
#' Randomly splits indices if there are an even number
#' @param n the number of indices
#' @return a list with two disjoint sets of indices from 1 to n.
splitEvenly <- function(n)
    if ( n %% 2 != 0)
        stop("Not an even number of samples!")
    sets <- split(sample.int(n), 1:2)

#' One iteration of biclustering maximization. Takes the current values of 
#' d, a, b and if successful returns one iteration
#' @param xDf matrix with rows representing genes and columns representing conditions (n x k)
#' @param yDf matrix with rows representing genes and columns representing conditions (n x k)
#' @param d vector of dimension k
#' @param a vector of dimension n
#' @param b vector of dimension n
#' @param lam maximum cluster size
#' @return A list containing maximum values of a, b, d
#' @export
biClustMax.optim <- function(xDf, yDf, d.start, a, b, lam, verbose = TRUE, optim.max = 4, lam.lwr = 3.5,
                             clustOptions = list())

    # iterate until we've hit maximum iterations or QP has converged
    if (verbose)
        cat("Computing tilde matrices\n")
    xTilde <- t(xDf %*% diag(d.start))
    yTilde <- t(yDf %*% diag(d.start))

    if (verbose)
        cat("Computing SCCA component\n")

    # First maximize a and b using SCCA
    pen <- "LASSO"
    if (!is.null(clustOptions$penalty))
        pen <- clustOptions$penalty

    lamx <- c(1,2,3)
    if (!is.null(clustOptions$lamx))
        lamx <- clustOptions$lamx
    cv <- "CV.alt"
    if (!is.null(clustOptions$cv))
        cv <- clustOptions$cv

    if (verbose)
        cat("Using penalty: ", pen, "\n")

    sccaRes <- scca(as.matrix(xTilde), as.matrix(yTilde), 
                    nc = 1, 
                    penalty = pen,
                    lamx = lamx,
                    lamy = lamx,
                    tuning = cv,
                    center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
    a <- as.numeric(sccaRes$A)
    b <- as.numeric(sccaRes$B)

    # XXX: Possibly remove... Unsure if I should scale in this fashion
    xDf <- scale(xDf)
    yDf <- scale(yDf)

    # Now, maximize D using quadratic programming
    # q <- - 2 * as.numeric((a %*% xDf) * (b %*% yDf))
    q <- -as.numeric((a %*% xDf) * (b %*% yDf))

    if (verbose)
        cat("Solving optimization of d\n")

    # lower bound is zero
    constrMat<- diag(length(q))
    # upper bound is one
    constrMat <- rbind(constrMat, -diag(length(q)))
    # regularize (sum(d) <= lam)
    constrMat <- rbind(constrMat, rep.int(-1, length(q)))
    constrLimit <- c(rep(0, length(q)), 
                     rep(-1, length(q)),

    # FIXME: temporary until I figure out what is wrong with this function...
    # regularize (sum(d) >= lam.lwr)
    # constrMat <- rbind(constrMat, rep.int(1, length(q)))
    # constrLimit <- c(rep(0, length(q)), 
    #                  rep(-1, length(q)),
    #                  -lam, lam.lwr)

    objectiveFn <- function(d, qVec)
        # sum(0.5 * d^2 * qVec)
        sum(d^2 * qVec)

    optimIt <- 0
    repeat {
        optimRes <- constrOptim(d.start, objectiveFn, grad = NULL,
                                control = list(maxit = as.integer(1000000000)),
                                # control = list(maxit = 10000),
                                ui = constrMat, ci = constrLimit,
                                qVec = q

        if (optimRes$convergence != 0)
            warning("Error with convergence.\n", "\tError code: ", 
                    optimRes$convergence, "\tMessage: ", optimRes$message,
                    immediate. = TRUE)
            if (optimIt >= optim.max)
                warning("*****Reached maximum number of iterations of constrOptim. Exiting",
                        immediate. = TRUE)
            optimIt <- optimIt + 1
            d.start <- optimRes$par
            cat("\t\tRestarting optimization at new point.\n")
            cat("\t\tconstrOptim iteration: ", optimIt + 1, "\n")


    return(list(a = a, b = b, d = optimRes$par, q, sccaLam = sccaRes$lambda))

# TODO: Replace the regular distance in maximizeOneSplit with pDiff and see how
# affects convergence
pDiff <- function(old, new)
    num <- dist(rbind(old, new))[1]
    denom <- sqrt(sum(old^2))
    num / denom

