
Defines functions tile_raster_extent merge_pols_intersected_by_lines point_at_highest_value_in_polygon samp_df clip_polygons2rasters indiv_bands identify_n_neighbours subtract_control_median

Documented in clip_polygons2rasters identify_n_neighbours indiv_bands merge_pols_intersected_by_lines point_at_highest_value_in_polygon samp_df subtract_control_median tile_raster_extent

#' @title Tile A Raster's Extent
#' @description Tile the extent object of a raster object for tiled processing
#' @param r A raster object
#' @param max_pixs Integer The maximum number of pixels that each tile can contain.
#' @return A list of extent objects
#' @seealso merge_pols_intersected_by_line
#' @export
tile_raster_extent <- function(r, max_pixs){
  full_extent <- raster::extent(r)
  #the number of pixels in the raster object
  full_npix <- prod(dim(r))
  #the number of tiles to be generated
  if (full_npix < max_pixs){
    cat('The raster has fewer than ',max_pixs,'pixels and will not be tiled.\n')
    tile_extents <- list(full_extent)
    ntiles <- ceiling(full_npix/max_pixs)
    nsplits_x_y <- ceiling(sqrt(ntiles))

    #the limits of the tiles in the x and y dimension
    x_dim_limits <- seq(full_extent[1],full_extent[2], length.out = nsplits_x_y+1)
    x_dim_limits <- rep(x_dim_limits, each=2)
    x_dim_limits <- x_dim_limits[-1]
    x_dim_limits <- x_dim_limits[-(length(x_dim_limits))]
    x_dim_limits <- rep(x_dim_limits, nsplits_x_y)

    y_dim_limits <- seq(raster::extent(r)[3], raster::extent(r)[4], length.out = nsplits_x_y+1)
    y_dim_limits <- rep(y_dim_limits, each=2)
    y_dim_limits <- y_dim_limits[-1]
    y_dim_limits <- y_dim_limits[-(length(y_dim_limits))]
    y_dim_limits <- matrix(y_dim_limits, nrow = 2)
    y_dim_limits <- as.vector(y_dim_limits[,rep(1:ncol(y_dim_limits), each = nsplits_x_y)])

    tile_extents <- list()
    for (i in 0:(length(x_dim_limits)/2 - 1)){
      inds <- c(i*2+1,i*2+2)
      tile_extents[[i+1]] <- raster::extent(c(x_dim_limits[inds],y_dim_limits[inds]))
    cat('The extent of the raster was tiled into ',length(tile_extents),' tiles\n')

#' @title Merge Polygons Intersected By Lines
#' @description When an object-identification function is run on raster image in tiled mode (for memory management or paralel processing),
#' The resulting objects are intersected by lines that correspond to the tile borders. This function allows you to mergein a SpatialPolygons
#' object all the polygons that are split by a set of SpatialLines
#' @param spat_pols A SpatialPolygons object
#' @param spat_lines A SpatialLines object, e.g. as created by tile_raster_extent
#' @param original_res The original resolution of the input image the Polygons were calculated from. Default = 0.15
#' @return A SpatialPolygons object
#' @seealso tile_raster_extent
#' @export
merge_pols_intersected_by_lines <- function(spat_pols, spat_lines, original_res = 0.15){
  buffer_value <- 0.02
  #Intersect it with the polygons, buffering the latter slightly to ensure it intersects the line when touching
  #crown_pols_buff <- raster::buffer(SpatPols,.05,dissolve=F)
  crown_pols_buff <- rgeos::gBuffer(spat_pols, width = original_res + buffer_value, byid = T)
  #crown_pols_buff <- rgeos::gBuffer(spat_pols, width = buffer_value, byid = T)
  crowns_on_border <- raster::intersect(crown_pols_buff, spat_lines)

  #   plot(spat_pols,axes=T)
  #   plot(spat_lines, add=T, col=3)
  #   plot(crowns_on_border,col=2,add=T)

  #merge the polygons that share a border
  crowns_on_border <- rgeos::gUnionCascaded(crowns_on_border)
  #  plot(crowns_on_border, col=3, add=T)

  #remove the border crowns from the buffered crowns
  non_border_crowns <- rgeos::gDifference(crown_pols_buff, crowns_on_border, byid =T) #SLOW !
  # you get topology errors if you keep byid=F (from experience and see https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2014-October/021956.html)

  #undo the buffering for the border crowns - This is turned off for the time being, until it can be done for the non_border_crowns too (holes cause issues)
  #crowns_on_border <- rgeos::gBuffer(crowns_on_border, width = 0 - original_res - buffer_value)
  #raster::buffer cannot buffer inward, so use rgeos::gBuffer

  #the rgeos operations, made the objects of length 1, so disaggregate them
  non_border_crowns <- sp::disaggregate(non_border_crowns)
  crowns_on_border <- sp::disaggregate(crowns_on_border)

