
Defines functions tmapLeafletText tmapLeafletRaster split_alpha_channel tmapLeafletSymbols tmapLeafletLines lty2dash tmapLeafletPolygons

tmapLeafletPolygons = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o, ...) {
	lf = get_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	rc_text = frc(facet_row, facet_col)
	res = select_sf(shpTM, dt)
	shp = res$shp
	dt = res$dt
	if (is.null(pdt)) {
		popups = NULL
	} else {
		pdt = pdt[match(dt$tmapID__, pdt$tmapID__)][, tmapID__ := NULL]
		popups = view_format_popups(id = hdt, titles = names(pdt), values = pdt, format = popup.format)
	gp = impute_gp(gp, dt)
	gp = rescale_gp(gp, o$scale_down)
	opt = leaflet::pathOptions(interactive = TRUE, pane = pane)
	if (o$use.WebGL) {
		shp2 = sf::st_sf(id = 1:length(shp), geom = shp)
		shp3 = suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(shp2, "POLYGON"))
		gp3 = lapply(gp, function(gpi) {if (length(gpi) == 1) gpi else gpi[shp3$id]})
		popups2 = popups[shp3$id]
		lf %>% 
			leafgl::addGlPolygons(data = shp3, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, fillColor = gp3$fill, fillOpacity = gp3$fill_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd, group = group, pane = pane, popup = popups2) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	} else {
		lf %>% 
			leaflet::addPolygons(data = shp, layerId = idt, label = hdt, color = gp$col, opacity = gp$col_alpha, fillColor = gp$fill, fillOpacity = gp$fill_alpha, weight = gp$lwd, options = opt, group = group, dashArray = lty2dash(gp$lty), popup = popups) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)

lty2dash = function(lty) {
	tab = c(solid = "", dashed = "4 4", dotted = "1 3", dotdash = "1 3 4 3", longdash = "7 3", twodash = "2 2 6 2")
	are_words = (lty %in% names(tab))
	if (all(are_words)) {
	} else {
		are_letters = (suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(lty))))
		if (!all(are_letters | are_words)) {
			stop("Incorrect lty specification: ", lty[which(!are_letters & !are_words)[1]])
		} else {
			lty[are_words] = unname(tab[lty[are_words]])
			lty[are_letters] = vapply(strsplit(lty[are_letters], ""), FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse = " "), FUN.VALUE = character(1)) 

tmapLeafletLines = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o) {
	lf = get_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	rc_text = frc(facet_row, facet_col)
	res = select_sf(shpTM, dt)
	shp = res$shp
	names(shp) = NULL # also required for other layers?
	dt = res$dt
	if (is.null(pdt)) {
		popups = NULL
	} else {
		pdt = pdt[match(dt$tmapID__, pdt$tmapID__)][, tmapID__ := NULL]
		popups = view_format_popups(id = hdt, titles = names(pdt), values = pdt, format = popup.format)
	gp = impute_gp(gp, dt)
	gp = rescale_gp(gp, o$scale_down)
	opt = leaflet::pathOptions(interactive = TRUE, pane = pane)
	if (o$use.WebGL) {
		shp2 = sf::st_sf(id = 1:length(shp), geom = shp)
		shp3 = suppressWarnings(sf::st_cast(shp2, "LINESTRING"))
		gp3 = lapply(gp, function(gpi) {if (length(gpi) == 1) gpi else gpi[shp3$id]})
		lf %>% 
			leafgl::addGlPolylines(data = shp3, color = gp3$col, opacity = gp3$col_alpha, weight = gp3$lwd, pane = pane, group = group) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	} else {
		lf %>% 
			leaflet::addPolylines(data = shp, layerId = idt, label = hdt, color = gp$col, opacity = gp$col_alpha, weight = gp$lwd, group = group, options = opt, dashArray = lty2dash(gp$lty), popup = popups) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)

tmapLeafletSymbols = function(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, gp, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o, ...) {
	args = list(...)
	lf = get_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	rc_text = frc(facet_row, facet_col)
	res = select_sf(shpTM, dt[!is.na(dt$size), ])
	shp = res$shp
	dt = res$dt

	if (is.null(pdt)) {
		popups = NULL
	} else {
		pdt = pdt[match(dt$tmapID__, pdt$tmapID__)][, tmapID__ := NULL]
		popups = view_format_popups(id = hdt, titles = names(pdt), values = pdt, format = popup.format)
	gp = impute_gp(gp, dt)
	gp = rescale_gp(gp, o$scale_down)

