
Defines functions calcFeDemandIndustry

Documented in calcFeDemandIndustry

#' Calculates FE demand in industry as REMIND variables
#' @param use_ODYM_RECC per-capita pathways for `SDP_xx` scenarios?  (Defaults
#'   to `FALSE`.)
#' @importFrom assertr assert not_na verify
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @importFrom dplyr anti_join arrange as_tibble between bind_rows case_when
#'   distinct filter first full_join group_by inner_join lag last left_join
#'   matches mutate n rename right_join select semi_join summarise ungroup
#' @importFrom magclass mselect getItems getItems<- time_interpolate
#' @importFrom madrat toolAggregate
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom quitte as.quitte cartesian character.data.frame
#'   interpolate_missing_periods interpolate_missing_periods_ madrat_mule
#'   magclass_to_tibble overwrite seq_range
#' @importFrom readr read_delim
#' @importFrom rlang .data sym syms !!! !!
#' @importFrom tibble tribble
#' @importFrom tidyr complete crossing extract gather nesting pivot_longer
#'   pivot_wider replace_na separate spread unite
#' @importFrom zoo na.fill
#' @author Michaja Pehl
calcFeDemandIndustry <- function(use_ODYM_RECC = FALSE) {

  # Functions ------------------

  addSDP_industry <- function(reminditems) {
    # Modify industry FE trajectories of SSP1 (and SSP2) to generate SDP
    # scenario trajectories

    # mask non-global variables so R doesn't get its panties twisted
    year <- Year <- Data1 <- Data2 <- Region <- Value <- Data3 <- scenario <-
      iso3c <- value <- variable <- pf <- FE <- VA <- GDP <- VApGDP <- FEpVA <-
      gdp_SSP1 <- gdp_SSP2 <- f <- gdp_SDP <- .FE <- f.mod <- gdp <- pop <-
      GDPpC <- item <- NULL

    # output years
    years <- as.integer(sub("^y", "", getYears(reminditems)))

    tmp_GDPpC <- bind_rows(
      # load GDP projections
      tmp_GDP <- calcOutput("GDP", average2020 = FALSE, aggregate = FALSE) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        character.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Year = as.integer(as.character(Year))) %>%
        filter(grepl("^gdp_SSP[12]$", Data1),
               Year %in% years) %>%
        separate(col = "Data1", into = c("variable", "scenario"), sep = "_") %>%
        select("scenario", iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", "variable",
               value = "Value"),

      tmp_pop <- calcOutput("Population", aggregate = FALSE) %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble()  %>%
        character.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Year = as.integer(as.character(Year))) %>%
        filter(grepl("^pop_SSP[12]$", Data1),
               Year %in% years) %>%
        separate(col = "Data1", into = c("variable", "scenario"), sep = "_") %>%
        select("scenario", iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", "variable",
               value = "Value")
    ) %>%
      mutate(scenario = paste0("gdp_", scenario)) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = "variable") %>%
      group_by(.data$scenario, .data$iso3c, .data$year) %>%
      summarise(GDPpC = .data$gdp / .data$pop, .groups = "drop")

    # - for each country and scenario, compute a GDPpC-dependent specific energy
    #   use reduction factor according to 3e-7 * GDPpC + 0.2 [%], which is
    #   capped at 0.7 %
    #   - the mean GDPpC of countries with GDPpC > 15000 (in 2015) is about 33k
    #   - so efficiency gains range from 0.4 % at zero GDPpC (more development
    #     leeway) to 1.4 % at 33k GDPpC (more stringent energy efficiency)
    #   - percentage numbers are halved and applied twice, to VA/GDP and FE/VA
    # - linearly reduce this reduction factor from 1 to 0 over the 2020-2150
    #   interval
    # - cumulate the reduction factor over the time horizon

    SSA_countries <- read_delim(
      file = toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingH12.csv",
                            returnPathOnly = TRUE, where = "mappingfolder"),
      delim = ";",
      col_names = c("country", "iso3c", "region"),
      col_types = "ccc",
      skip = 1
    ) %>%
      filter("SSA" == !!sym("region")) %>%
      select(-"country", -"region") %>%

    sgma <- 8e3
    cutoff <- 1.018
    epsilon <- 0.018
    exp1 <- 3
    exp2 <- 1.5

    reduction_factor <- tmp_GDPpC %>%
      interpolate_missing_periods(year = seq_range(range(year)), value = "GDPpC") %>%
      group_by(scenario, iso3c) %>%
        # no reduction for SSA countries before 2050, to allow for more
        # equitable industry and infrastructure development
        f = cumprod(ifelse(2020 > year, 1, pmin(cutoff, 1 + 4 * epsilon * ((sgma / GDPpC)^exp1 - (sgma / GDPpC)^exp2))
        ))) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(-GDPpC) %>%
      filter(year %in% years)

      # select industry FE use
      reminditems %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        mutate(Year = as.integer(as.character(Year))) %>%
        filter(grepl("^gdp_SSP[12]$", Data1),
               grepl("fe..i", Data2)) %>%
        select(scenario = Data1, iso3c = Region, year = Year, variable = Data2,
               value = Value) %>%

      # reuse GDP projections
      tmp_GDP %>%
        mutate(variable = "GDP",
               scenario = paste0("gdp_", scenario)),

      # load VA projections
        type = "Industry_Value_Added",
        subtype = "economic",
        match.steel.historic.values = TRUE,
        match.steel.estimates = "IEA_ETP",
        China_Production = readSource(type = "ExpertGuess",
                                      subtype = "Chinese_Steel_Production",
                                      convert = FALSE) %>%
        aggregate = FALSE, years = years, supplementary = FALSE) %>%
        magclass_to_tibble() %>%
        filter(grepl("^gdp_SSP(1|2EU)$", .data$scenario)) %>%
        group_by(scenario, iso3c, year) %>%
        summarise(value = sum(value), .groups = "drop") %>%
        mutate(variable = "VA") %>%
        interpolate_missing_periods(year = years, expand.values = TRUE) %>%
    ) %>%
      spread(variable, value) %>%
      gather(pf, FE, matches("^fe..i$")) %>%
      inner_join(reduction_factor, c("scenario", "iso3c", "year")) %>%
      mutate(VApGDP = VA  / GDP,
             FEpVA  = FE  / VA) %>%
      # Modify reduction factor f based on feeli share in pf
      # f for feeli is sqrt of f; for for others choosen such that total
      # reduction equals f
      group_by(scenario, iso3c, year) %>%
      mutate(f.mod = ifelse("feeli" == pf & f < 1, sqrt(f), f)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(-f, f = f.mod) %>%
      # gather(variable, value, GDP, FE, VA, VApGDP, FEpVA) %>%
      # SDP scenario is equal to SSP1 scenario, except for VA/GDP and FE/VA
      # indicators, which are equal to the lower value of the SSP1 or SSP2
      # scenario times the reduction factor f(t)
      group_by(iso3c, year, pf) %>%
      mutate(VApGDP = min(VApGDP) * f,
             FEpVA  = min(FEpVA)  * f) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(-f) %>%
      filter("gdp_SSP2" != scenario) %>%
      mutate(scenario = "gdp_SDP") %>%
      mutate(.FE = FEpVA * VApGDP * GDP,
             value = ifelse(!is.na(.FE), .FE, FE)) %>%
      select(scenario, iso3c, year, item = pf, value) %>%
      # TODO: differentiate these scenarios if there is a applicable storyline
      # for them
      complete(nesting(iso3c, year, item, value),
               scenario = paste0("gdp_SDP", c("", "_EI", "_MC", "_RC"))) %>%
      select(scenario, iso3c, year, item, value) %>%
      as.magpie() %>%

  stationary <- readSource("Stationary")