  #assign IDs to the crowns on the tile borders (now merged across borders), and to the non-border crowns
  crowns_on_border <- sp::spChFIDs(crowns_on_border,as.character(1:length(crowns_on_border)))
  non_border_crowns <- sp::spChFIDs(non_border_crowns, as.character((length(crowns_on_border)+1) :(length(crowns_on_border) + length(non_border_crowns))))
  #merge the two
  crown_pols <- maptools::spRbind(crowns_on_border, non_border_crowns)

#' @title Place Point At Maximum Location
#' @description Convert a SpatialPolygon to a SpatialPoint, assigning the point to the location inside the polygong that
#' has the highest value in a matching raster
#' @param r A raster layer
#' @param pol A SpatialPolygon
#' @return A SpatialPoint
#' @export
point_at_highest_value_in_polygon <- function(r , pol){
  crop_ext <- raster::extent(sp::bbox(pol))
  r <- raster::crop(r, crop_ext)
  rmax <- as.vector(raster::extract(r, pol, fun = function(x, na.rm = T){max(x,na.rm=T)}))

  if (is.na(rmax) | !is.finite(rmax)){
    rm <- r
    #set all pixels except for the maximum value pixel to NA
    rm <- raster::reclassify(r, right=F, c(-Inf,rmax,NA))

    maxpoint <- raster::rasterToPoints(rm,spatial=T)[1,]

#' @title Avoid Data Frames With Too Many Rows
#' @description  Ensure that a dataframe has <= maxsamp rows.
#' If it doesn't, sample a subset (n=maxsamp) rows from a data frame
#' @param df a data frame
#' @param maxsamp the maximum
#' @return a dataframe with no more than maxsamp rows
#' @export
samp_df <- function(df,maxsamp){
  df.subset <- df
  if ( length(df)>0){
    if (nrow(df) > maxsamp){
      df.subset <- df[sample.int(n=nrow(df),size=maxsamp),]
      cat('limited nsamples per polygon to: ',maxsamp,'\n')

#' @title Clip Spatialpolygons To The Extent Of A Raster
#' @description given a SpatialPolygons(DataFrame) and a list of raster filenames, clips the Polygons to retain only what fall in
#' ONE OR MORE OF the rasters, i.e. to the joint extent of a set of rasters
#' @param SpatPol A SpatialPolygons(DataFrame)
#' @param r.fnames Names of raster files
#' @return a SpatialPolygons(DataFrame) cut to the joint extent
#' @export
clip_polygons2rasters <- function(SpatPol,r.fnames){
  plot(SpatPol, axes = T,border="red")

  counter <- 0
  for (r.fname  in r.fnames)
    r <- raster::raster(r.fname)
    r.extent.polygon <- as(raster::extent(r), 'SpatialPolygons')
    raster::projection(r.extent.polygon) <- raster::projection(r)
    r.extent.polygon <- sp::spTransform(r.extent.polygon,CRSobj=sp::CRS(raster::projection(SpatPol)))

    if (counter == 0){
      r.extent.polygons <- r.extent.polygon
      r.extent.polygons <- rbind(r.extent.polygons,r.extent.polygon,makeUniqueIDs = T)
    counter <- counter + 1
  #join all the raster extent polygons into 1 polygon

  plot(r.extent.polygons, add=T, border="light grey")
  r.extent.polygons <- maptools::unionSpatialPolygons(r.extent.polygons,IDs=rep(1,length(r.extent.polygons)))
  plot(r.extent.polygons, add=T, border="dark grey")

  #cut the polygons
  SpatPol.cut <- raster::intersect(SpatPol, r.extent.polygons)


  cat("Polygons not convered by any of the raster data sets were discarded \n")
  cat("raster data sets considered: ", r.fnames,"\n")
  cat("Plotted retained polygons in black, discarded in red, raster extents in grey\n")
  cat("input contained ", length(SpatPol)," polygons\n")
  cat("output contains ", length(SpatPol.cut)," polygons\n")

#' @title Get A List Into A df For Easier Manipulation
#' @description  a function to get a list into a df for easier manipulation and ggplot display
#' @param x a list
#' @param dfnames a vector with the names of datasets in the lists
#' @return a dataframe
#' @export
indiv_bands <- function(x,dfnames){
  counter <- 0
  outp <- NULL
  #for each of the data set names provided
  for (i in 1:length(dfnames)){
    #assign the data from the list to dat
    dfname <- dfnames[i]
    dat <- x[[dfname]]

    if(!is.null(dat)){ #if this RS data set covered this polygon

      if (counter == 0){
        outp <- cbind.data.frame(dfname,dat,x[["trees"]])
        outp <- plyr::join(outp,cbind.data.frame(dfname,dat,x[["trees"]]),type="full")
      counter <- counter + 1


