
Defines functions tmapValuesCVV_skip tmapValuesColorize_skip tmapValuesScale_skip tmapValuesSubmit_skip tmapValuesVV_skip tmapValuesRange_skip tmapValuesIsDiv_skip tmapValuesCheck_skip tmapValuesBVV_bgcol tmapValuesBVV_col tmapValuesBVV_fill tmapValuesCVV_fontface tmapValuesCVV_text tmapValuesCVV_lty tmapValuesCVV_shape tmapValuesCVV_angle tmapValuesCVV_ymod tmapValuesCVV_xmod tmapValuesCVV_area tmapValuesCVV_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesCVV_fill_alpha tmapValuesCVV_col_alpha tmapValuesCVV_lwd tmapValuesCVV_area tmapValuesCVV_size tmapValuesCVV_bgcol tmapValuesCVV_col tmapValuesCVV_fill transform_values tmapSeq scale_vector norm_vector tmap_seq tmapValuesColorize_angle tmapValuesColorize_ymod tmapValuesColorize_fontface tmapValuesColorize_text tmapValuesColorize_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesColorize_fill_alpha tmapValuesColorize_col_alpha tmapValuesColorize_shape tmapValuesColorize_lty tmapValuesColorize_lwd tmapValuesColorize_area tmapValuesColorize_size tmapValuesColorize_bgcol tmapValuesColorize_fill tmapValuesColorize_col tmapValuesScale_angle tmapValuesScale_ymod tmapValuesScale_fontface tmapValuesScale_text tmapValuesScale_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesScale_fill_alpha tmapValuesScale_col_alpha tmapValuesScale_shape tmapValuesScale_lty tmapValuesScale_lwd tmapValuesScale_area tmapValuesScale_size tmapValuesScale_bgcol tmapValuesScale_fill tmapValuesScale_col tmapValuesSubmit_fontface tmapValuesSubmit_text tmapValuesSubmit_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesSubmit_fill_alpha tmapValuesSubmit_col_alpha tmapValuesSubmit_shape tmapValuesSubmit_lty tmapValuesSubmit_lwd tmapValuesSubmit_angle tmapValuesSubmit_ymod tmapValuesSubmit_xmod tmapValuesSubmit_area tmapValuesSubmit_size tmapValuesSubmit_bgcol tmapValuesSubmit_fill tmapValuesSubmit_col tmapValuesVV_fontface tmapValuesVV_text tmapValuesVV_angle tmapValuesVV_ymod tmapValuesVV_area tmapValuesVV_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesVV_fill_alpha tmapValuesVV_col_alpha tmapValuesVV_lwd tmapValuesVV_area tmapValuesVV_size tmapValuesVV_lty tmapValuesVV_shape tmapValuesVV_bgcol tmapValuesVV_col tmapValuesVV_fill tmapValuesRange_fontface tmapValuesRange_text tmapValuesRange_angle tmapValuesRange_ymod tmapValuesRange_area tmapValuesRange_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesRange_fill_alpha tmapValuesRange_col_alpha tmapValuesRange_lwd tmapValuesRange_area tmapValuesRange_size tmapValuesRange_lty tmapValuesRange_shape tmapValuesRange_bgcol tmapValuesRange_col tmapValuesRange_fill tmapValuesIsDiv_fontface tmapValuesIsDiv_text tmapValuesIsDiv_shape tmapValuesIsDiv_angle tmapValuesIsDiv_ymod tmapValuesIsDiv_area tmapValuesIsDiv_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesIsDiv_fill_alpha tmapValuesIsDiv_col_alpha tmapValuesIsDiv_lty tmapValuesIsDiv_lwd tmapValuesIsDiv_area tmapValuesIsDiv_size tmapValuesIsDiv_bgcol tmapValuesIsDiv_col tmapValuesIsDiv_fill tmapValuesCheck_fontface tmapValuesCheck_text tmapValuesCheck_area tmapValuesCheck_bgcol_alpha tmapValuesCheck_fill_alpha tmapValuesCheck_col_alpha tmapValuesCheck_angle tmapValuesCheck_ymod tmapValuesCheck_lty tmapValuesCheck_lwd tmapValuesCheck_area tmapValuesCheck_size tmapValuesCheck_shape tmapValuesCheck_bgcol tmapValuesCheck_fill tmapValuesCheck_col