  # aggregate to 5-year averages to suppress volatility
  stationary <- toolAggregateTimeSteps(stationary)

  # ---- _ modify Industry FE data to carry on current trends ----
  v <- grep("\\.fe(..i$|ind)", getNames(stationary), value = TRUE)

  modified <- stationary[, , v] %>%
    as.quitte() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select("scenario", "iso3c" = "region", "pf" = "item", "year" = "period",
           "value") %>%

  regionmapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional",
                                  name = "regionmappingH12.csv", where = "mappingfolder") %>%
    select(country = "X", iso3c = "CountryCode", region = "RegionCode")

  historic_trend <- c(2004, 2020)
  phasein_period <- c(2020, 2050)   # FIXME: extend to 2055 to keep 35 yrs?
  phasein_time   <- phasein_period[2] - phasein_period[1]

  modified <- bind_rows(
    modified %>%
      filter(phasein_period[1] > !!sym("year")),
      # calculate regional trend
      modified %>%
        # get trend period
        filter(between(!!sym("year"), historic_trend[1], historic_trend[2]),
               0 != !!sym("value")) %>%
        # sum regional totals
        full_join(regionmapping %>% select(-!!sym("country")), "iso3c") %>%
        group_by(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf"),
                 !!sym("year")) %>%
        summarise(value = sum(!!sym("value")), .groups = "drop") %>%
        # calculate average trend over trend period
        interpolate_missing_periods(year = seq_range(historic_trend), expand.values = TRUE) %>%
        group_by(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf")) %>%
        summarise(trend = mean(!!sym("value") / lag(!!sym("value")),
                               na.rm = TRUE),
                  .groups = "drop") %>%
        # only use negative trends (decreasing energy use)
        mutate(trend = ifelse(!!sym("trend") < 1, !!sym("trend"), NA)),
      # modify data projection
      modified %>%
        filter(phasein_period[1] <= !!sym("year")) %>%
        interpolate_missing_periods(year = phasein_period[1]:max(modified$year)) %>%
        group_by(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("iso3c"), !!sym("pf")) %>%
        mutate(growth = replace_na(!!sym("value") / lag(!!sym("value")), 1)) %>%
        full_join(regionmapping %>% select(-"country"), "iso3c"),
      c("scenario", "region", "pf")) %>%
      group_by(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("iso3c"), !!sym("pf")) %>%
        # replace NA (positive) trends with end. growth rates -> no change
        trend = ifelse(is.na(!!sym("trend")), !!sym("growth"), !!sym("trend")),
        value_ = first(!!sym("value"))
        * cumprod(
            phasein_period[1] == !!sym("year"), 1,
              * pmax(0, phasein_period[2] - !!sym("year") + 1)
              + !!sym("growth")
              * pmin(phasein_time, !!sym("year") - phasein_period[1] - 1)
            ) / phasein_time)),
        value = ifelse(is.na(!!sym("value_")) | 0 == !!sym("value_"),
                       !!sym("value"), !!sym("value_"))) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select(-"region", -"value_", -"trend", -"growth") %>%
      filter(!!sym("year") %in% unique(modified$year))
  ) %>%
    rename("region" = "iso3c", "item" = "pf") %>%

  # ---- _ modify SSP1 Industry FE demand ----
  # compute a reduction factor of 1 before 2021, 0.84 in 2050, and increasing
  # to 0.78 in 2150
  y <- getYears(stationary, as.integer = TRUE)
  f <- y - 2020
  f[f < 0] <- 0
  f <- 0.95^pmax(0, log(f))

  # get Industry FE items
  v <- grep("^SSP1\\.fe(..i$|ind)", getNames(modified), value = TRUE)

  # apply changes
  for (i in 1:length(y)) {
    if (1 != f[i]) {
      modified[, y[i], v] <- modified[, y[i], v] * f[i]

  # ---- _ map to REMIND variables ----

  data <- mbind(stationary[, , getNames(modified), invert = TRUE], modified)

  mapping <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "structuremappingIO_outputs.csv",
                            where = "mrcommons")

  mapping <- mapping %>%
    select("EDGEitems", "REMINDitems_out", "weight_Fedemand") %>%
    na.omit() %>%
    filter(.data$EDGEitems %in% getNames(data, dim = "item")) %>%
    # REMIND variables in focus: those ending with i and stationary items with industry focus
    filter(grepl("i$", .data$REMINDitems_out) |
             (grepl("s$", .data$REMINDitems_out)) & grepl("fe(..i$|ind)", .data$EDGEitems)) %>%

  remind <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(data, dim = 1),
                       years = getYears(data),
                       names = cartesian(getNames(data, dim = "scenario"), unique(mapping$REMINDitems_out)),
                       sets = getSets(data))

  for (v in unique(mapping$REMINDitems_out)) {

    w <- mapping %>%
      filter(.data$REMINDitems_out == v) %>%
      select(-"REMINDitems_out") %>%

    tmp <- mselect(data, item = getNames(w)) * w

    tmp <- dimSums(tmp, dim = "item", na.rm = TRUE) %>%
      add_dimension(dim = 3.3, add = "item", nm = v)

    remind[, , getNames(tmp)] <- tmp

  # change the scenario names for consistency with REMIND sets
  getNames(remind) <- gsub("^SSP", "gdp_SSP", getNames(remind))
  getNames(remind) <- gsub("SDP", "gdp_SDP", getNames(remind))

  # ---- _ modify SSP1/SSP2 data of CHN/IND further ----
  # To achieve projections more in line with local experts, apply tuning
  # factor f to liquids and gas consumption in industry in CHN and IND.
  # Apply additional energy intensity reductions 2015-30, that are phased
  # out halfway until 2040 again.
  # IEIR - initial energy intensity reduction [% p.a.] in 2016
  # FEIR - final energy intensity recovery [% p.a.] in 2040
  # The energy intensity reduction is cumulative over the 2016-40 interval
  # and thereafter constant.

