
Defines functions getdts update_crt update_l

update_l = function(o, l, v, mfun, unm, active) {
	# update legend options
	oltype = o[c("legend.design", "legend.orientation")]
	names(oltype) = c("design", "orientation")
	if (all(v %in% c("AREA", "LENGTH", "MAP_COLORS")) && is.null(l$show)) {
		l$show = FALSE
	call = names(l)
	l = complete_options(l, oltype)
	oleg = o[names(o)[substr(names(o), 1, 6) == "legend" & substr(names(o), 1, 15) != "legend.settings"]]
	names(oleg) = substr(names(oleg), 8, nchar(names(oleg)))
	settings_name = paste0("legend.settings.", l$design, ".", l$orientation)
	oleg = c(oleg, o[[settings_name]])

	if ("position" %in% names(l) && is.character(l$position)) l$position = str2pos(l$position)
	if ("position" %in% names(l) && is.numeric(l$position)) l$position = num2pos(l$position)
	if ("position" %in% names(l) && inherits(l$position, "tm_pos")) {
		l$position = complete_options(l$position, o$component.position[[l$position$type]])
		if (l$position$type %in% c("autoin", "autoout")) message_pos_auto(l$position$type)

	l = complete_options(l, oleg)
	l$call = call
	l$mfun = mfun
	l$unm = unm
	l$active = active
	# update legend class
	class(l) = c(paste0("tm_legend_", l$design, ifelse(!is.null(l$orientation), paste0("_", l$orientation), "")), class(l)) 

update_crt = function(o, crt, v, mfun, unm, active) {
	cls = class(crt)
	call = names(crt)
	ocrt = o[substr(names(o), 1, 6) == "chart."]
	names(ocrt) = substr(names(ocrt), 7, nchar(names(ocrt)))
	if ("position" %in% names(crt) && is.character(crt$position)) crt$position = str2pos(crt$position)
	if ("position" %in% names(crt) && is.numeric(crt$position)) crt$position = num2pos(crt$position)
	if ("position" %in% names(crt) && inherits(crt$position, "tm_pos")) {
		crt$position = complete_options(crt$position, o$component.position[[crt$position$type]])
		if (crt$position$type %in% c("autoin", "autoout")) message_pos_auto(crt$position$type)
	crt = complete_options(crt, ocrt)
	crt$call = call
	crt$mfun = mfun
	crt$unm = unm
	crt$active = active
	# update legend class
	#class(l) = c(paste0("tm_legend_", l$design, ifelse(!is.null(l$orientation), paste0("_", l$orientation), "")), class(l)) 
	class(crt) = cls

getdts = function(aes, unm, p, q, o, dt, shpvars, layer, mfun, args, plot.order) {
	dev = getOption("tmap.devel.mode")
	nm = aes$aes
	nm__ord = paste0(nm, "__ord")
	#nm and unm are both visual variables
	#nm is the 'prototype', for which methods are written (tmapScale_defaults.R)
	#unm is the name known by the user, so used in messaging and also as identifier in data
	unm__ord = paste0(unm, "__ord")
	# should the results of the data (needed for the plotting function)?
	# sorting order will be plotting order
	# -1 for NULL features (filtered out, or dropped units)
	# 0 for NA features
	# 1-n for features based on scale values (n for latest=plotted on top)
	# 1 for features with non-NA value for not-selected aes
	sortRev = if (plot.order$aes == "DATA") NULL else if (plot.order$aes == unm) plot.order$reverse else NA
	bypass_ord = plot.order$aes == "DATA"
	val = aes$value
	if (q$limitvars) val = val[1]