	coords = sf::st_coordinates(shp)
	opt = leaflet::pathOptions(interactive = TRUE, pane = pane)
	gp2 = gp_to_lpar(gp, mfun = "Symbols")
	#gp = gp2leafgp(gp)
	names(gp2)[names(gp2) == 'stroke-width'] = "strokeWidth"
	gp2$baseSize = 20
	if (o$use.WebGL) {
		vary = vapply(dt, function(x)any(x!=x[1]), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))[c("col", "shape", "lwd", "lty", "fill_alpha", "col_alpha")]
		if (any(vary)) warning("WegGL enabled: the only supported visual variables are: fill and size. The visual variable(s) ", paste(names(vary)[vary], collapse = ", "), " are not supported. Disable WebGL to show them.", call. = FALSE)
		lf %>% leafgl::addGlPoints(sf::st_sf(shp), fillColor = gp2$fillColor, radius = gp2$width, fillOpacity = gp2$fillOpacity[1], pane = pane, group = group) %>%  
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	} else {
		sn = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gp2$shape))
		sid = which(!is.na(sn))
		gp2$shape[sid] = "circle" # as dummy
		symbols = do.call(leaflegend::makeSymbolIcons, gp2)
		symbols$iconWidth = rep(NA, length(symbols$iconUrl))
		symbols$iconHeight = rep(NA, length(symbols$iconUrl))
		if (length(sid)) {
			iconLib <- get("shapeLib", envir = .TMAP)[sn[sid]-999]
			symbols_icons <- merge_icons(iconLib)
			size = gp2$width[sid] / gp2$baseSize
			size[sid] = size[sid] * args$icon.scale/3 # icon.scale is set to 1 in view mode
			for (i in seq_along(sid)) {
				symbols$iconUrl[sid[i]] = symbols_icons$iconUrl[i]
				symbols$iconWidth[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconWidth[i] * size[i]
				symbols$iconHeight[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconHeight[i] * size[i]
				if (all(c("iconAnchorX", "iconAnchorY") %in% names(symbols_icons))) {
					symbols$iconAnchorX[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorX[i] * size[i]
					symbols$iconAnchorY[sid[i]] <- symbols_icons$iconAnchorY[i] * size[i]


		lf %>% leaflet::addMarkers(lng = coords[, 1], lat = coords[, 2], 
								  icon = symbols, group = group, layerId = idt, label = hdt, popup = popups) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	# if (o$use.WebGL) {
	# 	lf %>% 
	# 		leafgl::addGlPoints(sf::st_sf(shp), fillColor = gp$fill, radius = gp$size*10, fillOpacity = gp$fill_alpha, color = gp$col, opacity = gp$color_alpha, weight = gp$lwd, pane = pane, group = group) %>% 
	# 		assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	# } else {
	# 	lf %>% 
	# 		leaflet::addCircleMarkers(lng = coords[, 1], lat = coords[, 2], fillColor = gp$fill, radius = gp$size*4, fillOpacity = gp$fill_alpha, color = gp$col, opacity = gp$color_alpha, weight = gp$lwd, group = group, options = opt) %>% 
	# 		assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	# }

split_alpha_channel <- function(x, alpha) {
	if (is.null(x)) {
		list(col=NULL, opacity=0)
	} else {
		RGBA <- col2rgb(x, alpha = TRUE)
		col <- rgb(RGBA[1,], RGBA[2,], RGBA[3,], maxColorValue = 255)
		opacity <- unname(RGBA[4,]/255 * alpha)
		list(col=col, opacity=opacity)

tmapLeafletRaster = function(shpTM, dt, gp, pdt, popup.format, hdt, idt, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o, ...) {
	rc_text = frc(facet_row, facet_col)
	#bb_target <- bbx #attr(shp, "bbox")
	#bb_real <- bbx #sf::st_bbox(shp)
	shp = shpTM$shp
	tmapID = shpTM$tmapID
	if (is_regular_grid(shp)) {
		tid = intersect(tmapID, dt$tmapID__)
		color = rep(NA, length(tmapID)) # NA
		sel = which(tmapID %in% tid)
		tid2 = tmapID[sel]
		color[sel] = dt$col[match(tid2, dt$tmapID__)]