##' Driver function to find solution for 
maximizeOneSplit <- function(geneDf, lam, epsA = 0.1, epsB = 0.1, epsD = 0.1, maxIt = 100, lam.lwr, 
                             clustOptions = list())
    splitIdx <- splitEvenly(nrow(geneDf))
    xDf <- geneDf[splitIdx[[1]], ]
    yDf <- geneDf[splitIdx[[2]], ]

    # TODO: implement cross validation for lambda
    # lam <- round(min(dim(xDf)) * .3)
    # lam <- 20 * 2

    # randomly initialize d
    # FIXME: If there are lots of conditions, possible that won't be able to
    # find d that satisfy the constraint (if lam is sufficiently small. Come up
    # with different way to randomly assign values
    d <- 0
    minUnif <- 0.05
    maxUnif <- 1

    repeat { 
        d <- runif(ncol(xDf), max = maxUnif)
        if (sum(d) <= lam)
            maxUnif <- min(0.05, maxUnif - 0.05)

    # FIXME: temporarily commenting out until figure out why not working correctly
    # UPDATE: This bug appears when force there to be a minimum number of conditions which are being selected
    # repeat {
    #     d <- runif(ncol(xDf), min = minUnif, max = maxUnif)
    #     sumD <- sum(d)
    #     if (sumD <= lam & sumD >= lam.lwr)
    #         break
    #     else if (sumD < lam.lwr)
    #         minUnif <- min(minUnif + 0.03, maxUnif - 0.03)
    #     else
    #         maxUnif <- max(minUnif + 0.04, maxUnif - 0.04)

    # }
    # if (sum(d) < lam.lwr)
    # {
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    #     cat("ERROR! sum(d) < lam.lwr\n")
    # }
    cat("sum(d)", sum(d), "\n") 
    # NB: values of a and b are not important currently since evaluated after d is set.
    # If ever change the order, fix this.
    a <- b <- runif(nrow(xDf), min = -1, max = 1)
    it <- 1
    curSol <- 0
    repeat {
        cat("\tOne split iteration: ", it, "\n")
        curSol <- biClustMax.optim(xDf, yDf, d, a, b, lam, lam.lwr = lam.lwr, clustOptions = clustOptions)
        cat ("\t\tdist: ",
             dist(rbind(curSol$a, a))[1], "\t",
             dist(rbind(curSol$b, b))[1], "\t",
             dist(rbind(curSol$d, d))[1], "\n")
        if (dist(rbind(curSol$a, a))[1] < epsA &
            dist(rbind(curSol$b, b))[1] < epsB &
            dist(rbind(curSol$d, d))[1] < epsD & it > 2) # potentially remove it > 2

        a <- curSol$a
        b <- curSol$b
        d <- curSol$d
        it <- it + 1
        if (it > maxIt)
            cat("Warning: exceed maximum number of iterations (", maxIt, ")\n")
    # NB: If there is something funky with the distribution of a and b, 
    # check here... though this should work correctly
    # a <- rep.int(0, length(a))
    # b <- rep.int(0, length(b))
    ab <- rep.int(0, length(b*2))
    ab[splitIdx[[1]]] <- curSol$a
    ab[splitIdx[[2]]] <- curSol$b
    # a[splitIdx[[1]]] <- curSol$a
    # b[splitIdx[[2]]] <- curSol$b

    return(list(a = a, b = b, ab = ab, d = round(curSol$d, digits = 4),
                splitIdx = splitIdx, sccaLam = curSol$sccaLam))

#' Given a set of features, will find the most "dominant" bicluster. Works in
#' parallel using library "multicore." To set the number of cores used, set
#' options(cores = N).
#' @param geneDf data.frame with genes on rows and columns defining conditions
#' @param nSamples integer denoting the number of permutations to perform
#' @param lam regularization parameter for conditions (maximum number of conditions allows in a bicluster)
#' @export
biclusteringPar <- function(geneDf, nSamples = 100, lam, lam.lwr = 3.5, clustOptions = list())
    mclapply(1:nSamples, function(it) {
             cat("Biclustering iteration: ", it, "\n")
             curSol <- maximizeOneSplit(geneDf, lam = lam, lam.lwr = lam.lwr, clustOptions = clustOptions)

bcSubSampleSerial <- function(geneDf, nSamples = 100, lam, propSample = 0.6, lam.lwr = 3.5,
                           clustOptions = list())
    if (propSample > 1 | propSample < 0.01)
        stop("Invalid range for propSample")

