
Defines functions gibbs_pspline_simple

Documented in gibbs_pspline_simple

#' This function does not need a posterior pilot sample
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats median rnorm runif rgamma
#' @importFrom fda create.bspline.basis bsplinepen
#' @useDynLib psplinePsd, .registration = TRUE
#' @keywords internal
gibbs_pspline_simple <- function(data,
                                 thin = 1,
                                 tau.alpha = 0.001,
                                 tau.beta = 0.001,
                                 phi.alpha = 1,
                                 phi.beta = 1,
                                 delta.alpha = 1e-04,
                                 delta.beta = 1e-04,
                                 k = NULL,
                                 eqSpacedKnots = FALSE,
                                 degree = 3,
                                 diffMatrixOrder = 2,
                                 printIter = 100) {

  if(burnin >= Ntotal) stop("burnin must be less than Ntotal");
  if(any(c(Ntotal, thin) %% 1 != 0) || any(c(Ntotal, thin) <= 0)) stop("Ntotal and thin must be strictly positive integers");
  if((burnin %% 1 != 0) || (burnin < 0)) stop("burnin must be a non-negative integer");
  if(any(c(tau.alpha, tau.beta) <= 0)) stop("tau.alpha and tau.beta must be strictly positive");
  if(any(c(phi.alpha, phi.beta) <= 0)) stop("phi.alpha and phi.beta must be strictly positive");
  if(any(c(delta.alpha, delta.beta) <= 0)) stop("delta.alpha and delta.beta must be strictly positive");

  if(!is.logical(eqSpacedKnots))stop("eqSpacedKnots must be a logical value");

  n <- length(data);

  # Which boundary frequencies to remove from likelihood computation and tau sample
  if (n %% 2) { # Odd length time series
    bFreq <- 1; # Remove first
  else {  # Even length time series
    bFreq <- c(1, n); # Remove first and last


    k = min(round(n/4), 40);
    cat(paste("The number of B-splines has not been specified. Therefore, k=min(round(n/4), 40)=", k, sep=""), "\n");


    if((k %% 1 !=0) || (k <= 0))stop("k must be strictly positive integer");
    if((k < degree + 2 ))stop("k must be at least degree + 2");


  if((Ntotal - burnin)/thin < k)stop("Change corresponding specifications in order to have (Ntotal-burnin)/thin > k");

  if((printIter<=0) || (printIter %% 1 != 0) )stop("printIter must be a positive integer value");

  if(!(k-2 >= diffMatrixOrder))stop("diffMatrixOrder must be lower than or equal to k-2");

  # Tolerance for mean centering
  tol <- 1e-4;

  # Mean center
  if (abs(mean(data)) > tol) {
    data <- data - mean(data);
    warning("Data has been mean-centred");

  # Optimal rescaling to prevent numerical issues
  rescale <- stats::sd(data);
  data    <- data / rescale;  # Data now has standard deviation 1

  FZ <- fast_ft(data); # FFT data to frequency domain.  NOTE: Must be mean-centred.

  pdgrm <- abs(FZ) ^ 2; # Periodogram: NOTE: the length is n here.

  omega  <- 2 * (1:(n / 2 + 1) - 1) / n;  # Frequencies on unit interval
  lambda <- pi * omega; # Angular frequencies on [0, pi]

  # number of samples to be stored
  N = round(Ntotal/thin);

  # Open objects for storage
  tau   <- rep(NA, N);
  phi   <- rep(NA, N); # scalar in Multivariate Normal
  delta <- rep(NA, N);

  # Starting values
  tau[1]   <- stats::var(data) / (2 * pi);
  delta[1] <- delta.alpha/delta.beta;
  phi[1]   <- phi.alpha/(phi.beta * delta[1]);

  # starting value for the weights
  w              <- pdgrm / sum(pdgrm); # poor alternative: w=rep(0,k-1);
  w              <- w[round(seq(1, length(w), length = k))];
  w[which(w==0)] <- 1e-50; # prevents errors when there are zeros
  w              <- w/sum(w);
  w              <- w[-k];
  v              <- log(w / (1 - sum(w)));
  V              <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(v), ncol = N);
  V[, 1]         <- v;

  # Fixed knot number & location => a single calculation of B-spline densities
  knots   <- knotLoc(data = data, k = k, degree = degree, eqSpaced = eqSpacedKnots);
  db.list <- dbspline(omega, knots, degree);

