
#' If Parties NULL
#' Create 3-letter identifiers for parties if 'parties' parameter in 'divisorMethods' or 'LR.Hamilton' functions is NULL.
#' @return 3-letter identifiers for parties.
#' @examples
#' (...)
#' @export

if.parties.null <- function(x) {
  parties <- replicate(x,
                       paste(sample(LETTERS, 3,
                                    replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))

#' Sample Election Data
#' Return a pseudorandom sample (from a truncated log-normal distribution) of n election results using a variaty of paremeters such as: the number of parties (np), the total number of seats (TS) or the number of electoral districts.
#' @param seed A scalar value (a random seed) used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator.
#' @param dist A character value for a probability distribution function used to sample data. 'Uniform' (default) = 'uniform', 'Exponential' = 'exp' and 'Log-Normal' = 'lnorm' distributions are available.
#' @param np A numeric value for the number of parties.
#' @param nd A numeric value for the number of electoral districts.
#' @param ne A numeric value for the number of elections.
#' @param mean A numeric value for the location parameter (a log-normal distribution).
#' @param sd A numeric value for the scale parameter (a log-normal distribution).
#' @param rate A numeric value for the rate parameter (an exponential distribution).
#' @param max A numeric value for the upper limit of the domain for a truncated log-normal distribution used to sample votes for parties at the constituency level.
#' @param TS A numeric value for the total number of seats apportioned among electoral district (if nd (the number of district) > 1), using a selected electoral formula.
#' @param formula_dist A character value that specifies the apportionment method used to divide seats ('TS') among electoral districts.
#' @return A list containing:
#' Votes_Dist_Party,
#' Seats_Dist,
#' Votes_Share_Party,
#' Votes_Total_Dist,
#' Votes_Total_Party,
#' Votes_Total.
#' @examples
#' (...)
#' @export

sampleElectionData <-
  function (seed = 0,
            dist = "uniform",
            mean = NULL,
            sd = NULL,
            rate = NULL,
            ...) {
    # SET SEED

    x = array(dim = c(np, nd, ne))
    csum = list()
    rsum = list()
    tsum = list()
    seats_dist = list()
    votes_share = list()

    switch (dist,
            uniform = {
              for (j in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
                for (i in seq(1, nd, by = 1)) {
                  x[, i, j] <- sort(floor(runif(
                    np, min = 0, max = max


            lnorm = {
              for (j in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
                for (i in seq(1, nd, by = 1)) {
                  x[, i, j] <-
                        spec = "lnorm",
                        a = 0,
                        b = max,
                        meanlog = mean,
                        sdlog = sd


            exp = {
              for (j in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
                for (i in seq(1, nd, by = 1)) {
                  x[, i, j] <-
                        spec = "exp",
                        a = 0,
                        b = max,
                        rate = rate



    if (nd > 1) {
      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        csum[[i]] <- apply(x[, , i], 2, sum)

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        rsum[[i]] <- apply(x[, , i], 1, sum)

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        tsum[[i]] <- sum(x[, , i])


    else {
      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        csum[[i]] <- sum(x[, , i])

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        rsum[[i]] <- x[, , i]

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        tsum[[i]] <- sum(x[, , i])


    # Use apportionment functions with order_name = FALSE
    switch (
      hamilton = {
        for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
          seats_dist[[i]] <-
              parties = if.parties.null(nd),
              votes = 1 * csum[[i]],
              seats = TS,
              order_name = F
      ad = {
        for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
          seats_dist[[i]] <-
              parties = if.parties.null(nd),
              votes = 1 * csum[[i]],
              seats = TS,
              method = "ad",
              order_name = F
      dh = {
        for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
          seats_dist[[i]] <-
              parties = if.parties.null(nd),
              votes = 1 * csum[[i]],
              seats = TS,
              method = "dh",
              order_name = F
      hh = {
        for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
          seats_dist[[i]] <-
              parties = if.parties.null(nd),
              votes = 1 * csum[[i]],
              seats = TS,
              method = "hh",
              order_name = F

    for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
      votes_share[[i]] <- rsum[[i]] / tsum[[i]]

    sample <-
        Votes_Dist_Party = x,
        Seats_Dist = seats_dist,
        Votes_Share_Party = votes_share,
        Votes_Total_Dist = csum,
        Votes_Total_Party = rsum,
        Votes_Total = tsum,
        Params = c(ne, nd, np, TS)

    out <- sample


# ----

#' Simulate Elections under Proportional Representation
#' The function simulates election results and computes a variaty of disproportionality measures.
#' @return A list containg the following data objects:
#' Seat_Excess,
#' Apportionment,
#' Disproportionality_per_elec,
#' Summary.
#' @examples
#' (...)
#' @export

simulate_E <-
  function (seed,
            dist = "lnorm",
            ...) {
    # SET SEED

    sample <-
        seed = seed,
        dist = dist,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        rate = rate,
        max = max,
        TS = TS,
        formula_dist = formula_dist

