
Defines functions fish getHclustClassIntervals getBclustClassIntervals nPartitions print.classIntervals roundEndpoint tableClassIntervals findCols findColours .rbrks classIntervals classIntervals2shingle plot.classIntervals jenks.tests oai tai gvf

Documented in classIntervals classIntervals2shingle findColours findCols getBclustClassIntervals getHclustClassIntervals jenks.tests nPartitions plot.classIntervals print.classIntervals

gvf <- function(var, cols) {
   sumsq <- function(x) sum((x - mean(x))^2)
   sdam <- sumsq(var)
   sdcm <- sum(tapply(var, factor(cols), sumsq))
   res <- 1 - (sdcm/sdam)

tai <- function(var, cols) {
   sumabs <- function(x) sum(abs(x - mean(x)))
   x <- sumabs(var)
   y <- sum(tapply(var, factor(cols), sumabs))
   res <- 1 - (y/x)

oai <- function(var, cols, area) {
   sumabs1 <- function(x) sum(abs(x[,1] - mean(x[,1]))*x[,2])
   m <- cbind(as.numeric(var), as.numeric(area))
   x <- sumabs1(m)
   y <- sum(by(m, factor(cols), sumabs1))
   res <- 1 - (y/x)

jenks.tests <- function(clI, area) {
   if (!inherits(clI, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
   cols <- findCols(clI)
   res <- c("# classes"=length(clI$brks)-1,
     "Goodness of fit"=gvf(clI$var, cols),
     "Tabular accuracy"=tai(clI$var, cols))
   if (!missing(area)) {
      if (length(area) != length(cols))
         stop("area and classified variable different lengths")
      res <- c(res, "Overview accuracy"=oai(clI$var, cols, area))

plot.classIntervals <- function(x, pal, ...) {
   if (!inherits(x, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
   if (length(pal) < 2) stop("pal must contain at least two colours")
   pal_out <- colorRampPalette(pal)(length(x$brks)-1)
   plot(ecdf(x$var), ...)
   stbrks <- cbind(x$brks[-length(x$brks)], x$brks[-1])
   abline(v=x$brks, col="grey")
   for (i in 1:nrow(stbrks))
      rect(stbrks[i,1], par("usr")[3], stbrks[i,2], 0, col=pal_out[i],

classIntervals2shingle <- function(x) {
	res <- x$var
	nl <- length(x$brks) - 1
	lres <- vector(mode="list", length=nl)
	for (i in 1:nl) lres[[i]] <- x$brks[c(i, i+1)]
	class(lres) <- "shingleLevel"
	attr(res, "levels") <- lres
	class(res) <- "shingle"

# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# Added intervalClosure argument to allow specification of whether
# partition intervals are closed on the left or the right
# Added dataPrecision argument to allow rounding of interval boundaries
# to the precision -- the argument equals the number of
# decimal places in the data.  Negative numbers retain the usual
# convention for rounding.
classIntervals <- function(var, n, style="quantile", rtimes=3, ..., intervalClosure=c("left", "right"), dataPrecision=NULL, warnSmallN=TRUE, warnLargeN = TRUE, largeN = 3000L, samp_prop = 0.1, gr=c("[", "]")) {
  if (is.factor(var)) stop("var is categorical")
# https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/8
  TZ <- NULL
  if (!is.numeric(var)) {
    if (inherits(var, "POSIXt")) {
      TZ <- attr(var, "tzone")
      POSIX <- TRUE
      var <- unclass(as.POSIXct(var))
    } else if (inherits(var, "Date")) {
	  var <- unclass(var)
	} else {
      stop("var is not numeric")
  if (inherits(var, "units")) {
    UNITS <- paste0(gr[1], as.character(attr(var, "units")), gr[2])
# Matthieu Stigler 120705
  intervalClosure <- match.arg(intervalClosure)
  ovar <- var
  if (length(style) > 1L) style <- style[1L]
  if (any(is.na(var))) {
    warning("var has missing values, omitted in finding classes")
    var <- c(na.omit(var))
  if (any(!is.finite(var))) {
    warning("var has infinite values, omitted in finding classes")
    is.na(var) <- !is.finite(var)
  nobs <- length(unique(var))
  if (nobs == 1) stop("single unique value")
  # Fix 22: Diego Hernangómez
  needn <- !(style %in% c("dpih", "headtails", "box"))

