#' List maintainers of all reverse dependencies
#' @export
#' @inheritParams revdep_check
revdep_maintainers <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
m <- db_maintainers(pkg)
structure(m, class = "revdepcheck_maintainers")
#' @export
print.revdepcheck_maintainers <- function(x, ...) {
cat_line(paste0(names(x), " - ", x, collapse = ",\n"))
#' Notify revdep maintainers about problems
#' This function uses gmail to automatically notify all maintainers of revdeps
#' that have failures with the new version of the package. The form of the
#' email is fixed, but it uses template parameters so that you can control
#' the details: set the variables in `revdeps/email.yaml`. You'll be prompted to
#' review the template before any emails are sent; or you can use
#' `revdep_email_draft()` to see a draft version.
#' To use this function, you'll need to give the gmailr app authority to
#' send emails from gmail. To revoke that authority, delete the `.httr-oauth`
#' file created in your working directory.
#' @inheritParams revdep_check
#' @param type Type of problems to notify about; either "broken" (i.e. there
#' is a new `R CMD check` failure that did not currently occur) or
#' "failed" (i.e. the check failure either during installation or because
#' of a timeout).
#' @param packages A character vector of package names. Use this if some emails
#' failed to send in the previous round. If omitted uses all packages.
#' @param data Optionally, supply a named list to provide your own parameters
#' to fill in the template
#' @param draft If `TRUE`, create a gmail draft rather than sending the email
#' directly.
#' @export
revdep_email <- function(type = c("broken", "failed"), pkg = ".", packages = NULL, draft = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type)
packages <- db_results(pkg, packages)
status <- map_chr(packages, rcmdcheck_status)
cond <- switch(type,
broken = status %in% c("-", "t-", "i-"),
failed = status %in% c("i+", "t+")
revdep_email_by_type(pkg, packages[cond], type, draft = draft)
revdep_email_by_type <- function(pkg, packages, type = "broken", draft = FALSE) {
if (length(packages) == 0) {
message("All ok :D")
# Generate email templates
package_data <- package_data(pkg = pkg, packages = packages)
# Show draft email (using first package) and check we're good
revdep_email_draft(pkg = pkg, type = type, data = package_data[[1]])
ready <- utils::menu(
title = paste0("Ready to send ", length(package_data), " emails?"),
c("Yes", "No")
if (ready != 1L) {
ok <- logical(length(package_data))
# Construct and send each email
for (i in seq_along(package_data)) {
data <- package_data[[i]]
body <- email_build(type = type, data = data)
to <- data$your_email
subject <- glue_data(data, "{your_package} and upcoming CRAN release of {my_package}")
ok[[i]] <- email_send(to, body, subject, draft = draft)
if (any(!ok)) {
failed <- package_data[!ok]
pkgs <- map_chr(failed, function(x) x$your_package)
message("Failed to send:")
cat(deparse(pkgs), sep = "\n")
#' @export
#' @rdname revdep_email
revdep_email_draft <- function(type = "broken", pkg = ".", data = email_data(pkg)) {
cat_line(rule("Draft email"))
data <- map(data, bold)
cat(email_build(type = type, data = data))
cat_line("Please carefully review this draft")
cat_line("Missing variables look like ", red("--field_name--"))
cat_line("Add these to revdep/email.yml")
# Internal --------------------------------------------------------------
package_data <- function(packages, pkg = ".") {
data_base <- email_data(pkg)
data_package <- map(packages, function(x) {
cmp <- x$cmp
old <- unique(cmp$hash[cmp$which == "old"])
new <- unique(cmp$hash[cmp$which == "new"])
broke <- setdiff(new, old)
idx <- switch(x$status,
"-" = cmp$hash %in% broke & cmp$which == "new",
"t-" = ,
"i-" = cmp$which == "new"
out <- cmp$output[idx]
your_results <- crayon::strip_style(format_details_bullets(out))
desc <- desc::desc(text = x$new$description)
maintainer <- utils::as.person(desc$get_maintainer())[[1]]
your_package = x$package,
your_version = desc$get_version(),
your_results = glue::glue_collapse(your_results),
your_name = format(maintainer, c("given", "family")),
your_email = format(maintainer, "email", braces = list(email = ""))
map(data_package, function(x) utils::modifyList(data_base, x))
#' @importFrom gmailr mime send_message
email_send <- function(to, body, subject, draft = TRUE) {
email <- mime(To = to, Subject = subject, body = body)
send <- if (draft) gmailr::create_draft else gmailr::send_message
msg <- if (draft) "Drafting" else "Sending"
message(msg, ": ", gmailr::subject(email))
interrupt = function(e) {
message("Aborted by user")
error = function(e) {
#' @importFrom glue glue_data
email_build <- function(type = "broken", data = email_data(".")) {
name <- paste0("email-", type, ".txt")
template_path <- system.file(
"templates", name,
package = "revdepcheck",
mustWork = TRUE
template <- paste(readLines(template_path), collapse = "\n")
glue_data(data, template)
#' @importFrom whoami fullname
#' @importFrom yaml yaml.load_file as.yaml
email_data <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
defaults <- email_data_defaults(pkg)
yaml_path <- file.path(pkg, "revdep", "email.yml")
if (!file.exists(yaml_path)) {
manual <- compact(yaml.load_file(yaml_path))
utils::modifyList(defaults, manual)
email_data_defaults <- function(pkg = ".") {
pkg <- pkg_check(pkg)
my_package = pkg_name(pkg),
my_version = pkg_version(pkg),
my_name = fullname(red("--my_name--")),
my_news_url = red("--my_news_url--"),
my_issues_url = pkg_bug_reports(pkg),
release_date = red("--release_date--"),
rel_release_date = red("--rel_release_date--"),
release_version = red("--release_version--"),
release_details = red("--release_details--"),
your_package = green("your_package"),
your_version = green("your_version"),
your_results = green("your_results"),
your_name = green("your_name")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.