#' @title Find A Polygon's Neighbour Polygons
#' @description Identify for each element in a SpatialPolygons object, its n closest neighbours.
#' @param Spat.polygons A SpatialPolygons(DataFrame)
#' @param n The nr of neighbouring polygons to detect
#' @param append Should the output be appended to the data in the SpatialPolygonsDatafrmae
#' @param col.prefix A prefix to use in the output of the columns that include hold the IDs of the neighbours
#' @return a SpatialPolygonsDataframe with a column with unique IDs and n columns holding the IDs of the n closest neighbours
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Decline.cluster <- shapefile('E:/beckpie/PWN/vector_data/Decline_N_tree_clusters.shp')
#' tt <- identify_n_neighbours(Spat.polygons = Decline.cluster,n=2,append=T)
#' }
#' @export
identify_n_neighbours <- function(Spat.polygons,n,append=F,col.prefix='IDneighb_'){


  #add a column with unique ID, add them to SpatPolygons
  Spat.polygons@data <- cbind(Spat.polygons@data, ID = 1:length(Spat.polygons))
  # identify the center of mass of each polygon
  trueCentroids <- rgeos::gCentroid(Spat.polygons,byid=TRUE)
  # find for each center of mass it's n nearest neighbours
  # register the nearest neighbours with each polygon
  neighb <- spdep::knearneigh(sp::coordinates(Spat.polygons),k=n)$nn
  colnames(neighb) <- paste0(col.prefix,1:n)

  if (append){
    Spat.polygons@data <- cbind(Spat.polygons@data,neighb)
    neighb <- Spat.polygons

#' @title Subtract Band And Polygon Specific Median From Digital Numbers
#' @description A function to subtract from DN.s values (per pixel, data set and band),
#' the median in matching control polygons. The control polygons are usually the n. closest neighbours
#' @param df A data frame as generated by indiv_bands, which inclusdes the variables
#' ID, dfname, band, DN.s
#' @return A data frame with the variable DN.c added
#' @export
subtract_control_median <- function(df){

  ## calculate the expected value for the metric (using the control clusters per image)
  #expected.val <- ddply(df[df$Contro=='control',],.(Contro,Id,dfname,band),summarize,median=median(DN.s))[,-1]

  #make a unique identifier for all the neihbourhood polygon combinations
  #require(plyr) # "." operator is not recognized unless the library is explicitly called
  #calculate the median for each neighbourhood combination

  expected.val <- plyr::ddply(df,plyr::.(ID,dfname,band),plyr::summarize,median=median(DN.s,na.rm=T))#[,-1]
  #expected.val <- ddply(df,.(Contro,ID,dfname,band,IDneighb_1,IDneighb_2),summarize,median=median(DN.s[which()]))[,-1]
  #expected.val <- ddply(df,.(Contro,ID,dfname,band,IDneighb_1,IDneighb_2),summarize,median=median(DN.s[which()]))[,-1]

  #the df has one obs per pixel, RSdata set, band
  #merge the equivalent expected observations (i.e. median per ID, dfname and band) from the closest polygons to the df
  df.ext <- df
  colnames.neighb <- colnames(df)[grepl("neighb_",colnames(df))]
  cat('calculating median value (na.rm=T) per polygon,band and RS data set based on ', length(colnames.neighb),' neighbours\n')
  for (colname.neighb in colnames.neighb ){

    df.ext <- merge(df.ext,expected.val, by.x=c(colname.neighb,'dfname','band'),by.y=c('ID','dfname','band'),all.x=T)
    #if data for a neighbour is missing add NA
    #report for how many dataset-band-polygon-combos this occurred (e.g. if a polygon's neighbour isn't covered by the same RS data set)

    cat(colname.neighb, ' completed\n')
    if (nrow(df.ext) != nrow(df)){cat('YOU LOST SOME ROWS BUDDY !');browser()}

    df.ext.old <- df.ext

  cat("expected values:\n\n")

  #calculate the final expected value (mean of the n medians observed in the n closest polygons)
  mean.surrounding.DN.s <- apply(subset(df.ext,select = grepl("median",colnames(df.ext))),1,mean,na.rm=T)
  #df.ext$DN.c <- df.ext$DN.s - (df.ext$median.x+df.ext$median.y)/2
  df.ext$DN.c <- df.ext$DN.s - mean.surrounding.DN.s

  df.ext <- base::subset(df.ext,select = !grepl("neighb",colnames(df.ext)))
  df.ext <- base::subset(df.ext,select = !grepl("median",colnames(df.ext)))
 # if (nrow(df.ext[(df.ext$ID==11)&(df.ext$dfname=='WV2.20140311'),]) < 1){browser()} # check ! can this be removed?


#' @title Check An Object For NAs
#' @description Check if an object contains only NAs
#' @param df An object
#' @return The object if has any non-na elements, else NULL
#' @export
remove_all_NA <- function(df){
  df.return <- NULL
  if (any(!is.na(df))){
    df.return <- df
pieterbeck/CanHeMonR documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:11 a.m.