
Defines functions getSummaryStats rowWelchTests1 suffWelchTests1 categCheck divide_cols suffWelchTests rowWelchTests

Documented in rowWelchTests

#' Welch T-tests for rows of a matrix
#' @param X A \code{m x n} numeric matrix whose rows correspond to variables
#'   and columns to observations
#' @param categ Either a numeric vector of \code{n} categories in \eqn{0, 1} for
#'   the observations, or a \code{n x B} matrix stacking \code{B} such vectors
#'   (typically permutations of an original vector of size \code{n})
#' @param alternative A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis.
#'   Must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater" or "less". As in
#'   \code{\link{t.test}}, alternative = "greater" is the alternative that class
#'   1 has a larger mean than class 0.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{statistic}{the value of the t-statistics}
#'   \item{parameter}{the degrees of freedom for the t-statistics}
#'   \item{p.value}{the p-values for the tests}
#'   \item{estimate}{the mean difference between groups}}
#'   Each of these elements is a matrix of size \code{m x B}, coerced to a vector of length \code{m} if \code{B=1}
#' @author Pierre Neuvial
#' @details This function performs \code{m x B} Welch T tests on
#'   \code{n} observations using matrix operations. Its time complexity is
#'   \code{O(mBn)}. The code is much faster than using loops of 'apply'
#'   functions, especially for high-dimensional problems (small n and large m)
#'   because the overhead of the call to the 't.test' function is avoided and
#'   the code is vectorized
#' @references B. L. Welch (1951), On the comparison of several mean values: an
#'   alternative approach. Biometrika, *38*, 330-336
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m <- 300
#' n <- 38
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(m * n), ncol = n)
#' categ <- rep(c(0, 1), times = c(27, n - 27))
#' system.time(fwt <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ, alternative = "greater"))
#' str(fwt)
#' # compare with ordinary t.test:
#' system.time(pwt <- apply(mat, 1, FUN = function(x) {
#'   t.test(x[categ == 1], x[categ == 0], alternative = "greater")$p.value
#' }))
#' all(abs(fwt$p.value - pwt) < 1e-10) ## same results
#' # with several contrasts/permutations
#' B <- 100
#' categ_perm <- replicate(B, sample(categ))
#' system.time(fwt_perm <- rowWelchTests(mat, categ_perm, alternative = "greater"))
#' str(fwt_perm)
rowWelchTests <- function(X, categ,
                          alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  stopifnot(all(categ %in% c(0, 1)))

  categ0 <- as.matrix(categ)
  categ1 <- 1 - categ0

  nX <- as.matrix(colSums(categ0))
  nY <- as.matrix(colSums(categ1))

  sumX <- X %*% categ0
  sumY <- X %*% categ1
  XX <- X * X
  sum2X <- XX %*% categ0
  sum2Y <- XX %*% categ1

  mX <- divide_cols(sumX, nX)
  mY <- divide_cols(sumY, nY)

  num <- sum2X - divide_cols(sumX^2, nX)
  num <- abs(num) # fix rare corner cases where num ~= -1e-15
  sX <- sqrt(divide_cols(num, nX - 1))

  num <- sum2Y - divide_cols(sumY^2, nY)
  num <- abs(num) # fix rare corner cases where num ~= -1e-15
  sY <- sqrt(divide_cols(num, nY - 1))

  suffWelchTests(mX, mY, sX, sY, nX, nY, alternative = alternative)