    nRowsSample <- round(propSample * nrow(geneDf) )
    if (nRowsSample %% 2)
        nRowsSample <- nRowsSample + 1

    cat("Sampling ", nRowsSample, " features\n")
    lapply(1:nSamples, function(it) {
           cat("**Biclustering iteration: ", it, "\n")
           sampIdx <- sample.int(nrow(geneDf), size = nRowsSample)
           abSol <- rep.int(NA, nrow(geneDf))
           curSol <- maximizeOneSplit(geneDf[sampIdx,], lam, lam.lwr = lam.lwr, 
                                      clustOptions = clustOptions)
           abSol[sampIdx] <- curSol$ab
           d <- curSol$d
           return(list(ab = abSol, d = d, sccaLam = curSol$sccaLam))

#' Given a set of features, will find the most "dominant" bicluster. Works in
#' parallel using library "multicore." To set the number of cores used, set
#' options(cores = N).
#' @param geneDf data.frame with genes on rows and columns defining conditions
#' @param nSamples integer denoting the number of permutations to perform
#' @param lam regularization parameter for conditions (maximum number of conditions allows in a bicluster)
#' @export
bcSubSamplePar <- function(geneDf, nSamples = 100, lam, propSample = 0.6, lam.lwr = 3.5,
                           clustOptions = list())
    if (propSample > 1 | propSample < 0.01)
        stop("Invalid range for propSample")

    nRowsSample <- round(propSample * nrow(geneDf) )
    if (nRowsSample %% 2)
        nRowsSample <- nRowsSample + 1

    cat("Sampling ", nRowsSample, " features\n")
    mclapply(1:nSamples, function(it) {
             cat("**Biclustering iteration: ", it, "\n")
             sampIdx <- sample.int(nrow(geneDf), size = nRowsSample)
             abSol <- rep.int(NA, nrow(geneDf))
             curSol <- maximizeOneSplit(geneDf[sampIdx,], lam, lam.lwr = lam.lwr, 
                                        clustOptions = clustOptions)
             abSol[sampIdx] <- curSol$ab
             d <- curSol$d
             return(list(ab = abSol, d = d, sccaLam = curSol$sccaLam))

# XXX: This is the best performing method
postSubSample.pca <- function(subSampleSol, abThresh = 0.6, dQuant = 0.5)
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    bootStrapNAs <- function(dat, lwr, upr)
        for (icol in 1:ncol(dat))
            rng <- quantile(dat[,icol], probs = c(lwr, upr), na.rm = T)
            # FIXME: why is this not matching at least some things?
            whichValid <- which( (rng[1] <= dat[,icol]) & (dat[,icol] <= rng[2]))
            nNa <- sum(is.na(dat[,icol]))
            if (length(whichValid) == 0)
                # cat("len == 0", icol, "\n")
                # print(sum(!is.na(dat[,icol])))
                whichValid <- which(!is.na(dat[,icol]))
                # print(whichValid)
                # print("----")
            samps <- NA
            if (length(whichValid) == 1)
                samps <- rep.int(whichValid, nNa)
                samps <- sample(whichValid, nNa, replace = T)
            dat[is.na(dat[,icol]), icol] <- dat[samps,icol]
            # if (any(is.na(dat[,icol])))
            # {
            #     cat("samples:", icol, "\n")
            #     print(dat[samps,icol])
            #     print("whichValid values:")
            #     print(dat[whichValid,icol])
            #     print("whichValid:")
            #     print(length(whichValid))
            #     print(whichValid)
            # }


    ab <- bootStrapNAs(ab, 0.05, 0.95)
    # print(sum(is.infinite(ab)))
    # print(sum(is.na(ab)))

    # a_ply(ab, 2, function(x) 
    #       {
    #           if(any(is.na(x))) print(x)
    #       }
    # )

    # print(summary(ab))
    # print(summary(t(ab)))

    pcaAB <- prcomp(ab, center = F, scale. = F)
    pcaAB$rotation <- as.data.frame(data.matrix(as.data.frame(pcaAB$rotation, stringsAsFactors = F)))

    pcaAB$rotation[,"mean"] <- apply(ab, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"sd"] <- apply(ab, 2, sd, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"median"] <- apply(ab, 2, median, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"var"] <- apply(ab, 2, var, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"cov"] <- with(pcaAB$rotation, sd / mean)

    pcaD <- prcomp(d, center = F, scale. = F)
    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, quantile, probs = dQuant, na.rm = T)
    dSd <- apply(d, 2, sd, na.rm = T)

