
Defines functions prestonfy sumle2 showmle2

setMethod("plot", "rad",
          function(x, prop=FALSE, ...){
              dots <- list(...)
              if(!"log" %in% names(dots)) dots$log <- "y"
              if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab = "Species Rank"
              if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots)) {
                      dots$ylab = "Species Relative Abundance"
                      dots$ylab = "Species Abundance"
                  sp.ab <- x[,2]/sum(x[,2])
                  sp.ab <- x[,2]
              if(!"frame.plot" %in% names(dots)) dots$frame.plot = TRUE
              if(!"axes" %in% names(dots)){ 
                  do.call(plot, c(list(x = x[, 1], y = sp.ab, axes=FALSE), dots))
                  sc <- axisTicks(range(x[, 1]),nint=10,log=FALSE)
                  sc[sc==0] <- 1
              if("axes" %in% names(dots)){ 
                  do.call(plot, c(list(x = x[, 1], y = sp.ab), dots))

setMethod("points", "rad",
          function(x, prop = FALSE, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if(!"type" %in% names(dots)) dots$type = "p"
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col = "blue"
                  sp.ab <- x[,2]/sum(x[,2])
                  sp.ab <- x[,2]
            do.call(points, c(list(x = x[, 1], y = sp.ab), dots)) 

setMethod("lines", "rad",
          function(x, prop = FALSE, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if(!"type" %in% names(dots)) dots$type = "l"
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col = "blue"
                  sp.ab <- x[,2]/sum(x[,2])
                sp.ab <- x[,2]
            do.call(lines, c(list(x = x[, 1], y = sp.ab), dots)) 

          function(x, prop=FALSE, x.oct=FALSE, par.axis=list(), ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            x.hist <- rep(as.integer(as.character(x$octave)), as.integer(as.character(x$Freq)))
            h1 <- hist(x=x.hist,
                           breaks = c((min(as.integer(as.character(x$octave)))-1),as.integer(as.character(x$octave))),
            if(prop) h1$counts <- h1$counts/sum(h1$counts)
            if(x.oct) xlab <- x[seq(1,length(x[,1]),2),1]
            if(!x.oct) xlab <- x[seq(1,length(x[,1]),2),2]
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col = "gray"
            if(!"main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main = ""
            if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots) & !prop) dots$ylab = "N of species"
            if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots) & prop) dots$ylab = "Proportion of species"
            if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots) & !x.oct) dots$xlab = "Abundance class"
            if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots) & x.oct) dots$xlab = "Abundance class (log2)"
            if(!"axes" %in% names(dots)){
                do.call(plot, c(list(x=h1, axes=FALSE),dots))
                n <- as.numeric(as.character(x[,1]))
                do.call(axis, c(list(side=2), par.axis))
                do.call(axis, c(list(side=1,at=n[seq(1,length(x[,1]),2)],
              do.call(plot, c(list(x=h1,dots)))

          function(x, prop=FALSE, mid=TRUE, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if(!"type" %in% names(dots)) dots$type="b"
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col="blue"
                X <- c((min(as.integer(as.character(x$octave)))-1), as.integer(as.character(x$octave)))
                X <- X[-length(X)]+diff(X)/2
            else X <- as.integer(as.character(x$octave))
            if(prop) Y <- x$Freq/sum(x$Freq)
            if(!prop) Y <- x$Freq
            do.call(points, c(list(x = X, y = Y), dots))

          function(x, prop=FALSE, mid=TRUE, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if(!"type" %in% names(dots)) dots$type="b"
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col="blue"
                X <- c((min(as.integer(as.character(x$octave)))-1), as.integer(as.character(x$octave)))
                X <- X[-length(X)]+diff(X)/2
            else X <- as.integer(as.character(x$octave))
            if(prop) Y <- x$Freq/sum(x$Freq)
            if(!prop) Y <- x$Freq
            do.call(lines, c(list(x = X, y = Y), dots))

          function(x, y.scale = c("density", "Freq", "prob"), mid = TRUE, ...){
              dots <- list(...)
              y.scale = match.arg(y.scale)
            if(!"type" %in% names(dots)) dots$type="b"
            if(!"col" %in% names(dots)) dots$col="blue"
            if(mid) X <- x$mids
            else X <- x$upper
              Y <- switch(y.scale,
                          density = x$density,
                          prob = x$prob,
                          Freq = x$Freq
            ##if(which == "prob") Y <- x$prob
            ##if(which) Y <- x$Freq
            do.call(points, c(list(x = X, y = Y), dots))