  mod_factors <- tribble(
    # enter tuning factors for regions/energy carriers
    ~region,   ~pf,        ~IEIR,   ~FEIR,
    "CHN",     "fehoi",     2.5,    -0.5,
    "CHN",     "fegai",    -2.5,     3,
    "CHN",     "feeli",     0.5,     1.5,
    "IND",     "fehoi",     3,       0,
    "IND",     "fegai",    12,      -5) %>%
    # SSP1 factors are half those of SSP2
    gather("variable", "gdp_SSP2", !!sym("IEIR"), !!sym("FEIR"),
           factor_key = TRUE) %>%
    mutate(gdp_SSP1 = !!sym("gdp_SSP2") / 2) %>%
    gather("scenario", "value", matches("^gdp_SSP")) %>%
    spread("variable", "value") %>%
    mutate(t = as.integer(2016)) %>%
    # add missing combinations (neutral multiplication by 1) for easy
    # joining
    complete(crossing(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf"), !!sym("t")),
             fill = list(IEIR = 0, FEIR = 0)) %>%
    # fill 2016-40 values
    complete(nesting(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf"),
                     !!sym("IEIR"), !!sym("FEIR")),
             t = 2016:2040) %>%
    group_by(!!sym("scenario"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf")) %>%
      f = seq(1 - unique(!!sym("IEIR")) / 100,
              1 - unique(!!sym("FEIR")) / 100,
              along.with = !!sym("t"))) %>%
    # extend beyond 2050 (neutral multiplication by 1)
    complete(t = c(1993:2015, 2041:2150), fill = list(f = 1)) %>%
    arrange(!!sym("t")) %>%
    mutate(f = cumprod(!!sym("f"))) %>%
    filter(t %in% getYears(remind, as.integer = TRUE)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(-"IEIR", -"FEIR")

  mod_factors <- bind_rows(

    mod_factors %>%
      filter("gdp_SSP2" == .data$scenario) %>%
      mutate(scenario = "gdp_SSP2EU")

  mod_r <- unique(mod_factors$region)
  mod_sp <- cartesian(unique(mod_factors$scenario), unique(mod_factors$pf))

  remind[mod_r, , mod_sp] <- remind[mod_r, , mod_sp] %>%
    as.quitte() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(scenario = as.character(!!sym("scenario")),
           region   = as.character(!!sym("region")),
           item     = as.character(!!sym("item"))) %>%
    full_join(mod_factors, c("scenario", "region", "period" = "t",
                             "item" = "pf")) %>%
    mutate(value = !!sym("f") * !!sym("value")) %>%
    select(-"f") %>%
    as.quitte() %>%

  feIndustryModifications <- addSDP_industry(remind)

  # delete punk SDP data calculated illicitly in readEDGE('FE_stationary')
  remind <- mbind(
    remind[, , setdiff(getNames(remind),

  ## calculate *real* useful (i.e., motive) energy instead of
  ## fossil-fuel equivalents for light- and heavy-duty vehicles
  ## sources for TtW efficiencies:
  ##  Cox, B., et al. (2020) Life cycle environmental and cost comparison of
  ##  current and future passenger cars under different energy scenarios.
  ##  Applied Energy2.
  ## Sacchi, R., et al. (2020) carculator: an open-source tool for
  ## prospective environmental and economic life cycle assessment of
  ## vehicles. When, Where and How can battery-electric vehicles help reduce
  ##  greenhouse gas emissions? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
  ##  submitted (in review). https://www.psi.ch/en/media/57994/download

  # remind[,, "ueLDVt"] <- remind[,, "ueLDVt"] * 0.22
  # remind[,, "ueHDVt"] <- remind[,, "ueHDVt"] * 0.24

  # ---- Industry subsectors data and FE stubs ----
  ## subsector activity projections ----
  industry_subsectors_ue <- mbind(
      type = "Industry_Value_Added",
      match.steel.historic.values = TRUE,
      match.steel.estimates = "IEA_ETP",
      China_Production = readSource(type = "ExpertGuess",
                                    subtype = "Chinese_Steel_Production",
                                    convert = FALSE) %>%
      aggregate = FALSE,
      years = getYears(remind),
      supplementary = FALSE,
      warnNA = FALSE

      type = "Steel_Projections",
      subtype = "production",
      match.steel.historic.values = TRUE,
      match.steel.estimates = "IEA_ETP",
      China_Production = readSource(type = "ExpertGuess",
                                    subtype = "Chinese_Steel_Production",
                                    convert = FALSE) %>%
      aggregate = FALSE,
      years = getYears(remind), supplementary = FALSE)

  ## re-curve specific industry activity per unit GDP ----
  GDP <- calcOutput(type = "GDP", average2020 = FALSE,
                    years = getYears(remind), aggregate = FALSE,
                    supplementary = FALSE) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", scenario = "Data1",
           GDP = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(year = as.integer(.data$year))

  ### fix missing GDP numbers ----
  # (see https://github.com/pik-piam/mrdrivers/issues/40)
  if (any(0 == GDP$GDP)) {
    GDP_fuckup_point <- GDP %>%
      filter(0 == .data$GDP) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "scenario"))) %>%
      filter(min(.data$year) == .data$year) %>%

    GDP_replacement_scenario <- setdiff(

      GDP_fuckup_point %>%
        pull("scenario") %>%
    ) %>%

    GDP_fuckup_point <- GDP_fuckup_point %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "scenario"))) %>%
      mutate(base.year = getYears(remind, TRUE) %>%
               `[`(which(getYears(remind, TRUE) == !!sym("year")) - 1),
             base.scenario = GDP_replacement_scenario) %>%
      ungroup() %>%

    GDP_replacement <- full_join(
      GDP %>%
          c("iso3c", "scenario")
        ) %>%
          GDP_fuckup_point %>%
            select("iso3c", "scenario", "base.year"),

          c("iso3c", "scenario")
        ) %>%
        filter(.data$year >= .data$base.year) %>%
        select("iso3c", "year", "scenario", "GDP"),

      GDP %>%

          c("iso3c", scenario = "base.scenario")
        ) %>%
          GDP_fuckup_point %>%
            select("iso3c", "base.year", scenario = "base.scenario") %>%

          c("iso3c", "scenario")
        ) %>%
        filter(.data$year >= .data$base.year) %>%
        select(-"base.year") %>%
        group_by(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "scenario"))) %>%
        mutate(factor = .data$GDP / lag(.data$GDP, default = first(.data$GDP),
                                        order_by = .data$year)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        select("iso3c", "year", "factor"),

      c("iso3c", "year")
    ) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "scenario"))) %>%
      mutate(GDP = first(.data$GDP) * .data$factor) %>%
      ungroup() %>%

    GDP <- bind_rows(
      anti_join(GDP, GDP_replacement, by = c("iso3c", "scenario", "year")),
    ) %>%
      verify(expr = 0 < .data$GDP, description = "All GDP numbers > 0")

  ### calculate specific material demand factors ----
  foo <- full_join(
    industry_subsectors_ue %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
      select(iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", scenario = "Data1", subsector = "Data2", value = "Value") %>%
      character.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(year = as.integer(.data$year)) %>%
      # remove zero activity from historic data, to be extended backwards by
      # first projection below
      filter(!(0 == .data$value & 2020 >= .data$year)) %>%
      verify(expr = .data$value != 0, description = "No zero subsector activity after 2020"),
    by = c("iso3c", "year", "scenario")
  ) %>%
    # expand time series of per-GDP production back into time for
    # non-existent production in historic periods (e.g. primary steel in
    # NEN)
    complete(nesting(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "year", "scenario", "GDP"))),
             subsector = unique(.data$subsector),
             fill = list(value = NA_real_)) %>%
    group_by(.data$iso3c, .data$scenario, .data$subsector) %>%
      value = .data$GDP
      * na.fill(object = .data$value / .data$GDP,
                fill = first(
                  x = .data$value[!is.na(.data$value)]
                  / .data$GDP[!is.na(.data$value)],
                  order_by = .data$year[!is.na(.data$value)]))
    ) %>%