	with(q, {
		get_num_facets = function(bys) {
			k = as.integer(substr(bys, 3, 3))
		nvars = length(val) #m
		nvari = vapply(val, length, integer(1))
		vars = unlist(val, recursive = FALSE)
		# active grouping variables (to keep)
		grp_bv = by123__[sort(c({if (nvars > 1) v else integer(0)}, b))]
		sfun = paste0("tmapValuesScale_", nm)
		cfun = paste0("tmapValuesColorize_", nm)
		if (inherits(val, "tmapUsrCls")) {
			temp = local({
				# not data driven variable: visual variable to support tm_mv of other visual variable (e.g. fill of donut maps)
				k = length(aes$value[[1]])
				vls = unname(aes$value[[1]])
				dtl = data.table::data.table(tmapID__ = 1L:k, sel = TRUE, value = factor(vls, levels = vls))
				varname = paste(unm, 1L, sep = "_")
				legname = paste("legnr", 1L, sep = "_")
				crtname = paste("crtnr", 1L, sep = "_")
				l = update_l(o = o, l = aes$legend, v = "value", mfun = mfun, unm = unm, active = TRUE)
				crt = update_crt(o = o, crt = aes$chart, v = "value", mfun = mfun, unm = unm, active = TRUE)
				s = aes$scale			
				f = s$FUN
				s$FUN = NULL
				# update label.format
				s$label.format = process_label_format(s$label.format, o$label.format)
				if (all(is.ena(l$title))) l$title = ""
				arglist = list(scale = s, legend = l, chart = crt, 
							   o = o, aes = nm, 
							   layer = layer, 
							   layer_args = args,
							   sortRev = NA, 
							   bypass_ord = TRUE,
							   submit_legend = TRUE)
				dtl[, c(varname, legname, crtname) := do.call(f, c(unname(.SD), arglist)), .SDcols = "value"]
				list(val = paste(dtl[[varname]], collapse = "__"),
					 legnr = dtl$legnr_1[1],
					 ctrnr = dtl$crtnr_1[1])
			nvars = 1
			nvarsi = 1
			vars = temp$val
			grp_bv = by123__[sort(b)]
			nm = "skip"
			sfun = paste0("tmapValuesScale_", nm)
			cfun = paste0("tmapValuesColorize_", nm)
			aes$data_vars = FALSE
			# List of 10
			# $ scale        :List of 1
			# ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "tm_scale_auto" "tm_scale" "list"
			# $ legend       :List of 65
			# ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "tm_legend_standard_portrait" "list"
			# $ chart        :List of 36
			# ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "tm_chart_none" "tm_chart" "tm_component" "list"
			# $ o            :List of 343
			# $ aes          : chr "fill"
			# $ layer        : chr "polygons"
			# $ layer_args   : list()
			# $ sortRev      : logi NA
			# $ bypass_ord   : logi FALSE
			# $ submit_legend: logi TRUE
		if (!aes$data_vars && !aes$geo_vars) {
			#cat("step2_grp_lyr_aes_const", unm," \n")
			# constant values (take first value (of possible tm_mv per facet)
			if (any(nvari) > 1) warning("Aesthetic values considered as direct visual variables, which cannot be used with tm_mv", call. = FALSE)
			val1 = sapply(vars, "[[", 1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
			check_fun = paste0("tmapValuesCheck_", nm)
			check = do.call(check_fun, list(x = val1))
			if (!check) {
				# to do: add "layer" name e.g. tm_fill is still "polygons" and not "fill"
				info = attr(check, "info")
				stop("Visual values used for the variable, \"", unm, "\" of layer function \"tm_", layer[1], "\" are incorrect.", info, call. = FALSE)
			val1 = do.call(sfun, list(x = val1, scale = o$scale))
			val1 = do.call(cfun, list(x = val1, pc = o$pc))
			dtl = copy(dt[, c("tmapID__", "sel__", by123__[b]), with = FALSE])
			if (nvars > 1 && limitvars) {
				# not allowed: take first one
				warning(limitvars_warn, call. = FALSE)
				val1 = val1[1]
				nvars = 1L
			vnames = paste0("value", sprintf("%02d", 1L:nvars))
			for (i in 1L:nvars) {
				vname = vnames[i]
				dtl[, (vname) := val1[i]]
			if (length(v)) update_fl(k = v, m = nvars)
			if (nvars > 1) {
				dtl = melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", "sel__", by123__[b]), measure.vars = vnames, variable.name = var__, value.name = unm)
				dtl[, (var__) := as.integer(get(..var__))]
			} else {
				setnames(dtl, vnames[1], unm)
			# impute null (filter argument of tm_shape) with value.null					
			if (!bypass_ord) dtl[, (nm__ord) := 1L]
			if (any(!dtl$sel__) || !q$drop.units) {
				# also needed for drop.units later on
				cls = data_class(dtl[[unm]])
				value.null = getAesOption("value.null", o, nm, layer, cls = cls)
				value.null = do.call(sfun, list(x = value.null, scale = o$scale))
				value.null = do.call(cfun, list(x = value.null, pc = o$pc))
				# todo: combine these:
				dtl[sel__==FALSE, (unm) := value.null]
				if (!bypass_ord) dtl[sel__==FALSE, (nm__ord) := -1L]
				if (!q$drop.units) {