          function(x, which=1:4, ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...){
              dots <- list(...)
              if (ask) {
                  oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
              if(1 %in% which){
                  oct.df <- octav(x)
                  oct.pred <- octavpred(x)
                  new.oc <- min(c(oct.df[,1], oct.pred[,1])) : max(c(oct.df[,1], oct.pred[,1]))
                  if("prop" %in% names(dots) && dots$prop)
                      oct.ymax <- max(c(oct.df[, 3]/sum(oct.df[,3]), oct.pred[, 3]/sum(oct.pred[,3])), na.rm = TRUE)
                      oct.ymax <- max(c(oct.df[, 3], oct.pred[, 3]), na.rm = TRUE)
                  plot(octav(x, oct=new.oc), ylim = c(0,oct.ymax), ...)     
                  points(oct.pred, ...)
              if(2 %in% which){
                  rad.df <- rad(x)
                  rad.pred <- radpred(x)
                  if("prop" %in% names(dots) && dots$prop)
                      rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[,2]/sum(rad.df[,2]), rad.pred[,2]/sum(rad.pred[,2]), na.rm = TRUE))
                      rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[,2], rad.pred[,2], na.rm = TRUE))
                  plot(rad.df, ylim = rad.ylim, ...)
                  lines(rad.pred, ...)
              if(3 %in% which){
                  qqsad(x, ...)
              if(4 %in% which){
                  ppsad(x, ...)

          function(x, which=1:4, ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...){
              dots <- list(...)
              if (ask) {
                  oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
              if(1 %in% which){
                  c.pred <- coverpred(x)
                  ## removed as proportion and frequency data does not make sense for abundance classes
                  ## if("prop" %in% names(dots) && !dots$prop){
                  ##     ylim <- range(c(c.pred$Freq, x@hist$counts))
                  ##     plot(x@hist, freq = TRUE, xlab = "Abundance Class", main = "", ...)
                  ##     points(c.pred, prop = FALSE)
                  ##     }
                      ylim <- range(c(c.pred$density, x@hist$density))
                      plot(x@hist, freq = FALSE, xlab = "Abundance Class", main = "", ...)
                      points(c.pred, y.scale = "density")
                  ##  }
              if(2 %in% which){
                  rad.df <- rad(x)
                  rad.pred <- radpred(x)
                  if("prop" %in% names(dots) && dots$prop)
                      rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[,2]/sum(rad.df[,2]), rad.pred[,2]/sum(rad.pred[,2]), na.rm = TRUE))
                      rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[,2], rad.pred[,2], na.rm = TRUE))
                  plot(rad.df, ylim = rad.ylim, ...)
                  lines(rad.pred, ...)
              if(3 %in% which){
                  qqsad(x, ...)
              if(4 %in% which){
                  ppsad(x, ...)

          function(x, which=1:4, ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if (ask) {
              oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
            if(1 %in% which){
              oct.df <- octav(x)
              oct.pred <- octavpred(x)
              new.oc <- min(c(oct.df[,1], oct.pred[,1])) : max(c(oct.df[,1], oct.pred[,1]))
              if("prop" %in% names(dots) && dots$prop)
                  oct.ymax <- max(c(oct.df[, 3]/sum(oct.df[,3]), oct.pred[, 3]/sum(oct.pred[,3])), na.rm = TRUE)
                  oct.ymax <- max(c(oct.df[, 3], oct.pred[, 3]), na.rm = TRUE)
              plot(octav(x, oct=new.oc), ylim = c(0,oct.ymax), ...)     
              points(oct.pred, ...)
            if(2 %in% which){
              rad.df <- rad(x)
              rad.pred <- radpred(x)
              if("prop" %in% names(dots) && dots$prop)
                  rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[,2]/sum(rad.df[,2]), rad.pred[,2]/sum(rad.pred[,2]), na.rm = TRUE))
                  rad.ylim <- range(c(rad.df[, 2], rad.pred[, 2]), na.rm = TRUE)
              plot(rad.df, ylim = rad.ylim, ...)
              lines(rad.pred, ...)
            if(3 %in% which){
              qqrad(x, ...)
            if(4 %in% which){
              pprad(x, ...)