  region_mapping_21 <- toolGetMapping("regionmapping_21_EU11.csv", "regional", where = "mappingfolder") %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(iso3c = "CountryCode", region = "RegionCode")

  industry_subsectors_material_alpha <- calcOutput(
    type = "industry_subsectors_specific", subtype = "material_alpha",
    scenarios = c(getNames(x = industry_subsectors_ue, dim = 1),
    regions = unique(region_mapping_21$region),
    aggregate = FALSE
  ) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(scenario = "Data1", region = "Data2", subsector = "Data3",
           name = "Data4", value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    pivot_wider() %>%
    mutate(subsector = paste0("ue_", .data$subsector))

  industry_subsectors_material_relative <- calcOutput(
    type = "industry_subsectors_specific", subtype = "material_relative",
    scenarios = c(getNames(x = industry_subsectors_ue, dim = 1),
    regions = unique(region_mapping_21$region),
    aggregate = FALSE
  ) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(scenario = "Data1", base.scenario = "Data2", region = "Data3",
           subsector = "Data4", name = "Data5", value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    pivot_wider() %>%
    mutate(subsector = paste0("ue_", .data$subsector))

  if (use_ODYM_RECC) {
    industry_subsectors_material_relative %<>%
      filter(!.data$scenario %in% c("gdp_SDP_EI", "gdp_SDP_MC",

  industry_subsectors_material_relative_change <- calcOutput(
    type = "industry_subsectors_specific",
    subtype = "material_relative_change",
    scenarios = c(getNames(x = industry_subsectors_ue, dim = 1),
    regions = unique(region_mapping_21$region),
    aggregate = FALSE
  ) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(scenario = "Data1", base.scenario = "Data2", region = "Data3",
           subsector = "Data4", name = "Data5", value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    pivot_wider() %>%
    mutate(subsector = paste0("ue_", .data$subsector))

  if (use_ODYM_RECC) {
    industry_subsectors_material_percapita <- calcOutput(
      type = "ODYM_RECC",
      subtype = "REMIND_industry_trends",
      aggregate = FALSE) %>%
      magclass_to_tibble() %>%
      mutate(scenario = sub("^(gdp_)?", "gdp_", .data$scenario)) %>%
      filter(!.data$scenario %in% c(
        unique(industry_subsectors_material_relative_change$scenario))) %>%
        periods = list(
          year = unique(pmax(getYears(remind, as.integer = TRUE),
        expand.values = TRUE)

    industry_subsectors_material_alpha %>% select("scenario", "region", "subsector"),
    industry_subsectors_material_relative %>% select("scenario", "region", "subsector"),
    industry_subsectors_material_relative_change %>% select("scenario", "region", "subsector")
  ) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    summarise(count = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
    verify(expr = 1 == .data$count,
           error_fun = function(errors, data) {
             stop("Industry specific material is over-specified for:\n",
                    format(data[errors[[1]]$error_df$index, ],
                           width = 80,
                           n = errors[[1]]$num.violations),
                    collapse = "\n"))

  foo2 <- bind_rows(
    ### SSP2EU default scenario ----
    foo %>% filter("gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario),

    ### alpha relative to SSP2EU ----
    industry_subsectors_material_alpha %>%
          foo %>%
            filter("gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario) %>%
            # keep specific production constant for historic years without
            # production
            group_by(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "subsector"))) %>%
            mutate(specific.production = .data$value / .data$GDP,
                   specific.production = ifelse(
                     0 != .data$value, .data$specific.production,
                     first(.data$specific.production[0 != .data$value],
                           order_by = .data$year))) %>%
            ungroup() %>%
            select("iso3c", "year", "subsector", "specific.production") %>%
              periods = list(year = seq_range(range(.$year))),
              value = "specific.production",
              method = "linear"),

          # mark years which have no historic production so that we can set
          # them to 0 once we calculated future production for the new
          # scenarios
          foo %>%
            filter("gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario) %>%
            mutate(fake.value = 0 == .data$value) %>%
            select("iso3c", "year", "subsector", "fake.value") %>%
              periods = list(year = seq_range(range(.$year))),
              value = "fake.value",
              method = "linear") %>%
            mutate(fake.value = 0 != .data$fake.value),

          c("iso3c", "year", "subsector")
        ) %>%
          full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c"),

        by = c("region", "subsector"),
        relationship = "many-to-many"
      ) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "subsector", "iso3c"))) %>%
        # alpha factors converge linearly towards zero over the convergence
        # time
        conv.fctr = 1 - pmin(1, ((.data$year - 2015)
                                  / .data$convergence_time)),
        alpha.conv = ifelse(2015 >= .data$year, 1,
                            1 - .data$alpha * .data$conv.fctr),
        # specific production is scaled with the cumulated converged alpha
        # factors
        cum.fctr = cumprod(.data$alpha.conv),
        specific.production = ifelse(
          2020 >= .data$year, .data$specific.production,
          (.data$specific.production[2020 == .data$year]
            * .data$cum.fctr
        # ensure that years without historic production are 0
        * (1 - .data$fake.value)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select("region", "iso3c", "year", "scenario", "subsector",
             "specific.production") %>%
      filter(.data$year %in% unique(foo$year)) %>%

          foo %>%
            filter("gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario) %>%
            mutate(scenario = "gdp_SSP2_lowEn")

        c("scenario", "subsector", "iso3c", "year")
      ) %>%
      mutate(value = .data$specific.production * .data$GDP) %>%
      select(all_of(colnames(foo))) %>%
      assert(not_na, everything())

  foo3 <- bind_rows(

    ### specific production relative baseline ----
    industry_subsectors_material_relative %>%
        foo2 %>%
          mutate(specific.production = .data$value / .data$GDP) %>%
          select(base.scenario = "scenario", "subsector", "iso3c", "year",
                 "specific.production") %>%
          full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c"),

        by = c("base.scenario", "region", "subsector"),
        relationship = "many-to-many"
      ) %>%
        foo %>%
          select("scenario", "subsector", "iso3c", "year", "GDP", "value"),

        c("scenario", "subsector", "iso3c", "year")
      ) %>%
      assert(not_na, everything()) %>%
      # scale factor in from 2020-35
      mutate(l = pmin(1, pmax(0, (.data$year - 2020) / (2035 - 2020))),
             value = .data$specific.production
             * .data$GDP
             * (.data$factor * .data$l + 1 * (1 - .data$l))) %>%

    ### specific production change relative baseline ----
      # base scenario data
      foo %>%
        rename(base.scenario = "scenario") %>%

          c("base.scenario", "subsector")
        ) %>%
        full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c"),