    # Seat apportionment per district
    # Return list (Party Seats SeatShare Votes VoteShare id elec dist distTS)

    apportionment <-
        sample = sample,
        formula = formula,
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    apportionment$Party <- as.character(apportionment$Party)

    # Determine number of votes by election
    # Return df (VoteShareTotalParty VotesTotalParty elec Party)

      vote_share <- vector("list", ne)

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        vote_share[[i]] = data.frame(
          VoteShareTotalParty = round(sample$Votes_Share_Party[[i]], 4),
          VotesTotalParty = as.integer(sample$Votes_Total_Party[[i]]),
          elec = paste("e", i, sep = "")

      out <- vote_share

      for (i in seq(1, ne, by = 1)) {
        out[[i]] <- dplyr::mutate(out[[i]], Party = if.parties.null(np))
        out[[i]] <-
          dplyr::arrange(out[[i]], desc(VoteShareTotalParty))

      vote_share <- data.table::rbindlist(out)

    apportionment <-
      dplyr::left_join(apportionment, vote_share, by = c("Party", "elec"))

    ## Group districts in elections
    apportionment_sum1 <-
      dplyr::group_by(apportionment, elec, Party)
    apportionment_sum2 <-
        seats = sum(Seats),
        seat_perc = sum(Seats) / TS,
        distTS = distTS[1],
        TS = TS[1]
    apportionment_sum3 <-
      dplyr::left_join(apportionment_sum2, vote_share, by = c("Party", "elec"))

    ## Compute 'ideal' shares of seats
    seats_ideal <- .seatsIdeal(ne, nd, np, sample)

    ## Merge
    merged <-
      dplyr::left_join(apportionment_sum3, seats_ideal, by = c("Party", "elec"))

    ## Seat excesses
    seat_excess <-
        Party = as.factor(Party),
        SE1_i = signif(seats - VoteShareTotalParty * TS, 3),
        SE2_i = signif(seat_perc - VoteShareTotalParty, 3),
        SE2_i_pp = signif(seat_perc - SeatShareIdeal, 3),
        SeatShare = signif(seat_perc, 3),
        VoteShare = signif(VoteShareTotalParty, 3),
        StandardQuota = (SeatShareIdeal) * TS,
        RSE2_i = signif((seat_perc - SeatShareIdeal) / SeatShareIdeal, 3)

    seat_excess <-
        PartyID = Party,
        ElectionID = elec, # ElectionID <- elec
        Seats = seats,
        Votes = VotesTotalParty,
        SQ = StandardQuota,
    seat_excess <-
      dplyr::mutate(seat_excess, Seats = as.integer(Seats))

    ### Disproportionality indexes
    disp <- dplyr::group_by(seat_excess, ElectionID)
    disp <-
        meanRSE2 = signif(sum(abs(RSE2_i)) / np, digits = 3),
        LHI = signif(1 / 2 * sum(abs(
          SeatShare - VoteShare
        )), digits = 4),
        GHI = signif(sqrt(1 / 2 * sum((SeatShare - VoteShare) ^ 2
        )), digits = 3),
        SLI = signif(sum((
          SeatShare - VoteShare
        ) ^ 2 / (VoteShare)), digits = 4),
        ENPP = signif(1 / sum((SeatShare) ^ 2), digits = 3),
        NPP = sum(SeatShare > 0)

    summary <-
        quant = c(.10, .25, .75, .90),
        IQR = TRUE,
        skew = FALSE

    # ----

    ### Results

    out <-
        Seat_Excess = seat_excess,
        Apportionment = apportionment,
        Disproportionality_per_elec = disp,
        Summary = summary



# ----

#' Per-party Disproportionality Measures for Varying District Sizes and Numbers of Parties
#' The function computes per-party disproportionality measures using simulated election data.
#' @export

simulate_Disp <-
  function(seed = 0,
           dist = "lnorm",
           nd = 1,
           rate = 1 / 25000,
           mean = 10,
           sd = 1.2,
           max = 100000,
           formula_dist = "hh",
           threshold = 0,
           threshold_country = 0,
           minTS = 3,
           maxTS = 20,
           jump = 2,
           ...) {
    # Declare vars
    sb_bw <- list()
    sim <- list()

