

# roadside bias stuff
# - road width -- vary
# - density: 1,1,0
# - behav: 0.8, lower/higher/same, 0 -- vary
# - EDR: 1,1,2 (same)

# movement x spatial pattern (2 x 3)

rint <- c(0.5, 1, Inf)
tint <- c(3, 5, 10)
phi <- 0.5
tau <- 1
D <- 1

s <- expand_list(
  abund_fun = list(function(lambda, ...) as.integer(lambda)),
  road = c(0, 0.1, 0.2),
  edge = 0.5,
  density = list(c(D, D, 0)),
  vocal_rate = list(c(phi, phi/2, 0), c(phi, phi, 0), c(phi, phi*2, 0)),
  tau = list(c(tau, tau, tau*2)),
  rint = list(rint),
  tint = list(tint)
## no edge without road
for (i in seq_along(s))
  if (s[[i]]$road == 0)
    s[[i]]$edge <- 0

if (FALSE) {
# movement x spatial pattern (2 x 3)
f_syst <- function(d) {
  (1-exp(-d^2/1^2) + dlnorm(d, 2)/dlnorm(exp(2-1),2)) / 2
## clustered
f_clust <- function(d) {
  exp(-d^2/1^2) + 0.5*(1-exp(-d^2/4^2))

s <- expand_list(
  move_rate = 1,
  xy_fun = list(NULL, f_syst, f_clust),
  movement = c(0, 0.5),
  density = D,
  vocal_rate = phi,
  tau = tau,
  rint = list(rint),
  tint = list(tint)

b <- lapply(s, bsims_all)

## test run before running more extensive runs
tmp <- lapply(b, function(z) z$new())
op <- par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(1,1,1,1))
for (i in 1:9)

if (FALSE) {
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,3), mar=c(1,1,1,1))
for (i in 1:6)
B <- 50 # number of times to replicate experiment
n <- 10 # sample size in each replicate

nc <- 4
cl <- makeCluster(nc)
tmp <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(bSims))

bb <- lapply(b, function(z) {
  zz <- z$replicate(B * n, cl=cl)
  lapply(zz, get_table)


Mt <- matrix(tint, nrow=n, ncol=length(tint), byrow=TRUE)
Mr <- matrix(rint, nrow=n, ncol=length(rint), byrow=TRUE)

TAU <- PHI <- DEN <- matrix(NA, length(s), B)

for (i in seq_len(B)) {
  ii <- ((i-1)*n+1):(i*n)
  yy <- lapply(bb, function(z) z[ii])

  phihat <- sapply(yy, function(z) {
    Y <- t(sapply(z, colSums))
    exp(, Mt, type="rem")$coef)

  tauhat <- sapply(yy, function(z) {
    Y <- t(sapply(z, rowSums))
    exp(, Mr, type="dis")$coef)

  Ybar <- sapply(yy, function(z) mean(sapply(z, sum)))
  Dhat <- Ybar / ((1-exp(-phi*max(tint))) * tau^2*pi)

  TAU[,i] <- tauhat
  PHI[,i] <- phihat
  DEN[,i] <- Dhat

op <- par(mfrow=c(3,3))
for (j in seq_along(s)) {
  boxplot(cbind(phi=PHI[j,]/0.5, tau=TAU[j,]/1, D=DEN[j,]/1), ylim=c(0, 3))
  abline(h=1, col=2)

if (FALSE) {
op <- par(mfrow=c(3,2))
for (j in seq_along(s)) {
  boxplot(cbind(phi=PHI[j,]/0.5, tau=TAU[j,]/1, D=DEN[j,]/1), ylim=c(0, 3))
  abline(h=1, col=2)


## layers

rint <- c(seq(1, 5, 1), Inf)

# landscape init
s <- expand_list(
  density = list(c(1, 1, 0)),
  tau = list(c(2, 2, 4)),
  road = c(0, 0.25, 0.5),
  rint = list(rint)

# populate
s <- expand_list(
  density = 1,
  tau = 2,
  rint = list(rint), # needed as a list to keep vector together
  xy_fun = list(
    function(d) { (1-exp(-d^2/1^2) + dlnorm(d, 2)/dlnorm(exp(2-1),2)) / 2 },
    function(d) { exp(-d^2/1^2) + 0.5*(1-exp(-d^2/4^2)) }

# animate
s <- expand_list(
  density = 1,
  tau = 2,
  move_rate = 2,
  movement = c(0, 0.1, 0.2),
  rint = list(rint)

b <- lapply(s, bsims_all)
B <- 100
nc <- 4
cl <- makeCluster(nc)
tmp <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(bSims))
bb <- lapply(b, function(z) z$replicate(B, cl=cl))

op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3))

f <- function(x) {
  y <- drop(get_table(x, "removal"))
  y / ifelse(sum(y)==0, 1, sum(y))

yy <- lapply(bb, function(z) t(sapply(z, f)))

yhat <- sapply(yy, colMeans)

plot(spline(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,1]), type="l", ylim=c(0, max(yhat)),
  xlab="Distance band", ylab=expression(pi))
lines(spline(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,2]), col=2)
lines(spline(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,3]), col=4)

plot(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,1], type="l", ylim=c(0, max(yhat)),
  xlab="Distance band", ylab=expression(pi))
lines(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,2], col=2)
lines(c(0, rint[-length(rint)]), yhat[,3], col=4)

