
Defines functions SS_changepars

Documented in SS_changepars

#' Change parameters, bounds, or phases in the control file.
#' Loops over a subset of control file to change parameter lines.
#' Current initial value, lower and upper bounds, and phase can be modified,
#' but function could be expanded to control other columns.
#' Depends on [SS_parlines()].
#' Used by [profile()] and the \pkg{ss3sim} package.
#' @template dir
#' @param ctlfile Control file name. Default="control.ss_new".
#' @param newctlfile Name of new control file to be written.
#'   Default="control_modified.ss".
#' @param linenums Line numbers of control file to be modified. Either this or
#'   the `strings` argument are needed. Default=NULL.
#' @param strings Strings (with optional partial matching) indicating which
#'   parameters to be modified. This is an alternative to `linenums`.
#'   `strings` correspond to the commented parameter names included in
#'   `control.ss_new`, or whatever is written as comment at the end
#'   of the 14 number parameter lines. Default=NULL.
#' @param newvals Vector of new parameter values. Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param repeat.vals If multiple parameter lines match criteria, repeat the
#'   `newvals` input for each line.
#' @param estimate Optional vector or single value of TRUE/FALSE for which
#'   parameters are to be estimated. Changes sign of phase to be positive or
#'   negative. Default `NULL` causes no change to phase.
#' @param newlos Vector of new lower bounds. Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param newhis Vector of new high bounds. Must be the same length as newhis
#'   Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param newprior Vector of new prior values.
#'   Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param newprsd Vector of new prior sd values.
#'   Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param newprtype Vector of new prior type.
#'   Default=NULL.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remainder parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @param newphs Vector of new phases. Can be a single value, which will be
#'   repeated for each parameter, the same length as newvals, where each
#'   value corresponds to a single parameter, or `NULL`, where the
#'   phases will not be changed. If one wants to strictly turn parameters
#'   on or off and not change the phase in which they are estimated use
#'   `estimate = TRUE` or `estimate = FALSE`, respectively.
#'   The vector can contain `NA` values, which will assign the original
#'   value to the given parameter but change the remaining parameters, where
#'   the vector of values needs to be in the same order as either
#'   `linenums` or `strings`.
#' @template verbose
#' @author Ian Taylor, Christine Stawitz, Chantel Wetzel, Kiva L. Oken
#' @seealso [SS_parlines()], [profile()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SS_changepars(
#'   dir = "C:/ss/SSv3.30.03.05_May11/Simple - Copy",
#'   strings = c("steep", "sigmaR"), newvals = c(.4, .6)
#' )
#' ## parameter names in control file matching input vector 'strings' (n=2):
#' ## [1] "SR_BH_steep" "SR_sigmaR"
#' ## These are the ctl file lines as they currently exist:
#' ##     LO HI     INIT PRIOR PR_type SD PHASE env_var&link dev_link dev_minyr dev_maxyr
#' ## 95 0.2  1 0.613717   0.7    0.05  1     4       0       0         0         0
#' ## 96 0.0  2 0.600000   0.8    0.80  0    -4       0       0         0         0
#' ##        dev_PH Block Block_Fxn       Label Linenum
#' ## 95          0     0         0 SR_BH_steep      95
#' ## 96          0     0         0   SR_sigmaR      96
#' ## line numbers in control file (n=2):
#' ## [1] 95 96
#' ##
#' ## wrote new file to control_modified.ss with the following changes:
#' ##    oldvals newvals oldphase newphase oldlos newlos oldhis newhis       comment
#' ## 1 0.613717     0.4        4       -4    0.2    0.2      1      1 # SR_BH_steep
#' ## 2 0.600000     0.6       -4       -4    0.0    0.0      2      2   # SR_sigmaR
#' }
SS_changepars <-
  function(dir = NULL,
           ctlfile = "control.ss_new",
           newctlfile = "control_modified.ss",
           linenums = NULL, strings = NULL, newvals = NULL, repeat.vals = FALSE,
           newlos = NULL, newhis = NULL, newprior = NULL, newprsd = NULL, newprtype = NULL,
           estimate = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
           newphs = NULL) {
    # set directory to working directory if not provided
    if (is.null(dir)) {
      dir <- getwd()
    # read control file
    fullctlfile <- file.path(dir, ctlfile)
    ctl <- readLines(fullctlfile)