      # change parameters

      c("base.scenario", "region", "subsector")
    ) %>%
      select("scenario", "iso3c", "region", "subsector", "year",
             base.value = "value", base.GDP = "GDP", "factor") %>%
      # GDP trajectories of target scenarios
        foo %>%
          select("scenario", "iso3c", "subsector", "year", "GDP"),

        c("scenario", "iso3c", "subsector", "year")
      ) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "iso3c", "subsector"))) %>%
        # specific production of base scenarios
        base.specific.production = .data$base.value / .data$base.GDP,
        # change in specific production of base scenarios relative to 2020
        base.change = (.data$base.specific.production
                        / .data$base.specific.production[2020 == .data$year]),
        # modified change of target scenarios
        # If base change is below (above) 1, i.e. material efficiency is
        # improving (deteriorating), efficiency gains (losses) are halved
        # (doubled).  Changes of historic values (i.e. before 2015) are
        # identical to base scenario.  Not finite changes (e.g. division by
        # zero) lead to constant values.
        change = case_when(
          !is.finite(.data$base.change) ~ 1,
          2020 >= .data$year ~ .data$base.change,
          TRUE ~  (((.data$base.change - 1)
                      * .data$factor^sign(1 - .data$base.change)
          + 1)),
        specific.production =
          (.data$base.specific.production[2020 == .data$year]
            * .data$change
        value = ifelse(!is.finite(.data$base.change) | 2020 >= .data$year,
                       .data$specific.production * .data$GDP)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      select("scenario", "iso3c", "subsector", "year", "value", "GDP")

  ### per-capita projections ----
  . <- NULL

  if (use_ODYM_RECC) {
    foo4 <- bind_rows(
      foo3 %>% select(-"GDP"),

      foo3 %>%
          "gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario,
          min(industry_subsectors_material_percapita$year) > .data$year) %>%
        select(-"GDP") %>%
          nesting(!!!syms(c("iso3c", "year", "subsector", "value"))),
          scenario = unique(industry_subsectors_material_percapita$scenario)
        ) %>%
        filter("gdp_SSP2EU" != .data$scenario),

      foo3 %>%
          "gdp_SSP2EU" == .data$scenario,
          min(industry_subsectors_material_percapita$year) == .data$year
        ) %>%
        select(-"scenario", -"GDP", -"year") %>%
          calcOutput(type = "Population", aggregate = FALSE,
                     years = getYears(remind)) %>%
            magclass_to_tibble() %>%
            select("iso3c", "scenario" = "variable", "year",
                   "population" = "value") %>%
            mutate(scenario = sub("^pop_", "gdp_", .data$scenario)) %>%
              min(industry_subsectors_material_percapita$year) <= .data$year,
              .data$scenario %in%
            ) %>%
            group_by(.data$iso3c, .data$scenario) %>%
              population = .data$population
              / first(.data$population, order_by = .data$year)) %>%

          "iso3c") %>%
          industry_subsectors_material_percapita %>%
            mutate(subsector = paste0("ue_", .data$subsector)) %>%
              periods = list(year = seq_range(range(.$year)))) %>%
            rename(activity = "value"),

          c("iso3c", "subsector", "year", "scenario")
        ) %>%
        mutate(value = .data$value * .data$population * .data$activity) %>%
        select("iso3c", "scenario", "subsector", "year", "value")

    industry_subsectors_ue <- foo4 %>%
      select("iso3c", "year", "scenario", pf = "subsector", "value") %>%
      as.magpie(spatial = 1, temporal = 2, data = ncol(.))
  } else {
    industry_subsectors_ue <- foo3 %>%
      select("iso3c", "year", "scenario", pf = "subsector", "value") %>%
      as.magpie(spatial = 1, temporal = 2, data = ncol(.))

  ## subsector FE shares ----
  ### get 1993-2020 industry FE ----
  industry_subsectors_en <- calcOutput(
    type = "IO", subtype = "output_Industry_subsectors",
    aggregate = FALSE
  ) %>%
    # convert to data frame
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", pf = "Data2",
           value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
    # get 1993-2020 industry FE data
    filter(grepl("^fe.*_(cement|chemicals|steel|otherInd)", .data$pf),
           between(.data$year, 1993, 2020)) %>%
    # sum up fossil and bio SE (which produce the same FE), aggregate
    # regions
    full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("year", "region", "pf"))) %>%
    summarise(value = sum(.data$value), .groups = "drop") %>%
    # split feel steel into primary and secondary production
      industry_subsectors_ue[, , "ue_steel", pmatch = TRUE] %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        select(iso3c = "Region", scenario = "Data1", year = "Year",
               subsector = "Data2", production = "Value") %>%
        filter("gdp_SSP2" == .data$scenario) %>%
        select(-"scenario") %>%
        # aggregate regions
        full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
        group_by(!!!syms(c("year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
        summarise(production = sum(.data$production), .groups = "drop") %>%
        mutate(year      = as.integer(as.character(.data$year)),
               pf        = "feel_steel",
               subsector = sub("_production$", "", .data$subsector)) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = "subsector", values_from = "production"),

      c("region", "year", "pf")
    ) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("year", "region", "pf"))) %>%
    # if there was no historic steel production, but feel_steel was
    # allocated, assume primary and secondary production to be identical
      foo = .data$ue_steel_primary + .data$ue_steel_secondary,
      ue_steel_primary   = ifelse(0 == .data$foo, 1,
      ue_steel_secondary = ifelse(0 == .data$foo, 1,
    ) %>%
    select(-"foo") %>%
    # assume that secondary steel production is nine times as electricity
    # intensive (not energy intensive!) as primary production, since
    # detailed data is missing so far
    mutate(feel_steel_secondary =
             (9 * .data$ue_steel_secondary * .data$value)
           / (9 * .data$ue_steel_secondary + .data$ue_steel_primary),
           feel_steel_primary = .data$value - .data$feel_steel_secondary
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select(-"ue_steel_primary", -"ue_steel_secondary") %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = "pf") %>%
    select(-"feel_steel") %>%
    pivot_longer(matches("^fe.*"), names_to = "pf", values_drop_na = TRUE)

  # can be removed once feelwlth is replaced by feel in all mappings for
  # calcIO()
  industry_subsectors_en <- industry_subsectors_en %>%
    mutate(pf = sub("^feelwlth_", "feel_", .data$pf))

  ### extend to 2020 using WEO 2021 data ----
  IEA_WEO_2021_ref_year <- 2020L
  last_industry_subsectors_en_year <- max(industry_subsectors_en$year)
  if (IEA_WEO_2021_ref_year > last_industry_subsectors_en_year) {
    industry_subsectors_en <- bind_rows(

        industry_subsectors_en %>%
          filter(2010 == .data$year),

        readSource(type = "IEA_WorldEnergyOutlook", subtype = "2021-region",
                   convert = TRUE) %>%
          magclass_to_tibble(c("iso3c", "year", "scenario", "variable", "industry.FE")) %>%
          filter(.data$year %in% c(2010, IEA_WEO_2021_ref_year),
                 "Stated Policies Scenario" == .data$scenario,
                 "Energy-Total-Industry (EJ)" == .data$variable) %>%
          left_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
          group_by(!!!syms(c("region", "year"))) %>%
          summarise(industry.FE = sum(.data$industry.FE, na.rm = TRUE),
                    .groups = "drop_last") %>%
          summarise(change = last(.data$industry.FE, order_by = .data$year)
                    / first(.data$industry.FE, order_by = .data$year),
                    .groups = "drop"),

      ) %>%
        mutate(value = .data$value * .data$change,
               year  = IEA_WEO_2021_ref_year) %>%
    ) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = "year") %>%
      mutate(`2015` = (!!sym("2010")
                        + !!sym("2015")
                        + !!sym(as.character(IEA_WEO_2021_ref_year))
      / 3) %>%
      pivot_longer(matches("^[0-9]*$"), names_to = "year",
                   names_transform = list(year = as.integer)) %>%
      interpolate_missing_periods_(periods = list(year = seq_range(range(.$year)))) %>%
      assert(not_na, everything()) %>%

    FE_alpha_mod <- 0.9   # found by fiddling around
  } else {
    FE_alpha_mod <- 1

  ### calculate 1993-2020 industry subsector FE shares ----
  industry_subsectors_en_shares <- industry_subsectors_en %>%
    mutate(subsector = sub("^[^_]+_", "", .data$pf),
           subsector = ifelse("steel" == .data$subsector, "steel_primary",
                              .data$subsector)) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    mutate(share = .data$value / sum(.data$value),
           share = ifelse(is.finite(.data$share), .data$share, 0)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

  failed_share_sum <- industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    summarise(failed = abs(sum(.data$share) - 1) > 1e-15, .groups = "drop")

  if (any(failed_share_sum$failed)) {
    stop("industry_subsectors_en_shares don't add up to 1.")