tmapValuesCheck_col = function(x) {
	((!is.null(getPalMeta(x[1])) && length(x) == 1L)  || all(valid_colors(x))) && !is.numeric(x)

tmapValuesCheck_fill = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_bgcol = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_shape = function(x) {
	isSymbol = function(s) {
		inherits(s, "grob") || any(vapply(s, inherits, FUN.VALUE = logical(1), "grob")) || ("iconUrl" %in% names(s))

	if (all(is.numeric(x))) {
	} else if (is.list(x)) {
	 	if (isSymbol(x)) {
	 	} else {
	 		all(vapply(x, isSymbol, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
	} else FALSE

tmapValuesCheck_size = function(x) {
	inherits(x, "tmapSeq") || (is.numeric(x) && (all(x>=0) || all(x<=0)))

tmapValuesCheck_area = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_lwd = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_lty = function(x) {
	# to do

tmapValuesCheck_xmod = tmapValuesCheck_ymod = function(x) {
	# to do
	res = all(x >= -50 & x <= 50)
	if (!res) attr(res, "info") = " Values found that are outside the [-50,50] range. Note that the default scale for xmod and ymod is tm_scale_asis."

tmapValuesCheck_angle = function(x) {
	# to do

tmapValuesCheck_col_alpha= function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_fill_alpha = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_bgcol_alpha= function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_area = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_text = function(x) {

tmapValuesCheck_fontface = function(x) {
	(is.numeric(x) && (all(x %in% 1:5))) || (is.character(x) && (all(x %in% c("plain", "bold", "italic", "oblique", "bold.italic", "cyrillic", "cyrillic.oblique", "EUC"))))

tmapValuesIsDiv_fill = function(x) {
	m = getPalMeta(x[1])
	ispal = !is.null(m)
	if (ispal) {
		m$type == "div"
	} else {
		(palette_type(x) == "div")

tmapValuesIsDiv_col = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_bgcol = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_size = function(x) {
	inherits(x, "tmapSeq") && (x$from < 0) && (x$to > 1) || (is.numeric(x) && (any(x < 0) && any(x> 0)))

tmapValuesIsDiv_area = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_lwd = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_lty = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_col_alpha = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_fill_alpha = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_bgcol_alpha = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_area = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_xmod = tmapValuesIsDiv_ymod = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_angle = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_shape = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_text = function(x) {

tmapValuesIsDiv_fontface = function(x) {

tmapValuesRange_fill = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	m = getPalMeta(x[1])
	if (!is.null(m)) {
		NA # in c4a palette definition
	} else c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_col = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_fill(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_bgcol = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_fill(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_shape = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_lty = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_size = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	#print(c(.5/n, 1 - .5/n))
#	c(.5/n, 1 - .5/n)
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_area = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_lwd = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_col_alpha = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_fill_alpha = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_bgcol_alpha = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_area = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_xmod = tmapValuesRange_ymod = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	tmapValuesRange_size(x, n, isdiv)

tmapValuesRange_angle = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_text = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesRange_fontface = function(x, n, isdiv) {
	c(0, 1)

tmapValuesVV_fill = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	#palid = tmapPalId(x[1])
	m = getPalMeta(x[1])