    clustKmeans <- function(dat, minK = 2)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"])
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- minK
        cat("Conditions k: ", nk, "\n")
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    # colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant, dSd))
    # rowIdx <- clustKmeans(with(pcaAB$rotation, cbind(-PC1 * sdev[1], PC2 * sdev[2])))

    df <- cbind(-pcaAB$rotation$PC1 * pcaAB$sdev[1], 
                                pcaAB$rotation$PC2 * pcaAB$sdev[2])
    rowIdx <- clustKmeans(df)
    df2 <- cbind(-pcaD$rotation[,"PC1"] * pcaD$sdev[1]) 
                 # pcaD$rotation[,"PC2"] * pcaD$sdev[2])
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(df2)
    # colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant))

    pcaD$rotation <- data.frame(pcaD$rotation)
    pcaD$rotation[,"cluster"] <- "background"
    pcaD$rotation[colIdx,"cluster"] <- "bicluster"

    # return(list(abDat = pcaAB$rotation, dDat = pcaD, cluster = list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))
    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

# TODO: include minimum condition size to be 3
# TODO: run this for 20 - 50
# TODO: For selecting the "optimal" condition, look at average correlation plot
# (should increase to a flat region) and also look at the number of conditions
# selected. Should also flatten out

# TODO: instead of minLam and maxLam take a vector of lams
optConditionSize <- function(df, minLam, maxLam, cutoff = 0.6, 
                             bcMethod = bcSubSamplePar, 
                             postProcess = postSubSample.pca, ...)
    D <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = maxLam - minLam + 1, ncol = ncol(df)))
    rownames(D) <- minLam:maxLam
    sols <- list()
    it <- 1
    for (l in minLam:maxLam)
        cat("Doing optimization for lambda = ", l, "\n")

        # temporarily supress output
        # sink("/dev/null")
        compTime <- system.time({
            curSol <- bcMethod(df, lam = l, lam.lwr = 3)
            sols[[it]] <- curSol
            if (!is.null(postProcess))
                curClust <- postProcess(curSol, ...)
                D[it, curClust$colIdx] <- 1
            it <- it + 1
        # sink()
        cat(length(curClust$colIdx), "\n")

    return(list(sol = sols, D = D))

postSubSample <- function(subSampleSol, percentile = 0.75)
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abGt <- apply(ab, 2, function(col) {
                  # median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  mean(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  # quantile(col, probs = percentile, na.rm = TRUE)
    dGt <- apply(d, 2, function(col) 
                      median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
    # dGt <- t(dGt)
    return(list(ab = abGt, d = dGt))

postSubSample.percent <- function(subSampleSol, percentile = 0.95, eps = 0.05)
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d)
    # want to implement in top 5%, 90% it is chosen
    abGt <- apply(ab, 1, function(row) {
                  # median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile, na.rm = TRUE)
    rowIdx <- which(apply(abGt, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps)
    # dGt <- apply(d, 1, function(row) 
    #               {
    #                   row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile, na.rm = TRUE)
    #               })
    # dGt <- t(dGt)
    # colIdx <- which(apply(d, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps)

    cutHCluster <- function(mat)
        hc <- hclust(dist(mat))
        hcCuts <- cutree(hc, 2)

        cutIdx <- 1
        if (mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 1), ]) < 
            mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 2), ]))
            cutIdx <- 2
        cutIdx <- which(hcCuts == cutIdx)


    colIdx <- cutHCluster(d)

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

postSubSample.percent2 <- function(subSampleSol, percentile1 = 0.95, eps1 = 0.5,
                                   percentile2 = 0.95, eps2 = 0.5)
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))
    # want to implement in top 5%, 90% it is chosen
    abGt <- apply(ab, 1, function(row) {
                  # median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile1, na.rm = TRUE)
    rowIdx <- which(apply(abGt, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps1)

    dGt <- apply(d, 1, function(row) {
                 row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile2, na.rm = T)
    colIdx <- which(apply(dGt, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps2)

