
Defines functions SSplotCohortCatch

Documented in SSplotCohortCatch

#' Plot cumulative catch by cohort.
#' Cumulative catch contributions for each cohort are plotted based on
#' estimated catch-at-age matrix and weight-at-age values by fleet.  Curves are
#' shown in units of both numbers and biomass.
#' @template replist
#' @param subplots Vector controlling which subplots to create
#' @param add Add to existing plot? (not yet implemented)
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param cohortcols Vector of colors to show for each cohort. Default is range
#' of colors shade indicating time period.
#' @param cohortfrac What fraction of the cohorts to include in plot. If value
#' < 1 is used, then cohorts are filtered to only include those with the
#' highest maximum cumulative catch. Value will be overridden by
#' `cohortvec`.
#' @param cohortvec Optional vector of birth years for cohorts to include in
#' plot. Value overrides `cohortfrac`.
#' @param cohortlabfrac What fraction of the cohorts to label in plot. By
#' default, top 10% of cohorts are labeled. Value will be overridden by
#' `cohortlabvec`.
#' @param cohortlabvec Optional vector of birth years for cohorts to label in
#' plot. Value overrides `cohortlabfrac`.
#' @template lwd
#' @template plotdir
#' @param xlab x-label for all plots
#' @template labels
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @template verbose
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SS_output()]
SSplotCohortCatch <-
  function(replist, subplots = 1:2, add = FALSE,
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE,
           cohortcols = "default",
           cohortfrac = 1,
           cohortvec = NULL,
           cohortlabfrac = 0.1,
           cohortlabvec = NULL,
           lwd = 3,
           plotdir = "default",
           xlab = "Year",
           labels = c(
             "Cumulative catch by cohort (in numbers x1000)",
             "Cumulative catch by cohort (x1000 mt)"
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10,
           cex.main = 1, # note: no plot titles yet implemented
           verbose = TRUE) {
    # plot catch-at-age contributions by cohort in units of numbers and biomass
    subplot_names <- c("1: catch by cohort")

    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    catage <- replist[["catage"]]
    wtatage <- replist[["wtatage"]]
    nseasons <- replist[["nseasons"]]
    nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
    nfleets <- replist[["nfleets"]]
    nfishfleets <- replist[["nfishfleets"]]
    catch_units <- replist[["catch_units"]]
    startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
    endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
    accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]
    growthvaries <- replist[["growthvaries"]]
    growdat <- replist[["endgrowth"]]
    SS_versionshort <- toupper(substr(replist[["SS_version"]], 1, 8))

    if (is.null(wtatage)) {
        "No weight-at-age data in replist[['wtatage']]\n",
        "plots of cohort contributions will be in numbers only"
      subplots <- setdiff(subplots, 2) # removing subplot 2 from the list
    } else {
      if (nseasons > 1) {
        warning("Plots of catch by cohort might not work for seasonal models.")

    if (plotdir == "default") plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    # vector of cohort birth years
    yrs <- startyr:endyr
    ages <- 0:accuage
    nages <- length(ages)
    cohorts <- (startyr - accuage):endyr
    ncohorts <- length(cohorts)

    # catcohort <- matrix(NA,nrow=nyrs,ncol=ncohorts)
    catcohort_fltsex <- array(
      data = NA,
      dim = c(ncohorts, nages, nfishfleets, nsexes),
      dimnames = list(cohort = NULL, age = NULL, fleet = NULL, sex = NULL)
    # same dimension array to store biomass values
    wtatage_fltsex <- catcohort_fltsex

    for (icohort in 1:ncohorts) { # loop over cohorts (designated birth year)
      cohort <- cohorts[icohort]
      for (iage in ages + 1) { # loop over ages
        a <- iage - 1 # age starts at 0 but index starts at 1
        y <- cohort + a
        if (y %in% yrs) { # check if y is in range of years
          for (ifleet in 1:nfishfleets) { # loop over fleets
            f <- ifleet # index = fleet number in current SS but making general
            for (isex in 1:nsexes) { # loop over sexes