	scale_ids = function(ids, n) {
		1 + ((ids - 1) / (n - 1)) * 100	
	map_ids = function(i, s, n) {
		di = i[2] - i[1]
		seq(i[1] + di * s[1], i[1] + di * s[2], length.out = n)
	if (isdiv) {
		cat0 = (are_breaks != any(dvalues==midpoint))
		nneg = max(0L, sum(dvalues < midpoint) - cat0) # max 0L needed when midpoint is outside range (and cat0 is true)
		npos = max(0L, sum(dvalues > midpoint) - cat0)
		nmax = max(nneg, npos)
		ntot = 2L * nmax + cat0
		ids = (1L + max(0L, (npos-nneg))):(ntot - max(0L, (nneg-npos)))
	} else {
		ntot = n
		ids = 1L:n
	if (!is.null(m)) {
		if (x[1] != tolower(x[1])) message_c4a(x[1], info = m)
		vvalues = getPal(x, n = ntot, range = range)[ids]
	} else {
		pal =colorRampPalette(x)
		if (is.na(range[1])) range = c(0, 1)
		if (range[1] != 0 || range[2] != 1) {
			ids_scaled = scale_ids(ids, ntot)
			if (isdiv) {
				ids_after_range = c({if (nneg > 0) head(map_ids(ids_scaled[c(1L, (nneg+cat0))], 
																n = nneg + cat0), 
														nneg) else NULL},
									{if (cat0) ids_scaled[1L + nneg] else NULL},
									if (npos > 0) tail(map_ids(ids_scaled[c(nneg+1, n)], 
															   n = npos + cat0), 
													   npos) else NULL)
			} else {
				ids_after_range = map_ids(ids_scaled[c(1L, ntot)], range, ntot)
			vvalues = grDevices::colorRampPalette(x)(o$precision)[ids_after_range]
		} else {
			vvalues = grDevices::colorRampPalette(x)(ntot)[ids]
	if (isdiv) {
		if (cat0) {
			value.neutral = vvalues[1L + nneg]
		} else {
			value.neutral = vvalues[1L + nneg] # first positive
	} else {
		value.neutral = vvalues[n/2]
	vvalues = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = vvalues), o$pc))
	value.neutral = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = value.neutral), o$pc))
	value.na = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = value.na), o$pc))
	list(vvalues = vvalues, value.neutral = value.neutral, value.na = value.na)

tmapValuesVV_col = function(...) {

tmapValuesVV_bgcol = function(...) {

tmapValuesVV_shape = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	list(vvalues = rep(x, length.out = n), value.neutral = x[1], value.na = value.na)

tmapValuesVV_lty = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	list(vvalues = rep(x, length.out = n), value.neutral = x[1], value.na = value.na)

tmapValuesVV_size = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	vvalues = if (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == n) {
		if (range[1] !=0 || range[2] != 1) {
			warning("values.range not used because the individual values have been specified (instead of a sequence)", call. = FALSE)
	} else {
		if (is.numeric(x)) {
			x = tmap_seq(x[1], x[length(x)], power = "lin")
		if (range[1] !=0 || range[2] != 1) {
			p = if (is.numeric(x$power)) x$power else switch(x$power, lin = 1, sqrt = 0.5, sqrt_perceptual = 0.5716, quadratic = 2)
			x$from = range[1] ^ (1/p)
			x$to = range[2] ^ (1/p)
		tmapSeq(x, n)
	value.neutral = vvalues[round((n+1)/2)]
	list(vvalues = vvalues * scale, value.neutral = value.neutral * scale, value.na = value.na * scale)

tmapValuesVV_area = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_lwd = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_col_alpha = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_fill_alpha = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_bgcol_alpha = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_area = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_xmod = tmapValuesVV_ymod = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_angle = function(...) {
	do.call(tmapValuesVV_size, args = list(...))

tmapValuesVV_text = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	list(vvalues = rep(x, length.out = n), value.neutral = x[1], value.na = value.na)

tmapValuesVV_fontface = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	list(vvalues = rep(x, length.out = n), value.neutral = x[1], value.na = value.na)