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

postSubSample.sort <- function(subSampleSol, percentile1 = 0.95, eps1 = 0.5,
                               percentile2 = 0.95, eps2 = 0.5)
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))
    # want to implement in top 5%, 90% it is chosen
    abGt <- apply(ab, 1, function(row) {
                  # median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile1, na.rm = TRUE)
    rowIdx <- which(apply(abGt, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps1)
    dSort <- t(apply(d, 2, function(col) {sort(col)}))
    cutHCluster <- function(mat)
        hc <- hclust(dist(mat))
        hcCuts <- cutree(hc, 2)

        cutIdx <- 1
        if (mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 1), ]) < 
            mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 2), ]))
            cutIdx <- 2
        cutIdx <- which(hcCuts == cutIdx)

    colIdx <- cutHCluster(dSort)

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

postSubSample.top <- function(subSampleSol, percentile1 = 0.95, eps1 = 0.5,
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d)
    # want to implement in top 5%, 90% it is chosen
    abGt <- apply(ab, 1, function(row) {
                  # median(col, na.rm = TRUE)
                  row >= quantile(row, probs = percentile1, na.rm = TRUE)
    rowIdx <- which(apply(abGt, 1, mean, na.rm = T) >= eps1)
    dMean <- apply(d, 1, mean)
    colIdx <- order(dMean, decreasing = T)[1:nc]

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

postSubSample.median <- function(subSampleSol, abQuant = 0.5)
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abMed <- apply(ab, 2, quantile, probs = abQuant, na.rm = T)
    dMed <- apply(d, 2, median)

    return(list(ab = abMed, d = dMed))

postSubSample.median.kmeans <- function(subSampleSol, abQuant = 0.5, dQuant = 0.5,
                                      seMethod = "firstSEmax")
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abQuant <- apply(ab, 2, quantile, probs = abQuant, na.rm = T)
    abSd <- apply(ab, 2, sd, na.rm = T)
    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, quantile, probs = dQuant, na.rm = T)
    dSd <- apply(d, 2, sd, na.rm = T)

    clustKmeans <- function(dat)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"])
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- 2
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    rowIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(abQuant, abSd, abQuant / abSd))
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant, dSd))

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

# credit to stackoverflow: 
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2547402/standard-library-function-in-r-for-finding-the-mode
findMode <- function(x, na.rm = T) 
    if (na.rm)
        x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    ux <- unique(x)
    if (length(ux) == length(x))
        print("ERROR: No mode")
    ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

postSubSample.median.kmeans2 <- function(subSampleSol, abQuant = 0.5, dQuant = 0.5,
                                         seMethod = "firstSEmax")
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abStats <- data.frame(med = apply(ab, 2, quantile, probs = abQuant, na.rm = T),
                          upr = apply(ab, 2, quantile, probs = 0.75, na.rm = T),
                          mode = apply(round(ab, digits = 3), 2, findMode, na.rm = T),
                          sd = apply(ab, 2, sd, na.rm = T),
                          min = apply(ab, 2, min, na.rm = T))
    abStats$medRate <- with(abStats, med / sd)
    abStats$mean <- apply(ab, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, quantile, probs = dQuant, na.rm = T)
    dSd <- apply(d, 2, sd, na.rm = T)

    # abMode <- apply(round(ab, digits = 3), 2, findMode, na.rm = T)

    clustKmeans <- function(dat, minK = 2)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"])
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- minK
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    # rowIdx <- clustKmeans(abStats, 3)
    rowIdx <- clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(medRate, sd)), 3)
    # clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(med, sd)), 2)
    # clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(mode, medRate)), 3)
    # clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(mean, medRate)), 3)
    # clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(mean, sd, medRate)), 3)
    # clustKmeans(with(abStats, cbind(medRate, sd)), 4)

    # mat <- with(abStats, as.matrix(cbind(medRate, sd)))
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant, dSd))

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

vScore <- function(set1, set2)
    length(intersect(set1, set2)) / length(union(set1, set2))

vScore2 <- function(...)
    length(intersect(...)) / length(union(...))

postSubSample.tight <- function(subSampleSol, abThresh = 0.6, dQuant = 0.5)
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abStats <- data.frame(med = apply(ab, 2, median, na.rm = T),
                          upr = apply(ab, 2, quantile, probs = 0.75, na.rm = T),
                          mode = apply(round(ab, digits = 3), 2, findMode, na.rm = T),
                          sd = apply(ab, 2, sd, na.rm = T),
                          min = apply(ab, 2, min, na.rm = T))
    abStats$medRate <- with(abStats, med / sd)
    abStats$mean <- apply(ab, 2, mean, na.rm = T)