  ### future subsector FE shares from IEA ETP 2017 ----
  IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares <- readSource("IEA_ETP", "industry",
                                      convert = FALSE) %>%
    # filter for OECD and Non-OECD regions and RTS scenario
    `[`(c("OECD", "Non-OECD"), , "RTS", pmatch = "left") %>%
    # convert to data frame
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(region = "Region", year = "Year", variable = "Data2",
           value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
    # filter for future data
    filter(max(industry_subsectors_en$year) < .data$year) %>%
    # rename variables
        ~subsector,    ~fety,    ~variable,
        "cement",      "feso",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Coal",
        "cement",      "feso",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Biomass",
        "cement",      "feso",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Waste",
        "cement",      "feso",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Other renewables",
        "cement",      "feli",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Oil",
        "cement",      "fega",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Natural gas",
        "cement",      "feel",   "Industry|Cement - final energy consumption|Electricity",

        "chemicals",   "feso",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Coal",
        "chemicals",   "feso",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Biomass",
        "chemicals",   "feso",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Waste",
        "chemicals",   "feso",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Other renewables",
        "chemicals",   "feli",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Oil",
        "chemicals",   "fega",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Natural gas",
        "chemicals",   "feel",   "Industry|Chemicals and petrochemicals - final energy consumption and chemical feedstock|Electricity",

        "steel",       "feso",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Coal",
        "steel",       "feso",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Biomass",
        "steel",       "feso",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Waste",
        "steel",       "feso",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Other renewables",
        "steel",       "feli",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Oil",
        "steel",       "fega",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Natural gas",
        "steel",       "feel",   "Industry|Iron and steel - final energy consumption incl_ blast furnaces and coke ovens|Electricity",

        "total",       "feso",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Coal",
        "total",       "feso",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Biomass",
        "total",       "feso",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Waste",
        "total",       "feso",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Other renewables",
        "total",       "feli",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Oil",
        "total",       "fega",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Natural gas",
        "total",       "fehe",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Heat",
        "total",       "feel",   "Industry|Total industry final energy consumption|Electricity"),

    ) %>%
    # drop 2055/OECD/Chemicals as the data is faulty
    filter(!("OECD" == .data$region               &
 2055 == .data$year               &
 "chemicals" == .data$subsector)) %>%
    # aggregate by subsector and fety
    group_by(!!!syms(c("region", "year", "subsector", "fety"))) %>%
    summarise(value = sum(.data$value), .groups = "drop") %>%
    # fill 2055/OECD/Chemicals gap with interpolated data
    complete(nesting(!!!syms(c("region", "subsector", "fety"))), year = unique(.data$year)) %>%
    interpolate_missing_periods_(periods = list(year = unique(.$year))) %>%
    # calculate otherInd as total - cement - chemicals - steel
    pivot_wider(names_from = "subsector", values_fill = 0) %>%
    mutate(otherInd = .data$total - (.data$cement + .data$chemicals + .data$steel)) %>%
    select(-"total") %>%
    pivot_longer(c("cement", "chemicals", "steel", "otherInd"), names_to = "subsector") %>%
    filter(0 != .data$value) %>%
    # calculate share
    group_by(!!!syms(c("region", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
    mutate(share = .data$value / sum(.data$value)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

  ### split feel shares and extend to SSP scenarios ----
  IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares <- bind_rows(
    # all pf that don't need splitting
    IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares %>%
        industry_subsectors_en %>%
          distinct(.data$pf) %>%
          separate("pf", c("fety", "subsector"), sep = "_",
                   extra = "merge"),

        c("fety", "subsector")
      ) %>%
      unite("pf", c("fety", "subsector"), sep = "_") %>%
      # extend to SSP scenarios
      mutate(scenario = "gdp_SSP1") %>%
      complete(nesting(!!sym("year"), !!sym("region"), !!sym("pf"),
               scenario = unique(sub("\\..*$", "",

    # split feel_steel into primary and secondary steel
    IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares %>%
      filter("feel" == .data$fety, "steel" == .data$subsector) %>%
      select(-"fety", -"subsector") %>%
        industry_subsectors_ue %>%
          `[`(, , "ue_steel_", pmatch = TRUE) %>%
          as.data.frame() %>%
          as_tibble() %>%
          select(iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", scenario = "Data1",
                 pf = "Data2", value = "Value") %>%
          character.data.frame() %>%
          mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
            toolGetMapping(name = "regionmappingOECD.csv",
                           type = "regional", where = "mappingfolder") %>%
              as_tibble() %>%
              select(iso3c = "CountryCode", region = "RegionCode"),

          ) %>%
          group_by(!!!syms(c("region", "year", "scenario", "pf"))) %>%
          summarise(value = sum(.data$value), .groups = "drop"),

        c("region", "year")
      ) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = "pf") %>%
      # as above, assume that secondary steel production is nine times as
      # electricity intensive (not energy intensive!) as primary production,
      # since detailed data is missing so far
      # reduce primary steel electricity share accordingly; secondary steel
      # electricity share is 1 since only electricity is assumed to be used
        feel_steel_primary        = .data$share
        - ((9 * .data$ue_steel_secondary * .data$share)
            / (9 * .data$ue_steel_secondary + .data$ue_steel_primary)
        feel_steel_secondary = 1) %>%
      select(-"share", -"ue_steel_primary", -"ue_steel_secondary") %>%
      pivot_longer(c("feel_steel_primary", "feel_steel_secondary"),
                   names_to = "pf", values_to = "share")

  ### extend time horizon and convert regions ----
  IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares <- IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares %>%
    mutate(subsector = sub("^[^_]+_", "", .data$pf),
           subsector = ifelse("steel" == .data$subsector, "steel_primary",
                              .data$subsector)) %>%
      periods = list(year = unique(pmax(min(IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares$year),
                                                 as.integer = TRUE)))),
      value = "share",
      expand.values = TRUE) %>%
      toolGetMapping(name = "regionmappingOECD.csv",
                     type = "regional", where = "mappingfolder") %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        select(iso3c = "CountryCode", region = "RegionCode"),