# for symbols, which need to be 'submitted' (content replaced by an integer)
tmapValuesSubmit_col = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_fill = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_bgcol = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_size = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_area = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_xmod = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_ymod = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_angle = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_lwd = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_lty = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_shape = function(x, args) {
	if (is.list(x)) {
		gs = tmap_graphics_name()
		fun = paste0("submit_symbols_", gs)
		# symbols just specification: 
		# copy-pasted from v3, but not the best place
		# improvement of just needed (-> trans?)
		args = within(args, {
			if (anyNA(just)) {
				just = c(.5, .5)
				just.override = FALSE
			} else {
				just = c(ifelse(is_num_string(just[1]), as.numeric(just[1]), ifelse(just[1]=="left", 1, ifelse(just[1]=="right", 0, .5))),
						  ifelse(is_num_string(just[2]), as.numeric(just[2]), ifelse(just[2]=="bottom", 1, ifelse(just[2]=="top", 0, .5))))
				just.override = TRUE
		do.call(fun, args = list(x, args))
	} else {
tmapValuesSubmit_col_alpha = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_fill_alpha = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_bgcol_alpha = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_text = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesSubmit_fontface = function(x, args) x

tmapValuesScale_col = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_fill = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_bgcol = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_size = function(x, scale) x * scale
tmapValuesScale_area = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_lwd = function(x, scale) x * scale
tmapValuesScale_lty = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_shape = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_col_alpha = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_fill_alpha = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_bgcol_alpha = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_text = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_fontface = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_xmod = tmapValuesScale_ymod = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesScale_angle = function(x, scale) x

tmapValuesColorize_col = function(x, pc) do.call(process_color, c(list(col = x), pc))
tmapValuesColorize_fill = function(x, pc) do.call(process_color, c(list(col = x), pc))
tmapValuesColorize_bgcol = function(x, pc) do.call(process_color, c(list(col = x), pc))
tmapValuesColorize_size = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_area = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_lwd = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_lty = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_shape = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_col_alpha = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_fill_alpha = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_bgcol_alpha = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_text = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_fontface = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_xmod = tmapValuesColorize_ymod = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesColorize_angle = function(x, pc) x

tmap_seq = function(from = 0, to = 1, power = c("lin", "sqrt", "sqrt_perceptual", "quadratic")) {
	structure(as.list(environment()), class = "tmapSeq")

# x is vector, rng is its range
norm_vector = function(x, rng) {
	(x - rng[1]) / diff(rng)

scale_vector = function(x, new_rng) {
	(x + new_rng[1]) * diff(new_rng)

tmapSeq = function(s, n = NULL) {
	if (is.null(n) && is.null(s$values)) stop("One of n or s$values should be provided")
	if (is.null(s$values)) s["values"] = list(NULL)
	with(s, {
		p = if (is.numeric(power)) power else switch(power, lin = 1, sqrt = 0.5, sqrt_perceptual = 0.5716, quadratic = 2)
		r = seq(from = from, to = to, length.out = n) ^ p

transform_values = function(x, lim, rng, power, scale, include.neutral = TRUE) {
	p = if (is.numeric(power)) power else switch(power, lin = 1, sqrt = 0.5, sqrt_perceptual = 0.5716, quadratic = 2)
	if (p != 1) rng = rng ^ (1/p)

	x2 = norm_vector(x, lim)
	x3 = if (rng[1] != 0 || rng[2] != 1) scale_vector(x2, rng) else x2

	if (include.neutral) neutral = mean(x3)
	if (p != 1) {
		x3 = x3 ^ p
		if (include.neutral) neutral = neutral ^ p
	x4 = x3 * scale
	if (include.neutral) neutral = neutral * scale
	if (include.neutral) {
		list(x = x4,
			 neutral = neutral)
	} else {

tmapValuesCVV_fill = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	# process values
	#palid = tmapPalId(x[1])
	arecolors = valid_colors(x[1])
	m = getPalMeta(x[1])
	ispalette = !is.null(m) && !arecolors # the latter in case of ambiguity (e.g. "blue")
	if (ispalette) if (x[1] != tolower(x[1])) message_c4a(x[1], info = m)