D <- matrix(s[[1]]$rint, nrow=B, ncol=length(s[[1]]$rint), byrow=TRUE)
exp([[1]], D, type="dis")$coef)
exp([[2]], D, type="dis")$coef)
exp([[3]], D, type="dis")$coef)

h <- function(x, a=2, b=0.5) {
  b * (1-exp(-x^2/a^2)) + (1-b) * dlnorm(x, a)/dlnorm(exp(a-1),a)
bv <- 0.8
curve(h(x, a=2, b=bv), 0, 5, 1001, ylim=c(0,1))
curve(h(x,a=1, b=bv), 0, 5, 1001, add=TRUE, col=2)
curve(h(x,a=0.5, b=bv), 0, 5, 1001, add=TRUE, col=4)

hfun <- function(d, a=2, b=0.5) {
  function(d) {
    b * (1-exp(-d^2/a^2)) + (1-b) * dlnorm(d, a)/dlnorm(exp(a-1),a)
l <- bsims_init()
p1 <- bsims_populate(l, density=2, xy_fun=NULL)
p2 <- bsims_populate(l, density=2, xy_fun=hfun(x,a=0.5, b=bv))
p3 <- bsims_populate(l, density=2, xy_fun=hfun(x,a=1, b=bv))
p4 <- bsims_populate(l, density=2, xy_fun=hfun(x,a=2, b=bv))

## common settings
s1 <- list(
  density = 2,
  xy_fun = NULL,
  move_rate = 0,
  movement = 0,
  tint = c(5, 10),
  rint = c(0.5, 1, 1.5)
s4 <- s3 <- s2 <- s1
xy_fun <- function (d) (1 - exp(-d^2/1^2) + dlnorm(d, 2)/dlnorm(2, 2))/2
s2$xy_fun <- xy_fun
s4$xy_fun <- s2$xy_fun
s3$move_rate <- 1
s3$movement <- 0.2
s4$move_rate <- s3$move_rate
s4$movement <- s4$movement

b1 <- bsims_all(s1)
b2 <- bsims_all(s2)
b3 <- bsims_all(s3)
b4 <- bsims_all(s4)

bb <- b1$replicate(2)

z <- bb[[1]]

B <- 100
nc <- 10

cl <- makeCluster(nc)
tmp <- clusterEvalQ(cl, library(bSims))

bb1 <- b1$replicate(B, cl=cl)
bb2 <- b2$replicate(B, cl=cl)
bb3 <- b3$replicate(B, cl=cl)
bb4 <- b4$replicate(B, cl=cl)


## comparing distance sampling with plain Binomial
model <- custommodel("model {
    for (i in 1:n) {
        N[i] ~ dpois(D*A)
        for (t in 1:T) {
            Y[i,t] ~ dbin(p, N[i])
    p ~ dunif(0.001, 0.999)
    D ~ dlnorm(0, 0.001)
phi <- 0.5
tau <- 1
dur <- 10
l <- bsims_init()
D <- 1
p <- 1-exp(-2*phi)
q <- (tau^2/1.5^2) * (1-exp(-(1.5/tau)^2))
P <- p * q

Yq1 <- NULL
Yq2 <- NULL
for (i in 1:200) {
  n <- bsims_populate(l, D)
  a <- bsims_animate(n, vocal_rate=phi, duration=dur)
  o <- bsims_detect(a, tau=tau)
  ## distance
  x1 <- bsims_transcribe(o, c(2,4,6,8,10), c(0.5, 1, 1.5))
  Yq1 <- rbind(Yq1, colSums(x1$visits))
  ## binomial
  x2 <- bsims_transcribe(a, c(2,4,6,8,10), c(0.5, 1, 1.5))
  Yq2 <- rbind(Yq2, rbinom(5, colSums(x2$visits), q))
c(mean(Yq1), mean(Yq2), sd(Yq1), sd(Yq2))

## distance w/ area
Y <- Yq1
dat <- list(Y = Y, A=1.5^2*pi, n = nrow(Y), T = ncol(Y))
ini <- list(N = apply(Y, 1, max) + 1)
fit <- = dat, params = c("p", "D"),
    n.update = 1000,
    model = model, inits = ini)
coef(fit) # -- this is off

## binomial
Y <- Yq2
dat <- list(Y = Y, A=1.5^2*pi, n = nrow(Y), T = ncol(Y))
ini <- list(N = apply(Y, 1, max) + 1)
fit <- = dat, params = c("p", "D"),
    n.update = 1000,
    model = model, inits = ini)
coef(fit) # -- this is fine
psolymos/bSims documentation built on Oct. 30, 2023, 8:16 a.m.