## copy of the methods in bbmle 1.0.17, tweaked to work better with fitsad/fitrad classes
## which do not have an explicit df attribute. Also fixes some inconsistencies
## in the handling of parameters
setMethod("AIC", "mle2",
		  function (object, ..., k = 2) {
			  L <- list(object, ...)
			  if (!all(sapply(L, function(x) inherits(x, "mle2")))) 
				  stop("all objects in list must be class mle2 or inherit from mle2")
			  if (length(L) > 1) {
				  logLiks <- lapply(L, logLik)
				  AICs <- sapply(logLiks,AIC,k=k)
				  df <- sapply(logLiks,attr,"df")
			  } else AIC(logLik(object), k=k)

		  function (object, ..., nobs, k = 2){
			  L <- list(object, ...)
			  if (!all(sapply(L, function(x) inherits(x, "mle2")))) 
				  stop("all objects in list must be class mle2 or inherit from mle2")
			  if (missing(nobs)) {
				  nobs <- sapply(L,match.fun("nobs"))
			  if (length(L) > 1) {
				  if (length(unique(nobs)) > 1) 
					  stop("nobs different: must have identical data for all objects")
				  logLiks <- lapply(L, logLik)
				  df <- sapply(logLiks,attr,"df")
				  val <- -2*unlist(logLiks)+k*df+2*df*(df+1)/(nobs-df-1)
				  data.frame(AICc = val, df = df)
			  } else {
				  df <- attr(logLik(object), "df")
				  c(-2 * logLik(object)+k*df+2*df*(df+1)/(nobs-df-1))

setMethod("nobs", "fitsad",
		  function(object) length(object@data$x)
setMethod("nobs", "fitrad",
		  function(object) length(object@rad.tab$abund)
setMethod("nobs", "fitsadC",
		  function(object) length(object@hist$counts)

### Copy of functions from mle2, including some error-checking, slots specific to fitrad/fitsad and
### truncating the display of the call
showmle2 <- function(object) {
    cat("Maximum likelihood estimation\nType: ")
    if (inherits(object, "fitsadC")) {
		cat (distr(object@sad), "distribution for abundance classes")
		my.x <- rep(object@hist$mids, object@hist$counts)
                cat("\nSpecies:",length(my.x),"classes breaks:",object@hist$breaks)
	if (inherits(object, "fitsad")) {
            cat (distr(object@sad), " species abundance distribution")
            my.x <- object@data$x
	else {
            cat (distr(object@rad), "rank abundance distribution")
            my.x <- object@rad.tab$abund
        cat("\nSpecies:",length(my.x),"individuals:", sum(my.x), "\n")
    ## Summarizes the call to avoid printing pages of data
    if (inherits(object, "fitsadC"))
        d <- my.x
        d <- object@call.orig$data$x
    if (length(d) > 6) { 
        d <- c(as.list(as.numeric(d[1:5])), "etc")
        object@call.orig$data$x <- d
    if(!is.nan(object@trunc)) {
        cat(paste("\nTruncation point:", object@trunc, "\n"))
    cat("\nLog-likelihood: ")
    if (object@optimizer=="optimx" && length(object@method)>1) {
        cat("Best method:",object@details$method.used,"\n")
    if(object@details$convergence > 0)
        cat("\nWarning: optimization did not converge (code ",
            object@details$convergence,": ",object@details$message,")\n",sep="")
setMethod("show", "fitsad", function(object){showmle2(object)})
setMethod("show", "fitrad", function(object){showmle2(object)})
setMethod("show", "fitsadC", function(object){showmle2(object)})

#### summary class dealing with fixed parameters (such as fitls, fitvolkov, etc)
#' @rdname summary.sads-class
#' @param object An object of class fitsad/fitrad is required to generate a summary.sads object.
setMethod("show", "summary.sads", function(object){
          cat("Maximum likelihood estimation\n\nCall:\n")
          if (length(object@fixed) > 0) {
            cat("\nFixed parameters:\n")
          cat("\n-2 log L:", object@m2logL, "\n")
sumle2 <- function(object, ...){
  cmat <- cbind(Estimate = object@coef,
                `Std. Error` = sqrt(diag(object@vcov)))
  zval <- cmat[,"Estimate"]/cmat[,"Std. Error"]
  pval <- 2*pnorm(-abs(zval))
  coefmat <- cbind(cmat,"z value"=zval,"Pr(z)"=pval)
  m2logL <- 2*object@min
  fixed <- numeric()
  if (! all(object@fullcoef %in% object@coef))
    fixed <- object@fullcoef [! object@fullcoef %in% object@coef]
  new("summary.sads", call=object@call.orig, coef=coefmat, fixed=fixed, m2logL= m2logL)
#' @rdname summary.sads-class
setMethod("summary", "fitsad", function(object){sumle2(object)})
#' @rdname summary.sads-class
setMethod("summary", "fitrad", function(object){sumle2(object)})

