
Defines functions Check_interventions Check_effect Replace_param Intervention_event_param Move_state Move_state_double Intervention_event_state Intervention_effect_size

Documented in Check_effect Check_interventions Intervention_effect_size Intervention_event_param Intervention_event_state Move_state Replace_param

#' @title
#' Check intervention input
#' @description
#' Checks that the interventions input are correct
#' @param Intevention Vector of one or more parameter interventions
  param_interventions<-c('Husbandry', 'Sanitation', 'Inspection')
  state_interventions<-c('Pig_MDA', 'Pig_vaccine', 'Human_test_and_treat')

  present<-Intervention %in% c(param_interventions, state_interventions)
  # Check the intervcentions supplied are proper and correct
    stop(Intervention[!present], ' not recognised. Possible options are: ',
         paste(c(param_interventions, state_interventions), collapse=', '), '.')

#' @title
#' Check intervention effect input
#' @description
#' Checks that the intervention effect inputs are correct
#' @param Intevention Vector of one or more parameter interventions
  param_interventions<-c('Husbandry', 'Sanitation', 'Inspection')
  state_interventions<-c('Pig_MDA', 'Pig_vaccine', 'Human_test_and_treat')

  present<-names(Intervention_effect) %in% c(param_interventions, state_interventions)
  # Check the intervcentions supplied are proper and correct
    stop(names(Intervention_effect)[!present], ' not recognised. Possible options are: ',
         paste(c(param_interventions, state_interventions), collapse=', '), '.')

#' @title
#' Change parameter
#' @description
#' Replaces a paramter with an aletred values after a parameter event
#' @param Params List of model parameters
#' @param param_name The name of the parameter to be changed
#' @param effect_size The intervention effect size. Where the new parameter value = old value multiplied by the effect size.
Replace_param<-function(params, param_name, effect_size){
  if(!param_name %in% names(params)){
    stop('Parameter ', param_name, ' to change not found')


#' @title
#' Implement parameter intervention
#' @description
#' Implements one or more interventions that involve a parameter value being altered
#' @param Params List of model parameters
#' @param Intevention Vector of one or more parameter interventions
#' @param Intervention_effect a list of intervention effect sizes
Intervention_event_param<-function(Params, Intervention, Intervention_effect){

  if('Husbandry' %in% Intervention){
    Params<-Replace_param(params=Params, param_name='tau', effect_size=effect)

  if('Sanitation' %in% Intervention){
    Params<-Replace_param(params=Params, param_name='delta', effect_size=effect)

  if('Inspection' %in% Intervention){
    Params<-Replace_param(params=Params, param_name='pil', effect_size=effect[1])
    Params<-Replace_param(params=Params, param_name='pih', effect_size=effect[2])



#' @title
#' Move individuals between state variables
#' @description
#' Moves a propotion of individuals from one state compartemnt to another
#' @param States List of state variable
#' @param from The name of the state variabe individuals will be moved out of
#' @param to The name of the state variable that individuals will be moved in to
#' @param proportion The propotion of individuals in from that get moved into to
Move_state<-function(States, from, to, proportion){
  States[[to]]<-States[[to]] + prior_state_from*proportion


#' @title
#' Move individuals between state variables two flows
#' @description
#' Moves a propotions of individuals from one state compartemnt to two others
#' @param States List of state variable
#' @param from The name of the state variabe individuals will be moved out of
#' @param to The name of the state variable that individuals will be moved in to
#' @param proportion The propotion of individuals in from that get moved into to
Move_state_double<-function(States, from, to_1, to_2, proportion_1, proportion_2){
  prior_state_from <- States[[from]]
  States_reduce <- prior_state_from * (proportion_1) + prior_state_from * (proportion_2)
  States[[from]] <- States[[from]] - States_reduce
  States[[to_1]] <- States[[to_1]] + prior_state_from * proportion_1
  States[[to_2]] <- States[[to_2]] + prior_state_from * proportion_2

#' @title
#' Implement parameter intervention
#' @description
#' Implements one or more interventions that involve a parameter value being altered
#' @param States List of model states
#' @param Intevention Vector of one or more parameter interventions
#' @param Intervention_effect a list of intervention effect sizes
Intervention_event_state<-function(States, Intervention, Intervention_effect){

  if('Pig_MDA' %in% Intervention){
    States <- Move_state_double(States, from = 'IPL0', to_1 = "SP0", to_2 = "RP0",
                      proportion_1 = proportion[1] * proportion[2],
                      proportion_2  = proportion[1] * (1 - proportion[2]))
    States <- Move_state_double(States, from = 'IPH0', to_1 = "SP0", to_2 = "RP0",
                      proportion_1 = proportion[1] * proportion[2],
                      proportion_2  = proportion[1] * (1 - proportion[2]))

  if('Pig_vaccine' %in% Intervention){
    States<-Move_state(States, from='SP0', to='VP0', proportion=proportion)

  if('Human_test_and_treat' %in% Intervention){
    States<-Move_state(States, from='IH0', to='SH0', proportion=proportion)



#' @title
#' Pre-set intervention effects
#' @description
#' Provides preset intervention effect
#' @return A list Intervention effects
#' @export
    Inspection=c(Proportion_low_burden_mean=0.8, Proportion_high_burden_meat=0.6),

    Pig_MDA=c(Proportion_sucess_treated=0.9*0.99,Proportion_no_immunity=0.1), # Succesfully treated = the assumed therapeutic coverage (0.9) × the anthelmintic efficacy (0.99).
    Pig_vaccine=0.9*(0.99-(0.99*pars$tau*states$E0*3)), # Assumed coverage (0.9) * vaccine efficacy (0.99-(0.99*tau*E*3)
    Human_test_and_treat=0.9*0.97*0.98*0.99 # Proportion of people tested that are T+ and C- (Assumed therapeutic coverage (0.9) * Taeniasis sensitivity (0.97) * Cysticercosis specificity (0.98)) * drug efficacy (0.99)

pwinskill/EPICYST documentation built on May 26, 2019, 11:34 a.m.