# ======== GENERIC =========
#' Clip points in regions of interest
#' Clip points within a given region of interest (ROI) from a point cloud (LAS object) or a collection
#' of files (LAScatalog object).
#' @template param-las
#' @param geometry a geometric object. spatial points, spatial polygons in sp or sf/sfc format, Extent,
#' bbox, 2x2 matrix
#' @param xleft,ybottom,xright,ytop numeric. coordinates of one or several rectangles.
#' @param xpoly,ypoly numeric. x coordinates of a polygon.
#' @param xcenter,ycenter numeric. x coordinates of on or several disc centres.
#' @param radius numeric. disc radius or radii.
#' @param ... in `clip_roi`: optional supplementary options (see supported geometries). Unused in
#' other functions
#' @section Non-supported LAScatalog options:
#' The option `chunk size`, `buffer`, `chunk alignment` and `select` are not supported by `clip_*`
#' because they are meaningless in this context.
#' @return If the input is a LAS object: an object of class LAS, or a `list` of LAS objects if the
#' query implies several regions of interest.\cr\cr
#' If the input is a LAScatalog object: an object of class LAS, or a `list` of LAS
#' objects if the query implies several regions of interest, or a LAScatalog if the
#' queries are immediately written into files without loading anything in R.
#' @examples
#' LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
#' # Load the file and clip the region of interest
#' las = readLAS(LASfile, select = "xyz", filter = "-keep_first")
#' subset1 = clip_rectangle(las, 684850, 5017850, 684900, 5017900)
#' # Do not load the file(s), extract only the region of interest
#' # from a bigger dataset
#' ctg = readLAScatalog(LASfile, progress = FALSE, filter = "-keep_first")
#' subset2 = clip_rectangle(ctg, 684850, 5017850, 684900, 5017900)
#' # Extract all the polygons from a shapefile
#' f <- system.file("extdata", "lake_polygons_UTM17.shp", package = "lidR")
#' lakes <- sf::st_read(f, quiet = TRUE)
#' subset3 <- clip_roi(las, lakes)
#' # Extract the polygons for a catalog, write them in files named
#' # after the lake names, do not load anything in R
#' opt_output_files(ctg) <- paste0(tempfile(), "_{LAKENAME_1}")
#' new_ctg = clip_roi(ctg, lakes)
#' plot(new_ctg)
#' # Extract a transect
#' p1 <- c(684800, y = 5017800)
#' p2 <- c(684900, y = 5017900)
#' tr1 <- clip_transect(las, p1, p2, width = 4)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(subset1)
#' plot(subset2)
#' plot(subset3)
#' plot(tr1, axis = TRUE, clear_artifacts = FALSE)
#' }
#' @name clip
#' @md
#' @export
clip_roi = function(las, geometry, ...)
if (is.character(geometry))
geometry <- sf::st_as_sfc(geometry, crs = sf::st_crs(las))
if (is(geometry, "Polygon"))
geometry <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(geometry@coords)), crs = st_crs(las))
if (inherits(geometry, "Spatial"))
geometry <- sf::st_as_sf(geometry)
if (is(geometry, "sfg"))
geometry <- sf::st_sfc(geometry, crs = st_crs(las))
if (is(geometry, "sf") | is(geometry, "sfc"))
if (all(sf::st_is(geometry, "POLYGON") | sf::st_is(geometry, "MULTIPOLYGON")))
return(clip_sf(las, geometry))
else if (all(sf::st_is(geometry, "POINT")))
p <- list(...)