# Show method for likelregions
setMethod("show", "likelregions",
          function(object) {
              cat("Likelihood regions for ratio =", object@ratio, "\n")
              for (i in 1:length(object@names)) {
                  cat ("\n",paste0(object@names[i],":\n"))
                  m1 <- matrix(unlist(object[[i]]), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE,
                      dimnames=list(NULL, c("lower", "upper")))
## radpred generic functions and methods ###
def = function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc , distr=NA, S, N) standardGeneric("radpred")

## if object is of class fitsad (no other argument should be provided)
# Extracts information from object and uses method below
setMethod("radpred",signature(object="fitsad", sad="missing", rad="missing",
                              coef="missing", trunc="missing", distr="missing", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function (object){
			  ab = object@data$x
			  radpred(sad=object@sad, coef=as.list(bbmle::coef(object)),
					  trunc=object@trunc, S=length(ab), N=sum(ab))

## if object is of class fitrad (no other argument should be provided)
# Extracts information from object and uses method below
setMethod("radpred",signature(object="fitrad", sad="missing", rad="missing",
                              coef="missing", trunc="missing", distr="missing", S="missing", N="missing"),
			  ab = object@rad.tab$abund
			  radpred(rad=object@rad, coef=as.list(bbmle::coef(object)), 
					  trunc=object@trunc, S=length(ab), N=sum(ab))

## if object is of class fitsadC (no other argument should be provided)
# Extracts information from object and uses method below
setMethod("radpred",signature(object="fitsadC", sad="missing", rad="missing",
                              coef="missing", trunc="missing", distr="missing", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function (object){
			  ab = rep(object@hist$mids, object@hist$counts) 
			  radpred(sad=object@sad, coef=as.list(bbmle::coef(object)),
					  trunc=object@trunc, S=length(ab), N=sum(ab))

## if object is a numeric vector of abundances and rad argument is given (sad, S, N, distr,  arguments should be missing)
# Extracts information from object and uses method below
setMethod("radpred",signature(object="numeric", sad="missing", rad="character",
                              coef="list", trunc="ANY", distr="missing", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc){
			  if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
			  radpred(rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, S=length(object), N= sum(object))

## if object is a numeric vector of abundances and sad argument is given (rad, S, N,  arguments should be missing)
setMethod("radpred",signature(object="numeric", sad="character", rad="missing",
                              coef="list", trunc="ANY", distr="ANY", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, distr=NA){
        if(!is.na(distr)) warning("The parameter distr has been deprecated and is ignored, see ?distr")
			  if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
			  radpred(sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, S=length(object), N= sum(object))

## if object is missing and rad is given. sad should not be given. All other arguments except distr should be given,
## except trunc (optional). This is the base method for all signatures using "rad" or "fitrad" 
setMethod("radpred", signature(object="missing", sad="missing", rad="character",
                              coef="list", trunc="ANY", distr="missing", S="numeric", N="numeric"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, distr, S, N){
            y <- 1:S
            if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
              ab <- do.call(dtrunc, c(list(rad, x = y, coef = coef, trunc = trunc)))*N
              drad <- get(paste("d", rad, sep=""),  mode = "function")
              ab <- do.call(drad, c(list(x = y), coef))*N
            new("rad", data.frame(rank=1:S, abund=ab))

## if object is missing and sad is given. rad should not be given.
## All other arguments except distr should be given, except trunc (optional)
# This is the base method for all signatures using "sad" or "fitsad" 
setMethod("radpred", signature(object="missing", sad="character", rad="missing",
                               coef="list", trunc="ANY", distr="ANY", S="numeric", N="numeric"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, distr=NA, S, N){
              if(!is.na(distr)) warning("The parameter distr has been deprecated and is ignored, see ?distr")
              distribution <- distr(sad)
              if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
              if (distribution == "discrete"){
                  ## Approximates the [q] function instead of calling it directly to save some
                  ## computational time (as [q] is inneficiently vectorized)
                  y <- 1:N
                  Y <- ppoints(S)
                    X <- do.call(ptrunc, list(sad, q = y, coef = coef, lower.tail=F, trunc = trunc))
                  else {
                    psad <- get(paste("p", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                    qsad <- get(paste("q", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                    X <- do.call(psad, c(list(q = y, lower.tail = F), coef))
                  ab <- approx(x=c(1, X), y=c(0, y), xout=Y, method="constant")$y
                  ## Extreme values of abundance are out of bounds for approx. Explicit form:
                  for (i in 1:length(ab)) {
                      if (!is.na(ab[i])) break;
                      cat("Note: extreme values generated by radpred. Calculations will take a while...\n")
                      if(! is.nan(trunc))
                        ab[i] <- do.call(qtrunc, list(sad, p = Y[i], coef = coef, lower.tail=FALSE, trunc = trunc))
                        ab[i] <- do.call(qsad, c(list(p = Y[i], lower.tail=FALSE), coef))
              else if(distribution == "continuous"){
                Y <- ppoints(S)
                  ab <- do.call(qtrunc, list(sad, p = Y, coef = coef, lower.tail=F, trunc = trunc))
                  qsad <- get(paste("q", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                  ab <- do.call(qsad, c(list(p = Y, lower.tail = F), coef))
              } else
                stop("Please provide a valid distribution") 
                new("rad", data.frame(rank=1:S, abund=ab))