    ) %>%
    select("scenario", "iso3c", period = "year", "pf", "subsector",
           "share") %>%
    # weight by subsector activity
      industry_subsectors_ue %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        select(iso3c = "Region", period = "Year", scenario = "Data1",
               subsector = "Data2", activity = "Value") %>%
        character.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(period = as.integer(as.character(.data$period)),
               subsector = sub("^ue_", "", .data$subsector)),

      c("scenario", "iso3c", "period", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
      !!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "period", "subsector", "pf"))) %>%
      share = ifelse(0 == sum(.data$activity), 0,
                     sum(.data$share * .data$activity)
                     / sum(.data$activity)),
      .groups = "drop_last") %>%
    # re-normalise shares
    mutate(share = case_when(
      0 == sum(.data$share) ~ 1 / n(),
      TRUE                  ~ .data$share / sum(.data$share))) %>%
    verify(expr = is.finite(.data$share),
           description = paste("Finite IEA ETP industry FE shares after",
                               "time horizon extension.")) %>%

  ### combine historic and future industry FE shares ----
  industry_subsectors_en_shares <- inner_join(
    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      mutate(scenario = first(IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares$scenario)) %>%
      complete(nesting(!!!syms(setdiff(colnames(.), "scenario"))),
               scenario = unique(IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares$scenario)) %>%
        periods = list(year = unique(c(industry_subsectors_en_shares$year,
                                                as.integer = TRUE)))),
        value = "share",
        expand.values = TRUE) %>%
      select("scenario", "year", "region", "pf", "subsector",
             share.hist = "share") %>%
      # re-normalise steel_primary to extended feel_steel_primary
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
      mutate(share.hist = .data$share.hist / sum(.data$share.hist)) %>%

    IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares %>%
        periods = list(period = unique(c(industry_subsectors_en_shares$year,
                                                  as.integer = TRUE)))),
        value = "share",
        expand.values = TRUE) %>%
      select("scenario", year = "period", "region", "pf", "subsector",
             share.future  = "share"),

    c("scenario", "year", "region", "pf", "subsector")
  ) %>%
    mutate(foo = pmin(1, pmax(0, (.data$year - 2015) / (2100 - 2015))),
           share = .data$share.hist * (1 - .data$foo)
           + .data$share.future * .data$foo,
           subsector = ifelse("steel" == .data$subsector,
                              "steel_primary", .data$subsector)) %>%
    verify(expr = is.finite(.data$share),
           description = paste("Finite industry FE shares after combining",
                               "historic and future values")) %>%
    select(-"foo", -"share.hist", -"share.future")

  failed_share_sum <- industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    summarise(failed = abs(sum(.data$share) - 1) > 1e-15, .groups = "drop")

  if (any(failed_share_sum$failed)) {
    stop("industry_subsectors_en_shares don't add up to 1.")

  ### extend to H2 and HTH_el shares ----
  feh2_share_in_fega <- 0.3
  # H2 shares grow linearly from 0.1 % to feh2_share_in_fega of fega from
  # 2020 to 2050 and are constant afterwards
  industry_subsectors_en_shares <- bind_rows(
    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      filter(!grepl("^fega", .data$pf)),

    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      filter(grepl("^fega", .data$pf)) %>%
      extract("pf", c("pf.fety", "pf.subsector"), "^([^_]*)_(.*)") %>%
      complete(nesting(!!!syms(setdiff(colnames(.), "pf.fety"))),
               pf.fety = c("fega", "feh2")) %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = "pf.fety", values_from = "share") %>%
      mutate(feh2 = pmin(feh2_share_in_fega,
                              * (.data$year - 2020) / (2050 - 2020)))
             * .data$fega,
             fega = .data$fega - .data$feh2) %>%
      pivot_longer(c("fega", "feh2"), names_to = "pf.fety",
                   values_to = "share") %>%
      unite("pf", c("pf.fety", "pf.subsector"), sep = "_")

  feelhth_share_in_fuel <- 0.08
  # HTH_el shares grow linearly from 0.1 % to feelhth_share_in_fuel of all
  # FE but feel from 2020 to 2050 and are constant afterwards
  industry_subsectors_en_shares <- bind_rows(
    # subsectors w/o HTH_el
    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      filter(!.data$subsector %in% c("chemicals", "otherInd")),

    # WLTH_el
    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      filter(.data$subsector %in% c("chemicals", "otherInd"),
             grepl("^feel", .data$pf)) %>%
      mutate(pf = sub("^feel_", "feelwlth_", .data$pf)),

    # HTH_el based on share of fuels
    industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      filter(.data$subsector %in% c("chemicals", "otherInd"),
             !grepl("^feel", .data$pf)) %>%
      mutate(pf = sub("(_[^_]+)$", "", .data$pf)) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(setdiff(colnames(.), c("pf", "share")))) %>%
      mutate(feelhth = pmin(feelhth_share_in_fuel,
                                 * (.data$year - 2020) / (2050 - 2020)))
             * sum(.data$share),
             share = .data$share
             / sum(.data$share)
             * (sum(.data$share) - .data$feelhth)) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      pivot_wider(names_from = "pf", values_from = "share") %>%
      pivot_longer(c(-"scenario", -"year", -"region", -"subsector"),
                   names_to = "pf", values_to = "share",
                   values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
      mutate(pf = paste(.data$pf, .data$subsector, sep = "_"))

  failed_share_sum <- industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    summarise(failed = abs(sum(.data$share) - 1) > 1e-15, .groups = "drop")

  if (any(failed_share_sum$failed)) {
    stop("industry_subsectors_en_shares don't add up to 1.")

  ### calculate industry total FE level ----
  # scale industry subsector total FE by subsector activity and exogenous
  # energy efficiency gains

  specific_FE_limits <- readSource(type = "industry_subsectors_specific",
                                   subtype = "industry_specific_FE_limits",
                                   convert = FALSE) %>%

  industry_subsectors_specific_FE <- calcOutput(
    type = "industry_subsectors_specific", subtype = "FE",
    scenarios = c(getNames(x = industry_subsectors_ue, dim = 1),
    regions = unique(region_mapping_21$region),
    aggregate = FALSE
  ) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    select(scenario = "Data1", region = "Data2", subsector = "Data3",
           name = "Data4", value = "Value") %>%
    character.data.frame() %>%
    pivot_wider() %>%
    mutate(alpha = .data$alpha * FE_alpha_mod)

  industry_subsectors_specific_energy <- inner_join(
    industry_subsectors_en %>%
      mutate(subsector = sub("^[^_]+_", "", .data$pf),
             subsector = ifelse("steel" == .data$subsector, "steel_primary",
             scenario = first(IEA_ETP_Ind_FE_shares$scenario)) %>%
      # extend to SSP scenarios
      complete(nesting(!!!syms(setdiff(colnames(.), "scenario"))),
               scenario = unique(industry_subsectors_en_shares$scenario)
      ) %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
      summarise(value = sum(.data$value), .groups = "drop"),

    industry_subsectors_ue %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
      select(scenario = "Data1", iso3c = "Region", year = "Year",
             pf = "Data2", level = "Value") %>%
      character.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
      filter(.data$year %in% unique(industry_subsectors_en$year)) %>%
      # aggregate regions
      full_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "year", "pf"))) %>%
      summarise(level = sum(.data$level), .groups = "drop") %>%
      extract("pf", "subsector", "^ue_(.*)$"),

    c("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector")
  ) %>%
    mutate(specific.energy = .data$value / .data$level,
           specific.energy = ifelse(is.finite(.data$specific.energy),
                                    .data$specific.energy, 0)) %>%
    select("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector", "specific.energy")