  # Difference Matrix
  if(eqSpacedKnots == TRUE){

    P       <- diffMatrix(k-1, d = diffMatrixOrder); # Third order penalty
    P       <- t(P) %*% P;


    if(degree <= diffMatrixOrder){
      stop("bsplinepen function: penalty order must be lower than the bspline density degree");

    nknots   <- length(knots);
    basisobj <- fda::create.bspline.basis(c(0, knots[nknots-1]), norder = degree + 1,
                                          nbasis = k - 1, breaks = knots[-nknots]);

    P <- fda::bsplinepen(basisobj, Lfdobj = diffMatrixOrder);

    P <- P/norm(P);

  epsilon <- 1e-6; #1e-6;
  P       <- P + epsilon * diag(dim(P)[2]); # P^(-1)=Sigma (Covariance matrix)

  # Store log likelihood
  ll.trace <- NULL;

  Count <- NULL; # acceptance probability
  sigma <- 1;    # variance of proposal distb for weights
  count <- 0.4;  # starting value for acc pbb - optimal value
  k1    <- k - 1;

  # Random values
  Zs <- stats::rnorm((Ntotal-1)*k1);
  Zs <- matrix(Zs, nrow = Ntotal-1, ncol = k1);
  Us <- log(stats::runif((Ntotal-1)*k1, 0, 1));
  Us <- matrix(Us, nrow = Ntotal-1, ncol = k1);

  # Initial values for the proposals
  phi.store   <- phi[1];
  tau.store   <- tau[1];
  delta.store <- delta[1];
  V.store     <- V[, 1];

  ptime = proc.time()[1]

  # Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler

  for(j in 1:(N-1)){

    adj    <- (j - 1) * thin;

    V.star <- V.store; # proposal value

    aux    <- sample(k1); # positions to be changed in the thining loop

    # Thinning
    for (i in 1:thin) {

      iter <- i + adj;

      if (iter %% printIter == 0) {
        cat(paste("Iteration", iter, ",", "Time elapsed",
                  round(as.numeric(proc.time()[1] - ptime) / 60, 2),
                  "minutes"), "\n")

      f.store <- lpost(omega,
                       V.store,     # parameter
                       tau.store,   # parameter
                       phi.store,   # parameter
                       delta.store, # parameter

      ### WEIGHT ###

      # tuning proposal distribution

      if(count < 0.30){ # increasing acceptance pbb

        sigma <- sigma * 0.90; # decreasing proposal moves

      }else if(count > 0.50){ # decreasing acceptance pbb

        sigma <- sigma * 1.1; # increasing proposal moves



      for(g in 1:k1){

        pos         <- aux[g];

        V.star[pos] <- V.store[pos] + sigma * Zs[iter, g];

        f.V.star <- lpost(omega,
                          V.star, # proposal value

        # log posterior for previous iteration
        #f.V <- f.store;


        alpha1 <- min(0, f.V.star - f.store); # log acceptance ratio

        if(Us[iter,g] < alpha1) {

          V.store[pos] <- V.star[pos]; # Accept W.star
          f.store      <- f.V.star;
          count        <- count + 1; # acceptance probability

        }else {

          V.star[pos] <- V.store[pos]; # reseting proposal value


      } # End updating weights

      count       <- count / k1;
      Count[iter] <- count; # Acceptance probability

      ### phi ###

      phi.store <- stats::rgamma(1, shape = k1/2 + phi.alpha,
                                rate = phi.beta * delta.store + t(V.store) %*% P %*% V.store / 2);

      ### delta ###

      delta.store <- stats::rgamma(1, shape = phi.alpha + delta.alpha,
                                   rate = phi.beta * phi.store + delta.beta);

      ### tau ###

      # Directly sample tau from conjugate Inverse-Gamma density

      q.psd <- qpsd(omega, k, V.store, degree, db.list);

      q <- unrollPsd(q.psd, n)

      # Note: (n - 1) and (n - 2) here.  Remove the first and last terms for even and first for odd
      if (n %% 2) {  # Odd length series
        tau.store <- 1 / stats::rgamma(1, tau.alpha + (n - 1) / 2,
                                        tau.beta + sum(pdgrm[-bFreq] / q[-bFreq]) / (2 * pi) / 2)
      else {  # Even length series
        tau.store <- 1 / stats::rgamma(1, tau.alpha + (n - 2) / 2,
                                        tau.beta + sum(pdgrm[-bFreq] / q[-bFreq]) / (2 * pi) / 2)