if (is.null(p$radius))
stop("Clipping using sfc_POINT or SpatialPoints* requires addition of parameter 'radius'.", call. = FALSE)
centers <- sf::st_coordinates(geometry)
ycenter <- centers[,2]
xcenter <- centers[,1]
radius <- p$radius
return(clip_circle(las, xcenter, ycenter, radius, data = geometry))
stop("Incorrect geometry type. POINT, POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON are supported.", call. = FALSE)
else if (is(geometry, "Extent"))
xmin <- geometry@xmin
xmax <- geometry@xmax
ymin <- geometry@ymin
ymax <- geometry@ymax
return(clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
else if (is.matrix(geometry))
if (!all(dim(geometry) == 2))
stop("Matrix must have a size 2 x 2")
xmin <- geometry[1]
xmax <- geometry[3]
ymin <- geometry[2]
ymax <- geometry[4]
return(clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
else if (is(geometry, "bbox"))
xmin <- geometry$xmin
xmax <- geometry$xmax
ymin <- geometry$ymin
ymax <- geometry$ymax
return(clip_rectangle(las, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
stop(paste0("Geometry type ", paste0(class(geometry), collapse = " "), " not supported"))
# ========= RECTANGLE =========
#' @export
#' @rdname clip
clip_rectangle = function(las, xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, ...)
assert_are_same_length(xleft, ybottom)
assert_are_same_length(xleft, xright)
assert_are_same_length(xleft, ytop)
UseMethod("clip_rectangle", las)
#' @export
clip_rectangle.LAS = function(las, xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, ...)
X <- Y <- NULL
output <- vector(mode = "list", length(xleft))
for (i in 1:length(xleft))
roi <- filter_poi(las, X >= xleft[i] & X < xright[i] & Y >= ybottom[i] & Y < ytop[i])
if (is.empty(roi)) warning(glue::glue("No point found for within rectangle ({xleft[i]}, {ybottom[i]}, {xright[i]}, {ytop[i]})."), call. = FALSE)
output[[i]] = roi
if (length(output) == 1)
#' @export
clip_rectangle.LAScatalog = function(las, xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, ...)
bboxes <- st_make_bboxes(xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop)
output <- catalog_extract(las, bboxes, LIDRRECTANGLE)
if (length(output) == 1)
# ======== POLYGON ========
#' @export clip_polygon
#' @rdname clip
clip_polygon = function(las, xpoly, ypoly, ...)
assert_are_same_length(xpoly, ypoly)
poly <- sf::st_polygon(list(cbind(xpoly, ypoly)))
return(clip_roi(las, poly))
# ======== CIRCLE ========
#' @export clip_circle
#' @rdname clip
clip_circle = function(las, xcenter, ycenter, radius, ...)
assert_are_same_length(xcenter, ycenter)
UseMethod("clip_circle", las)
#' @export
clip_circle.LAS = function(las, xcenter, ycenter, radius, ...)
if (length(radius) > 1)
assert_are_same_length(xcenter, radius)
radius <- rep(radius, length(xcenter))
X <- Y <- NULL
output <- vector(mode = "list", length(xcenter))
for (i in 1:length(xcenter))
roi <- filter_poi(las, (X - xcenter[i])^2 + (Y - ycenter[i])^2 <= radius[i]^2)
if (is.empty(roi)) warning(glue::glue("No point found for within disc ({xcenter[i]}, {ycenter[i]}, {radius[i]})."), call. = FALSE)
output[[i]] <- roi
if (length(output) == 1)
#' @export
clip_circle.LAScatalog = function(las, xcenter, ycenter, radius, ...)
if (length(radius) > 1)
assert_are_same_length(xcenter, radius)
radius <- rep(radius, length(xcenter))
xmin <- xcenter - radius
xmax <- xcenter + radius
ymin <- ycenter - radius
ymax <- ycenter + radius
bboxes <- st_make_bboxes(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
output <- catalog_extract(las, bboxes, LIDRCIRCLE, ...)
if (length(output) == 1)
# ======= TRANSECT ========
#' @export
#' @rdname clip
#' @param p1,p2 numeric vectors of length 2 that gives the coordinates of two points that define a
#' transect
#' @param width numeric. width of the transect.
#' @param xz bool. If \code{TRUE} the point cloud is reoriented to fit on XZ coordinates
clip_transect = function(las, p1, p2, width, xz = FALSE, ...)
