
Defines functions NvMConvexHull .ConvexHull .PolygonArea .NvMTrophicChainProperties .NvMThreeNodeChainProperties .NvMTrophicLinkProperties NvMTriTrophicStatistics NvMInterceptByClass NvMSlopeByClass NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass NvMIntercept NvMSlope NvMSlopeAndIntercept NvMLinearRegressions SumBiomassByClass SumNByClass SumMByClass ResourceLargerThanConsumer BodyMassBins .NodesWithoutMOrN Log10CRMRatio CRMRatio Log10RCMRatio RCMRatio Log10Biomass Biomass Log10N Log10M Log10MNBiomass

Documented in Biomass BodyMassBins CRMRatio Log10Biomass Log10CRMRatio Log10M Log10MNBiomass Log10N Log10RCMRatio NvMConvexHull NvMIntercept NvMInterceptByClass NvMLinearRegressions NvMSlope NvMSlopeAndIntercept NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass NvMSlopeByClass NvMTriTrophicStatistics RCMRatio ResourceLargerThanConsumer SumBiomassByClass SumMByClass SumNByClass

# Community functions that operate on M and/or N
Log10MNBiomass <- function(community)
    # A matrix containing columns 'Log10M', 'Log10N' and 'Log10Biomass'
    np <- NPS(community, c('M','N'))
    res <- cbind(Log10M=log10(np$M), Log10N=log10(np$N), 
                 Log10Biomass=log10(np$M * np$N))
    rownames(res) <- np$node
    return (res)

Log10M <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector of log10-transformed. All elements are NA if 'M' is 
    # not a node property. Community() does not allow M==0. 
    return (log10(NP(community, 'M')))

Log10N <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector of log10-transformed. All elements are NA if 'N' is 
    # not a node property. Community() does not allow N==0. 
    return (log10(NP(community, 'N')))

Biomass <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector of biomasses. All elements are NA if 'M' or 'N' are 
    # not node properties. Elements are NA for nodes that have N and/or M of 
    # NA or N of 0.
    return (NP(community, 'M') * NP(community, 'N'))

Log10Biomass <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector of log10-transformmed biomasses. All elements are NA 
    # if 'M' or 'N' are not node properties.
    return (log10(Biomass(community)))

RCMRatio <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector containing the M of the resource divided by the M of the 
    # consumer for every consumer. All elements are NA if 'M' is not a node 
    # property.
    tlps <- TLPS(community, node.properties='M')
    return (tlps$resource.M / tlps$consumer.M)

Log10RCMRatio <- function(community)
    # log10(RCMRatio)
    return (log10(RCMRatio(community)))

CRMRatio <- function(community)
    # Returns a vector containin the M of the resource divided by the M of the 
    # consumer for every consumer. All elements are NA if 'M' is not a node 
    # property.
    tlps <- TLPS(community, node.properties='M')
    return (tlps$consumer.M / tlps$resource.M)

Log10CRMRatio <- function(community)
    # log10(CRMRatio)
    return (log10(CRMRatio(community)))

.NodesWithoutMOrN <- function(community)
    # Returns the names of nodes that have a M or N of NA
    return (names(which(is.na(NP(community, 'M')) | is.na(NP(community, 'N')))))

BodyMassBins <- function(community, 
                         lower=min(NP(community,'M'), na.rm=TRUE), 
                         upper=max(NP(community,'M'), na.rm=TRUE), 
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')


    np <- NPS(community)

    stopifnot(all(is.na(np$M) | (np$M>=lower & np$M<=upper)))

    # Bins
    breaks <- seq(log10(lower), log10(upper), length.out=1+n.bins)
    bin.centres <- head(breaks, -1) + diff(breaks)[1]/2
    binned <- cut(log10(np$M), breaks=breaks, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
    names(binned) <- np$node
    attr(binned, 'bin.centres') <- bin.centres
    attr(binned, 'breaks') <- breaks
    return (binned)

ResourceLargerThanConsumer <- function(community)
    # A matrix of consumer-resource pairs in which the resource has a larger 
    # body mass than the consumer. Columns are the same as 
    # those returned by LinkProperties().
    # Returns NULL if community does not have either M or trophic links
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

    if('M' %in% colnames(NPS(community)) && !is.null(TLPS(community)))
        tlp <- TLPS(community, 'M')
        return (tlp[!is.na(tlp[,'resource.M']) & !is.na(tlp[,'consumer.M']) & 
        return (NULL)

SumMByClass <- function(community, class, na.rm=FALSE)
    return (ApplyByClass(community, 'M', class, sum, na.rm=na.rm))