  if (missing(n)) n <- nclass.Sturges(var)
  if (n < 2 & needn) stop("n less than 2")
  n <- as.integer(n)
  pars <- NULL
  if (n > nobs & needn) {
    if (warnSmallN) {
      warning(paste("n greater than number of different finite values",
      "n reset to number of different finite values", sep="\\n"))
    n <- nobs
  if (n == nobs & needn) {
    if (warnSmallN) {
      warning(paste("n same as number of different finite values",
      "each different finite value is a separate class", sep="\\n"))
    sVar <- sort(unique(var))
    dsVar <- diff(sVar)
    brks <- c(sVar[1]-(mean(dsVar)/2), sVar[1:(length(sVar)-1)]+(dsVar/2),
  } else {
# introduced related to https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/7
    sampling <- FALSE
    if (warnLargeN &&
      (style %in% c("fisher", "jenks"))) {
      if (nobs > largeN) {
        warning("N is large, and some styles will run very slowly; sampling imposed")
        sampling <- TRUE
# issue 44
        nsamp <- as.integer(ceiling(samp_prop*nobs))
        if (nsamp > largeN) nsamp <- as.integer(largeN)
    if (style =="fixed") {
#      mc <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
#      fixedBreaks <- sort(eval(mc$...$fixedBreaks))
# Matthieu Stigler 111110
      dots <- list(...)
      fixedBreaks <- sort(dots$fixedBreaks)
      if (is.null(fixedBreaks))
        stop("fixed method requires fixedBreaks argument")
#      if (length(fixedBreaks) != (n+1))
#        stop("mismatch between fixedBreaks and n")
      if (!is.numeric(fixedBreaks)) {
# fixedBreaks assumed to be TZ-compliant with var
        if (inherits(fixedBreaks, "POSIXt") && POSIX) {
          fixedBreaks <- unclass(as.POSIXct(fixedBreaks))
        } else if (inherits(fixedBreaks, "DATE") && DATE) {
          fixedBreaks <- unclass(fixedBreaks)
        } else {
          stop("fixedBreaks must be numeric")
      if (any(diff(fixedBreaks) < 0)) stop("decreasing fixedBreaks found")
      if (min(var) < fixedBreaks[1] ||
        max(var) > fixedBreaks[length(fixedBreaks)])
          warning("variable range greater than fixedBreaks")
      brks <- fixedBreaks
    } else if (style =="sd") {
      svar <- scale(var)
      pars <- c(attr(svar, "scaled:center"), attr(svar, "scaled:scale"))
      names(pars) <- c("center", "scale")
      dots <- list(...)
      if (is.null(dots$sd_m)) {
        sbrks <- pretty(x=svar, n=n, ...)
      } else {
        sbrks <- dots$sd_m
      brks <- c((sbrks * pars[2]) + pars[1])
      if (!is.finite(brks[1])) brks[1] <- min(var)
      if (!is.finite(brks[length(brks)])) brks[length(brks)] <- max(var)
      if (any(order(brks) != 1:length(brks))) brks <- unique(sort(brks))
    } else if (style =="equal") {
      brks <- seq(min(var), max(var), length.out=(n+1))
    } else if (style =="pretty") {
      brks <- c(pretty(x=var, n=n, ...))
    } else if (style =="quantile") {
# stats
      brks <- c(quantile(x=var, probs=seq(0,1,1/n), ...))
      names(brks) <- NULL
    } else if (style =="kmeans") {
# stats
      pars <- try(kmeans(x=var, centers=n, ...))
      if (inherits(pars, "try-error")) {
        warning("jittering in kmeans")
        jvar <- jitter(rep(x=var, times=rtimes))
        pars <- try(kmeans(x=jvar, centers=n, ...))
	if (inherits(pars, "try-error")) stop("kmeans failed after jittering")
        else {
          cols <- match(pars$cluster, order(c(pars$centers)))
          rbrks <- unlist(tapply(jvar, factor(cols), range))
      } else {
        cols <- match(pars$cluster, order(c(pars$centers)))
        rbrks <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(cols), range))
      names(rbrks) <- NULL
      brks <- .rbrks(rbrks)
    } else if (style =="hclust") {
# stats
      pars <- hclust(dist(x=var, method="euclidean"), ...)
      rcluster <- cutree(tree=pars, k=n)
      rcenters <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(rcluster), mean))
      cols <- match(rcluster, order(c(rcenters)))
      rbrks <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(cols), range))
      names(rbrks) <- NULL
      brks <- .rbrks(rbrks)
    } else if (style =="bclust") {
# e1071, class
      pars <- try(bclust(x=var, centers=n, ...))
      if (inherits(pars, "try-error")) {
        warning("jittering in bclust")
        jvar <- jitter(rep(x=var, times=rtimes))
        pars <- try(bclust(x=jvar, centers=n, ...))
	if (inherits(pars, "try-error")) stop("bclust failed after jittering")
        else {
          cols <- match(pars$cluster, order(c(pars$centers)))
          rbrks <- unlist(tapply(jvar, factor(cols), range))
      } else {
        cols <- match(pars$cluster, order(c(pars$centers)))
        rbrks <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(cols), range))
      names(rbrks) <- NULL
      brks <- .rbrks(rbrks)
    } else if (style =="fisher") {
# introduced related to https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/7
      if (sampling) {
        pars <- fish(x=c(range(var), sample(x=var, size=nsamp)), k=n)
      } else {
        pars <- fish(x=var, k=n)
      brks <- pars[n,1]
      for (i in n:1) brks <- c(brks, (pars[i,2]+pars[(i-1),1])/2)
      brks <- c(brks, pars[1,2])
      colnames(pars) <- c("min", "max", "class mean", "class sd")
    } else if (style == "jenks") { # Jenks Optimisation Method
# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# This version of the Jenks code assumes intervals are closed on
# the right -- force it.
    	   intervalClosure = "right"
           if (storage.mode(var) != "double") storage.mode(var) <- "double"
# introduced related to https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/7
           if (sampling) {
             message("Use \"fisher\" instead of \"jenks\" for larger data sets")
             d <- sort(c(range(var), sample(x=var, size=nsamp)))
           } else {
             d <- sort(var)
           k <- n
           mat1 <- matrix(1, length(d), k)
           mat2 <- matrix(0, length(d), k)
           mat2[2:length(d),1:k] <- .Machine$double.xmax #R's max double value?

