
Defines functions PranaStrategies

PranaStrategies <- function(Stg,UID,Share,Timeframe = "m30",StartDate = "2014-01-01",EndDate = Sys.Date(),Vol = 1000,MaxPos = 10,Fee = T,Over = T,ReEnterType = 0,ReEnterAmm = 0){
  # Ichimoku Indicator Function
  ichimoku <- function(HLC, nFast=9, nMed=26, nSlow=52) {
    turningLine <- (runMax(Hi(HLC), nFast)+runMin(Lo(HLC), nFast))/2
    baseLine <- (runMax(Hi(HLC), nMed)+runMin(Lo(HLC), nMed))/2
    spanA <- lag((turningLine+baseLine)/2, nMed)
    spanB <- lag((runMax(Hi(HLC), nSlow)+runMin(Lo(HLC), nSlow))/2, nMed)
    plotSpan <- lag(Cl(HLC), -nMed) #for plotting the original Ichimoku only
    laggingSpan <- lag(Cl(HLC), nMed)
    lagSpanA <- lag(spanA, nMed)
    lagSpanB <- lag(spanB, nMed)
    out <- cbind(turnLine=turningLine, baseLine=baseLine, spanA=spanA, spanB=spanB, plotSpan=plotSpan, laggingSpan=laggingSpan, lagSpanA, lagSpanB)
    colnames(out) <- c("turnLine", "baseLine", "spanA", "spanB", "plotLagSpan", "laggingSpan", "lagSpanA","lagSpanB")
    return (out)
  # Indicators function
  Indis <- function(bb,FUN,n,m,p,q){
           ADX = result <- ADX(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n),
           Aroon = result <- aroon(bb[,c(2,3)],n),
           aroon = result <- aroon(bb[,c(2,3)],n),
           ATR = result <- ATR(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n),
           BBands = result <- BBands(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n = n,sd = m,maType = "SMA"),
           CCI = result <- CCI(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n = n,maType = "SMA",m),
           chaikinAD = result <- chaikinAD(bb[,c(2,3,4)],bb[,5]),
           chaikinVolatility = result <- chaikinVolatility(bb[,c(2,3)],n),
           CLV = result <- CLV(bb[,c(2,3,4)]),
           CMF = result <- CMF(bb[,c(2,3,4)],bb[,5],n),
           CMO = result <- CMO(bb[,4],n),
           DonchianChannel = result <- DonchianChannel(bb[,c(2,3)],n),
           DPO = result <- DPO(bb[,4],n,shift = m,maType = "SMA"),
           DVI = result <- DVI(bb[,4],n),
           EMV = result <- EMV(bb[,c(2,3)],bb[,5],n,maType = "SMA"),
           ichimoku = result <- ichimoku(HLC = bb[,c(2,3,4)],nFast = n,nMed = m,nSlow = p),
           KST = result <- KST(bb[,4],n = c(n,n,n,floor((3 * n) / 2)),nROC = c(n, n + floor(n/2),2 * n, 2*n + floor(n/2)),nSig = m,maType = "SMA"),
           lags = result <- lag(bb[,m],n),
           MACD = result <- MACD(bb[,4],n,m,p,"SMA"),
           MFI = result <- MFI(bb[,c(2,3,4)],bb[,5],n),
           momentum = result <- momentum(bb[,4],n),
           OBV = result <- OBV(bb[,4],bb[,5]),
           Pbands = result <- PBands(bb[,4],n,sd = m,maType = "SMA"),
           ROC = result <- ROC(bb[,4],n),
           rollSFM = result <- rollSFM(bb[,4],n),
           RSI = result <- RSI(bb[,4],n,"SMA"),
           SAR = result <- SAR(bb[,c(2,3)],accel = c(n,m)),
           stoch = result <- stoch(bb[,c(2,3,4)],nFastK = n,nFastD = m,nSlowD = p,maType = "SMA"),
           SMI = result <- SMI(HLC,n = n,nFast = m,nSlow = p,nSig = q),
           TDI = result <- TDI(bb[,4],n,m),
           TRIX = result <- TRIX(bb[,4],n,m,"SMA"),
           ultimateOscillator = result <- ultimateOscillator(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n = c(5, 10, 20), wts = c(4, 2, 1)),
           VHF = result <- VHF(bb[,4],n),
           volatility = result <- volatility(bb[,c(7,2,3,4)],n),
           williamsAD = result <- williamsAD(bb[,c(2,3,4)]),
           WPR = result <- WPR(bb[,c(2,3,4)],n),