SumNByClass <- function(community, class, na.rm=FALSE)
    return (ApplyByClass(community, 'N', class, sum, na.rm=na.rm))

SumBiomassByClass <- function(community, class, na.rm=FALSE)
    return (ApplyByClass(community, 'Biomass', class, sum, na.rm=na.rm))

NvMLinearRegressions <- function(community, class)
    # Returns a list of linear regressions through all data and per category. 
    # Nodes with M=NA, N=NA or N=0 are ignored

    # Similar check in LinearRegressionByClass() but the call to missing() in 
    # LinearRegressionByClass() won't work
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')

        if('category' %in% NodePropertyNames(community))
            class <- 'category'
            class <- NULL

    LinearRegressionByClass(community, 'Log10M', 'Log10N', class)

NvMSlopeAndIntercept <- function(community)
    # The slope and intercept of a line through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    models <- NvMLinearRegressions(community, class = NULL)

NvMSlope <- function(community)
    # The slope of a line through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    return (unname(NvMSlopeAndIntercept(community)['slope']))

NvMIntercept <- function(community)
    # The intercept of a line through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    return (unname(NvMSlopeAndIntercept(community)['intercept']))

NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass <- function(community, class)
    # The slopes and intercepts of lines through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    models <- NvMLinearRegressions(community, class)
    slopes <- sapply(models, function(m) ifelse(is.null(m), NA, coef(m)[2]))
    names(slopes) <- paste('slope.', names(slopes), sep='')
    intercepts <- sapply(models, function(m) ifelse(is.null(m), NA, coef(m)[1]))
    names(intercepts) <- paste('intercept.', names(intercepts), sep='')
    return (c(slopes, intercepts))

NvMSlopeByClass <- function(community, class)
    # The slopes of lines through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    res <- NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(community, class)
    return (res[grep('slope*', names(res))])

NvMInterceptByClass <- function(community, class)
    # The intercepts of lines through log10(N) versus log10(M) data
    res <- NvMSlopeAndInterceptByClass(community, class)
    return (res[grep('intercept*', names(res))])

NvMTriTrophicStatistics <- function(community)
    # Exclude cannibals and all nodes with missing M and/or N
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')


    community <- RemoveNodes(community, remove=with(NPS(community), 
                                                    node[is.na(M) | is.na(N)]))
    community <- RemoveCannibalisticLinks(community)

    lp <- TLPS(community, link.properties='.NvMTrophicLinkProperties')
    tnc <- ThreeNodeChains(community, 
    tc <- TrophicChains(community, 
    return (list(links=lp, three.node.chains=tnc, trophic.chains=tc))

.NvMTrophicLinkProperties <- function(community)
    # Returns a data.frame containing columns resource and consumer, one row 
    # for each link in the food web for which resource and consumer have both 
    # M and N.
    # The returned data.frame contains columns length, angle and 
    # slope, as defined by Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, p 22335-22336.

    # Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, p 22335 and 22336
    # The angle of a link (or link angle) was the counter-
    # clockwise angle to the link from a horizontal arrow starting from R
    # and pointing right parallel to the positive log(M)-axis, and took
    # values in the interval [-180, 180) (Fig. 2A)]. (The angle is not
    # defined when MR = MC and NR = NC, as in cannibalism, for
    # example.) If the link angle equaled -45, then the link had slope -1
    # because tan(-45) = tan(-pi/4 radians) = -1

    chains <- TLPS(community)
    log10M <- Log10M(community)
    log10N <- Log10N(community)
    x <- log10M[chains[,'consumer']] - log10M[chains[,'resource']]
    y <- log10N[chains[,'consumer']] - log10N[chains[,'resource']]

    # Link lengths
    length <- abs(x) + abs(y)

    # Link angles
    # Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, Fig 2 A
    UnsafeArg <- function(n)
        # Like Arg() but returns NA for complex numbers with 0==real and 
        # 0==imag 
        r <- Arg(n)
        r[0==Re(n) & 0==Im(n)] <- NA
        return (r)

    angle <- UnsafeArg(complex(real=x, imaginary=y)) * 360 / (2*pi)
    angle[180==angle] <- -180
    stopifnot(all( (angle>=-180 & angle<180) | is.na(angle)))

    res <- cbind(length=length, angle=angle, slope=y/x)
    rownames(res) <- NULL
    return (res)

.NvMThreeNodeChainProperties <- function(community, chains)
    # Returns a matrix containing columns bottom, intermediate, top, one row 
    # for each three-species chain in the food web. Also contains the 
    # columns Llower, Lupper, two.span, Alower, Aupper and Abetween as 
    # defined by Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, Fig 2 B/C and p 22336-22337
    # Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, Fig 2 B/C and p 22336 - 22337