           for(l in 2:length(d)){
             for(m in 1:l){
               i3 <- l - m + 1
               val <- d[i3]
               s2 <- s2 + val * val
               s1 <- s1 + val
               v <- s2 - (s1 * s1) / w
               i4 <- trunc(i3 - 1)

               if(i4 !=0){
                 for(j in 2:k){
                   if(mat2[l,j] >= (v + mat2[i4, j - 1])){
                     mat1[l,j] <- i3
                     mat2[l,j] <- v + mat2[i4, j - 1]
             mat1[l,1] <- 1
             mat2[l,1] <- v

           kclass[k] <- length(d)
           k <- length(d)
           for(j in length(kclass):1){
             id <- trunc(mat1[k,j]) - 1
             kclass[j - 1] <- id
             k <- id #lower
             last <- k -1 #upper
# change uncontributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# with the specification of intervalClosure for the presentation layer,
# don't need to change this
           brks<-d[c(1, kclass)]

      } else if (style == "dpih") {
# introduced related to https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/6
           h <- dpih(var, ...)
           dots <- list(...)
           if (!is.null(dots$range.x)) {
               vmin <- dots$range.x[1]
               vmax <- dots$range.x[2]
           } else {
               vmin <- min(var)
               vmax <- max(var)
           brks <- seq(vmin, vmax, by=h)
      } else if (style == "headtails") {
             # Contributed Diego Hernangómez
# https://github.com/mtennekes/tmap/issues/555
             dots <- list(...)
             thr <- ifelse(is.null(dots$thr),

             thr <-  min(1,max(0, thr))
             head <- var
             breaks <- min(var, na.rm = TRUE) #Init with minimum
             for (i in 1:100) {
               mu <- mean(head, na.rm = TRUE)
               breaks <- c(breaks, mu)
               ntot <- length(head)
               #Switch head
               head <- head[head > mu]
               prop <- length(head) / ntot
               keepiter <- prop <= thr & length(head) > 1
               if (isFALSE(keepiter)) {break}
             #Add max to complete intervals
             brks <- sort(unique(c(breaks,
                                   max(var, na.rm = TRUE))))
      } else if (style == "maximum") {

