nmr_identified_object: NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Data Object of Class nmrData

nmr_identified_objectR Documentation

NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Data Object of Class nmrData


An S3 object of class nmrData (see as.nmrData for details)


A nmrData object


a p \times n + 1 data.frame of expression data, where p is the number of metabolites observed and n is the number of samples. Each row corresponds to abundance data for each metabolite.


a data.frame with n rows. Each row corresponds to a sample with one column giving the unique sample identifiers found in e_data column names and other columns providing qualitative and/or quantitative traits of each sample.


a data.frame with n rows. Each row corresponds to a metabolite, with one column giving the unique metabolite identifier that is found in e_data, and additional columns providing more information for each metabolite.


Biais B, Benard C, Beauvoit B, Colombie S, Prodhomme D, Menard G, Bernillon S, Gehl B, Gautier H, Ballias P, et al. (2014), Remarkable reproducibility of enzyme activity profiles in tomato fruits grown under contrasting environments provides a roadmap for studies of fruit metabolism. Plant Physiol 164 (3), 1204-1221. doi: 10.1104/pp.113.231241.

pmartR/pmartRdata documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 3:52 a.m.