#' @title logratio calculation
#' @description extracts logratio averages from time resolved SIMS
#' data
#' @param x an object of class \code{drift}
#' @param i a vector of mass spectrometer cycles to retain for the
#' logratio calculation. If \code{NULL}, uses the entire signal.
#' @return an object of class \code{logratios}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data('SHRIMP',package='simplex')
#' dc <- drift(x=SHRIMP)
#' lr <- logratios(dc)
#' plot(lr,i=1)
#' }
#' @export
logratios <- function(x,i=NULL){
logratios_helper <- function(x,i=NULL,gui=FALSE){
out <- x
snames <- names(x$samples)
ns <- length(snames)
if (is.null(i)) ii <- 1:ns
else ii <- i
for (j in ii){
sname <- snames[j]
if (gui){
shinylight::sendInfoText(paste0(" (processing ",sname,")"))
} else {
sp <- spot(dat=x,sname=sname)
lr <- logratios.spot(x=sp)
out$samples[[sname]]$lr <- lr$lr
out$tabnames[sname] <- ifelse(lr$badblank,paste0(sname,'*'),sname)
class(out) <- unique(append("logratios",class(out)))
logratios.spot <- function(x){
num <- x$method$num
den <- x$method$den
B <- common_denominator(c(num,den))
groups <- groupbypairs(B)
if (faraday(x)) fn <- faraday_misfit_b0g
else fn <- sem_misfit_b0g
init <- init_logratios(spot=x,groups=groups)
b0g <- init$b0g
fit <- stats::optim(par=b0g,f=fn,method='L-BFGS-B',
fit$cov <- MASS::ginv(fit$hessian)
pred <- do.call(what=fn,
out <- list()
out$lr <- common2original(fit=fit,num=num,den=den,groups=groups)
out$lr <- c(out$lr,pred)
out$badblank <- init$badblank
# converts logratio intercepts and slopes from common
# denominator to scientifically useful logratios
common2original <- function(fit,num,den,groups){
B0G <- b0g2list(b0g=fit$par,groups=groups,cov=fit$cov)
b0in <- B0G$b0
gin <- B0G$g
bnamesin <- names(b0in)
gnamesin <- names(gin)
rnames <- paste0(num,'/',den)
outnames <- c(paste0('b0[',rnames,']'),
nin <- length(b0in)
nout <- length(rnames)
J <- matrix(0,nrow=2*nout,ncol=ncol(B0G$cov))
colnames(J) <- colnames(B0G$cov)
rownames(J) <- outnames
b0gout <- rep(0,2*nout)
names(b0gout) <- outnames
for (i in 1:nout){
nion <- num[i]
dion <- den[i]
if (nion == groups$den){
iden <- which(bnamesin %in% dion)
b0gout[i] <- b0gout[i] - b0in[iden]
J[i,iden] <- -1
} else {
inum <- which(bnamesin %in% nion)
b0gout[i] <- b0gout[i] + b0in[inum]
J[i,inum] <- 1
if (dion != groups$den){
iden <- which(bnamesin %in% dion)
b0gout[i] <- b0gout[i] - b0in[iden]
J[i,iden] <- -1
nele <- element(num[i])
dele <- element(den[i])
if (nele == dele){
b0gout[nout+i] <- 0
} else {
inele <- which(gnamesin %in% nele)
b0gout[nout+i] <- b0gout[nin+i] + gin[inele]
J[nout+i,nin+inele] <- 1
if (dele != element(groups$den)){
idele <- which(gnamesin %in% dele)
b0gout[nout+i] <- b0gout[nout+i] - gin[idele]
J[nout+i,nin+idele] <- -1
out <- list()
out$b0g <- b0gout
out$cov <- J %*% B0G$cov %*% t(J)
# uses the most used ion as a common denominator
common_denominator <- function(ions){
count <- table(ions)
i <- which.max(count)
out <- list()
out$num <- names(count)[-i]
out$den <- names(count)[i]
init_logratios <- function(spot,groups){
b0 <- NULL
g <- NULL
b0names <- NULL
gnames <- NULL
badblank <- FALSE
den <- groups$den
if (is.null(spot$dc)) dc <- drift.spot(spot)
else dc <- spot$dc
for (nums in groups$num){
for (num in nums){
Np <- alphapars(spot,num)
Dp <- alphapars(spot,den)
b0 <- c(b0, dc['a0',num] - dc['a0',den] )
if (mean(Np$sig-Np$bkg)<0 |
warning('Signal does not exceed background.')