           ZigZag <- result <- ZigZag(bb[,c(2,3)],n),
           SMA = result <- SMA(bb[,4],n),
           EMA = result <- EMA(bb[,4],n),
           DEMA = result <- DEMA(bb[,4],n,m),
           WMA = result <- WMA(bb[,4],n),
           EVWMA = result <- EVWMA(bb[,4],n),
           ZLEMA = result <- ZLEMA(bb[,4],n),
           VWAP = result <- VWAP(bb[,4],n),
           VMA = result <- VMA(bb[,4],n),
           HMA = result <- HMA(bb[,4],n),
           ALMA = result <- ALMA(bb[,4],n,m,p)
  ReEnt <- function(B,bb,type,amm){
    n <- nrow(B)
    tar <- index(B)
    nn <- -c(1:n)
    pp <- as.numeric(bb[tar,4])
    BB <- data.frame(Price = pp,Trade = nn)
    res <- xts(BB,order.by = tar)
    tar[n+1] <- Sys.time()
    ta <- tar[-1]
    nB <- vector()
    nBp <- vector()
    nBt <- vector()
    k <- 0
    if(type == "dec_per"){
      for (i in 1:n) {
        baz <- paste(tar[i],ta[i],sep = "/")
        temp <- bb[baz]
        np <- as.numeric(temp[tar[i],4])
        m <- tar[i]
        while (!is.na(m)) {
          np <- floor(GeometricSequence(2,np,((100 - amm)/100))[2])
          baz <- paste(m,ta[i],sep = "/")
          ntemp <- temp[baz]
          m <- index(ntemp[which(ntemp[,3] < np & np < ntemp[,4]),])[1]
            k <- k + 1
            nB[k] <- as.character(m)
            nBp[k] <- np
            nBt[k] <- i
    }else if(type == "dec_pri"){
      for (i in 1:n) {
        baz <- paste(tar[i],ta[i],sep = "/")
        temp <- bb[baz]
        np <- as.numeric(temp[tar[i],4])
        m <- tar[i]
        while (!is.na(m)) {
          np <- np - amm
          baz <- paste(m,ta[i],sep = "/")
          ntemp <- temp[baz]
          m <- index(ntemp[which(ntemp[,3] < np & np < ntemp[,4]),])[1]
            k <- k + 1
            nB[k] <- as.character(m)
            nBp[k] <- np
            nBt[k] <- i
    }else if(type == "inc_per"){
      for (i in 1:n) {
        baz <- paste(tar[i],ta[i],sep = "/")
        temp <- bb[baz]
        np <- as.numeric(temp[tar[i],4])
        m <- tar[i]
        while (!is.na(m)) {
          np <- floor(GeometricSequence(2,np,((100 + amm)/100))[2])
          baz <- paste(m,ta[i],sep = "/")
          ntemp <- temp[baz]
          m <- index(ntemp[which(ntemp[,4] > np & np > ntemp[,3]),])[1]
            k <- k + 1
            nB[k] <- as.character(m)
            nBp[k] <- np
            nBt[k] <- i
    }else if(type == "inc_pri"){
      for (i in 1:n) {
        baz <- paste(tar[i],ta[i],sep = "/")
        temp <- bb[baz]
        np <- as.numeric(temp[tar[i],4])
        m <- tar[i]
        while (!is.na(m)) {
          np <- np + amm
          baz <- paste(m,ta[i],sep = "/")
          ntemp <- temp[baz]
          m <- index(ntemp[which(ntemp[,4] > np & np > ntemp[,3]),])[1]
            k <- k + 1
            nB[k] <- as.character(m)
            nBp[k] <- np
            nBt[k] <- i
    BB <- data.frame(Price = nBp,Trade = nBt)
    result <- xts(BB,order.by = as.POSIXct(nB))
    result <- rbind(res,result)
  Report <- function(Result,dd,MaxPos){
    n <- nrow(Result) / 2
    Trade <- rep(c(1:n),each = 2)
    SuccessRate <- nrow(Result[Result[,4] > 0 & !is.na(Result[,4]),]) / n
    MeanProfit <- mean(Result[Result[,4] > 0 & !is.na(Result[,4]),4])
    MeanLost <- mean(Result[Result[,4] <= 0 & !is.na(Result[,4]),4])
    MaxDrwDwn <- min(Result[Result[,4] <= 0 & !is.na(Result[,4]),4])
    TotalRet <- cumprod(1 + Result[!is.na(Result[,4]),4])[n] - 1
    TurnOver <- sum(Result[,1]) * Vol
    TotalVol <- n * Vol
    OpenPos <- vector()
    a1 <- c(1:n)
    a2 <- 2*a1
    reE <- Result[a2,]