    }# End thining

  ### Storing values ###

  phi[j+1]   <- phi.store;
  delta[j+1] <- delta.store;
  tau[j+1]   <- tau.store;
  V[, j+1]   <- V.store;
  ### ###

}  # END: MCMC loop

  # Discarding burn-in period
  keep <- seq(round(burnin/thin) + 1, N);
  tau  <- tau[keep];
  phi  <- phi[keep];
  delta<- delta[keep];
  V    <- V[, keep];

  ### Compute log likelihood ###

  for(i in 1:length(keep)){

    ll.trace <- c(ll.trace,
                  llike(omega, FZ, k, V[,i], tau[i], pdgrm, degree, db.list));

  fpsd.sample <- log.fpsd.sample <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(omega), ncol = length(keep));
  #fpsd.sample <- log.fpsd.sample <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(omega) - 2, ncol = length(keep));

  # Store PSDs
  for (isample in 1:length(keep)) {
    q.psd <- qpsd(omega, k, V[, isample], degree, db.list);
    fpsd.sample[, isample] <- tau[isample] * q.psd;
    log.fpsd.sample[, isample] <- logfuller(fpsd.sample[, isample]); # Create transformed version

  # Compute point estimates and 90% Pointwise CIs
  psd.median <- apply(fpsd.sample, 1, stats::median);
  psd.mean   <- apply(fpsd.sample, 1, mean);
  psd.p05    <- apply(fpsd.sample, 1, stats::quantile, probs=0.05);
  psd.p95    <- apply(fpsd.sample, 1, stats::quantile, probs=0.95);

  # Transformed versions of these for uniform CI construction
  log.fpsd.s    <- apply(log.fpsd.sample, 1, stats::median);
  log.fpsd.mad  <- apply(log.fpsd.sample, 1, stats::mad);
  log.fpsd.help <- apply(log.fpsd.sample, 1, uniformmax);
  log.Cvalue    <- stats::quantile(log.fpsd.help, 0.9);

  # Compute Uniform CIs
  psd.u95 <- exp(log.fpsd.s + log.Cvalue * log.fpsd.mad);
  psd.u05 <- exp(log.fpsd.s - log.Cvalue * log.fpsd.mad);

  ### DIC ###

  tau_mean = mean(tau);

  v_means = unname(apply(V, 1, mean));

  l = llike(omega, FZ, k, v = v_means,
            tau = tau_mean, pdgrm, degree, db.list);

  ls = apply(rbind(tau, V), 2, function(x){
             llike(omega, FZ, k, v = x[-1],
             tau = x[1], pdgrm, degree, db.list)});
  ls = unname(ls);

  # http://kylehardman.com/BlogPosts/View/6
  # DIC = -2 * (l - (2 * (l - mean(ls))));

  D_PostMean = -2 * l;
  D_bar      = -2 * mean(ls);
  pd         = D_bar - D_PostMean;

  DIC = list(DIC = 2 * D_bar - D_PostMean, pd = pd);

  # Compute periodogram
  N     = length(psd.median); # N = (n + 1) / 2 (ODD) or N = n / 2 + 1 (EVEN)
  pdgrm = (abs(stats::fft(data)) ^ 2 / (2 * pi * n))[1:N];

  # storing analysis specifications
  anSpecif = list(k = k, n = n, degree = degree, FZ = FZ,
                  eqSpacedKnots = eqSpacedKnots, diffMatrixOrder = diffMatrixOrder,
                  tau.alpha = tau.alpha, tau.beta = tau.beta,
                  phi.alpha = phi.alpha, phi.beta = phi.beta,
                  delta.alpha = delta.alpha, delta.beta = delta.beta);

  # List to output
  output = list(psd.median = psd.median * rescale ^ 2,
                psd.mean = psd.mean * rescale ^ 2,
                psd.p05 = psd.p05 * rescale ^ 2,
                psd.p95 = psd.p95 * rescale ^ 2,
                psd.u05 = psd.u05 * rescale ^ 2,
                psd.u95 = psd.u95 * rescale ^ 2,
                fpsd.sample = fpsd.sample * rescale ^ 2,
                anSpecif = anSpecif,
                n = n,
                tau = tau,
                phi = phi,
                delta = delta,
                V = V,
                ll.trace = ll.trace,
                pdgrm = pdgrm * rescale ^ 2,
                db.list = db.list,
                DIC = DIC,
                count = Count); # Acceptance probability

  class(output) = "psd"  # Assign S3 class to object

  return(output); # Return output

}  # Close function
pmat747/psplinePsd documentation built on July 7, 2023, 9:06 p.m.