badblank <- TRUE
b0names <- c(b0names,nums)
nele <- unique(element(nums))
dele <- element(den)
if (nele!=dele){
g <- c(g,0)
gnames <- c(gnames,nele)
out <- list()
out$b0g <- c(b0,g)
names(out$b0g) <- c(b0names,gnames)
out$badblank <- badblank
faraday_misfit_b0g <- function(b0g,spot,groups,predict=FALSE){
B0G <- b0g2list(b0g=b0g,groups=groups)
b0 <- B0G$b0
g <- B0G$g
D <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=groups$den)
nele <- length(groups$num)
obsb <- NULL
predb <- NULL
ions <- groups$den
meas <- (D$sig-D$bkg)
tt <- D$t
for (ele in nele){
num <- groups$num[[ele]]
ni <- length(num)
for (j in 1:ni){
ion <- num[j]
N <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=ion)
bND <- b0[ion] + g[ele]*D$t + N$g*(N$t-D$t)
predb <- cbind(predb,bND)
obsb <- cbind(obsb, log(N$sig-N$bkg) - log(D$sig-D$bkg))
ions <- c(ions,ion)
meas <- cbind(meas,N$sig-N$bkg)
tt <- cbind(tt,N$t)
if (predict){
colnames(meas) <- ions
colnames(tt) <- ions
expb <- cbind(1,exp(predb))
frac <- sweep(expb,1,rowSums(expb),'/')
colnames(frac) <- ions
out <- list()
out$t <- tt
out$obs <- meas
out$pred <- sweep(frac,1,rowSums(meas),'*')
} else {
i <- 1:length(D$t)
if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) i <- i[-spot$outliers]
misfit <- obsb[i,,drop=FALSE]-predb[i,,drop=FALSE]
covmat <- stats::cov(misfit)
out <- sum(stats::mahalanobis(x=misfit,center=0*b0,cov=covmat))/2
sem_misfit_b0g <- function(b0g,spot,groups,predict=FALSE){
B0G <- b0g2list(b0g=b0g,groups=groups)
b0 <- B0G$b0
g <- B0G$g
D <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=groups$den)
pbc <- NULL # predicted count logratios
ions <- groups$den
counts <- D$counts
tt <- D$t
for (ele in names(groups$num)){
num <- groups$num[[ele]]
ni <- length(num)
for (i in 1:ni){
ion <- num[i]
N <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=ion)
bc <- b0[ion] + g[ele]*D$t + N$g*(N$t-D$t) + log(N$edt) - log(D$edt)
pbc <- cbind(pbc,bc)
ions <- c(ions,ion)
counts <- cbind(counts,N$counts)
tt <- cbind(tt,N$t)
thetabkg <- D$bkgcounts/(D$bkgcounts+rowSums(counts))
nb <- length(b0)
expbc <- cbind(1-nb*thetabkg,exp(pbc))
theta <- sweep(sweep(expbc,1,rowSums(expbc),'/'),1,thetabkg,'+')
colnames(tt) <- ions
colnames(counts) <- ions
colnames(theta) <- ions
if (predict){
out <- list()
out$t <- tt
out$obs <- counts
out$pred <- sweep(theta,1,rowSums(counts),'*')
} else {
i <- 1:length(D$t)
if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) i <- i[-spot$outliers]
out <- -stats::dmultinom(counts[i,],prob=theta[i,],log=TRUE)
# splits a pooled logratio slope and intercept vector into two
b0g2list <- function(b0g,groups,cov){
dele <- element(groups$den)
nele <- element(names(groups$num))
if (dele %in% nele) {
ng <- length(groups$num) - 1
g <- c(0,utils::tail(b0g,n=ng))
names(g)[1] <- dele
} else {
ng <- length(groups$num)
g <- utils::tail(b0g,n=ng)
nb <- length(b0g) - ng
b0 <- b0g[1:nb]
out <- list(b0=b0,g=g)
if (!missing(cov)){
nc <- length(b0) + length(g)
out$cov <- matrix(0,nc,nc)