					imp = structure(list(value.null, -1L, FALSE), names = c(unm, {if (bypass_ord) NULL else nm__ord}, "sel__"))
					levs = lapply(get_num_facets(grp_bv), seq.int, from = 1)
					names(levs) = grp_bv
					dtl = completeDT2(dtl, cols = c(list("tmapID__" = unique(dtl$tmapID__)), levs), defs = imp)

			dtl[, legnr := vector("integer", length = nrow(dtl))]
			dtl[, crtnr := vector("integer", length = nrow(dtl))]
			if (exists("temp")) {
				dtl_leg = data.table::data.table(sel = TRUE, legnr = temp$legnr, crtnr = temp$ctrnr)
			} else {
				dtl_leg = dtl[, .SD[1], by = c(grp_bv)][, tmapID__ := NULL][, legnr := (vapply(get(..unm), function(s) legend_save(list(mfun = mfun, unm = unm, active = FALSE, vneutral = s)), FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))][, crtnr := (vapply(get(..unm), function(s) chart_save(list()), FUN.VALUE = integer(1)))][, (unm) := NULL]
		} else {
			#cat("step2_grp_lyr_aes_var", nm," \n")
			relevant_vars = c("tmapID__", "sel__" , vars, by123__[b])
			dtl = copy(dt[, relevant_vars, with = FALSE])
			# impute free argument. 
			fr = rep(aes$free, length.out = 3)
			if (anyNA(fr)) {
				if (is.null(o$free.scales)) {
					# set to FALSE by default, and for the vars dimension to TRUE.
					fr = rep(FALSE, 3)
					if (length(v)) fr[v] = TRUE
				} else {
					# v3 backward compatibility: free.scales is set via tm_facets
					fr = rep(o$free.scales, length.out = 3)
			# group by variables with free scales
			grp_b_fr = by123__[intersect(which(fr), b)]
			grp_bv_fr = by123__[sort(c({if (nvars > 1 && fr[v]) v else integer(0)}, intersect(which(fr), b)))]
			#grp_bv_fr = by123__[intersect(which(fr), b)]
			if (length(v) && fr[v] && !all(nvari == nvari[1])) stop("number of variables per aesthetic should be consistent when free = FALSE", call. = FALSE)
			# multiple variables
			if (nvars > 1) {
				if (limitvars) {
					# not allowed: take first one
					warning(limitvars_warn, call. = FALSE)
					val = val[[1]]
					val_orig = val_orig[[1]]
				} else {
					if (!fr[v]) {
						# multiple variables, !free scale => stack all variable columns in long format
						nms = val[[1]]
						dtlks = lapply(1L:nvari[1], function(k) {
							vk = vapply(val, "[", character(1), k)
							melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", by123__[b]), measure.vars = vk, variable.name = by123__[v], value.name = nms[k])	
						dtl = dtlks[[1]]
						if (nvari[1] > 1) {
							for (i in 2L:nvari[1]) {
								dtl[, (nms[i]) := dtlks[[i]][[nms[i]]]]
						for (col in by123__[v]) {
							dtl[, (col) := as.integer(get(..col))]
						vars = vapply(val, "[[", character(1), 1)
						val = val[[1]]
						names(val) = val[1]
					} else {
						vars = vapply(val, "[[", character(1), 1)
						val = lapply(val, function(vl) {names(vl) = vl[1]; vl})
			} else {
				val_name = names(val)[1]
				val = val[[1]]
				names(val) = val_name
				vars = vars[1] # only needed for update_fl?
			if (length(v)) update_fl(k = v, lev = vars)
			apply_scale = function(s, l, crt, v, varname, ordname, legname, crtname, sortRev, bypass_ord) {
				l = update_l(o = o, l = l, v = v, mfun = mfun, unm = unm, active = TRUE)
				crt = update_crt(o = o, crt = crt, v = v, mfun = mfun, unm = unm, active = TRUE)