    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, quantile, probs = dQuant, na.rm = T)
    dSd <- apply(d, 2, sd, na.rm = T)

    tight <- function(dat, minK = 2, maxK = 7, thresh = abThresh)
        getBestClust <- function(df, theK)
            kRes <- kmeans(df, theK, nstart = 20)
            kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

            which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

        clusts <- lapply(minK:maxK, function(curK)
                             getBestClust(dat, curK)
        vs <- sapply((minK+1):maxK, function(curK)
                         vScore( clusts[[curK - minK]], clusts[[curK - minK + 1]] )
        vsGt <- min(which(vs >= thresh))
        bestK <- minK + vsGt

        cat("Choosing tight cluster: ", bestK, "\n")
        getBestClust(dat, bestK)

    # rowIdx <- with(abStats, tight(cbind(medRate, sd)))
    # rowIdx <- with(abStats, tight(cbind(medRate)))
    # rowIdx <- with(abStats, tight(cbind(med, sd)))
    # rowIdx <- with(abStats, tight(cbind(med, sd)))

    clustKmeans <- function(dat, minK = 2)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"])
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- minK
        cat("Conditions k: ", nk, "\n")
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    # colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant, dSd))
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant))

    return(list(abDat = abStats, cluster = list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))

postSubSample.tightPCA <- function(subSampleSol, abThresh = 0.6, dQuant = 0.5)
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    bootStrapNAs <- function(dat, lwr, upr)
        for (col in 1:ncol(dat))
            rng <- quantile(dat[,col], probs = c(lwr, upr), na.rm = T)
            whichValid <- which(rng[1] <= dat[,col] & dat[,col] <= rng[2])
            nNa <- sum(is.na(dat[,col]))
            dat[is.na(dat[,col]), col] <- dat[sample(whichValid, nNa, replace = T), col]


    # replace NAs w/ a bootstrap
    ab <- bootStrapNAs(ab, 0.05, 0.95)

    pcaAB <- prcomp(ab, center = F, scale. = F)
    pcaAB$rotation <- as.data.frame(data.matrix(as.data.frame(pcaAB$rotation, stringsAsFactors = F)))
    pcaAB$rotation[,"median"] <- apply(ab, 2, median, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"mean"] <- apply(ab, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"var"] <- apply(ab, 2, var, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"sd"] <- apply(ab, 2, sd, na.rm = T)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"cov"] <- pcaAB$rotation[,"sd"] / pcaAB$rotation[,"mean"]

    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, quantile, probs = dQuant, na.rm = T)
    dSd <- apply(d, 2, sd, na.rm = T)

    # pcaAB$rotation[,c("PC2")] <- 0
    pcaAB$rotation[,"zeros"] <- 0

    # df <- pcaAB$rotation[,c("PC1", "PC2", "cov")]
    df <- pcaAB$rotation[,c("PC1", "zeros")]
    # df <- pcaAB$rotation[,c("PC1", "cov")]
    # df <- pcaAB$rotation[,c("PC1", "PC2")]

    # what if you remove the things that are so far away in distn
    # toInc <- which(df[,1] <= quantile(df[,1], probs = 0.5) )
    toInc <- which(df[,1] <= quantile(df[,1], probs = 1) )
    tc <- tight.clust(df[toInc,], 5, 10, standardize.gene = F)
    # tc <- tight.clust(df[toInc,], 2, 7, standardize.gene = F)
    pcaAB$rotation[,"cluster"] <- -1
    pcaAB$rotation[toInc,"cluster"] <- tc$cluster
    pcaAB$rotation[,"cluster"] <- as.factor(pcaAB$rotation[,"cluster"])
    clustCenter <- pcaAB$rotation %.% group_by(cluster) %.% summarize(center = mean(PC1)) 
    minClust <- which.min(clustCenter$center)
    # minClust <- 1

    # rowIdx <- which(1  == pcaAB$rotation[,"cluster"])
    rowIdx <- which(minClust  == pcaAB$rotation[,"cluster"])

    clustKmeans <- function(dat, minK = 2)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"])
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- minK
        cat("Conditions k: ", nk, "\n")
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers[,1])

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    # colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant, dSd))
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(cbind(dQuant))

    return(list(abDat = pcaAB$rotation, tc = tc$cluster, cluster = list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))
    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

# Each row is a gene, each column is a different iteration
getA <- function(bcSol, takeAbs = TRUE)
    if (takeAbs)
        return( abs(sapply(bcSol, function (x) x$ab)) )

    sapply(bcSol, function (x) x$ab)

