Man pages for ppdragondw/Key2Enrich
R package of gene set enrichment analysis

formatInputSampleFormat input file to dataframe class with entrez ID, symbol...
getAllGeneInPathwayDFGet all KEGG pathway ID and its corresponding gene list in...
getAllPathNameAndIDGet all KEGG pathway name and ID of species
getAllTypesIDConvert input file ID to dataframe class with entrez ID,...
getColorGet color for node from log fold change value
getGeneInOnePathwayDFGet gene list in specific KEGG pathway
getGeneSymbolGet gene symbol from different species
getIndexGet index of value in array for right color key
getIndex2Get index of value in array for left color key
get_inputSampleKEGG_mGet sample genes in specific KEGG pathway
get_nGet the number of sample genes with KEGG gene ID
getNGet the number of all genes with KEGG gene ID
getPathInfoGet KEGG pathway info from xmlRoot
getPValueCalculate p-value and adjust p-value of KEGG pathway on input...
getTotalPathNamesGet all KEGG pathway name for species
GO2EnrichPerform Gene Ontology enrichment analysis
gsSample in GSEABase class
inputSampleData from sample file
KEGGEnricherMatrixRealTimeGet enrichment output matrix of enriched KEGG pathway
KEGGID2EntrezIDGet all KEGG gene ID and entrezgene ID in a specific species
Key2EnrichBarplotPlot barplot
Key2KEGGEnrichPerforme enrichment analysis based on KEGG pathway, plot...
mappingOnSpecifiedKEGGPathwayDownload KEGG pathway files and mapping genes on pathway
multiplotPlot two image on same panel
parseGraphicGet info from list class of graphic info
parseKGMLFileRead XML file
parseList2DataframeConvert list class of node info to dataframe
plotGradientPlot heatmap color key for node
plotSigImgPlot heat map rectangle on the KEGG pathway node
Reactome2EnrichGet enrichment matrix of enriched Reactome pathway
readInputFileRead samples files with different annotation ID
sampleWith3IDsMapping input file with ID to symbol, entrez, ensembl IDs
speciesConvert2BiomartConvert input species to biomart species
speciesKEGGConvertConvert input species to KEGG species
speciesKEGGFlagConvertConvert input species to KEGG species with flag
textStampAdd text stamp on image
ppdragondw/Key2Enrich documentation built on May 29, 2019, 7:39 a.m.