#' Welch test from sufficient statistics
#' @param mx A numeric value or vector, the sample average for condition "x"
#' @param my A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   average for condition "y"
#' @param sx A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the standard
#'   deviation for condition "x"
#' @param sy A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the standard
#'   deviation for condition "y"
#' @param nx A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   size for condition "x"
#' @param ny A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   size for condition "y"
#' @param alternative A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis.
#' @return A list with elements:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{statistic}{the value of the t-statistic}
#'   \item{parameter}{the degrees of freedom for the t-statistic}
#'   \item{p.value}{the p-value for the test}
#'   }
#' @author Pierre Neuvial
#' @details In accordance with the implementation of \code{\link[stats]{t.test}} and friends, we
#'   follow the rule that 'alternative = "greater"' is the alternative that 'x'
#'   has a larger  mean than 'y'.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @examples
#' # Reproducing the results of the 't.test' function
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- rnorm(34, mean = 1)
#' target <- t.test(x, y)
#' swt <- suffWelchTests(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y), length(x), length(y))
#' all.equal(swt$statistic, target$statistic, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$p.value, target$p.value, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$parameter, target$parameter, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' target <- t.test(x, y, alternative = "greater")
#' swt <- suffWelchTests(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y),
#'   length(x), length(y),
#'   alternative = "greater"
#' )
#' all.equal(swt$statistic, target$statistic, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$p.value, target$p.value, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$parameter, target$parameter, check.attributes = FALSE)
suffWelchTests <- function(mx, my, sx, sy, nx, ny,
                           alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

  if (is.vector(mx)) {
    if (!all(
      is.vector(my), is.vector(sx), is.vector(sy),
      is.vector(nx), is.vector(ny)
    )) {
      stop("All numeric inputs should be of the same type (either vector or matrix)")
    mx <- as.matrix(mx)
    my <- as.matrix(my)
    sx <- as.matrix(sx)
    sy <- as.matrix(sy)
    nx <- as.matrix(nx)
    ny <- as.matrix(ny)
  } else if (is.matrix(mx)) {
    if (!all(
      is.matrix(my), is.matrix(sx), is.matrix(sy),
      is.matrix(nx), is.matrix(ny)
    )) {
      stop("All numeric inputs should be of the same type (either vector or matrix)")
  } else {
    stop("Numeric inputs should be vectors or matrices")
  sse.x <- divide_cols(sx^2, nx) ## sc <-> sqrt((sum2c - sumc^2/nc)/(nc-1))
  sse.y <- divide_cols(sy^2, ny)

  sse <- sse.x + sse.y
  sse2 <- sse^2

  ## test statistic
  stat <- (mx - my) / sqrt(sse)
  ## names(stat) <- rep("t", length(stat))

  ## approximate degrees of freedom (Welch-Satterthwaite)
  deno <- divide_cols(sse.x^2, nx - 1) + divide_cols(sse.y^2, ny - 1)
  df <- sse2 / deno
  ## names(df) <- "df"

  # mean difference
  meanDiff <- mx - my

  # coerce to vector if single column
  if (ncol(stat) == 1) {
    stat <- stat[, 1]
    stopifnot(ncol(df) == 1)
    df <- df[, 1]
    stopifnot(ncol(meanDiff) == 1)
    meanDiff <- meanDiff[, 1]

  ## p-value
  pval <- switch(alternative,
    "two.sided" = 2 * (1 - pt(abs(stat), df = df)),
    "greater" = 1 - pt(stat, df = df),
    "less" = pt(stat, df = df)

    statistic = stat,
    parameter = df,
    p.value = pval,
    estimate = meanDiff

divide_cols <- function(a, b) sweep(a, 2, b, "/")

categCheck <- function(categ, n) {
  name <- as.character(substitute(categ))
  if (length(categ) != n) {
    stop(name, " should be of length ", n, ", not", length(categ))
  categ <- as.factor(categ)
  cats <- levels(categ)
  if (!identical(cats, c("0", "1")) & length(cats) <= 2) {
    stop("'", name, "' should consist only of '0' and '1' or distinct continuous values.")