# Each row is a condition, each column is a different iteration
getD <- function(bcSol)
    sapply(bcSol, function (x) x$d)

postSubSample.mean.kmeans <- function(subSampleSol, abQuant = 0.5, dQuant = 0.5,
                                      seMethod = "firstSEmax")
    # rows are different permutations,
    # columns are the genes or conditions
    ab <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) abs(x$ab)))
    d <- t(sapply(subSampleSol, function (x) x$d))

    abQuant <- apply(ab, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
    dQuant <- apply(d, 2, mean,na.rm = T)

    clustKmeans <- function(dat)
        gap <- clusGap(as.matrix(dat), kmeans, 5)
        nk <- maxSE(gap$Tab[,"gap"], gap$Tab[,"SE.sim"], method = seMethod)
        if (nk == 1)
            nk <- 2
        kRes <- kmeans(dat, nk, nstart = 20)
        kMax <- which.max(kRes$centers)

        which(kRes$cluster == kMax)

    rowIdx <- clustKmeans(abQuant)
    colIdx <- clustKmeans(dQuant)

    return(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

post.hclust <- function(postSample, nAB = 3, nD = 2)
    clustAB <- cutree(hclust(dist(postSample$ab)), nAB)
    clustABCenter <- sapply(unique(clustAB), 
                            function(it) median(postSample$ab[which(clustAB == it)]))
    clustABMax <- which.max(clustABCenter)
    rowIdx <- which(clustAB == clustABMax)

    clustD <- cutree(hclust(dist(postSample$d)), nD)
    clustDCenter <- sapply(unique(clustD), 
                           function(it) median(postSample$d[which(clustD == it)]))
    clustDMax <- which.max(clustDCenter)
    colIdx <- which(clustD == clustDMax)
    list(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

post.kmeans <- function(postSample, nAB = 3, nD = 2)
    kClustAB <- kmeans(postSample$ab, nAB)
    kClustABMax <- which.max(kClustAB$centers)
    rowIdx <- which(kClustAB$cluster == kClustABMax)

    clustD <- kmeans(postSubSample$d, nD)
    clustDMax <- which.max(clustD$center)
    colIdx <- which(clustD$cluster == clustDMax)

    list(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx))

bcMultipleClusters.subSample <- function(geneDf, lam, nClusters, nSamples = 100, 
                                         propSample = 0.6)
    allBcSol <- list()
    clusters <- list()
    for (clust in 1:nClusters)
        bcSol <- bcSubSamplePar(geneDf, nSamples, lam, propSample)
        allBcSol <- append(allBcSol, list(bcSol))

        postSol <- postSubSample.percent(bcSol, 0.9, 0.5)

        rowIdx <- postSol$rowIdx
        colIdx <- postSol$colIdx

        clusters <- append(clusters, list(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))

        # given a list of rows and columns, converts pairwise combinations into
        # 1D index for matrix
        get1DIdx <- function(rows, cols) 
            allPairs <- expand.grid(rows, cols)
            nrow(geneDf) * (allPairs[, 2] - 1) + allPairs[, 1]

        # mask each gene with random values from the rest of the matrix also
        # considered doing this with JUST the other values of the gene... need
        # to experiment with that
        clustIdx <- get1DIdx(rowIdx, colIdx)
        geneDf[clustIdx] <- sample(geneDf[-clustIdx], length(clustIdx))
        # temporarily sample rnorm to debug FP issue
        # geneDf[clustIdx] <- rnorm(length(clustIdx))

    return(list(allBcSol = allBcSol, clusters = clusters))

bcMultipleClusters <- function(geneDf, lam, nClusters, nSamples = 100)
    allBcSol <- list()
    clusters <- list()
    for (clust in 1:nClusters)
        bcSol <- biclusteringPar(geneDf, nSamples, lam)
        allBcSol <- append(allBcSol, list(bcSol))

        # Take abs() of A since depending on partition, correlation could be in
        # opposite direction
        A <- abs(sapply(bcSol, function(x) x$ab))
        D <- sapply(bcSol, function(x) x$d)

        # find features/conditions which are clustered
        # to find the cluster, find cut with fewest elements...  

        # XXX: this is not necessarily correct. For example, it is *possible*
        # that a cluster might contain more than half of the genes and only
        # a few conditions.  Think about a "better" way to do this... i.e.
        # perhaps a matrix multiplication

        # returns which indices correspond to a cluster
        # TODO: fix this to get the cluster with the most non-zero entries
        cutHCluster <- function(mat)
            hc <- hclust(dist(mat))
            hcCuts <- cutree(hc, 2)