        # 2022-06-05 Josiah Parry
        x_sort <- sort(var)
        diffs <- diff(x_sort)

        n_breaks <- sort(diffs, decreasing = TRUE)[1:(n-1)]

        # identify values to average for breaks
        int_end_index <- which(diffs %in% n_breaks)
        int_nb_index <- which(diffs %in% n_breaks) + 1

        m <- matrix(
          c(x_sort[int_nb_index], x_sort[int_end_index]),
          ncol = 2

        brks <- c(min(x_sort), rowSums(m) / 2, max(x_sort))

      } else if (style == "box"){
        # 2022-09-22 Diego Hernangomez, see:
        # https://github.com/r-spatial/classInt/issues/18
        # Adapted from:
        # https://spatialanalysis.github.io/lab_tutorials/4_R_Mapping.html#box-map
        dots <- list(...)
        iqr_mult <- ifelse(is.null(dots$iqr_mult), 1.5, dots$iqr_mult)
        stopifnot(iqr_mult >= 0)
        qtype <- ifelse(is.null(dots$type), 7, dots$type)
        legacy <- ifelse(is.null(dots$legacy), FALSE, dots$legacy)
        qv <- unname(quantile(var, type=qtype))
        iqr <- iqr_mult * (qv[4] - qv[2])
        upfence <- qv[4] + iqr
        lofence <- qv[2] - iqr
        # initialize break points vector
        bb <- vector(mode="numeric",length=7)
        # logic for lower and upper fences
        if (lofence < qv[1]) {  # no lower outliers
          if (legacy) {
            bb[1] <- lofence
            bb[2] <- floor(qv[1])
          } else {
            bb[1] <- -Inf
            bb[2] <- lofence
        } else {
          bb[2] <- lofence
          bb[1] <- qv[1]
        if (upfence > qv[5]) { # no upper outliers
          if (legacy) {
            bb[7] <- upfence
            bb[6] <- ceiling(qv[5])
          } else {
            bb[7] <- +Inf
            bb[6] <- upfence
        } else {
          bb[6] <- upfence
          bb[7] <- qv[5]
        bb[3:5] <- qv[2:4]
        brks <- bb
      } else stop(paste(style, "unknown"))
  if (is.null(brks)) stop("Null breaks")
  if (POSIX) {
    ovar <- .POSIXct(ovar, TZ)
    brks <- .POSIXct(brks, TZ)
  } else if (DATE) {
    ovar <- as.Date(ovar, origin = "1970-01-01")
    brks <- as.Date(brks, origin = "1970-01-01")
  res <- list(var=ovar, brks=brks)
  attr(res, "style") <- style
  attr(res, "parameters") <- pars
  attr(res, "nobs") <- nobs
  attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# Add intervalClosure and dataPrecision to the attributes so they're
# available to the print method
  attr(res, "intervalClosure") <- intervalClosure
  attr(res, "dataPrecision") <- dataPrecision
  attr(res, "var_units") <- UNITS
  class(res) <- "classIntervals"

.rbrks <- function(rbrks) {
  nb <- length(rbrks)
  if (nb < 2) stop("single break")
  brks <- c(rbrks[1], rbrks[nb])
  if (nb > 2) {
    if (nb == 3) brks <- append(brks, rbrks[2], 1)
    else {
      ins <- NULL
      for (i in as.integer(seq(2,(nb-2),2))) {
        ins <- c(ins, ((rbrks[i]+rbrks[i+1])/2))
      brks <- append(brks, ins, 1)

findColours <- function(clI, pal, under="under", over="over", between="-",
  digits = getOption("digits"), cutlabels=TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(clI, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
  if (is.null(clI$brks)) stop("Null breaks")
  if (length(pal) < 2) stop("pal must contain at least two colours")
  cols <- findCols(clI)
  palette <- colorRampPalette(pal)(length(clI$brks)-1)
  res <- palette[cols]
  attr(res, "palette") <- palette
  tab <- tableClassIntervals(cols=cols, brks=clI$brks, under=under, over=over,
    between=between, digits=digits, cutlabels=cutlabels,
    intervalClosure=attr(clI, "intervalClosure"),
    dataPrecision=attr(clI, "dataPrecision"))
  attr(res, "table") <- tab

# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# Looks for intervalClosure attribute to allow specification of
# whether partition intervals are closed on the left or the right
findCols <- function(clI, factor = FALSE)  {
  if (!inherits(clI, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
  if (is.null(clI$brks)) stop("Null breaks")
  if (is.null(attr(clI, "intervalClosure")) || (attr(clI, "intervalClosure") == "left")) {
  	cols <- findInterval(clI$var, clI$brks, all.inside=TRUE)
  else {
	cols <- apply(array(apply(outer(clI$var, clI$brks, ">"), 1, sum)), 1, max, 1)
  if (factor) {
    col_vals <- names(tableClassIntervals(cols, clI$brks))
    cols <- factor(cols, levels = 1:length(col_vals), labels = col_vals)

# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# Added intervalClosure argument to allow specification of whether
# partition intervals are closed on the left or the right
# Added dataPrecision for rounding of the interval endpoints
tableClassIntervals <- function(cols, brks, under="under", over="over",
   between="-", digits = getOption("digits"), cutlabels=TRUE, intervalClosure=c("left", "right"), dataPrecision=NULL, unique=FALSE, big.mark=NULL, var) {
# Matthieu Stigler 120705 unique
# Matthieu Stigler 120705
   intervalClosure <- match.arg(intervalClosure)
   lx <- length(brks)
   nres <- character(lx - 1)
   sep <- " "
   if (cutlabels) {
      sep <- ""

   if (is.null(intervalClosure) || (intervalClosure=="left")) {
   	left = "["
   	right = ")"
   else {
   	left = "("
   	right = "]"

#The two global endpoints are going through roundEndpoint to get
# formatting right, nothing more
   if (cutlabels) nres[1] <- paste("[", roundEndpoint(brks[1], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), between, roundEndpoint(brks[2], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), right, sep=sep)
   else nres[1] <- paste(under, roundEndpoint(brks[2], intervalClosure, dataPrecision), sep=sep)
   for (i in 2:(lx - 2)) {
      if (cutlabels) nres[i] <- paste(left, roundEndpoint(brks[i], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), between, roundEndpoint(brks[i + 1], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), right,
      else nres[i] <- paste(roundEndpoint(brks[i], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), between, roundEndpoint(brks[i + 1], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), sep=sep)
   if (cutlabels) nres[lx - 1] <- paste(left, roundEndpoint(brks[lx - 1], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), between, roundEndpoint(brks[lx], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), "]",
   else nres[lx - 1] <- paste(over, roundEndpoint(brks[lx - 1], intervalClosure, dataPrecision, big.mark), sep=sep)
   tab <- table(factor(cols, levels=1:(lx - 1)))
   names(tab) <- nres

# Matthieu Stigler 120705 unique
   ## Assign unique label for intervals containing same left-right points

    tab_unique<-tapply(var, cols, function(x) length(unique(x)))
#    tab_unique_vals<-tapply(var, cols, function(x) length(unique(x)))
#      w.unique <-which(tab_unique==1)
      w.unique <-as.numeric(names(which(tab_unique==1)))
      cat("Class found with one single (possibly repeated) value: changed label\n")
#      cols.unique <-cols%in%names(w.unique)
      cols.unique <-cols%in%w.unique
      names(tab)[w.unique] <- tapply(var[cols.unique ], cols[cols.unique ], function(x) if(is.null(dataPrecision)) unique(x) else round(unique(x), dataPrecision))


# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# New helper method for tableClassIntervals
roundEndpoint <- function(x, intervalClosure=c("left", "right"), dataPrecision, big.mark) {
# Matthieu Stigler 120705
  intervalClosure <- match.arg(intervalClosure)
   if (is.null(dataPrecision)) {
      retval <- x
   else if (is.null(intervalClosure) || (intervalClosure=="left")) {
      retval <- ceiling(x * 10^dataPrecision) / 10^dataPrecision
      retval <- floor(x * 10^dataPrecision) / 10^dataPrecision
   if(!missing(big.mark)) if(is.character(big.mark)) {
     retval <- prettyNum(retval, big.mark = big.mark)
   digits = getOption("digits")
   format(retval, digits=digits, trim=TRUE)
} #FIXME output trailing zeros in decimals

