all_freq <- bigreadr::fread2(
dir = "tmp-data", fname = "ref_freqs.csv.gz"))
# T2D from FinnGen
(N <- 29193 + 182573)
sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2("../freq-ancestry//tmp-data/summary_stats_finngen_R5_T2D.gz") %>%
transmute(rsid = rsids, chr = `#chrom`, pos, a0 = ref, a1 = alt,
freq = (2 * (n_hom_cases + n_hom_controls) +
(n_het_cases + n_het_controls)) / (2 * N)) %>%
filter(chr %in% 1:22)
# Epilepsy
gz <- runonce::download_file(
dir = "tmp-data")
readLines(gz, n = 3)
sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2(
gz, select = c("CHR", "BP", "Allele2", "Allele1", "Freq1"),
col.names = c("chr", "pos", "a0", "a1", "freq")
) %>%
mutate_at(3:4, toupper)
gz <- runonce::download_file(
dir = "tmp-data")
sumstats <- bigreadr::fread2(
gz, select = c("Chr", "Position_hg19", "Other-allele", "Effect-allele", "Effect-allele-frequency"),
col.names = c("chr", "pos", "a0", "a1", "freq"))
pop <- c("African-American" = 17286, "Hispanic-Latino" = 22192, "Asian" = 4680,
"Native Hawaiian" = 3939, "Native American" = 647, Other = 1052)
round(sort(pop / sum(pop), decreasing = TRUE), 3)
# Hispanic-Latino African-American Asian Native Hawaiian Other Native American
# 0.446 0.347 0.094 0.079 0.021 0.013
matched <- bigsnpr::snp_match(
mutate(sumstats, chr = as.integer(chr), beta = 1),
all_freq[1:5], return_flip_and_rev = TRUE, join_by_pos = FALSE
) %>%
mutate(freq = ifelse(`_REV_`, 1 - freq, freq))
X <- as.matrix(all_freq[matched$`_NUM_ID_`, -(1:5)])
y <- matched$freq
D <- crossprod(X)
eig_min <- min(eigen(D, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)
get_res <- function(coef) {
diag(D) <- diag(D) - coef * eig_min
res <- quadprog::solve.QP(
Dmat = D,
dvec = crossprod(y, X),
Amat = cbind(1, diag(ncol(X))),
bvec = c(1, rep(0, ncol(X))),
meq = 1
round(100 * setNames(res, colnames(X)), 1)
(SEQ <- setNames(nm = c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99)))
sapply(SEQ, get_res) %>%
ifelse(. == 0, "", .) %>%
xtable::xtable(align = "|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|") %>%
print(caption.placement = "top", hline.after = c(-1, 0, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 17),
include.rownames = TRUE, file = "../freq-ancestry/ancestry-proportions.tex")
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