    # chains should be a data.frame as computed by ThreeNodeChains
    # B -> I -> T

    log10M <- Log10M(community)
    log10N <- Log10N(community)

    # Lengths
    Llower <- abs(log10M[chains[,1]] - log10M[chains[,2]]) +
              abs(log10N[chains[,1]] - log10N[chains[,2]])
    Lupper <- abs(log10M[chains[,2]] - log10M[chains[,3]]) +
              abs(log10N[chains[,2]] - log10N[chains[,3]])

    # 2 span - distance from R to C
    two.span <- abs(log10N[chains[,3]] - log10N[chains[,1]]) +
                abs(log10M[chains[,3]] - log10M[chains[,1]])

    # Angles
    lower <- complex(     real=log10M[chains[,2]] - log10M[chains[,1]], 
                     imaginary=log10N[chains[,2]] - log10N[chains[,1]])
    upper <- complex(     real=log10M[chains[,3]] - log10M[chains[,2]], 
                     imaginary=log10N[chains[,3]] - log10N[chains[,2]])

    UnsafeArg <- function(n)
        # Like Arg() but returns NA for complex numbers with 0==real and 
        # 0==imag 
        r <- Arg(n)
        r[0==Re(n) & 0==Im(n)] <- NA
        return (r)

    Alower <- UnsafeArg(lower) * 360/(2*pi)
    Alower[180==Alower] <- -180
    Aupper <- UnsafeArg(upper) * 360/(2*pi)
    Aupper[180==Aupper] <- -180
    Abetween <- UnsafeArg(upper * Conj(lower)) * 360/(2*pi)
    Abetween[180==Abetween] <- -180

    stopifnot(all( (Abetween>=-180 & Abetween<180) | is.na(Abetween)))
    x <- which(chains[,1]==chains[,3])

    stopifnot(all.equal(Abetween[x], rep(-180, length(x))))

    res <- cbind(Llower, Lupper, two.span, Alower, Aupper, Abetween)
    rownames(res) <- NULL
    return (res)

.NvMTrophicChainProperties <- function(community, chains)
    # Properties by Cohen et al 2010 PNAS, p 22337, of all the trophic chains 
    # through the food web

    # chains should be a data.frame as computed by TrophicChains

    log10M <- Log10M(community)
    log10N <- Log10N(community)

    # Name of the last node in each chain
    chains <- as.matrix(chains)
    count.chain.length <- apply(chains, 1, function(row) max(which(""!=row)))
    last.in.chain <- sapply(1:length(count.chain.length), 
                            function(l) chains[l, count.chain.length[l]])
    count.chain.length <- count.chain.length-1

    chain.span <- abs(log10N[chains[,1]] - log10N[last.in.chain]) +
                  abs(log10M[chains[,1]] - log10M[last.in.chain])

    # Link lengths
    chains.log10M <- sapply(chains, function(col) log10M[col])
    dim(chains.log10M) <- dim(chains)
    chains.log10N <- sapply(chains, function(col) log10N[col])
    dim(chains.log10N) <- dim(chains)

    # Sum chain lengths
    upper.cols <- 2:ncol(chains)
    lower.cols <- 1:(ncol(chains)-1)
    l <- abs(chains.log10M[,upper.cols,drop=FALSE] - 
             chains.log10M[,lower.cols,drop=FALSE]) +
         abs(chains.log10N[,upper.cols,drop=FALSE] - 
    sum.chain.length <- apply(l, 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE)

    res <- cbind(chain.span, count.chain.length, sum.chain.length)
    rownames(res) <- NULL
    return (res)

.PolygonArea <- function(x, y)
    # htncp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon#Area_and_centroid
    upper <- 2:length(x)
    lower <- upper-1
    return (abs(0.5 * sum(x[lower]*y[upper] - x[upper]*y[lower])))

.ConvexHull <- function(community, x, y)
    p <- cbind(x, y)
    p <- p[!is.na(p[,1]) & !is.na(p[,2]),]
    hull <- chull(p)

    # Close polygon for calculation of area
    return (list(nodes=unname(NP(community, 'node')[hull]),
                 area=.PolygonArea(p[c(hull,hull[1]),1], p[c(hull,hull[1]),2])))

NvMConvexHull <- function(community)
    if(!is.Community(community)) stop('Not a Community')
    return (.ConvexHull(community, Log10M(community), Log10N(community)))
quicklizard99/cheddar documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 5:01 a.m.