# Helper function for octav/octavpred
genoct <- function (x) {
  oct <- 0:(ceiling(max(log2(x)))+1)
  if(any(x < 1)){
    octlower <- floor(min(log2((x)))):-1
    oct <- c(octlower, oct)

### octav generic and methods
           def=function(x, oct, preston=FALSE) standardGeneric("octav")

# Workhorse method for octav
setMethod("octav", signature(x="numeric"),
          function(x, oct, preston=FALSE) {
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- genoct(x)
            if(min(oct)>min(log2(x))||max(oct)<max(log2(x))) stop("'oct' values should span all abundance values in 'x'")
            oct <- unique(oct)
            N <- 2^(oct)
            oct.hist <- hist(x, breaks=c(0,N), plot=FALSE)
            res <- data.frame(octave = oct, upper = oct.hist$breaks[-1], Freq = oct.hist$counts)
            if(preston) res <- prestonfy(res, x)
            new("octav", res)

setMethod("octav", signature(x="fitsad"),
          function(x, oct, preston=FALSE) {
            octav(x@data$x, oct, preston)

setMethod("octav", signature(x="fitrad"),
          function(x, oct, preston=FALSE) {
            octav(x@rad.tab$abund, oct, preston)

# Helper function to create Preston octaves. Is also used by octavpred
prestonfy <- function(res, y) {
  N <- 2^(res$octave)
  j <- N[-length(N)]
  w <- y[y%in%j]
  ties <- table(factor(w, levels=j))
  res[-1, 3] <- res[-1, 3]+ties/2
  res[-length(N), 3] <- res[-length(N), 3]-ties/2

## octavpred generic functions and methods ###
def = function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston=FALSE, ...) standardGeneric("octavpred"))

## if object is of class fitsad (no other argument should be provided)
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="fitsad",sad="missing", rad="missing",
                                 coef="missing", trunc="missing", oct="ANY",
                                 S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            x <- object@data$x
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- genoct(x)
            octavpred(sad = object@sad, coef = as.list(bbmle::coef(object)),
                      trunc = object@trunc, oct = oct, S=length(x), N=sum(x), preston=preston, ...)
## if object is a numeric vector of abundances and sad argument is given (rad, S, N,  arguments should be missing)
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="numeric",sad="character", rad="missing",
                                 coef="list", oct="ANY", trunc="ANY", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- genoct(object)
            if(missing(trunc)) trunc<-NaN
            octavpred(sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, oct=oct, S = length(object), N = sum(object),
                      preston=preston, ...)
## Octavpred workhorse for "sads"
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="missing",sad="character", rad="missing",
                                 coef="list", trunc="ANY", oct="ANY", S="numeric", N="numeric"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- genoct(N)
            if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
            oct <- unique(oct)
            if (preston) {
              return(octav(radpred(sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, distr=NA, S=S, N=N)$abund, preston=TRUE))
            } else {
              n <- 2^oct
                Y <- do.call(ptrunc, c(list(sad, q = n, coef = coef, trunc = trunc), dots))
                psad <- get(paste("p",sad,sep=""),mode="function")
                Y <- do.call(psad, c(list(q = n),coef,dots))
              Y <- c(Y[1], diff(Y))*S
              return(new("octav", data.frame(octave = oct, upper = n, Freq = Y)))