    reS <- Result[a1,]
    for (i in 1:n) {
      ii <- (2 * i) - 1
      jj <- 2 * i
      t <- Result[ii,3]
      tt <- Result[jj,3]
      a <- which((reE[,3] <= tt) & (reE[,3] >= t))
      OpenPos[i] <- length(a)
    MaxOpenPos <- max(OpenPos)
    MaxOpenPos <- min(MaxOpenPos,MaxPos)
    if(MaxOpenPos == 0){
      MaxOpenPos <- 1
    temtar <- vector()
    doreneg <- vector()
    for (i in 1:n) {
      baz <- paste(as.Date(reS[i,3]),as.Date(reE[i,3]),sep = "/")
      doreneg[2*i] <- length(index(dd[baz]))
      temtar <- c(temtar,index(dd[baz]))
    m <- length(unique(temtar))
    l <- nrow(dd)
    AcToDeAc <- m / (l - m)
    radif <- c(1:nrow(Result))
    Nat <- vector()
    Nat[a2] <- (Result[a2,1]-Result[a1,1])*Vol
    lis <- data.frame(radif,Result[,3],Result[,2],Result[,1],rep(Vol,nrow(Result)),(Result[,1]*Vol),Nat,doreneg,Trade,Result[,4])
    colnames(lis) <- c("Radif","Tarikh","Noe Moamele","Gheymat","Hajme Moamele","Arzesh","Sood ya Zian","Dore Negahdari","Shomare Radife kharid","Bazdeh")
    Natije <- list(MaxOpenPos,MaxDrwDwn,AcToDeAc,SuccessRate,MeanProfit,TotalRet,TurnOver,MeanLost,TotalVol,lis)
    names(Natije) <- c("MaxOpenPos","MaxDrwDwn","AcToDeAc","SuccessRate","MeanProfit","TotalRet","TurnOver","MeanLost","TotalVol","Detail")
  Share <- as.character(Share)
  db <- fromJSON(Share)
  bb <- db[[1]]
  bb <- xts(bb[,1:5],order.by = as.POSIXct(bb[,6]))
  dd <- db[[2]]
  dd <- xts(dd[,1:5],order.by = as.Date(dd[,6]))
  # get the Strategy
  x <- as.character(Stg)
  Stg <- fromJSON(x)
  if(Stg$BUY$Status == "Set"){
    EnRuls <- Stg$BUY$Enter$Rulls
    EnRels <- Stg$BUY$Enter$Rels
    ExRuls <- Stg$BUY$Exit$Rulls
    ExRels <- Stg$BUY$Exit$Rels
    StpLst <- Stg$BUY$Exit$StopLost
    TkPrft <- Stg$BUY$Exit$TakeProfit
    n <- length(EnRuls)
    for (i in 1:n) {
      m <- length(EnRuls[[i]]$Indicators)
      qqq <-"Ind_1"
      for (j in 1:m) {
        Ind <- EnRuls[[i]]$Indicators[[j]][[1]]
        l <- length(EnRuls[[i]]$Indicators[[j]]$Parameters)
        qq <- ""
        for (t in 1:l) {
          qq <- paste(qq,EnRuls[[i]]$Indicators[[j]]$Parameters[[t]][,2],sep = ",")
        k <- which(Indo[,21] == Ind)
        b <- paste("Ind_",j," <- Indis(bb = bb,FUN = Indo[k,1]",qq, ")[,Indo[k,22]]", sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
      m <- m - 1
      if(EnRuls[[i]]$Math[[m]] == "cross<"){
        for (s in 1:m) {
          qqq <- paste(qqq,EnRuls[[i]]$Math[[s]],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
        a1 <- gsub("cross<",">=",qqq)
        b <- paste("c1 <- ",a1,sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
        a2 <- gsub("cross<","<",qqq)
        b <- paste("c2 <- ",a2,sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
        c2 <- lag(c2,1)
        b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (c1 & c2)",sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
      }else if(EnRuls[[i]]$Math[[m]] == "cross>"){
        for (s in 1:m) {
          qqq <- paste(qqq,EnRuls[[i]]$Math[[s]],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
        a1 <- gsub("cross>","<=",qqq)
        b <- paste("c1 <- ",a1,sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
        a2 <- gsub("cross>",">",qqq)
        b <- paste("c2 <- ",a2,sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
        c2 <- lag(c2,1)
        b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (c1 & c2)",sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
        for (s in 1:m) {
          qqq <- paste(qqq,EnRuls[[i]]$Math[[s]],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