# Not documented but if p1 and p2 are missing it switches
# to interactive selection (personal use only)
if (!missing(p1) && !missing(p2))
assert_are_same_length(p1, p2)
assert_is_of_length(p1, 2L)
# nocov start
p <- list(...)
plot <- isTRUE(p$plot)
if (plot)
dsm <- rasterize_canopy(las, 2, p2r())
plot(dsm, col = height.colors(15))
tr <- graphics::locator(2L, type = "o")
p1 <- c(tr$x[1L], tr$y[1L])
p2 <- c(tr$x[2L], tr$y[2L])
# nocov end
if (is(las, "LAScatalog"))
if (xz && opt_output_files(las) != "")
stop("Reorientation is not available yet with a LAScatalog", call. = FALSE)
dx <- p1[1] - p2[1]
dy <- p1[2] - p2[2]
a <- atan(dy/dx)
rot <- matrix(c(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a)), ncol = 2)
coords <- rbind(p1, p2)
line <- sf::st_linestring(coords)
line <- sf::st_sfc(line)
sf::st_crs(line) <- sf::st_crs(las)
poly <- sf::st_buffer(line, dist = width/2, endCapStyle = "FLAT")
las <- clip_roi(las, poly)
if (!xz) { return(las) }
bbox <- st_bbox(las)
coords <- as.matrix(coordinates(las))
coords[,1] <- coords[,1] - bbox$xmin
coords[,2] <- coords[,2] - bbox$ymin
coords <- coords %*% rot
X <- coords[,1]
Y <- coords[,2]
fast_quantization(X, las@header@PHB[["X scale factor"]], 0)
fast_quantization(Y, las@header@PHB[["Y scale factor"]], 0)
las@data[["X"]] <- X
las@data[["Y"]] <- Y
las@header@PHB[["X offset"]] <- 0
las@header@PHB[["Y offset"]] <- 0
las <- las_update(las)
data.table::setattr(las, "rotation", rot)
data.table::setattr(las, "offset", c(bbox$xmin, bbox$ymin))
# ======== WKT ========
clip_sf = function(las, sf)
UseMethod("clip_sf", las)
clip_sf.LAS = function(las, sf)
sfc <- sf::st_geometry(sf)
idx <- point_in_polygons(las, sfc, TRUE)
output <- vector(mode = "list", length(sfc))
uid <- unique(idx)
uid <- uid[!is.na(uid)]
for (i in seq_along(idx))
# memory optimization
if(length(idx[[i]])== npoints(las))
output[[i]] = las
roi = suppressWarnings(las[idx[[i]]])
if (is.empty(roi)) warning(glue::glue("No point found for within {sf::st_as_text(sfc[i])}."), call. = FALSE)
output[[i]] = roi
if (length(output) == 0)
else if (length(output) == 1)
clip_sf.LAScatalog = function(las, sf)
wkt <- sf::st_as_text(sf::st_geometry(sf), digits = 10)
# We need the bounding box of each geometry to be able to leverage automatically spatial
# indexing of LAS files with LAX files
bboxes <- lapply(sf::st_geometry(sf), sf::st_bbox)
output <- catalog_extract(las, bboxes, LIDRRECTANGLE, sf = sf)
if (length(output) == 1)
# ============= GENERIC QUERY =============
#' @param ctg LAScatalog
#' @param bboxes a list of bbox
#' @param shape shape of the query can be a rectangle or a disc
#' @param sf an object of class sf that is used for extracting polygons carrying WKT strings
#' @param data a data.frame carrying some attributes used to create fill the {TEMPLATE}
#' @noRd
catalog_extract = function(ctg, bboxes, shape = LIDRRECTANGLE, sf = NULL, data = NULL)
stopifnot(shape == LIDRRECTANGLE | shape == LIDRCIRCLE)
if (opt_progress(ctg)) plot.LAScatalog(ctg, mapview = FALSE) # nocov
# Define a function to be passed in engine_apply
extract_query = function(cluster)
if (cluster@files[1] == "")
x <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(streamLAS(cluster, ofile = cluster@save, filter_wkt = cluster@wkt)))
if (is.null(x))
x <- 0
class(x) <- "lidr_internal_skip_write"
index(x) <- index(cluster)
sensor(x) <- sensor(cluster)
# Find the ROIs in the catalog and return LASclusters. If a ROI fall outside the catalog
# its associated LAScluster is NULL and must receive a special treatment in following code
clusters <- engine_index(ctg, bboxes, shape, 0, outside_catalog_is_null = FALSE)
# Add some information in the clusters to correctly extract polygons and to write correct file names
for (i in 1:length(clusters))
# skip NULL clusters
if (clusters[[i]]@files[1] == "")
# If a simple feature is provided we want to extract a polygon. Insert WKT string
if (!is.null(sf))
clusters[[i]]@wkt = sf::st_as_text(sf::st_geometry(sf)[i], digits = 10)