    # Data
    if (nd >= minTS) {
        "The total number of districts ('nd') needs to be less than the minimal total number of seats ('minTS')."

    else {
      #     set.seed(seed = seed)

      for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
        sim[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
            seed = seed,
            dist = dist,
            np = np,
            nd = nd,
            ne = ne,
            mean = mean,
            sd = sd,
            rate = rate,
            max = max,
            TS = i,
            formula = formula,
            formula_dist = formula_dist,
            threshold = threshold,
            threshold_country = threshold_country

        sb_bw[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
            sim[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[2]],
            method = formula,
            TS = i,
            VoteShare = VoteShare,
            SE1_i = Seats - VoteShare * distTS,
            SE2_i = SeatShare - VoteShare


      sb_bw <- dplyr::bind_rows(sb_bw) # return data frame

      sb_bw_temp <-
        dplyr::group_by(sb_bw, TS, elec, Party)
      sb_bw_temp <-
          SeatTotal = sum(Seats),
          SeatShareTotal = sum(Seats) / TS[1],
          SE2T_i = SeatShareTotal[1] - VoteShareTotalParty[1]

        sb_bw <- dplyr::left_join(sb_bw, sb_bw_temp, by = c("Party", "elec", "TS"))

      ese <- dplyr::group_by(sb_bw, TS, Party)
      ese <-
                         SB1_i = mean(Seats - VoteShare * distTS),
                         V = sum(Votes))

      ese2 <- dplyr::group_by(sb_bw, TS, Party)
      ese2 <-
                         SB2_i = mean(SeatShare - VoteShare),
                         V = sum(Votes))
      ese_mean <- dplyr::group_by(sb_bw, TS, Party)
      ese_mean <-
                         SB1_i = mean(Seats - VoteShare * distTS),
                         V = sum(Votes))
      ese_mean <- dplyr::group_by(ese_mean, Party)
      ese_mean <-
        dplyr::summarise(ese_mean, ESB1 = mean(SB1_i), TV = sum(V))

      # Return list

      bias_data <-
          sb_bw = sb_bw,
          ese = ese,
          ese2 = ese2,
          ese_mean = ese_mean,
          sim = sim




# ----

#' Plot Disproportionality Measures Related to District Sizes and Numbers of Parties
#' The function plots the relationships between, on the one hand, values of a variaty of disproportionality measures and, on the other hand, district sizes or numbers of parties.
#' @export

plot_Disp <-
  function(bias_data, tse = c(0, 5 / 12, -1 / 12, -4 / 12), ...)
    # Plots
    sb_bw_plot1 <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$sb_bw) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
          x = Party,
          y = (SeatShare * distTS - VoteShare * distTS),
          fill = factor(TS)
        lwd = 0.25,
        fatten = 0.4,
        outlier.size = 0.3
      ) + ggplot2::ylab("SE1_i(DM)") + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(
        discrete = TRUE,
        name = "DM",
        option = "D",
        begin = 0.5
      ) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = tse) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
        panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3, color = "red"),
        #increase size of axis lines
        axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                            .3, color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                             0.3, color = "black"),
        #increase the font size
        text = ggplot2::element_text(size =

    sb_bw_plot2 <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$sb_bw) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
          x = Party,
          y = (Seats - VoteShare * distTS),
          fill = factor(TS)
        lwd = 0.25,
        fatten = 0.4,
        outlier.size = 0.3
      ) + ggplot2::ylab("SE1_i(DM)") + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(
        discrete = TRUE,
        name = "DM",
        option = "D",
        begin = 0.5
      ) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = tse) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
        panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3, color = "red"),
        #increase size of axis lines
        axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                            .3, color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                             .3, color = "black"),
        #increase the font size
        text = ggplot2::element_text(size =

    sb_bw_plot3 <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$sb_bw) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
          x = "",
          y = (SeatShare - VoteShare),
          fill = factor(TS)
        lwd = 0.25,
        fatten = 0.4,
        outlier.size = 0.3
      ) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Party) + ggplot2::ylab("SE2_i(DM)") + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(
        discrete = TRUE,
        name = "DM",
        option = "D",
        begin = 0.6
      ) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c(0, 0.1), colour = "blue") + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
        panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = .3, color = "red"),
        #increase size of axis lines
        axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                            .3, color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size =
                                             .3, color = "black"),
        #increase the font size
        text = ggplot2::element_text(size =
      ) + ggplot2::stat_summary(
          x = "",
          y = (SeatShare - VoteShare),
          fill = factor(TS)
        fun.y = "mean",
        shape = 3,
        geom = "point",
        size = 2,
        position = ggplot2::position_dodge(width = 0.75),
        color = "black"