print.classIntervals <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ..., under="under", over="over", between="-", cutlabels=TRUE, unique=FALSE, big.mark = NULL) {
   if (!inherits(x, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
   cat("style: ", attr(x, "style"), "\n", sep="")
   UNITS <- attr(x, "var_units")
   if (is.null(UNITS)) UNITS <- ""
   else UNITS <- paste0(UNITS, " ")
   nP <- nPartitions(x)
   if (is.finite(nP)) cat("  one of ", prettyNum(nP, big.mark = ","),
      " possible partitions of this ", UNITS, "variable into ", length(x$brks)-1,
      " classes\n", sep="")
   cols <- findCols(x)
   nvar <- x$var
   if (inherits(nvar, "units")) attributes(nvar) <- NULL
   nbrks <- x$brks
   if (inherits(nbrks, "units")) attributes(nbrks) <- NULL
# change contributed by Richard Dunlap 090512
# passes the intervalClosure argument to tableClassIntervals
   tab <- tableClassIntervals(cols=cols, brks=nbrks, under=under, over=over,
    between=between, digits=digits, cutlabels=cutlabels, intervalClosure=attr(x, "intervalClosure"), dataPrecision=attr(x, "dataPrecision"), unique=unique, big.mark = big.mark, var = nvar)
   print(tab, digits=digits, ...)

nPartitions <- function(x) {
  n <- attr(x, "nobs")
  if (n > 170) ret <- Inf
  else {
      k <- length(x$brks)-1
      ret <- (factorial(n - 1))/(factorial(n - k) * factorial(k - 1))

getBclustClassIntervals <- function(clI, k) {
  if (!inherits(clI, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
  if (missing(k)) k <- length(clI$brks)-1
  if (!inherits(attr(clI, "parameters"), "bclust"))
    stop("Class interval object not made with style=\"bclust\"")

  ovar <- clI$var
  var <- clI$var
  if (any(!is.finite(var))) is.na(var) <- !is.finite(var)
  var <- c(na.omit(var))

  obj <- attr(clI, "parameters")
  cols <- match(clusters.bclust(obj, k=k), order(centers.bclust(obj, k=k)))
  rbrks <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(cols), range))
  names(rbrks) <- NULL
  brks <- .rbrks(rbrks)

  res <- list(var=ovar, brks=brks)
  attr(res, "style") <- attr(clI, "style")
  attr(res, "parameters") <- attr(clI, "parameters")
  attr(res, "nobs") <- attr(clI, "nobs")
  attr(res, "call") <- attr(clI, "call")
  attr(res, "modified") <- c(attr(clI, "modified"), k)
  class(res) <- "classIntervals"


getHclustClassIntervals <- function(clI, k) {
  if (!inherits(clI, "classIntervals")) stop("Class interval object required")
  if (missing(k)) k <- length(clI$brks)-1
  if (!inherits(attr(clI, "parameters"), "hclust"))
    stop("Class interval object not made with style=\"hclust\"")

  ovar <- clI$var
  var <- clI$var
  if (any(!is.finite(var))) is.na(var) <- !is.finite(var)
  var <- c(na.omit(var))

  obj <- attr(clI, "parameters")
  rcluster <- cutree(tree=obj, k=k)
  rcenters <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(rcluster), mean))
  cols <- match(rcluster, order(c(rcenters)))
  rbrks <- unlist(tapply(var, factor(cols), range))
  names(rbrks) <- NULL
  brks <- .rbrks(rbrks)

  res <- list(var=ovar, brks=brks)
  attr(res, "style") <- attr(clI, "style")
  attr(res, "parameters") <- attr(clI, "parameters")
  attr(res, "nobs") <- attr(clI, "nobs")
  attr(res, "call") <- attr(clI, "call")
  attr(res, "modified") <- c(attr(clI, "modified"), k)
  class(res) <- "classIntervals"


fish <- function(x, k) {
   x <- sort(x)
   m <- length(x)
   k <- as.integer(k)
   work <- double(m*k)
   iwork <- integer(m*k)
   res <- double(k*4)
   out <- .Fortran("fish", as.integer(m), as.double(x), as.integer(k),
      as.integer(m), as.double(work), as.integer(m), as.integer(iwork),
      as.double(res), PACKAGE="classInt")[[8]]
   out <- matrix(out, k, 4)
r-spatial/classInt documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 2:14 p.m.