the rest
          non_nests[[i]] <- rest %>%
            dplyr::filter(.data$tot_vis == max(rest$tot_vis)) %>%

          # Get rid of dist_from_known column
          non_nests[[i]] <- non_nests[[i]] %>%



    } else if (!missing(known_ids)) {
    # Case 2: known_ids are provided

      # Keep only bursts for which we have a known nest
      candidate_nests <- candidate_nests %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$burst %in% known_ids$burst)

      # Create empty lists to store results
      nests <- list()
      non_nests <- list()

      for (i in unique(candidate_nests$burst)) {

        # Subset burst and order by total visits
        sub <- candidate_nests %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$burst == i) %>%

        # Select known nest location
        known <- known_ids %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$burst == i) %>%

        # Select real nest based on location ID
        true_nest <- sub %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$loc_id == known)

        # Store in list
        nests[[i]] <- true_nest

        # Subset the rest
        rest <- sub %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$loc_id != known)

        # If the true nest was found, select a non-nest too
        if (nrow(nests[[i]]) > 0) {

          # If pick_overlapping == TRUE, pick non-nest among those that
          # temporally overlap with the true one
          if (pick_overlapping == TRUE) {

            # Get start and end of true attempt
            true_start <- true_nest %>%
            true_end <- true_nest %>%

            # The non-nest is the top visited among those that temporally
            # overlap with the nest
            non_nests[[i]] <- rest %>%
                                    true_end) |
                               true_end)) %>%

            # Warning message in case there are no temporally overlapping attempts
            if (nrow(non_nests[[i]])==0) {
              warning("No temporally overlapping candidates. Consider re-running using 'pick_overlapping = FALSE'")

          } else { # Otherwise, if pick_overlapping == FALSE, the non-nest
            # is simply the top visited among the other points

            # The non-nest is the top visited among the rest
            non_nests[[i]] <- rest %>%
              dplyr::filter(.data$tot_vis == max(rest$tot_vis)) %>%



  nests_df <- do.call("rbind", nests)
  non_nests_df <- do.call("rbind", non_nests)

  nests_df$nest <- "yes"
  non_nests_df$nest <- "no"

  explodata <- rbind(nests_df, non_nests_df)
  rownames(explodata) <- NULL



#' Find set/s of parameter values to discriminate nests
#' \code{discriminate_nests} uses CART to find sets of parameter values that
#' best distinguish nests from non-nests among revisited locations.
#' @details Given a dataset of revisited locations flagged as either nests or
#' non-nests, \code{discriminate_nests} uses Classification and Regression Trees
#' (CART) to find the set (or sets) of revisitation parameters that best
#' distinguishes between nests and non-nests.
#' The function fits a CART model on the training fraction of the data, prunes
#' the tree, and performs cross-validation using the testing fraction of the
#' data.
#' The user can specify how much of the data is used for training versus testing
#' the algorithm. If all the data is used for training (\code{train_frac = 1}),
#' cross-validation is not possible and error rates are not estimated.
#' The CART uses the following model formula:
#' \code{nest ~ consec_days + perc_days_vis + perc_top_vis}
#' The original tree is automatically pruned based on minimum error criterion:
#' the tree is pruned back to the point where the cross-validated relative error
#' (X-rel error) is at its minimum. If multiple trees compete at the minimum
#' X-rel error, the smallest tree is picked.
#' @param explodata \code{data.frame} of nests and non-nests as output by
#' \code{get_explodata}
#' @param train_frac Numeric. The fraction of data to use for training
#' @return A \code{list} with the Type I and II estimated error rates
#' (where applicable) and a plot of the CART output.
#' @export
discriminate_nests <- function(explodata, train_frac) {

  # Transform flag (nest? y/n) to factor
  explodata <- explodata %>%
    dplyr::mutate(nest = forcats::fct_relevel(as.factor(nest), "no", "yes")) %>%
           "Consecutive_days" = .data$consec_days,
           "Percent_days_visited" = .data$perc_days_vis,
           "Percent_top_attendance" = .data$perc_top_vis)

  # Training dataset
  train_data <- explodata %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$nest) %>%
    dplyr::sample_frac(size = train_frac)

  # Testing dataset
  suppressMessages(test_data <- dplyr::anti_join(explodata, train_data))

  # Specify model
  model <- "nest ~ Consecutive_days + Percent_days_visited + Percent_top_attendance"

  # Run CART
  cart <- rpart::rpart(model,
                       data = train_data,
                       method = "class",
                       control = rpart::rpart.control(minbucket=3, cp=0.01))

  # Get X-rel error data to select optimal tree
  invisible(capture.output(cart_summary <- summary(cart)))
  cp_table <- cart_summary$cptable

  # Choose the smallest tree that minimizes X-rel error
  cp <- cp_table %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$xerror == min(.data$xerror)) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1) %>%

  # Prune tree
  pruned_cart <- rpart::prune(cart, cp = cp)

  # Plot pruned tree
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(pruned_cart, type=4, extra=1,
                         box.palette = "Gn")

  if (train_frac < 1) {

    # Get model predictions on test data
    model_test <- predict(pruned_cart, test_data, type="class")

    # Estimate errors
    err_table <- prop.table(table(model_test, test_data[, "nest"]))

    # Type I error (false positive)
    t1_err <- round(err_table[2, 1], 2)

    # Type II error (false negative)
    t2_err <- round(err_table[1, 2], 2)

    } else if (train_frac == 1) {

      t1_err <- "No test data: unable to calculate errors"
      t2_err <- "No test data: unable to calculate errors"


  # Error list
  err_list <- list(t1_err, t2_err)
  names(err_list) <- c("Type I error (false positives)",
                       "Type II error (false negatives)")

  # Return error rates

picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.