				if (length(s) == 0) stop("mapping not implemented for aesthetic ", unm, call. = FALSE)
				f = s$FUN
				s$FUN = NULL
				# update label.format
				s$label.format = process_label_format(s$label.format, o$label.format)

				cls = data_class(dtl[[v[1]]])
				#if (is.na(s$legend$title)) s$legend$title = v
				# for bivariate legends
				if (length(v) > 1L) {
					cls2 = data_class(dtl[[v[2]]])
					if (is.ena(l$xlab)) l$xlab = paste0(v[2], attr(cls, "units"))
					if (is.ena(l$ylab)) l$ylab = paste0(v[1], attr(cls2, "units"))
					if (is.ena(l$title)) l$title = ""
				} else {
					if (length(l$title) > 1) {
						warning("This probably shouldn't happen. Please check code.")
					# Error in if (is.ena(l$title)) l$title = paste0(names(v), attr(cls, "units")) : 
					# the condition has length > 1
					# Calls: <Anonymous> ... with -> with.default -> eval -> eval -> apply_scale
					# Detected in types of titles. # Example to illustrate the type of titles
					unit = if (!is.null(s$unit)) s$unit else ""
					if (unit != "") unit = paste0(" (", unit, ")")
					if (all(is.ena(l$title))) l$title = paste0(names(v), attr(cls, "units"), unit)
				#aesname = aes$aes
				value.null = if ("value.null" %in% names(s)) s$value.null else {
					vn = getAesOption("value.null", o, nm, layer, cls = cls)
					vn = do.call(sfun, list(x = vn, scale = o$scale))
					do.call(cfun, list(x = vn, pc = o$pc))
				arglist = list(scale = s, legend = l, chart = crt, o = o, aes = nm, 
							   layer = layer, 
							   layer_args = args,
							   sortRev = sortRev, 
							   bypass_ord = bypass_ord,
							   submit_legend = TRUE)
				if (!all(dtl$sel__)) {
					if (bypass_ord) {
						dtl[, c(varname, legname, crtname) := list(value.null, 0L, 0L)]
					} else {
						dtl[, c(varname, ordname, legname, crtname) := list(value.null, -1L, 0L, 0L)]	
					if (is.na(value.null)) stop("value.null not specified for aesthetic ", unm, call. = FALSE)
					if (bypass_ord) {
						dtl[sel__ == TRUE, c(varname, legname, crtname) := do.call(f, c(unname(.SD), arglist)), grp_b_fr, .SDcols = v]
					} else {
						dtl[sel__ == TRUE, c(varname, ordname, legname, crtname) := do.call(f, c(unname(.SD), arglist)), grp_b_fr, .SDcols = v]
				} else {
					if (bypass_ord) {
						dtl[, c(varname, legname, crtname) := do.call(f, c(unname(.SD), arglist)), grp_b_fr, .SDcols = v]
					} else {
						dtl[, c(varname, ordname, legname, crtname) := do.call(f, c(unname(.SD), arglist)), grp_b_fr, .SDcols = v]
				if (!q$drop.units) {
					imp = structure(list(value.null, 0L, TRUE), names = c(unm, legname, "sel__"))
					levs = lapply(get_num_facets(grp_bv), seq.int, from = 1)
					names(levs) = grp_bv
					dtl = completeDT2(dtl, cols = c(list("tmapID__" = unique(dtl$tmapID__)), levs), defs = imp)
			if (length(v) && fr[v] && nvars > 1) {
				# apply aes function for each var column
				if (inherits(aes$scale, "tm_scale")) {
					scale = rep(list(aes$scale), length.out = nvars)
				} else if (islistof(aes$scale, "tm_scale")) {
					scale = rep(aes$scale, length.out = nvars)
				} else {
					stop("incorrect scale specification")
				if (inherits(aes$legend, "tm_legend")) {
					legend = rep(list(aes$legend), length.out = nvars)
				} else if (islistof(aes$legend, "tm_legend")) {
					legend = rep(aes$legend, length.out = nvars)
				} else {
					stop("incorrect legend specification")
				if (inherits(aes$chart, "tm_chart")) {
					crt = rep(list(aes$chart), length.out = nvars)
				} else if (islistof(aes$chart, "tm_chart")) {
					crt = rep(aes$chart, length.out = nvars)
				} else {
					stop("incorrect chart specification")
				varnames = paste(unm, 1L:nvars, sep = "_")
				ordnames = paste(unm__ord, 1L:nvars, sep = "_")
				legnames = paste("legnr", 1L:nvars, sep = "_")
				crtnames = paste("crtnr", 1L:nvars, sep = "_")
				for (i in 1L:nvars) {
					dtl = apply_scale(scale[[i]], legend[[i]], crt[[i]], val[[i]], varnames[[i]], ordnames[[i]], legnames[[i]], crtnames[[i]], sortRev = sortRev, bypass_ord = bypass_ord)

