
Defines functions my_unzip getrootdir getdir decompress source_pkg

# Decompress pkg, if needed
source_pkg <- function(path, subdir = NULL) {
  if (!dir.exists(path)) {
    bundle <- path
    outdir <- tempfile(pattern = "remotes")

    path <- decompress(path, outdir)
  } else {
    bundle <- NULL

  pkg_path <- if (is.null(subdir)) path else file.path(path, subdir)

  # Check it's an R package
  if (!file.exists(file.path(pkg_path, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
    stop("Does not appear to be an R package (no DESCRIPTION)", call. = FALSE)

  # Check configure is executable if present
  config_path <- file.path(pkg_path, "configure")
  if (file.exists(config_path)) {
    Sys.chmod(config_path, "777")


decompress <- function(src, target) {

  if (grepl("\\.zip$", src)) {
    my_unzip(src, target)
    outdir <- getrootdir(as.vector(utils::unzip(src, list = TRUE)$Name))
  } else if (grepl("\\.(tar|tar\\.gz|tar\\.bz2|tgz|tbz)$", src)) {
    untar(src, exdir = target)
    outdir <- getrootdir(untar(src, list = TRUE))
  } else {
    ext <- gsub("^[^.]*\\.", "", src)
    stop("Don't know how to decompress files with extension ", ext,
      call. = FALSE)

  file.path(target, outdir)

# Returns everything before the last slash in a filename
# getdir("path/to/file") returns "path/to"
# getdir("path/to/dir/") returns "path/to/dir"
getdir <- function(path)  sub("/[^/]*$", "", path)

# Given a list of files, returns the root (the topmost folder)
# getrootdir(c("path/to/file", "path/to/other/thing")) returns "path/to"
# It does not check that all paths have a common prefix. It fails for
# empty input vector. It assumes that directories end with '/'.
getrootdir <- function(file_list) {
  stopifnot(length(file_list) > 0)
  slashes <- nchar(gsub("[^/]", "", file_list))
  if (min(slashes) == 0) return(".")


my_unzip <- function(src, target, unzip = getOption("unzip", "internal")) {
  if (unzip %in% c("internal", "")) {
    return(utils::unzip(src, exdir = target))

  args <- paste(
    "-oq", shQuote(src),
    "-d", shQuote(target)

  system_check(unzip, args)
r-lib/remotes documentation built on April 6, 2024, 8:49 p.m.