#' chooseFromList
#' Allows the user to select single or multiple items from a list.
#' Entries can be selected based on individual choice, groups, regex or all.
#' @param theList list or character vector to be selected from, names can specify groups
#' @param type string in plural shown to user to understand what they have to choose
#' @param userinfo string printed to the user before choosing
#' @param addAllPattern boolean whether 'all' and 'Search by pattern' options are added
#' @param returnBoolean TRUE: returns array with dimension of theList with FALSE and TRUE,
#' which erases the order in which entries were selected
#' FALSE: returns selected entries of theList, conserving the order
#' in which entries were selected
#' @param multiple TRUE: allows to select multiple entries. FALSE: no
#' @param userinput string provided by the user. If not supplied, user is asked (mainly for testing)
#' @param errormessage string used internally to tell the user before retrying that a selection does not make sense
#' @return list or character vector, either a boolean with same length as theList or only the selected items.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' chooseFromList(
#' theList = c(Letter = "A", Letter = "B", Number = "1", Number = "2"),
#' type = "characters",
#' userinfo = "Please don't select B, it hurts.",
#' returnBoolean = FALSE,
#' multiple = TRUE)
#' }
#' @author Oliver Richters
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @export
chooseFromList <- function(theList, type = "items", userinfo = NULL, addAllPattern = TRUE,
returnBoolean = FALSE, multiple = TRUE, userinput = FALSE, errormessage = NULL) {
if (is.factor(theList)) theList <- as.character(theList)
originalList <- theList
if (length(theList) == 0) {
message("No ", type, " found that might be selected, returning the empty list.")
addAllPattern <- addAllPattern && multiple
booleanList <- rep(FALSE, length(originalList)) # set to FALSE
if (is.list(theList)) booleanList <- as.list(booleanList)
m <- paste0("\n\nPlease choose ", type, ":\n\n")
# paste groups after each entry and add them to theList as options
rawNames <- names(theList)
rawNames <- rawNames[nchar(rawNames) > 0]
groups <- NULL
if (length(rawNames) > 0) {
groups <- sort(unique(unlist(strsplit(rawNames, ',', fixed = TRUE))))
if (multiple) {
groupsids <- NULL
if (! is.null(groups)) {
groupsids <- seq(length(originalList) + 1 + 1 * addAllPattern,
length(originalList) + length(groups) + 1 * addAllPattern)
theList <- c(paste0(str_pad(paste(theList), max(nchar(originalList), 10), side = "right"), " ", names(theList)),
paste("Group:", groups))
m <- c(m, paste0(str_pad("", max(nchar(originalList), 10) + nchar(length(theList) + 2) + 2, side = "right"),
" Group\n"))
# add all and regex pattern as options
if (addAllPattern) {
theList <- c("all", theList, "Search pattern by regular expression...", "Search by fixed pattern...")
a <- 1
p <- length(theList) - 1
f <- length(theList)
m <- c(m, paste(paste0(str_pad(seq_along(theList), nchar(length(theList)), side = "left"),
if (addAllPattern) c(",a", rep("", length(theList) - 3), ",p", ",f"), ": ", theList),
collapse = "\n"))
m <- c(m, "\n", errormessage, userinfo,
paste0("\nNumber", if (multiple) "s entered as 2,4:6,9", " or leave empty:"))
if (isFALSE(userinput)) { # print options and ask for userinput
userinput <- getLine()
# interpret userinput and perform basic checks
identifier <- try(eval(parse(text = paste("c(", gsub("-", ":", userinput), ")"))), silent = TRUE)
if (! all(grepl(if (addAllPattern) "^[afp0-9,: -]*$" else "^[0-9,: -]*$", userinput)) || inherits(identifier, "try-error")) {
err <- paste0("Try again, you have to choose some numbers. ", attr(identifier, "condition"), "\n")
return(chooseFromList(originalList, type, userinfo, addAllPattern, returnBoolean, multiple, errormessage = err))
# check whether all input is usable
if (! multiple && length(identifier) > 1) {
err <- paste0("Try again, multiple chosen: ", substr(paste(identifier, collapse = ", "), 1, 240), "...\n")
return(chooseFromList(originalList, type, userinfo, addAllPattern, returnBoolean, multiple, errormessage = err))
if (any(! identifier %in% seq_along(theList))) {
err <- paste0("Try again, not all in list: ", substr(paste(identifier, collapse = ", "), 1, 240), "...\n")
return(chooseFromList(originalList, type, userinfo, addAllPattern, returnBoolean, multiple, errormessage = err))
if (multiple) {
all <- addAllPattern && any(identifier == "1")
pattern <- addAllPattern && any(identifier == length(theList) - 1)
fixed <- addAllPattern && any(identifier == length(theList))
if (all) { # all
identifier <- seq_along(originalList)
} else {
# interpret group inputs and select all group members
selectedGroups <- sub("^Group: ", "", theList[intersect(identifier, groupsids)])
for (group in selectedGroups) {
identifier <- c(identifier,
which(grepl(paste0("(^|,)", group, "($|,)"), names(originalList), perl = TRUE))
+ addAllPattern) # shift all identifiers by one if the "all" pattern is the first option
identifier <- unique(c(identifier[! identifier %in% groupsids]))
# if search by pattern is selected, ask for pattern and interpret it
if (pattern) {
patternid <- choosePatternFromList(originalList, type, fixed = FALSE)
identifier <- unique(c(identifier, patternid + 1))
if (fixed) {
patternid <- choosePatternFromList(originalList, type, fixed = TRUE)
identifier <- unique(c(identifier, patternid + 1))
identifier <- identifier[identifier < length(originalList) + 2] - 1 * addAllPattern # if addAllPattern = TRUE, '1' is 'all' option
booleanList[identifier] <- TRUE
msgselected <- originalList[identifier]
stopafter <- min(which(cumsum(nchar(msgselected)) > getOption("chooseFromListLimit", 666)), length(msgselected))
message("Selected: ", paste(msgselected[seq_len(stopafter)], collapse = ", "), if (stopafter < length(msgselected)) ", ...")
if (returnBoolean) return(booleanList) else return(originalList[identifier])
choosePatternFromList <- function(theList, type = "items", pattern = FALSE, fixed = FALSE) {
confirmchoice <- FALSE
if (isFALSE(pattern)) {
confirmchoice <- TRUE
message("\nInsert the ", if (fixed) "search pattern with fixed=TRUE: " else "regular expression: ")
pattern <- getLine()
id <- try(grep(pattern = pattern, theList, fixed = fixed))
# lists all chosen and ask for the confirmation of the made choice
if (inherits(id, "try-error")) {
message("\n\nMatching created an error. Try again!")
return(choosePatternFromList(theList, type, fixed = fixed))
} else if (length(id) > 0) {
message("\n\nThe search pattern matches the following ", type, ":")
message(paste(paste(seq_along(id), theList[id], sep = ": "), collapse = "\n"))
} else {
message("Oops. You didn't select anything.")
if (confirmchoice) {
message("\nAre you sure these are the right ", type, "? (y/n): ")
if (! getLine() %in% c("y", "Y")) {
return(choosePatternFromList(theList, type, fixed = fixed))
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