	values = if (!ispalette && !arecolors) {
		rep(x, length.out = n) 
	} else if (ispalette) {
		getPal(x, n, rep = rep, range = range)
	} else if (!rep && (length(x) < n)) {
	} else {
		rep(x, length.out=n)
	nms = names(values)
	values = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = values), o$pc))
	names(values) = nms
	value.neutral = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = values[1]), o$pc))
	value.na = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = value.na), o$pc))
	list(vvalues = values, value.neutral = value.neutral, value.na = value.na)
	# } else if (arenumbers) {
	# 	values = if (length(scale$values) == 2) seq(scale$values[1], scale$values[2], length.out = n) else rep(scale$values, length.out = n)
	# } else {
	# 	values = rep(scale$values, length.out = n)
	# }

# categorical 
tmapValuesCVV_col = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesCVV_fill(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o)

tmapValuesCVV_bgcol = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesCVV_fill(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o)

tmapValuesCVV_size = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_size(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_area = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_area(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_lwd = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_lwd(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_col_alpha = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_col_alpha(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_fill_alpha = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_fill_alpha(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_bgcol_alpha = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_bgcol_alpha(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)
tmapValuesCVV_area = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_area(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_xmod = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_xmod(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_ymod = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_ymod(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_angle = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_angle(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_shape = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_shape(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_lty = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_lty(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_text = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_text(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

tmapValuesCVV_fontface = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_fontface(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)

# bivariate visual variables 
tmapValuesBVV_fill = function(x, value.na, m, n, scale, rep, o) {
	#palid = tmapPalId(x[1])
	meta = getPalMeta(x[1])
	if (!is.null(meta)) {
		values = getPalBiv(x, m = m, n = n)
	} else if (!is.matrix(x)) {
		values = matrix(grDevices::colorRampPalette(x)(m*n), nrow = m)
	} else if (is.matrix(x)) {
		if (ncol(x) != n) {
			x = do.call(rbind, apply(x, function(xi) {
			}, MARGIN = 1, simplify = FALSE))
		if (nrow(x) != m) {
			x = do.call(cbind, apply(x, function(xi) {
			}, MARGIN = 2, simplify = FALSE))
		values = x
	values[] = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = values), o$pc))
	value.neutral = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = values[1]), o$pc))
	value.na = do.call(process_color, c(list(col = value.na), o$pc))
	list(vvalues = values, value.neutral = value.neutral, value.na = value.na)

tmapValuesBVV_col = function(x, value.na, m, n, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesBVV_fill(x, value.na, m, n, scale, rep, o)

tmapValuesBVV_bgcol = function(x, value.na, m, n, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesBVV_fill(x, value.na, m, n, scale, rep, o)

tmapValuesCheck_num = tmapValuesCheck_size
tmapValuesIsDiv_num = tmapValuesIsDiv_size
tmapValuesRange_num = tmapValuesRange_size
tmapValuesVV_num = tmapValuesVV_size
tmapValuesSubmit_num = tmapValuesSubmit_size
tmapValuesScale_num = tmapValuesScale_size
tmapValuesColorize_num = tmapValuesColorize_size
tmapValuesCVV_num = tmapValuesCVV_size

tmapValuesCheck_skip = function(x) TRUE
tmapValuesIsDiv_skip = function(x) FALSE
tmapValuesRange_skip = function(x, n, isdiv) c(0, 1)
tmapValuesVV_skip = function(x, value.na, isdiv, n, dvalues, are_breaks, midpoint, range, scale, rep, o) {
	list(vvalues = rep(x, length.out = n), value.neutral = x[1], value.na = value.na)
tmapValuesSubmit_skip = function(x, args) x
tmapValuesScale_skip = function(x, scale) x
tmapValuesColorize_skip = function(x, pc) x
tmapValuesCVV_skip = function(x, value.na, n, range, scale, rep, o) {
	tmapValuesVV_shape(x = x, value.na = value.na, isdiv = FALSE, n = n, dvalues = NA, are_breaks = FALSE, midpoint = NA, range = range, scale = scale, rep = rep)
r-tmap/tmap documentation built on June 23, 2024, 9:58 a.m.