		#color = rep("#FFFFFF", length(tmapID))
		#color[match(dt$tmapID__, tmapID)] = dt$color
		pal <- na.omit(unique(color))
		pal <- pal[substr(pal, 8,10)!="00"] ## remove transparant colors
		if (!length(pal)) return(NULL)
		res <- split_alpha_channel(pal, alpha = 1)
		pal_col <- res$col
		pal_opacity <- if (length(res$opacity) == 0L) 0 else max(res$opacity)
		if ("col_alpha" %in% names(dt)) pal_opacity = max(dt$col_alpha)
		col_ids <- match(color, pal)
		m <- matrix(col_ids, ncol = ncol(shp))
		#matrix(color, ncol = ncol(shp))
		#m <- matrix(tmapID, ncol = ncol(shp))
		#m = tmapID
		#m[1,5] = 4
		shp2 = st_as_stars(m, dimensions = shp)

		lf = get_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
		opts = leaflet::gridOptions(pane = pane)
		lf %>% 
			leafem::addStarsImage(shp2, band = 1, colors = pal_col, opacity = pal_opacity, group = group, options = opts) %>% 
			assign_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	} else {
		#shp2 = st_as_stars(list(values = tmapID), dimensions = shp)
		#shpTM <- shapeTM(sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(shp2)), as.vector(tmapID))
		m = matrix(tmapID, nrow = nrow(shp), ncol = ncol(shp))
		shp2 = structure(list(tmapID = m), class = "stars", dimensions = shp)
		shp3 = sf::st_geometry(sf::st_as_sf(shp2))
		crs = get_option_class(tmap_options_mode("view")$crs, "sf")
		shpTM = shapeTM(sf::st_transform(shp3, crs), tmapID)
		gp$lty = "solid"
		tmapLeafletPolygons(shpTM, dt, pdt, popup.format = NULL, hdt = NULL, idt = NULL, gp, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o)
		#grid.shape(s, gp=gpar(fill=color, col=NA), bg.col=NA, i, k)

tmapLeafletText = function(shpTM, dt, gp, bbx, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page, id, pane, group, o, ...) {
	args = list(...)
	lf = get_lf(facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)
	rc_text = frc(facet_row, facet_col)
	res = select_sf(shpTM, dt)
	shp = res$shp
	dt = res$dt
	#shadow = gp$shadow
	gp = impute_gp(gp, dt)
	gp = rescale_gp(gp, o$scale_down)
	text = as.character(gp$text)
	coords = sf::st_coordinates(shp)
	opt = leaflet::pathOptions(interactive = TRUE, pane = pane)
	cex_set = unique(gp$cex)
	alpha_set = unique(gp$col_alpha) 
	face_set = unique(gp$fontface)
	col_set = unique(gp$col)
	bgcol_set = unique(gp$bgcol)
	if (any(bgcol_set != "#00000000")) {
		message("Variable bgcol and bgcol_alpha not supported by view mode")
	if (length(face_set) != 1) message("Variable fontfaces not supported by view mode")
	vary = (length(cex_set) != 1) || (length(alpha_set) != 1) || (length(face_set) != 1) || (length(col_set) != 1)
	sizeChar <- paste(round(gp$cex * 12), "px", sep="")
	# direction <- ifelse(gpl$text.just == "left", "right",
	# 			 ifelse(gpl$text.just == "right", "left",
	# 			 ifelse(gpl$text.just == "top", "bottom",
	# 			 ifelse(gpl$text.just == "bottom", "top", "center"))))
	direction = "right"	
	clustering = args$clustering
	if (identical(clustering, FALSE)) {
		clustering = NULL
	} else if (identical(clustering, TRUE)) {
		clustering = leaflet::markerClusterOptions()	
	# apply xmod and ymod
	delta = delta_per_lineheight(bbx)
	coords[,1] = coords[,1] + delta * gp$cex * gp$xmod
	coords[,2] = coords[,2] + delta * gp$cex * gp$ymod
	if (!vary) {
		lf = lf %>% addLabelOnlyMarkers(lng = coords[, 1], lat = coords[,2], 
										 #layerId = ids, 
										 labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, 
										 							textOnly = TRUE, 
										 							direction = direction, 
										 clusterOptions = clustering,
										 options = markerOptions(pane = pane))
	} else {
		for (i in 1:length(text)) {
			lf = lf %>% addLabelOnlyMarkers(lng = coords[i,1], lat = coords[i,2], 
											 #layerId = ids[i], 
											 labelOptions = labelOptions(noHide = TRUE, 
											 							textOnly = TRUE, 
											 							direction = direction, 
											 clusterOptions = clustering,
											 options = markerOptions(pane = pane))	
	assign_lf(lf, facet_row, facet_col, facet_page)

r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.