    ese_plot <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$ese) + ggplot2::geom_point(
          x = Party,
          y = SB1_i,
          colour = factor(TS)
        size = 4,
        alpha = 1 / 2
      ) + ggplot2::ylab("B_i1(DM)") + ggplot2::facet_grid(~ V) + viridis::scale_color_viridis(name =
                                                                                                "DM", discrete = TRUE) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = tse)

    ese_plot2 <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$ese2) + ggplot2::geom_point(
          x = Party,
          y = SB2_i,
          colour = factor(TS)
        size = 4,
        alpha = 1 / 2
      ) + ggplot2::ylab("B_i2(DM)") + ggplot2::facet_grid(~ V) + viridis::scale_color_viridis(name =
                                                                                                "DM", discrete = TRUE) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c(0))

    ese_mean_plot <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = bias_data$ese_mean) + ggplot2::geom_point(
          x = Party,
          y = ESB1,
          colour = factor(TV)
        size = 4,
        alpha = 1 / 2
      ) + ggplot2::ylab("B_i1(DM)") + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = tse) + viridis::scale_color_viridis(name =
                                                                                                                                        "TV", discrete = TRUE)
    # Return list

    sb <-


# ----

#' Aggregate-Level Disproportionality Measures
#' The function computes aggregate-level measures of disproportionality. It also models relationships between values of aggregate-level disproportionality measures and district sizes (if model == TRUE).
#' @export

Disp2 <- function(seed = 0,
                  np = 3,
                  nd = 1,
                  ne = 100,
                  dist = "lnorm",
                  rate = 1 / 25000,
                  mean = 10,
                  sd = 1.2,
                  max = 100000,
                  minTS = 3,
                  maxTS = 20,
                  jump = 1,
                  threshold = 0,
                  threshold_country = 0,
                  start_C = 0.2,
                  start_alpha = -0.2,
                  model = TRUE,

  dsl <- list()
  dmsl <- list()
  ddh <- list()
  dhh <- list()
  dad <- list()
  dhamilton <- list()

  dimp <- list()
  dda <- list()

  dh_seatbias <- list()
  sl_seatbias <- list()
  msl_seatbias <- list()
  h_seatbias <- list()
  ad_seatbias <- list()
  hh_seatbias <- list()
  imp_seatbias <- list()
  da_seatbias <- list()

  out <- list()

  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    dh_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "dh",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    ddh[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(dh_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "DH",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    sl_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "sl",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dsl[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(sl_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "SL",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    msl_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "msl",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dmsl[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(msl_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "MSL",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    h_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "hamilton",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dhamilton[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(h_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "H",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    hh_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "hh",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dhh[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(hh_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "HH",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    ad_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "ad",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dad[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(ad_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "A",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  # ---- Danish and HA Imperiali

  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    imp_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "imperiali",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dimp[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(imp_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "Imperiali",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  for (i in seq(from = minTS, to = maxTS, by = jump)) {
    da_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]] <-
        seed = seed,
        np = np,
        nd = nd,
        ne = ne,
        dist = dist,
        rate = rate,
        mean = mean,
        sd = sd,
        max = max,
        TS = i,
        formula = "danish",
        formula_dist = "hh",
        threshold = threshold,
        threshold_country = threshold_country

    dda[[i]] <-
      dplyr::mutate(da_seatbias[[i + (1 - minTS)]][[3]],
                    method = "Danish",
                    DM = i,
                    NP = np)


  # ----

  lghi_dh <- dplyr::bind_rows(ddh)
  lghi_sl <- dplyr::bind_rows(dsl)
  lghi_msl <- dplyr::bind_rows(dmsl)
  lghi_hh <- dplyr::bind_rows(dhh)
  lghi_ad <- dplyr::bind_rows(dad)
  lghi_hamilton <- dplyr::bind_rows(dhamilton)

  lghi_imp <- dplyr::bind_rows(dimp)
  lghi_da <- dplyr::bind_rows(dda)