## if object is of class fitrad (no other argument should be provided, except oct (optional))
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="fitrad",sad="missing", rad="missing",
                                 coef="missing", trunc="missing", oct="ANY",
                                 S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            x <- object@rad.tab$abund
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- NaN
            octavpred(rad = object@rad, coef = as.list(bbmle::coef(object)),
                      trunc = object@trunc, oct = oct, S=length(x), N=sum(x),
                      preston=preston, ...)
## if object is a numeric vector of abundances and rad argument is given (sad, S, N,  arguments should be missing)
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="numeric",sad="missing", rad="character",
                                 coef="list", trunc="ANY", oct="ANY", S="missing", N="missing"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- NaN
            if(missing(trunc)) trunc<-NaN
            octavpred(rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, oct=oct, S = length(object), N = sum(object),
                      preston=preston, ...)
## Octavpred workhorse for "rads"
setMethod("octavpred", signature(object="missing",sad="missing", rad="character",
                                 coef="list", trunc="ANY", oct="ANY", S="numeric", N="numeric"),
          function(object, sad, rad, coef, trunc, oct, S, N, preston, ...){
            dots <- list(...)
            # Setting oct to nan to prevent "missing argument"
            if(missing(oct)) oct <- NaN
            else oct <- unique(oct)
            if(missing(trunc)) trunc<-NaN
              ab <- do.call(dtrunc, c(list(f=rad, q = 1:S, coef=coef,trunc = trunc),dots))*N
              drad <- get(paste("d",rad,sep=""),mode="function")
              ab <- do.call(drad, c(list(x=1:S),coef,dots))*N
            # If missing oct from ANY caller, gen oct here:
            if(length(oct)==1 && is.nan(oct)) oct <- genoct(ab)
            n <- 2^oct
            Y = hist(ab, breaks=c(2^(min(oct)-2),n), plot=FALSE)
            res <- data.frame(octave = oct, upper = n, Freq = Y$count)
            if(preston) res <- prestonfy(res, ceiling(ab))
            new("octav", res)

## coverpred generic functions and methods ###
def = function(object, sad, coef, trunc, breaks, mids, S, ...) standardGeneric("coverpred"))

## If object is of class histogram and coefs and sads are given
setMethod("coverpred", signature(object="histogram", sad="character",
                                 coef="list", trunc="ANY",
                                 breaks="missing", mids = "missing", S="missing"),
          function(object, sad, coef, trunc, breaks, S, ...){
              if(missing(trunc)) trunc <- NaN
              coverpred(sad = sad, coef = coef, trunc = trunc,
                        breaks = object$breaks,
                        mids = object$mids,
                        S = sum(object$counts), ...)

## If object is of class fitsadC 
setMethod("coverpred", signature(object="fitsadC",sad="missing",
                                 coef="missing", trunc="missing", 
                                 breaks="missing", mids = "missing", S="missing"),
          function(object, sad, coef, trunc, breaks, mids, S, ...){
          coverpred(sad = object@sad,
                    coef = as.list(bbmle::coef(object)),
                    trunc = object@trunc,
                    breaks = object@hist$breaks,
                    mids = object@hist$mids,
                    S = sum(object@hist$counts), ...)

## coverpred workhorse for "sadsC"
setMethod("coverpred", signature(object="missing",sad="character",
                                 coef="list", trunc="ANY", breaks="numeric",
                                 mids = "ANY", S="numeric"),
          function(object, sad, coef, trunc, breaks, mids, S, ...){
              dots <- list(...)
              if(missing(mids)) mids <- breaks[-length(breaks)] + diff(breaks)/2
                  Y <- do.call(ptrunc, c(list(sad, q = breaks, coef = coef, trunc = trunc), dots))
                  psad <- get(paste("p",sad,sep=""),mode="function")
                  Y <- do.call(psad, c(list(q = breaks),coef, dots))
              prob <- diff(Y)
              density <- prob/sum(prob*diff(breaks))
              res <- list(breaks = breaks, mids = mids, upper = breaks[-1],
                          Freq = prob*S, prob = prob, density = density)
              new("coverpred", res)

## Generic and methods for qqsad
def = function(x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, distr=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("qqsad"))

## method for class numeric
## if x is numeric (abundances), all other arguments should be given.
## Only trunc, plot and line are optional because they have default values
          signature(x="numeric", sad="character", coef="list", distr="ANY"),
          function(x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, distr=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
        if(!is.na(distr)) warning("The parameter distr has been deprecated and is ignored, see ?distr")
        distribution <- distr(sad)
              x.sorted <- sort(x)
              S <- length(x)
              if(distribution == "discrete"){
                  q <- 1:sum(x)
                      p <- do.call(ptrunc, list(sad, q = q, coef=coef, trunc=trunc))
                      psad <- get(paste("p", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                      p <- do.call(psad, c(list(q = q), coef))
                  f1 <- approxfun(x=c(1, p), y=c(0, q), method="constant")
                  q <- f1(ppoints(S))
        else if(distribution == "continuous"){
            p <- ppoints(S)
                q <- do.call(qtrunc, list(sad, p = p, trunc = trunc, coef=coef))
                qsad <- get(paste("q", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                q <- do.call(qsad, c(list(p = p), coef))
            stop("Please provide a valid distribution") 
            dots <- list(...)
            if(!"main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main = "Q-Q plot"
            if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab = "Theoretical Quantile"
            if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab = "Sample Quantiles"
            do.call(graphics::plot, c(list(x=q, y=x.sorted),dots))
            if(line) abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 2)
        return(invisible(data.frame(theoret.q=q, sample.q=x.sorted)))

