
Defines functions calcDemography

Documented in calcDemography

#' @title calcDemography
#' @description reads in the Lutz et al dataset.
#' Aggregates the age structure. Population is divided
#' by sex male (M) , female (F) and both (B)
#' and divided by 8 age classes:
#' 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, AG1 (20-29), AG2 (30-59), AG3(60-79), AG4(80+)
#' @param convert if TRUE, the convertscript of Lutz et al is activated.
#' Also,the year 1965 is extrapolatedusing the worldbank population
#' data and sex, age, and education structure of 1970.
#' @param education if FALSE, no education dimension will be provided
#' @export
#' @importFrom magpiesets findset

calcDemography <- function(convert = TRUE, education = TRUE) {

  lutz <- readSource("Lutz2014", convert = convert)

  mapping2 <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "lutz2hic2.csv",
                             where = "mappingfolder")
  demo <- toolAggregate(x = lutz, rel = mapping2, from = "lutz", to = "hic", dim = 3.2)

  demo <- demo[, , "B", invert = TRUE]
  demo <- demo[, , "All", invert = TRUE]
  demo <- demo[, , "Total", invert = TRUE]

  getSets(demo) <- c("region", "year", "scenario", "sex", "age", "education")

  # in 2010 there are tiny differences in the demography. We still want to have a harmonized
  # dataset for 2010.
  past <- magpiesets::findset("past")
  demo[, intersect(getYears(demo), past), ] <- demo[, intersect(getYears(demo), past), "SSP2"]

  # test for differences in population and demography datasets

  if (convert == TRUE) {
    population <- calcOutput("Population",
                             naming = "scenario",
                             years = magpiesets::findset("time"),
                             aggregate = FALSE)
    diff <- dimSums(demo, dim = c("sex", "age", "education")) - population[, getYears(demo), getNames(demo, dim = 1)]
    diff[] <- abs(diff)
    if (sum(diff) > 100) {
      vcat(2, paste0(
        "Population and Demography datasets diverge: ",
        round(mean(dimSums(diff[, intersect(getYears(diff), past), ], dim = c(1, 3)) / dim(diff)[3])),
        " mio per year for the past and ",
        round(mean(dimSums(diff[, setdiff(getYears(diff), past), ], dim = c(1, 3)) / dim(diff)[3])),
        "mio per year for the future. Largest divergences in ",
        where(diff == max(diff))$true$regions[1],
        "in the year ",
        where(diff == max(diff))$true$years[1],
        " with ",
        round(diff[which(diff == max(diff), arr.ind = TRUE)])[1],
        " million people."

    # recalibration to SSP population scenarios
    # create SSP2EU and SDP scenarios columns based on SSP2 and SSP1
    if (any(c("SDP", "SDP_EI", "SDP_MC", "SDP_RC", "SSP2EU") %in% getNames(population))) {
      demo <- add_columns(demo, addnm = c("SDP", "SDP_EI", "SDP_MC", "SDP_RC", "SSP2EU"),
                          dim = 3.1, fill = NA)
      demo[, , "SSP2EU"] <- demo[, , "SSP2"]
      demo[, , "SDP", pmatch = TRUE] <- demo[, , "SSP1"]

    demoShr <- demo / dimSums(demo, dim = c("sex", "age", "education"))
    vcat(verbosity = 2, paste0("Year 1965 in demography data missing. Used values of 1970 instead"))
    demoShr <- mbind(
      setYears(demoShr[, "y1970", ], "y1965"),
    demoShr <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(demoShr)
    demo <- demoShr * population

  if (!education) {
    demo <- dimSums(demo, dim = "education")

    x = demo,
    weight = NULL,
    min = 0,
    max = 20000,
    unit = "million people",
    description = "Population by age, sex and education",
    isocountries = convert

pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.