#' selectScript
#' Functions which allows for interactive selection of scripts/files.
#' @param folder Folder in which the files/scripts are located which should
#' be selected from.
#' @param ending File ending of the files to be selected (without dot)
#' @return A vector of paths to files selected by the user
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom yaml read_yaml yaml.load
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
selectScript <- function(folder = ".", ending = "R") { # nolint
width <- 70
.printInfo <- function(info, startNumber = 1, width = 50, maxchar = 30) {
descriptionWidth <- width - maxchar - 7
info$position <- NULL
if (!is.null(info$folder)) info$script <- info$folder
info$number <- seq_len(nrow(info)) + startNumber - 1
info$number <- paste0(format(info$number, width = 2, justify = "right"), ": ")
splitDescription <- strwrap(info$description, width = descriptionWidth, simplify = FALSE)
out <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(nrow(info))) {
nExtra <- length(splitDescription[[i]]) - 1
out <- rbind(out, data.frame(script = c(info$script[i], rep("", nExtra)),
description = splitDescription[[i]],
number = c(info$number[i], rep(" ", nExtra))))
message(paste0(out$number, format(gsub("_", " ", out$script, fixed = TRUE), width = maxchar, justify = "right"),
" | ", out$description, collapse = "\n"))
maxNchar <- function(x, width, prefix = "-> ", suffix = " <-", sep = "-") {
width <- width - 7
x <- capture.output(cat(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]], fill = width))
x <- format(x, width = width, justify = "centre")
if (!is.null(sep)) {
sep <- paste0(" ", paste(rep(sep, nchar(prefix) + nchar(suffix) + nchar(x)[1]), collapse = ""))
return(paste(sep, paste0(" ", prefix, x, suffix, collapse = "\n"), sep, sep = "\n"))
subfolders <- list.dirs(folder, full.names = FALSE)
subfolders <- subfolders[subfolders != ""]
fp <- paste0("\\.", ending, "$")
script <- gsub(fp, "", grep(fp, list.files(folder), value = TRUE))
if (length(script) == 0 && length(subfolders) == 0) {
message("Empty folder selected. NULL returned.")
subinfo <- data.frame(folder = NULL, description = NULL, position = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (s in subfolders) {
if (file.exists(file.path(folder, s, "INFO.yml"))) {
tmp <- read_yaml(file.path(folder, s, "INFO.yml"))
} else {
tmp <- list()
subinfo <- rbind(subinfo, data.frame(folder = s,
description = ifelse(is.null(tmp$description), "", tmp$description),
position = ifelse(is.null(tmp$position), NA, tmp$position),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (nrow(subinfo) > 0) {
subinfo <- subinfo[order(subinfo$position), ]
# read descriptions in scripts
info <- data.frame(script = NULL, description = NULL, position = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (s in script) {
tmp <- read_yaml_header(file.path(folder, paste0(s, ".", ending)))
if (!is.null(tmp$error)) {
tmp$description <- paste(tmp$description, "ERROR:", tmp$error)
info <- rbind(info, data.frame(script = s,
description = ifelse(is.null(tmp$description), "", tmp$description),
position = ifelse(is.null(tmp$position), NA, tmp$position),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
if (nrow(info) > 0) {
info <- info[order(info$position), ]
maxchar <- max(nchar(c(info$script, subinfo$folder)))
if (file.exists(file.path(folder, "INFO.yml"))) {
yaml <- read_yaml(file.path(folder, "INFO.yml"))
} else {
yaml <- list()
if (is.null(yaml$type)) yaml$type <- "script"
if (!is.null(yaml$description)) message(yaml$description)
if (!is.null(yaml$note)) message(maxNchar(yaml$note, width = width))
.printInfo(info, maxchar = maxchar, width = width)
if (nrow(subinfo) > 0) {
message("\nAlternatively, choose a ", yaml$type, " from another selection:")
.printInfo(subinfo, startNumber = nrow(info) + 1, maxchar = maxchar, width = width)
message("Choose a ", yaml$type, " or folder: ", appendLF = FALSE)
} else {
message("Choose a ", yaml$type, ": ", appendLF = FALSE)
identifier <- getLine()
identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier, ",")[[1]])
if (all(identifier == 0)) return(NULL)
if (any(!(identifier %in% 1:(nrow(info) + nrow(subinfo))))) {
stop("This choice (", identifier, ") is not possible. Please type in a number between 1 and ",
(nrow(info) + nrow(subinfo)))
if (any(identifier > nrow(info))) {
folderIdentifier <- identifier[identifier > nrow(info)]
identifier <- identifier[identifier <= nrow(info)]
if (length(identifier) > 0) {
out <- paste0(info$script[identifier], ".", ending)
} else {
out <- NULL
if (exists("folderIdentifier")) {
for (fi in folderIdentifier) {
subfolder <- subinfo$folder[fi - nrow(info)]
out <- c(out, file.path(subfolder, selectScript(file.path(folder, subfolder), ending = ending)))
if (length(out) == 0) return(NULL)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.