        b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (",qqq,")",sep = "")
        eval(parse(text = b))
    q <- "rull_1"
    if(length(EnRuls) > 1){
      n <- n - 1
      for (s in 1:n) {
        q <- paste(q,EnRels[[s]],"rull_",s+1,sep = "")
      q <- gsub("OR", " || ", q)
      q <- gsub("AND", " & ", q)
    b <- paste("BUY_Enter <- (",q,")",sep = "")
    eval(parse(text = b))
    BB <- BUY_Enter[which(BUY_Enter),]
      if(ReEnterType != 0){
        B <- ReEnt(B=BB[nrow(BB),],bb=bb,type = ReEnterType,amm = ReEnterAmm)
      pri <- B[i,1]
        Stp <- as.numeric(pri * 1000)
      }else {
        if(StpLst[1,1] == "Percent"){
          Stp <- as.numeric(floor(pri * ((100 - as.numeric(StpLst[1,2]))/100)))
        }else if(StpLst[1,1] == "PriceTick"){
          Stp <- as.numeric(pri - StpLst[1,2])
        Prf <- as.numeric(pri * 1000)
      }else {
        if(TkPrft[1,1] == "Percent"){
          Prf <- as.numeric(floor(pri * ((100 + as.numeric(TkPrft[1,2]))/100)))
        }else if(TkPrft[1,1] == "PriceTick"){
          Prf <- as.numeric(pri + TkPrft[1,2])
    #Evaluate Exit Conditions
    if(is.null(ExRuls)) {
      n = 0
    } else {
      n <- nrow(ExRuls)
    if(n > 0){
      for (i in 1:n) {
        m <- length(ExRuls[[1]][[i]]$Indicator)
        qqq <-"Ind_1"
        for (j in 1:m) {
          Ind <- ExRuls[[1]][[i]]$Indicator[[j]]
          l <- nrow(ExRuls[[1]][[i]]$Parameters[[j]])
          qq <- ""
          for (t in 1:l) {
            qq <- paste(qq,ExRuls[[1]][[i]]$Parameters[[j]][t,2],sep = ",")
          k <- which(Indo[,21] == Ind)
          b <- paste("Ind_",j," <- Indis(bb = bb,FUN = Indo[k,1]",qq, ")[,Indo[k,22]]", sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
        m <- m - 1
        if(ExRuls[[2]][m] == "cross<"){
          for (s in 1:m) {
            qqq <- paste(qqq,ExRuls[[2]][[i]][s],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
          a1 <- gsub("cross<",">=",qqq)
          b <- paste("c1 <- ",a1,sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
          a2 <- gsub("cross<","<",qqq)
          b <- paste("c2 <- ",a2,sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
          c2 <- lag(c2,1)
          b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (c1 & c2)",sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
        }else if(ExRuls[[2]][[i]][m] == "cross>"){
          for (s in 1:m) {
            qqq <- paste(qqq,ExRuls[[2]][[i]][s],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
          a1 <- gsub("cross>","<=",qqq)
          b <- paste("c1 <- ",a1,sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
          a2 <- gsub("cross>",">",qqq)
          b <- paste("c2 <- ",a2,sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
          c2 <- lag(c2,1)
          b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (c1 & c2)",sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
          for (s in 1:m) {
            qqq <- paste(qqq,ExRuls[[2]][[i]][s],"Ind_",s+1,sep = "")
          b <- paste("rull_",i," <- (",qqq,")",sep = "")
          eval(parse(text = b))
      q <- "rull_1"
      if(nrow(ExRuls) > 1){
        n <- n - 1
        for (s in 1:n) {
          q <- paste(q,EnRels[s],"rull_",s+1,sep = "")
        q <- gsub("or", " | ", q)
        q <- gsub("and", " & ", q)
      b <- paste("BUY_ExitRu <- (",q,")",sep = "")
      eval(parse(text = b))
      C <- BUY_ExitRu[which(BUY_ExitRu),]
pooya1991/BillioR documentation built on Aug. 20, 2019, 11:20 a.m.