  # ----

  # Models
  ## DH

  if (model == TRUE) {
    #  model_dh <- glm( GHI ~ DM, family = gaussian(link = "log"), data = dplyr::filter(lghi_dh, method == "DH") )

    model_dh <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_dh, method == "DH")

    lghi_dh = dplyr::mutate(lghi_dh, GHI_predicted = predict(model_dh))

    # ----

    ## SL

    #  model_sl <- lm( I(log(GHI)) ~ DM, data = dplyr::filter(lghi_sl, method == "SL") )

    model_sl <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_sl, method == "SL")

    lghi_sl = dplyr::mutate(lghi_sl, GHI_predicted = predict(model_sl))

    # ----

    ## MSL

    model_msl <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_msl, method == "MSL")

    lghi_msl = dplyr::mutate(lghi_msl, GHI_predicted = predict(model_msl))

    # ----

    ## H

    model_h <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_hamilton, method == "H")

    lghi_hamilton = dplyr::mutate(lghi_hamilton, GHI_predicted = predict(model_h))

    # ----

    ## Danish

    model_danish <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_da, method == "Danish")

    lghi_da = dplyr::mutate(lghi_da, GHI_predicted = predict(model_danish))

    # ----

    ## Imperiali

    model_imperiali <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_imp, method == "Imperiali")

    lghi_imp = dplyr::mutate(lghi_imp, GHI_predicted = predict(model_imperiali))

    # ----

    ## Adams

    model_ad <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_ad, method == "A")

    lghi_ad = dplyr::mutate(lghi_ad, GHI_predicted = predict(model_ad))

    # ----

    ## HH

    model_hh <-
        GHI ~ C * exp(alpha * DM),
        start = list(C = start_C, alpha = start_alpha),
        data = dplyr::filter(lghi_hh, method == "HH")

    lghi_hh = dplyr::mutate(lghi_hh, GHI_predicted = predict(model_hh))

    # ----


  lghi_all <-

  lghi_all <- lghi_all[gtools::mixedorder(lghi_all$ElectionID), ]

  if (model == TRUE) {
    out <-
        summary = lghi_all,
        Model_DH = model_dh,
        Model_SL = model_sl,
        Model_MSL = model_msl,
        Model_Hamilton = model_h,
        Model_Danish = model_danish,
        Model_Imperiali = model_imperiali,
        DH = dh_seatbias,
        SL = sl_seatbias,
        MSL = msl_seatbias,
        H = h_seatbias,
        AD = ad_seatbias,
        HH = hh_seatbias,
        I = imp_seatbias,
        D = da_seatbias

  } else {
    out <-
        summary = lghi_all,
        DH = dh_seatbias,
        SL = sl_seatbias,
        MSL = msl_seatbias,
        H = h_seatbias,
        AD = ad_seatbias,
        HH = hh_seatbias,
        I = imp_seatbias,
        D = da_seatbias




# ----

#' Plot Aggregate-Level Disproportionality Measures
#' The function plots relationships between values of aggregate-level disproportionality measures and district sizes.
#' @export

plot_Disp2 <-
  function(data = NULL,
           methods = c("DH", "SL", "H", "Imperiali"),
           ...) {
    lghi_all <- data[['summary']]

    lghi_all <- filter(lghi_all, lghi_all$method %in% methods)

    # Plots

    # plot_GHI <-
    #   ggplot2::ggplot(data = lghi_all) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
    #     ggplot2::aes(
    #       x = factor(DM),
    #       y = GHI,
    #       fill = factor(method)
    #     ),
    #     lwd = 0.25,
    #     fatten = 0.4,
    #     outlier.size = 0.6
    #   ) + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(option = "C",
    #                                   discrete = TRUE,
    #                                   begin = 0.4) +  ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("GHI") + ggplot2::labs(fill = "Method") + ggplot2::geom_hline(
    #                                     yintercept = c(0.1),
    #                                     size = 0.35,
    #                                     linetype = "longdash",
    #                                     colour = "blue"
    #                                   ) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
    #                                     panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "red"),
    #                                     #increase size of axis lines
    #                                     axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size =
    #                                                                         0.35, color = "black"),
    #                                     axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size =
    #                                                                          0.35, color = "black"),
    #                                     #Adjust legend position to maximize space, use a vector of proportion
    #                                     #across the plot and up the plot where you want the legend.
    #                                     #You can also use "left", "right", "top", "bottom", for legends on t
    #                                     #he side of the plot
    #                                     legend.position = c(.85, .7),
    #                                     #increase the font size
    #                                     text = ggplot2::element_text(size =
    #                                                                    12)
    #                                   )