# If the user wants to write the ROIs in files. Generate a filename.
if (opt_output_files(ctg) != "")
if (!is.null(sf))
if (ncol(sf) > 1)
X <- sf[i,]
X <- sf[i,]
X <- as.list(X)
names(X) <- names(sf)
else if (!is.null(data))
if (ncol(data) > 1)
X <- data[i,]
X <- data[i,]
X <- as.list(X)
names(X) <- names(data)
X <- list()
X$ID <- i
X$XCENTER <- format(clusters[[i]]@center$x, scientific = F)
X$YCENTER <- format(clusters[[i]]@center$y, scientific = F)
X$XLEFT <- format(clusters[[i]]@bbox[1], scientific = F)
X$XRIGHT <- format(clusters[[i]]@bbox[3], scientific = F)
X$YBOTTOM <- format(clusters[[i]]@bbox[2], scientific = F)
X$YTOP <- format(clusters[[i]]@bbox[4], scientific = F)
format <- if (opt_laz_compression(ctg)) ".laz" else ".las"
usefilename <- grepl("\\{ORIGINALFILENAME\\}", opt_output_files(ctg))
if (usefilename)
stop("The template {ORIGINALFILENAME} makes sense only when processing by file. It is undefined in clip functions.", call. = FALSE)
filepath <- paste0(glue::glue_data(X, opt_output_files(ctg)), format)
n <- length(filepath)
if (n > 1)
stop(glue::glue("Ill-formed template string in the catalog: {n} filenames were generated for each region of interest"), call. = FALSE)
clusters[[i]]@save <- filepath
# Process the cluster using LAScatalog internal engine
output <- engine_apply(clusters, extract_query, ctg@processing_options, ctg@output_options)
# output should contain nothing because everything has been streamed into files
if (opt_output_files(ctg) != "")
written_path = character(0)
for (i in seq_along(clusters))
if (clusters[[i]]@files[1] == "")
message(glue::glue("No point found for within region of interest {i}."))
if (file.exists(clusters[[i]]@save))
written_path = append(written_path, clusters[[i]]@save)
message(glue::glue("No point found for within region of interest {i}."))
if (length(written_path) > 0)
new_ctg <- suppressMessages(readLAScatalog(written_path))
opt_copy(new_ctg) <- ctg
# Empty LAScatalog
new_ctg <- new("LAScatalog")
st_crs(new_ctg) <- st_crs(ctg)
# output should contain LAS objects returned at the R level
for (i in 1:length(output))
if (!is.null(output[[i]]))
# Transfer the CRS of the catalog.
st_crs(output[[i]]) <- st_crs(ctg)
# For consistency with LAS dispatched functions, LAScatalog must return empty LAS objects that respect
# the select option. The following is definitively a twist to get a consistent output but happened
# only for dummy queries outide the catalog
emptylas <- readLAS(ctg@data$filename[1], ctg@input_options$select, filter = "-inside 0 0 0 0")
output[[i]] <- emptylas
message(glue::glue("No point found for within region of interest {i}."))
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