## If x is of the class fitsad all other arguments should be ommited
## plot and line have default values and are optional
          signature(x="fitsad", sad="missing", coef="missing",
                    trunc="missing", distr="missing"),
          function(x, sad, coef, trunc, distr, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
              qqsad(x=x@data$x, sad=x@sad, coef=as.list(bbmle::coef(x)), 
                    trunc=x@trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

          signature(x="fitsadC", sad="missing", coef="missing",
                    trunc="missing", distr="missing"),
          function(x, sad, coef, trunc, distr, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
              qqsad(x=rep(x@hist$mids, x@hist$counts),
                    sad=x@sad, coef=as.list(bbmle::coef(x)), 
                    trunc=x@trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## Generic and methods for qqrad
def = function(x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("qqrad"))

## If x is an object of class rad
          signature(x="rad", rad="character", coef="list"),
          function(x, rad , coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
              pr <- cumsum(x$abund/sum(x$abund))
                  q <- do.call(qtrunc, list(rad, p = pr, coef = coef, trunc = trunc))
                  qrad <- get(paste("q", rad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                  q <- do.call(qrad, c(list(p = pr), coef))
                  dots <- list(...)
                  if(!"main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main = "Q-Q plot"
                  if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab = "Theoretical Quantile"
                  if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab = "Sample Quantiles"
                  do.call(graphics::plot, c(list(x=q, y=x$rank),dots))
                  if(line) abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 2)
              return(invisible(data.frame(theoret.q=q, sample.q=x$rank)))

## If object is of class numeric arguments rad and coef should be provided
          signature(x="numeric", rad="character", coef="list"),
          function(x, rad , coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
              y <- rad(x)
              qqrad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## If object is of class integer arguments rad and coef should be provided
## setMethod("qqrad",
##           signature(x="integer", rad="character", coef="list",
##                     trunc="ANY", plot="ANY", line="ANY"),
##           function(x, rad , coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
##               y <- as.numeric(x)
##               qqrad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)
##           }
##           )

## If object is of class fitrad arguments rad or coef should be missing
          signature(x="fitrad", rad="missing", coef="missing", trunc="missing"),
          function(x, rad , coef, trunc, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
              rad <- x@rad
              coef <- as.list(bbmle::coef(x))
              trunc <- x@trunc
              y <- x@rad.tab
              qqrad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## Generic function and methods for ppsad ##
def = function(x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("ppsad"))

## If x is numeric arguments sad and coef should be provided
          signature(x="numeric", sad="character", coef="list"),
          function (x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {
              x.sorted <- sort(x)
              S <- length(x)
              z <- ppoints(S)
				  p <- do.call(ptrunc, list(sad, q = x.sorted, coef = coef, trunc = trunc))
				  psad <- get(paste("p", sad, sep=""), mode = "function")
				  p <- do.call(psad, c(list(q = x.sorted), coef))
                  dots <- list(...)
                  if(!"main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main = "P-P plot"
                  if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab = "Theoretical Percentiles"
                  if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab = "Sample Percentiles"
                  do.call(graphics::plot, c(list(x=p, y=z, ylim=c(0,1)),dots) )
                  if(line) abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 2)
              return(invisible(data.frame(theoret.p=p, sample.p=z)))

## If object is of class integer arguments rad and coef should be provided
## setMethod("ppsad",
##           signature(x="integer", sad="character", coef="list",
##                     trunc="ANY", plot="ANY", line="ANY"),
##           function(x, sad , coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...){
##               y <- as.numeric(x)
##               ppsad(x=y, sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)
##           }
##           )

## If argument x is fitsad class, arguments sad and coef should be missing
          signature(x="fitsad", sad="missing", coef="missing", trunc="missing"),
          function (x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {          
              sad <- x@sad
              coef <- as.list(bbmle::coef(x))
              trunc <- x@trunc
              y <- x@data$x
              ppsad(x=y, sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## If argument x is fitsadC class, arguments sad and coef should be missing
          signature(x="fitsadC", sad="missing", coef="missing", trunc="missing"),
          function (x, sad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {          
              sad <- x@sad
              coef <- as.list(bbmle::coef(x))
              trunc <- x@trunc
              y <- rep(x@hist$mids, x@hist$counts) 
              ppsad(x=y, sad=sad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## Generic function and methods for pprad ##
def = function(x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("pprad"))

