# Faux cell data generation function -----------------------------------------
#' @rdname faux_cell
#' @aliases faux_cell generate_faux_cell
#' @docType data
#' @title Faux cell dataset for testing & demonstration
#' @description
#' This is a synthetic data set intended for testing and demonstration.
#' Function `generate_faux_cell()` simulates the faux cell data (*note:* in
#' the future, it is planned to parameterize the funcion) and object `faux_cell`
#' is an instance of this dataset generated first time it is used.
#' The data set resembles the
#' [`chondro`](https://r-hyperspec.github.io/hySpc.chondro/)
#' data set but is entirely synthetic.
#' @format The object `faux_cell` is a `hyperSpec` object that contains 875
#' Raman-like spectra, allocated to three groups/regions in column region:
#' the matrix/background, the cell and the cell nucleus. Each spectrum is
#' composed of 300 data points. The spectrum of each region is unique and
#' simple, with a single peak at a particular frequency and line width.
#' Poisson noise has been added. The data is indexed along the x and y
#' dimensions, simulating data collected on a grid.
#' @include initialize.R
#' @export
#' @keywords datasets
#' @concept datasets
#' @concept data generation
#' @author Claudia Beleites, Bryan A. Hanson
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' faux_cell <- generate_faux_cell()
#' faux_cell
#' plot(sample(faux_cell, 10), stacked = TRUE)
#' # Plot mean spectra
#' fc_groups <- aggregate(faux_cell, faux_cell$region, mean_pm_sd)
#' plot_spc(fc_groups,
#' stacked = ".aggregate",
#' col = c("red", "green", "blue"), fill = ".aggregate"
#' )
#' mapcols <- c(cell = "aquamarine", matrix = "aliceblue", nucleus = "dodgerblue")
#' plot_map(faux_cell, region ~ x * y, col.regions = mapcols)
#' # PCA
#' pca <- prcomp(faux_cell)
#' plot(pca)
#' loadings <- decomposition(faux_cell, t(pca$rotation), scores = FALSE)
#' plot(loadings[1:5], stacked = TRUE)
#' plot(pca$x[, 2], pca$x[, 3],
#' xlab = "PC 1", ylab = "PC 2",
#' bg = mapcols[faux_cell$region], col = "black", pch = 21
#' )
generate_faux_cell <- function() {
# Check for points inside ellipse
# An ellipse is a unit circle that is squeezed, rotated and translated
# -> do these transformations backwards and
# check whether points are within radius 1 of origin
# @param xy points to be checked for position inside the ellipse
# @param center center of the ellipse
# @param scale length of the main axes
# @param rot rotation angle
# @return logical indicating points inside the ellipse
in_ellipse <- function(xy, center = c(0, 0), scale = c(1, 1), a = 0,
debuglevel = 0L) {
xy <- as.matrix(xy)
xy <- scale(xy, center = center, scale = FALSE)
xy <- xy %*% matrix(c(cos(a), -sin(a), sin(a), cos(a)), ncol = 2)
xy <- scale(xy, center = FALSE, scale = scale)
pt_in <- rowSums(xy^2) <= 1
if (debuglevel >= 1L) {
plot(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], asp = 1, pch = 19, col = pt_in + 1)
## backtransformed points within unit circle?
# Now for faux_cell() itself
# Create a matrix containing a faux cell image
# The matrix contains a cell which in turn contains a nucleus.
# Use ellipses to define the regions.
## 1. Set up the scanned region & needed coordinates
xy <- expand.grid(
x = seq(-11.55, 22.45, by = 1),
y = seq(-4.77, 19.23, by = 1)
xy$region <- "matrix"
pts_in_cell <- in_ellipse(xy[c("x", "y")],
center = c(10, 10),
scale = c(6, 10), a = -pi / 8
xy$region[pts_in_cell] <- "cell"
pts_in_nucleus <- in_ellipse(xy[c("x", "y")],
center = c(12.5, 8),
scale = c(3, 4), a = pi / 6
xy$region[pts_in_nucleus] <- "nucleus"
xy$region <- as.factor(xy$region)
## 2. initialize hyperSpec object
wavelength <- seq(602, 1798, by = 4)
spc <- new(
wavelength = wavelength,
data = xy,
spc = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(xy), ncol = length(wavelength)),
label = list(
spc = "intensity (arbitrary units)",
.wavelength = expression(Delta * tilde(nu) / cm^-1),
x = "x position",
y = "y position"
## 3. generate fake spectra
# generate "spectra" and and fill the object with copies
tmp <- 5000 * dnorm(wavelength, mean = 800, sd = 10)
spc[[spc$region == "matrix", , ]] <- rep(tmp, each = sum(spc$region == "matrix"))
tmp <- 7000 * dnorm(wavelength, mean = 1200, sd = 15)
spc[[spc$region == "cell", , ]] <- rep(tmp, each = sum(spc$region == "cell"))
tmp <- 3000 * dnorm(wavelength, mean = 1500, sd = 5)
spc[[spc$region == "nucleus", , ]] <- rep(tmp, each = sum(spc$region == "nucleus"))
# add baselines
terms <- vanderMonde(spc, order = 1)
coefs <- matrix(runif(nrow(spc) * 2), ncol = 2)
coefs <- scale(coefs, center = FALSE, scale = c(1 / 200, 1 / 30))
spc <- spc + coefs %*% terms[[]]
# generate shot noise
spc[[]] <- rpois(n = length(spc[[]]), lambda = spc[[]])
# Generate an instance of faux cell data -------------------------------------
#' @rdname faux_cell
#' @export
delayedAssign("faux_cell", generate_faux_cell())
# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
hySpc.testthat::test(generate_faux_cell) <- function() {
# Perform tests
test_that("generate_faux_cell() works", {
expect_silent(faux_cell_data <- generate_faux_cell())
expect_is(faux_cell_data, "hyperSpec")
expect_silent(faux_cell_data_2 <- generate_faux_cell())
expect_identical(faux_cell_data, faux_cell_data_2)
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