    # check for valid input
    inargs <- list(
      "newvals" = newvals, "newlos" = newlos, "newhis" = newhis,
      "newprior" = newprior, "newprsd" = newprsd, "newprtype" = newprtype,
      "estimate" = estimate, "newphs" = newphs
    if (is.null(linenums) & !is.null(strings) & is.character(strings)) {
      # get table of parameter lines
      ctltable <- SS_parlines(ctlfile = fullctlfile)

      # list of all parameter labels
      allnames <- ctltable[["Label"]]
      # empty list of "good" labels to be added to
      goodnames <- list()
      # if strings are provided, look for matching subset of labels
      if (!is.null(strings)) {
        # loop over vector of strings to add to goodnames vector
        for (i in seq_along(strings)) {
          # fixed matching on string
          goodnames[[i]] <- allnames[grep(strings[i], allnames, fixed = TRUE)]
        # remove duplicates and print some feedback
        if (any(duplicated(unlist(goodnames))) &
          (repeat.vals & any(sapply(inargs, length) > 1))) {
            "Entries in 'strings' did not map to unique parameters and\n",
            "it is unclear how to order the par names to match the order\n",
            "of other arguments provided to SS_changepars.\n",
            "E.g., strings = c('CV', 'Mal') each return 'CV_young_Mal_GP_1'\n",
            "and should be changed to strings = c('young_Fem', 'old_Fem', 'Mal')\n",
            "to get all CV and all Male parameters."
        goodnames <- unique(unlist(goodnames))
        if (verbose) {
            "Parameter names in control file matching input vector \n",
            "'strings' (n=", length(goodnames), "): ",
            paste0(goodnames, collapse = ", ")
        if (length(goodnames) == 0) {
          stop("No parameters names match input vector 'strings'")
      nvals <- length(goodnames)
      for (i in 1:nvals) {
        linenums[i] <- ctltable[["Linenum"]][ctltable[["Label"]] == goodnames[i]]
    } else {
      if (is.null(linenums)) {
        stop("valid input needed for either 'linenums' or 'strings'")
    ctlsubset <- ctl[linenums]
    if (verbose) {
        "line numbers in control file (n=", length(linenums), "): ",
        paste(linenums, collapse = ", ")

    # define objects to store changes
    newctlsubset <- NULL
    cmntvec <- NULL
    nvals <- length(linenums)
    # make vectors of NA values for old and new quantities
    oldvals <- oldlos <- oldhis <- oldphase <- rep(NA, nvals)
    oldprior <- oldprsd <- oldprtype <- newphase <- rep(NA, nvals)
    # check all inputs
    # check values and make repeat if requested
    for (ii in names(inargs)) {
      tmp <- get(ii)
      if (is.null(tmp)) next
      if (is.data.frame(tmp) & ii != "estimate") tmp <- as.numeric(tmp)
      if (length(tmp) != nvals & repeat.vals) {
        if (length(tmp) > 1) {
            "SS_changepars doesn't yet accommodate ",
            "repeat.vals=TRUE and of length(.) > 1"
        assign(ii, rep(tmp, nvals))
      if (length(get(ii)) != nvals) {
          paste0("'", ii, "'"), " and either 'linenums' or 'strings'",
          " should have the same number of elements,\n",
          "instead of ", length(get(ii)), " and ", length(linenums), ".\n",
          "Note: a string can map to multiple parameters, here are your pars,\n",
          paste(goodnames, collapse = "\n")

    navar <- c(NA, "NA", "NAN", "Nan")