## If argument is of class rad arguments rad and coef should be provided
          signature(x="rad", rad="character", coef="list"),
          function (x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {
              rad.tab <- x
              pr <- cumsum(rad.tab$abund/sum(rad.tab$abund))
                  p <- do.call(ptrunc, list(rad, q = rad.tab$rank, coef = coef, trunc = trunc))
                  prad <- get(paste("p", rad, sep=""), mode = "function")
                  p <- do.call(prad, c(list(q = rad.tab$rank), coef))
                  dots <- list(...)
                  if(!"main" %in% names(dots)) dots$main = "P-P plot"
                  if(!"xlab" %in% names(dots)) dots$xlab = "Theoretical Percentiles"
                  if(!"ylab" %in% names(dots)) dots$ylab = "Sample Percentiles"
                  do.call(graphics::plot, c(list(x=p, y=pr, ylim=c(0,1)),dots) )
                  if(line) abline(0, 1, col = "red", lty = 2)
              return(invisible(data.frame(theoret.p=p, sample.p=pr)))

## If argument is of class numeric arguments rad and coef should be provided
          signature(x="numeric", rad="character", coef="list"),
          function (x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {
              y <- rad(x)
              pprad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

## If argument is of class integer arguments rad and coef should be provided
## setMethod("pprad",
##           signature(x="integer", rad="character", coef="list",
##                     trunc="ANY", plot="ANY", line="ANY"),
##           function (x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {
##               y <- as.numeric(x)
##               pprad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)
##           }
##           )

## If argument is of class fitrad arguments rad and coef should be missing
          signature(x="fitrad", rad="missing", coef="missing"),
          function (x, rad, coef, trunc=NA, plot=TRUE, line=TRUE, ...) {
              rad <- x@rad
              coef <- as.list(bbmle::coef(x))
              trunc <- x@trunc
              y <- x@rad.tab
              pprad(x=y, rad=rad, coef=coef, trunc=trunc, plot=plot, line=line, ...)

### Providing standard stats methods
#' Standard stats methods
#' Provide the standard interface for fitted objects
#' These methods are provided to allow for standard manipulation of \code{\link{fitsad}}, \code{\link{fitsadC}} 
#' and \code{\link{fitrad}} objects using the generic methods defined in the "stats" package.
#' Please see the original man pages for each method.
#' \code{coefficients} is an alias to \code{\link[stats]{coef}} (implemented in package "bbmle").
#' \code{fitted} and \code{fitted.values} provide an alternative interface to \code{\link{radpred}};
#' these are also used to calcutate \code{residuals}.
#' Notice that radpred is a preferred interface for most calculations, specially if there are several
#' ties.
#' @param object An object from class fitsad, fitrad or fitsadC
#' @param \dots Other arguments to be forwarded for the lower level function
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("coefficients", signature(object="fitsad"),
          function(object, ...) bbmle::coef(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("coefficients", signature(object="fitsadC"),
          function(object, ...) bbmle::coef(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("coefficients", signature(object="fitrad"),
          function(object, ...) bbmle::coef(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted.values", signature(object="fitsad"),
          function(object, ...) fitted(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted.values", signature(object="fitsadC"),
          function(object, ...) fitted(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted.values", signature(object="fitrad"),
          function(object, ...) fitted(object, ...))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted", signature(object="fitsad"),
          function(object, ...) {
            rad <- radpred(object)$abund
            rad <- rad[rev(order(object@data$x))]
            names(rad) <- as.character(1:length(rad))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted", signature(object="fitsadC"),
          function(object, ...) {
            y <-  rep(object@hist$mids, object@hist$counts) 
            rad <- radpred(object)$abund
            rad <- rad[rev(order(y))]
            names(rad) <- as.character(1:length(rad))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("fitted", signature(object="fitrad"),
          function(object, ...) {
            rad <- radpred(object)$abund
            rad <- rad[order(object@rad.tab$abund)]
            names(rad) <- as.character(1:length(rad))
#' @rdname stats
setMethod("residuals", signature(object="fitsad"),
          function(object, ...) object@data$x - fitted(object, ...))

#' @rdname stats
setMethod("residuals", signature(object="fitsadC"),
          function(object, ...){
              y <-  rep(object@hist$mids, object@hist$counts) 
              y - fitted(object, ...)

#' @rdname stats
setMethod("residuals", signature(object="fitrad"),
          function(object, ...) object@rad.tab$abund - fitted(object, ...))
piklprado/sads documentation built on Jan. 17, 2024, 11:33 p.m.