if (ng>0) i <- c(1:nb,nc-ng+(1:ng))
else i <- 1:nb
out$cov[i,i] <- cov
outnames <- c(names(b0),names(g))
colnames(out$cov) <- outnames
rownames(out$cov) <- outnames
# extract data from a spot for logratios calculation
betapars <- function(spot,ion){
out <- alphapars(spot=spot,ion=ion)
if (!(ion%in%colnames(spot$dc))) out$g <- 0
else out$g <- spot$dc['g',ion]
# B = output of common_denominator
groupbypairs <- function(B){
out <- list()
out$num <- list()
for (ion in B$num){
nele <- element(ion)
if (nele %in% names(out$num)){
out$num[[nele]] <- c(out$num[[nele]],ion)
} else {
out$num[[nele]] <- ion
out$den <- B$den
#' @title plot logratios
#' @description plot time resolved logratio data
#' @param x an object of class \code{logratios}
#' @param sname the sample name to be shown
#' @param i the sample number to be shown
#' @param ratios logical. If \code{FALSE}, plots the raw signals
#' versus time. If \code{TRUE}, plots the ratios against time.
#' Both plots show the fitted values as a solid line. Note that,
#' for single collector datasets, the numerator and denominator of
#' the measured ratios correspond to different times.
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to the generic
#' \code{plot} function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data('SHRIMP_UPb',package='simplex')
#' dc <- drift(x=SHRIMP_UPb)
#' lr <- logratios(dc)
#' plot(lr,i=1,ratios=TRUE)
#' }
#' @method plot logratios
#' @export
plot.logratios <- function(x,sname=NULL,i=1,ratios=FALSE,...){
spot <- spot(x,sname=sname,i=i)
if (ratios){
} else {
plot_ratios <- function(spot,xist=FALSE,...){
num <- spot$method$num
den <- spot$method$den
b0g <- spot$lr$b0g
nb <- length(b0g)/2
np <- length(num) # number of plot panels
nr <- ceiling(sqrt(np)) # number of rows
nc <- ceiling(np/nr) # number of columns
nt <- nrow(spot$time)
bg <- rep('black',nt)
if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) bg[spot$outliers] <- 'white'
oldpar <- graphics::par(mfrow=c(nr,nc),mar=c(3.5,3.5,0.5,0.5))
for (i in 1:np){
ratio <- paste0(num[i],'/',den[i])
Np <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=num[i])
Dp <- betapars(spot=spot,ion=den[i])
if (xist){
X <- seconds(Dp$t)
Xlab <- 't (s)'
} else {
X <- 1:nt
Xlab <- 'cycle'
Y <- (Np$sig-Np$bkg)/(Dp$sig-Dp$bkg)
b0 <- b0g[paste0('b0[',ratio,']')]
g <- b0g[paste0('g[',ratio,']')]
Ypred <- exp(b0 + g*Dp$t + Np$g*(Np$t-Dp$t))
ylab <- paste0('(',num[i],'-b)/(',den[i],'-b)')
plot_signals <- function(spot,xist=FALSE,...){
ions <- colnames(spot$lr$obs)
np <- length(ions) # number of plot panels
nr <- ceiling(sqrt(np)) # number of rows
nc <- ceiling(np/nr) # number of columns
lr <- logratios.spot(x=spot)
nt <- nrow(spot$time)
bg <- rep('black',nt)
if (!is.null(spot$outliers)) bg[spot$outliers] <- 'white'
oldpar <- graphics::par(mfrow=c(nr,nc),mar=c(3.5,3.5,0.5,0.5))
for (ion in ions){
if (xist){
tt <- seconds(lr$t[,ion])
tlab <- 't (s)'
} else {
tt <- 1:nt
tlab <- 'cycle'
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