    # loop over line numbers to replace parameter values
    for (i in 1:nvals)
      # parse comment at end of line
      splitline <- strsplit(ctlsubset[i], "#")[[1]]
      cmnt <- paste("#", paste(splitline[-1], collapse = "#"), sep = "")
      cmntvec <- c(cmntvec, cmnt)
      # split line and convert to numeric
      vecstrings <- strsplit(splitline[1], split = "[[:blank:]]+")[[1]]
      vec <- type.convert(vecstrings[vecstrings != ""], as.is = TRUE)
      if (max(is.na(vec)) == 1) {
        stop("There's a problem with a non-numeric value in line ", linenums[i])
      # store information on old value and replace with new value (unless NULL)
      oldvals[i] <- vec[3]
      if (!is.null(newvals)) {
        if (newvals[i] %in% navar) {
          newvals[i] <- vec[3]
        vec[3] <- newvals[i]
      # store information on old bounds and replace with new bounds (unless NULL)
      oldlos[i] <- vec[1]
      oldhis[i] <- vec[2]
      if (!is.null(newlos)) {
        if (newlos[i] %in% navar) {
          newlos[i] <- vec[1]
        vec[1] <- newlos[i]
      if (!is.null(newhis)) {
        if (newhis[i] %in% navar) {
          newhis[i] <- vec[2]
        vec[2] <- newhis[i]
      oldprior[i] <- vec[4]
      oldprsd[i] <- vec[5]
      oldprtype[i] <- vec[6]
      if (!is.null(newprior)) {
        if (newprior[i] %in% navar) {
          newprior[i] <- vec[4]
        vec[4] <- newprior[i]
      if (!is.null(newprsd)) {
        if (newprsd[i] %in% navar) {
          newprsd[i] <- vec[5]
        vec[5] <- newprsd[i]
      if (!is.null(newprtype)) {
        if (newprtype[i] %in% navar) {
          newprtype[i] <- vec[6]
        vec[6] <- newprtype[i]

      # change phase (unless NULL)
      oldphase[i] <- as.numeric(vec[7])
      if (!is.null(newphs)) {
        if (newphs[i] %in% navar) {
          newphs[i] <- vec[7]
        vec[7] <- newphs[i]
      if (!is.null(estimate)) {
        if (estimate[i]) {
          vec[7] <- abs(as.numeric(vec[7]))
        } else {
          vec[7] <- -abs(as.numeric(vec[7]))
      # check bounds relative to new values
      if (vec[3] < vec[1]) {
        warning("value ", vec[3], " is now below lower bound ", vec[1], " for ", cmnt, "\n")
      if (vec[3] > vec[2]) {
        warning("value ", vec[3], " is now above upper bound ", vec[2], " for ", cmnt, "\n")

      newphase[i] <- vec[7]
      newline <- paste("", paste(vec, collapse = " "), cmnt)
      newctlsubset <- rbind(newctlsubset, newline)
    # write new file
    newctl <- ctl
    newctl[linenums] <- newctlsubset
    writeLines(newctl, file.path(dir, newctlfile))

    # if no changed made, repeat old values in output
    if (is.null(newvals)) {
      newvals <- oldvals
    if (is.null(newlos)) {
      newlos <- oldlos
    if (is.null(newhis)) {
      newhis <- oldhis
    if (is.null(newprior)) {
      newprior <- oldprior
    if (is.null(newprsd)) {
      newprsd <- oldprsd
    if (is.null(newprtype)) {
      newprtype <- oldprtype
    results <- data.frame(oldvals, newvals, oldphase, newphase,
      oldlos, newlos, oldhis, newhis,
      oldprior, newprior, oldprsd, newprsd,
      oldprtype, newprtype,
      comment = cmntvec
    # output table of changes
    if (is.null(newvals)) {
      newvals <- NA
    if (verbose) {
        "Wrote new file to ", newctlfile, " with the following changes:\n",
        paste0(utils::capture.output(results), collapse = "\n")
  } # end function
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.