				dtl_leg = melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", by__), measure.vars = legnames, variable.name = var__, value.name = "legnr")
				dtl_crt = melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", by__), measure.vars = crtnames, variable.name = var__, value.name = "crtnr")
				if (!bypass_ord) dtl_ord = melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", by__), measure.vars = ordnames, variable.name = var__, value.name = nm__ord)
				dtl = melt(dtl, id.vars = c("tmapID__", by__), measure.vars = varnames, variable.name = var__, value.name = unm)
				if (!bypass_ord) dtl[, (nm__ord) := dtl_ord[[nm__ord]]]
				dtl[, (var__) := as.integer(get(..var__))]
				dtl_leg[, (var__) := as.integer(get(..var__))]
				dtl_crt[, (var__) := as.integer(get(..var__))]
				#sel = !vapply(dtl_leg$legend, is.null, logical(1))
				dtl_leg = dtl_leg[legnr != 0, c(grp_bv_fr, "legnr"), with = FALSE]
				dtl_crt = dtl_crt[crtnr != 0, c(grp_bv_fr, "crtnr"), with = FALSE]
			} else {
				# apply aes function to the (only) var column
				if (inherits(aes$scale, "tm_scale")) {
					s = aes$scale
				} else if (islistof(aes$scale, "tm_scale")) {
					s = aes$scale[[1]]
				} else {
					stop("incorrect scale specification")
				if (length(s) == 0) stop("mapping not implemented for aesthetic ", unm, call. = FALSE)
				if (inherits(aes$legend, "tm_legend")) {
					l = aes$legend
				} else if (islistof(aes$legend, "tm_legend")) {
					warning("multiple legends are specified, while only one is required; the first will be used")
					l = aes$legend[[1]]
				} else {
					stop("incorrect legend specification")
				if (inherits(aes$chart, "tm_chart")) {
					crt = aes$chart
				} else if (islistof(aes$chart, "tm_chart")) {
					warning("multiple charts are specified, while only one is required; the first will be used")
					crt = aes$chart[[1]]
				} else {
					stop("incorrect chart specification")
				dtl = apply_scale(s, l, crt, val, unm, nm__ord, "legnr", "crtnr", sortRev, bypass_ord)

				#sel = !vapply(dtl$legend, is.null, logical(1))
				dtl_leg = dtl[legnr != 0L, c(grp_bv_fr, "legnr", "crtnr"), with = FALSE]
		if (dev) timing_add(s4 = paste0("aes ", aes$aes))
		if (bypass_ord) {
			list(dt = dtl[, c("tmapID__", grp_bv, unm), with = FALSE],
				 leg = dtl_leg)
		} else {
			list(dt = dtl[, c("tmapID__", grp_bv, unm, nm__ord), with = FALSE],
				 leg = dtl_leg)
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.