    if ("GHI_predicted" %in% names(lghi_all) == TRUE) {
      plot_GHI <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(data = lghi_all) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
          ggplot2::aes(x = as.factor(DM),
                       y = GHI),
          lwd = 0.25,
          fatten = 0.4,
          outlier.size = 0.6
        ) + ggplot2::geom_line(
            x = as.factor(DM),
            y = GHI_predicted,
            group = 1
          size = 0.35,
          colour = "blue"
        ) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ method) + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(option = "C",
                                                                        discrete = TRUE,
                                                                        begin = 0.4) +  ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("GHI") + ggplot2::labs(fill = "Method") + ggplot2::geom_hline(
                                                                          yintercept = c(0.1, 0.05),
                                                                          size = 0.35,
                                                                          linetype = "longdash",
                                                                          colour = "blue"
                                                                        ) + ggplot2::geom_vline(
                                                                          xintercept = c(3, 7),
                                                                          size = 0.45,
                                                                          linetype = "longdash",
                                                                          colour = "green"
                                                                        ) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
                                                                          panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.1, color = "red"),
                                                                          axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                                          axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                                          text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)

    } else {
      plot_GHI <-
        ggplot2::ggplot(data = lghi_all) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(
          ggplot2::aes(x = as.factor(DM),
                       y = GHI),
          lwd = 0.25,
          fatten = 0.4,
          outlier.size = 0.6
        ) + ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ method) + viridis::scale_fill_viridis(option = "C",
                                                                        discrete = TRUE,
                                                                        begin = 0.4) +  ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("GHI") + ggplot2::labs(fill = "Method") + ggplot2::geom_hline(
                                                                          yintercept = c(0.1, 0.05),
                                                                          size = 0.35,
                                                                          linetype = "longdash",
                                                                          colour = "blue"
                                                                        ) + ggplot2::geom_vline(
                                                                          xintercept = c(3, 7),
                                                                          size = 0.45,
                                                                          linetype = "longdash",
                                                                          colour = "green"
                                                                        ) + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
                                                                          panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.1, color = "red"),
                                                                          axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                                          axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                                          text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)


    plot_NPP <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = lghi_all) + ggplot2::geom_count(ggplot2::aes(x = DM,
                                                                          y = NPP),
                                                             colour = "red",
                                                             alpha = 0.7) + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ method) + ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("NPP") + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
                                                               panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.1, color = "red"),
                                                               axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                               axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
                                                               text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)

    plot_ENPP <-
      ggplot2::ggplot(data = lghi_all) + ggplot2::geom_count(
        ggplot2::aes(x = DM,
                     y = ENPP),
        colour = "red",
        alpha = 0.8,
        shape = 1
      ) + ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~ method) + ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("ENPP") + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
        panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.1, color = "red"),
        axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0.35, color = "black"),
        text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12)

    # scatter_GHI <-
    #   ggplot2::ggplot(data = dplyr::filter(lghi_all, method %in% c("DH", "SL", "MSL", "H") )) + ggplot2::geom_jitter(ggplot2::aes(
    #     x = DM,
    #     y = GHI,
    #     color = factor(method)
    #   ), size = 1.5, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.2) + viridis::scale_color_viridis(option = "D", discrete = TRUE) +  ggplot2::xlab("DM") + ggplot2::ylab("GHI") + ggplot2::labs(color = "Method") + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = c(0.1), size = 0.35, linetype = "longdash", colour = "blue") + ggplot2::theme_classic() + ggplot2::theme(
    #     #increase size of axis lines
    #     axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(size =
    #                                         0.35, color = "black"),
    #     axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(size =
    #                                          0.35, color = "black"),
    #     #Adjust legend position to maximize space, use a vector of proportion
    #     #across the plot and up the plot where you want the legend.
    #     #You can also use "left", "right", "top", "bottom", for legends on t
    #     #he side of the plot
    #     legend.position = c(.85, .7),
    #     #increase the font size
    #     text = ggplot2::element_text(size =
    #                                    12)
    #   ) + ggplot2::geom_line( ggplot2::aes(x = DM, y = GHI_predicted, color = factor(method)), size=1, alpha = 0.8)

    # ----

    out <-
      list(plot_GHI = plot_GHI,
           plot_NPP = plot_NPP,
           plot_ENPP = plot_ENPP)


pierzgal/dispam documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:11 a.m.