            # cutIdx <- 1
            # if (mean(hcCuts == 1) > 0.5)
            # {
            #     cutIdx <- 2
            # }
            # cutIdx <- which(hcCuts == cutIdx)

            cutIdx <- 1
            if (mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 1), ]) < 
                mean(mat[which(hcCuts == 2), ]))
                cutIdx <- 2
            cutIdx <- which(hcCuts == cutIdx)


        rowIdx <- cutHCluster(A)
        colIdx <- cutHCluster(D)

        clusters <- append(clusters, list(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))

        # given a list of rows and columns, converts pairwise combinations into
        # 1D index for matrix
        get1DIdx <- function(rows, cols) 
            allPairs <- expand.grid(rows, cols)
            nrow(geneDf) * (allPairs[, 2] - 1) + allPairs[, 1]

        # mask each gene with random values from the rest of the matrix also
        # considered doing this with JUST the other values of the gene... need
        # to experiment with that
        clustIdx <- get1DIdx(rowIdx, colIdx)
        geneDf[clustIdx] <- sample(geneDf[-clustIdx], length(clustIdx))
        # temporarily sample rnorm to debug FP issue
        # geneDf[clustIdx] <- rnorm(length(clustIdx))

    return(list(allBcSol = allBcSol, clusters = clusters))

bcMultipleClusters.kmeans <- function(geneDf, lam, nClusters, nSamples = 100)
    allBcSol <- list()
    clusters <- list()
    for (clust in 1:nClusters)
        bcSol <- biclusteringPar(geneDf, nSamples, lam)
        allBcSol <- append(allBcSol, list(bcSol))

        # Take abs() of A since depending on partition, correlation could be in
        # opposite direction
        A <- abs(sapply(bcSol, function(x) x$ab))
        D <- sapply(bcSol, function(x) x$d)

        # find features/conditions which are clustered
        # to find the cluster, find cut with fewest elements...  

        # XXX: this is not necessarily correct. For example, it is *possible*
        # that a cluster might contain more than half of the genes and only
        # a few conditions.  Think about a "better" way to do this... i.e.
        # perhaps a matrix multiplication

        # returns which indices correspond to a cluster
        # TODO: fix this to get the cluster with the most non-zero entries
        cutKcluster <- function(mat)
            cuts <- kmeans(mat, 2)$cluster

            cutIdx <- 1
            if (mean(mat[which(cuts == 1), ]) < 
                mean(mat[which(cuts == 2), ]))
                cutIdx <- 2
            cutIdx <- which(cuts == cutIdx)


        rowIdx <- cutKcluster(A)
        colIdx <- cutKcluster(D)

        clusters <- append(clusters, list(list(rowIdx = rowIdx, colIdx = colIdx)))

        # given a list of rows and columns, converts pairwise combinations into
        # 1D index for matrix
        get1DIdx <- function(rows, cols) 
            allPairs <- expand.grid(rows, cols)
            nrow(geneDf) * (allPairs[, 2] - 1) + allPairs[, 1]

        # mask each gene with random values from the rest of the matrix also
        # considered doing this with JUST the other values of the gene... need
        # to experiment with that
        clustIdx <- get1DIdx(rowIdx, colIdx)
        # geneDf[clustIdx] <- sample(geneDf[-clustIdx], length(clustIdx))
        # temporarily sample rnorm to debug FP issue
        geneDf[clustIdx] <- rnorm(length(clustIdx))

    return(list(allBcSol = allBcSol, clusters = clusters))

# XXX: OBSOLETE! This is mostly still here for testing... 
biclustering <- function(geneDf, nSamples = 100)
    it <- 1
    aVal <- list()
    bVal <- list()
    dVal <- list()
    abVal <- list()
    splitIdx <- list()
    while (it <= nSamples) 
        cat("Biclustering iteration: ", it, "\n")
        curSol <- maximizeOneSplit(geneDf)
        aVal <- append(aVal, list(curSol$a))
        bVal <- append(bVal, list(curSol$b))
        dVal <- append(dVal, list(curSol$d))
        abVal <- append(abVal, list(curSol$ab))
        splitIdx <- append(splitIdx, list(curSol$splitIdx))
        it <- it + 1

    return(list(a = aVal, b = bVal, ab = abVal, d = dVal, splitIdx = splitIdx))
pimentel/sccab documentation built on May 25, 2019, 7:13 a.m.