
#' Function used in get.ggplot
#' @description
#' draw pie on maps for network relations
get.ggplot_network.relation.map = function(map, data, relation = "reproduction", relation.type = "recolte", name = "harvested seed-lots", pie.size, hide.labels.parts, labels.size){	
	if(relation == "cross.info") {
		net.info = droplevels(filter(data$network.info, cross.info %in% relation.type))
		net.info$variable = as.numeric(net.info$cross) # to get a column of 1		
	if(relation == "reproduction") {
		net.info = droplevels(filter(data$network.info, reproduction %in% relation.type))
		net.info$variable = as.numeric(net.info$reproduction) # to get a column of 1
	if(relation == "diffusion") {
		net.info = droplevels(filter(data$network.info, diffusion %in% relation.type))
		net.info$variable = as.numeric(net.info$diffusion) # to get a column of 1
	if(relation == "mixture") {
		net.info = droplevels(filter(data$network.info, mixture %in% relation.type))
		net.info$variable = as.numeric(net.info$mixture) # to get a column of 1		
	if(relation == "selection") {
		net.info = droplevels(filter(data$network.info, selection %in% relation.type))
		net.info$variable = as.numeric(net.info$selection) # to get a column of 1		
	if( nrow(net.info) > 0 ) {
		all_year = sort(unique(as.numeric(as.character(net.info$year))))
		tmp = NULL
		for(i in all_year){tmp = c(tmp, list(i))}
		out = list()
		n = NULL
		for(y in all_year){
			net.info_tmp = filter(net.info, year %in% y)
			net.info.map = ddply(net.info_tmp, "person", summarise, variable = sum(variable))
			net.info.map = join(net.info.map, unique(net.info[,c("person", "long", "lat")]), by = "person")
			# delete if info is missing for long and lat and put a message
			no_lat_or_long = unique(c(which(is.na(net.info.map$long)), which(is.na(net.info.map$lat))))
			if( length(no_lat_or_long) > 0 ) {
				text = paste(as.character(net.info.map$person[no_lat_or_long]), collapse = ", ")
				warning(paste(y, collapse = ", "), ": ",text, " have no information for coordinates and are not represented on the map.")
				net.info.map = net.info.map[-no_lat_or_long,]
			if( !is.null(hide.labels.parts) ) { if( hide.labels.parts != "all" ){ stop("With ggplot.type \"network-\" and ggplot.display = \"map\" hide.labels.parts can be NULL or \"all\".") } }
			if( nrow(net.info.map) > 0 ){
				p = get.ggplot_pie.on.ggplot(map, data = net.info.map, variable = "variable", factor = "person", x.origin = "long", y.origin = "lat", r = pie.size, hide.labels.parts = hide.labels.parts, labels.size = labels.size) 		
				t = tapply(net.info.map$variable, net.info.map$person, sum, na.rm = TRUE); min = min(t); max = max(t)	
				p = p + scale_fill_gradient(low = "green", high = "red", name = name, limits = c(min, max))
				p = p + ggtitle(paste(y, collapse = ", "))
			} else { p = NULL }

			n = c(n, paste("map-[", paste(y, collapse = ", "), "]", sep = ""))
			out = c(out, list(p))
		names(out) = n
	} else { out = NULL }

	out = list("map" = out)
priviere/shinemas2R_deprecated documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:21 p.m.