  # replace 0 specific energy (e.g. primary steel NEN) with global averages
  industry_subsectors_specific_energy <-
    industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
      industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
        filter(0 == .data$specific.energy),

      c("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector")
    ) %>%
        industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
          filter(0 == .data$specific.energy) %>%

        industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
          filter(0 != .data$specific.energy) %>%
          group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
          summarise(specific.energy = mean(.data$specific.energy),
                    .groups = "drop"),

        c("scenario", "year", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    verify(expr = 0 < .data$specific.energy,
           description = "All specific energy factors above 0")

  # replace absurdly high specific energy (e.g. primary steel NEN after IEA
  # 2021 data update) with EUR averages (considered peer-countries to NEN –
  industry_subsectors_specific_energy <- industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
    filter("steel_primary" == .data$subsector, 100 < .data$specific.energy) %>%
    select(-"specific.energy") %>%
      industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
        filter("steel_primary" == .data$subsector,
               .data$region %in% c("DEU", "ECE", "ECS", "ENC", "ESC", "ESW", "EWN", "FRA", "UKI")) %>%
        group_by(.data$scenario, .data$year, .data$subsector) %>%
        summarise(specific.energy = mean(.data$specific.energy), .groups = "drop"),

      c("scenario", "year", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    overwrite(industry_subsectors_specific_energy, except = "specific.energy")

  # extend time horizon
  industry_subsectors_specific_energy <-
    industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
      periods = list(year = unique(industry_subsectors_en_shares$year)),
      value = "specific.energy", expand.values = TRUE)

  # correct lower-then-thermodynamic limit projections
  too_low_projections <- industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
      specific_FE_limits %>%
        filter("absolute" == .data$type) %>%

    ) %>%
    filter(2020 < .data$year,
           .data$specific.energy < .data$limit) %>%
    select("scenario", "region", "subsector", "year")

  if (0 != nrow(too_low_projections)) {
    industry_subsectors_specific_energy <- bind_rows(
      industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%

          c("scenario", "region", "subsector", "year")

      industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
          too_low_projections %>%

          c("scenario", "subsector", "year")
        ) %>%

          c("scenario", "region", "subsector", "year")
        ) %>%
        group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "subsector", "year"))) %>%
        summarise(specific.energy = mean(.data$specific.energy),
                  .groups = "drop") %>%

          c("scenario", "subsector", "year")
        ) %>%
        assert(not_na, everything())

  # decrease values by alpha p.a.
  industry_subsectors_specific_energy <-
    industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
    # FIXME this factors should be derived from region data
    # since the IEA data needs fixing first, they were derived manually for
    # now

      c("scenario", "region", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    inner_join(specific_FE_limits, "subsector") %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    arrange(.data$year) %>%
      specific.energy = ifelse(
        "absolute" == .data$type,
        ((.data$specific.energy - .data$limit)
          * pmin(1, (1 - .data$alpha)^(.data$year - 2020))
        + .data$limit,

        (.data$specific.energy * (1 - .data$limit)
          * pmin(1, (1 - .data$alpha)^(.data$year - 2020))
        + (.data$specific.energy * .data$limit))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    select("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector", "specific.energy")

  ### converge subsector en shares to global value ----
  # calculate global shares, weighted by subsector activity
  industry_subsectors_en_shares_global <- industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
      industry_subsectors_ue %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        as_tibble() %>%
        select(scenario = "Data1", iso3c = "Region", year = "Year",
               pf = "Data2", level = "Value") %>%
        character.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
        extract("pf", "subsector", "^ue_(.*)$") %>%
        inner_join(region_mapping_21, "iso3c") %>%
        group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
        summarise(level = sum(.data$level), .groups = "drop"),

      c("scenario", "region", "year", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "subsector", "pf"))) %>%
      share.global = sum(.data$share * .data$level) / sum(.data$level),
      .groups = "drop_last") %>%
    mutate(share.global = .data$share.global / sum(.data$share.global)) %>%

  # converge
  industry_subsectors_en_shares <- inner_join(

    c("scenario", "year", "subsector", "pf")
  ) %>%
      # converge from 2020 to 2100
      foo = pmin(1, pmax(0, (.data$year - 2020) / (2100 - 2020))),
      share = (1 - .data$foo) * .data$share
      # use minimum of regional and global share, so regions doing
      # better than the average don't regress
      + .data$foo       * pmin(.data$share, .data$share.global)) %>%
    select(-"foo", -"share.global") %>%
    # fill possible gaps in the time steps
      periods = list(year = getYears(remind, TRUE)),
      value = "share",
      expand.values = TRUE) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    mutate(share = .data$share / sum(.data$share)) %>%

  failed_share_sum <- industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "year", "region", "subsector"))) %>%
    summarise(failed = abs(sum(.data$share) - 1) > 1e-15, .groups = "drop")

  if (any(failed_share_sum$failed)) {
    stop("industry_subsectors_en_shares don't add up to 1.")

  industry_subsectors_en <- inner_join(
    industry_subsectors_specific_energy %>%
      # expand regions to iso3c
      full_join(region_mapping_21, "region") %>%

    industry_subsectors_ue %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
      select(scenario = "Data1", iso3c = "Region", year = "Year", pf = "Data2", level = "Value") %>%
      character.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(year = as.integer(as.character(.data$year))) %>%
      extract("pf", "subsector", "^ue_(.*)$") %>%
      group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "iso3c", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
      summarise(level = sum(.data$level), .groups = "drop"),

    c("scenario", "iso3c", "year", "subsector")
  ) %>%
    mutate(value = .data$level * .data$specific.energy) %>%
    select("scenario", "iso3c", "year", "subsector", "value") %>%
    assert(is.finite, "value") %>%
      industry_subsectors_en_shares %>%
        full_join(region_mapping_21, "region") %>%

      c("scenario", "iso3c", "year", "subsector")
    ) %>%
    group_by(!!!syms(c("scenario", "iso3c", "year", "subsector"))) %>%
    mutate(share = .data$share / sum(.data$share)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(value = .data$value * .data$share) %>%
    select("scenario", region = "iso3c", "year", item = "pf", "value") %>%
    verify(expr = is.finite(.data$value), description = "Finite industry_subsectors_en values") %>%
    as.magpie(spatial = 2, temporal = 3, datacol = 5)

  remind <- mbind(remind, industry_subsectors_en, industry_subsectors_ue)

  # ---- _ prepare output ----

    x = remind,
    weight = NULL,
    unit = paste0(
      "EJ, except ue_cement (Gt), ue_primary_steel and ",
      "ue_secondary_steel (Gt) and ue_chemicals and ",
      "ue_otherInd ($tn)"
    description = "demand pathways for final energy demand in industry",
    structure.data = "^gdp_(SSP[1-5].*|SDP.*)\\.(fe|ue)"

pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on May 1, 2024, 2:12 a.m.