#' Welch test from sufficient statistics
#' @param mx A numeric value or vector, the sample average for condition "x"
#' @param my A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   average for condition "y"
#' @param sx A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the standard
#'   deviation for condition "x"
#' @param sy A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the standard
#'   deviation for condition "y"
#' @param nx A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   size for condition "x"
#' @param ny A numeric value or vector of the same length as 'mx', the sample
#'   size for condition "y"
#' @param alternative A character string specifying the alternative hypothesis.
#'   Currently only "two.sided" is implemented
#' @return A list with elements:
#'   \describe{ \item{statistic}{the value of the t-statistic}
#'   \item{parameter}{the degrees of freedom for the t-statistic}
#'   \item{p.value}{the p-value for the test} }
#' @author Pierre Neuvial
#' @details In accordance with the implementation of \code{\link[stats]{t.test}} and friends, we
#'   follow the rule that 'alternative = "greater"' is the alternative that 'x'
#'   has a larger  mean than 'y'.
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' # Reproducing the results of the 't.test' function
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' y <- rnorm(34, mean = 1)
#' target <- t.test(x, y)
#' swt <- suffWelchTests1(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y), length(x), length(y))
#' all.equal(swt$statistic, target$statistic, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$p.value - target$p.value, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$parameter - target$parameter, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' target <- t.test(x, y, alternative = "greater")
#' swt <- suffWelchTests1(mean(x), mean(y), sd(x), sd(y),
#'   length(x), length(y),
#'   alternative = "greater"
#' )
#' all.equal(swt$statistic, target$statistic, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$p.value, target$p.value, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' all.equal(swt$parameter, target$parameter, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' @noRd
suffWelchTests1 <- function(mx, my, sx, sy, nx, ny,
                            alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  #    if (alternative != "two.sided") stop("altenative", alternative, "not implemented yet!")

  ## sanity checks
  p <- length(mx)
  stopifnot(length(my) == p)
  stopifnot(length(sx) == p)
  stopifnot(length(sy) == p)
  stopifnot(length(nx) %in% c(1, p))
  stopifnot(length(ny) %in% c(1, p))

  sse.x <- sx^2 / nx ## sc <- sqrt((sum2c - sumc^2/nc)/(nc-1))
  sse.y <- sy^2 / ny

  sse <- sse.x + sse.y
  sse2 <- sse^2

  ## test statistic
  stat <- (mx - my) / sqrt(sse)
  ## names(stat) <- rep("t", length(stat))

  ## approximate degrees of freedom (Welch-Satterthwaite)
  df <- sse2 / (sse.x^2 / (nx - 1) + sse.y^2 / (ny - 1))
  ## names(df) <- "df"

  ## p-value
  pval <- switch(alternative,
    "two.sided" = 2 * (1 - pt(abs(stat), df = df)),
    "greater" = 1 - pt(stat, df = df),
    "less" = pt(stat, df = df)

    statistic = stat,
    parameter = df,
    p.value = pval,
    estimate = mx - my

rowWelchTests1 <- function(mat, categ, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) {
  alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
  categCheck(categ, ncol(mat))

  sstats <- getSummaryStats(mat, categ = categ)
  Y <- sstats[["0"]]
  X <- sstats[["1"]] ## as per the doc of t.test:
  ## 'alternative = "greater"' is the alternative that 'x' has a larger  mean
  ## than 'y'.
  swt <- suffWelchTests1(X[["mean"]], Y[["mean"]],
    X[["sd"]], Y[["sd"]],
    X[["n"]], Y[["n"]],
    alternative = alternative

#' Convert a matrix of observations into summary statistics
#' Convert a matrix of observations labelled into categories into summary
#' statistics for each category
#' The following statistics are calculated: sums, sums of squares, means,
#' standard deviations, sample sizes
#' @param mat A \code{m x n} numeric matrix whose rows correspond to variables
#'   and columns to observations
#' @param categ A vector of \code{n} categories for the observations
#' @return A list of \code{n} elements containing the above-described
#'   summary statistics for each category
#' @author Pierre Neuvial
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(3051 * 38), ncol = 38)
#' cls <- rep(c(0, 1), times = c(27, 11))
#' stats <- getSummaryStats(mat, categ = cls)
getSummaryStats <- function(mat, categ) {
  stopifnot(ncol(mat) == length(categ))
  cats <- sort(unique(categ))
  res <- list()
  for (cc in seq(along = cats)) {
    ww <- which(categ == cats[cc])
    matc <- mat[, ww, drop = FALSE]

    sumc <- rowSums(matc)
    sum2c <- rowSums(matc^2)
    nc <- length(ww)
    mc <- sumc / nc
    sc <- sqrt((sum2c - sumc^2 / nc) / (nc - 1))

    res[[cc]] <- list(
      sum = sumc,
      sum2 = sum2c,
      n = nc,
      mean = mc,
      sd = sc
  names(res) <- cats
pneuvial/sanssouci documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:49 a.m.