              # copy values from catage to catcohort_fltsex
              # summation could include multiple seasons or morphs within a year
              catcohort_fltsex[icohort, iage, ifleet, isex] <-
                  catage[["Fleet"]] == f & catage[["Yr"]] == y & catage[["Sex"]] == isex,
                  names(catage) == y - cohort
              # get assocated weight value
              if (is.null(wtatage)) {
                w <- 0 # dummy value to keep code from breaking when wtatage not available
              } else {
                w <- wtatage[[paste(a)]][abs(wtatage[["Yr"]]) == y &
                  wtatage[["Fleet"]] == f &
                  wtatage[["Sex"]] == isex]
              wtatage_fltsex[icohort, iage, ifleet, isex] <- w
            } # end loop over sexes
          } # end loop over fleets
        } # end check for y in yrs
      } # end loop over ages
    } # end loop over cohorts

    # note: "B" notation indicates biomass instead of numbers
    catcohortN <- apply(catcohort_fltsex, 1:2, sum)
    catcohortB <- apply(catcohort_fltsex * wtatage_fltsex, 1:2, sum)
    rownames(catcohortN) <- cohorts
    colnames(catcohortN) <- ages

    ### calculate cumulative cohort contributions
    # make temporary matrices with NAs replaced by zeros to do calculations
    tempN <- catcohortN
    tempB <- catcohortB
    tempN[is.na(tempN)] <- 0
    tempB[is.na(tempB)] <- 0
    # empty matrix for cumulatives
    cumcatcohortN <- 0 * tempN
    cumcatcohortB <- 0 * tempB

    for (icohort in 1:ncohorts) {
      cumcatcohortN[icohort, ] <- cumsum(tempN[icohort, ])
      cumcatcohortB[icohort, ] <- cumsum(tempB[icohort, ])
    # restoring NA values for unobserved age/cohort combinations
    cumcatcohortN[is.na(catcohortN)] <- NA
    cumcatcohortB[is.na(catcohortB)] <- NA

    # figure out which are the biggest cohorts to show and to label (by numbers)
    cohortmaxN <- apply(cumcatcohortN, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (is.null(cohortvec)) {
      cohortvecN <- cohorts[cohortmaxN >= quantile(cohortmaxN, 1 - cohortfrac)]
    } else {
      cohortvecN <- cohortvec[cohortvec %in% cohorts]
    if (is.null(cohortlabvec)) {
      bigcohortsN <- cohorts[cohortmaxN >= quantile(cohortmaxN, 1 - cohortlabfrac)]
    } else {
      bigcohortsN <- cohorts[cohorts %in% cohortlabvec]
    bigcohortsN <- bigcohortsN[bigcohortsN %in% cohortvecN]
    maxagesN <- pmin(endyr - bigcohortsN, accuage) # max observed age is accumulator age or earlier
    maxvecN <- cohortmaxN[cohorts %in% bigcohortsN]

    # figure out which are the biggest cohorts to show and to label (by biomass)
    cohortmaxB <- apply(cumcatcohortB, 1, max, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (is.null(cohortvec)) {
      cohortvecB <- cohorts[cohortmaxB >= quantile(cohortmaxB, 1 - cohortfrac)]
    } else {
      cohortvecB <- cohortvec[cohortvec %in% cohorts]
    if (is.null(cohortlabvec)) {
      bigcohortsB <- cohorts[cohortmaxB >= quantile(cohortmaxB, 1 - cohortlabfrac)]
    } else {
      bigcohortsB <- cohorts[cohorts %in% cohortlabvec]
    bigcohortsB <- bigcohortsB[bigcohortsB %in% cohortvecB]
    maxagesB <- pmin(endyr - bigcohortsB, accuage) # max observed age is accumulator age or earlier
    maxvecB <- cohortmaxB[cohorts %in% bigcohortsB]

    # set colors
    if (cohortcols[1] == "default") {
      cohortcolsN <- rich.colors.short(length(cohortvecN), alpha = .7)
      cohortcolsB <- rich.colors.short(length(cohortvecB), alpha = .7)
    } else {
      cohortcolsN <- cohortcolsB <- cohortcols

    plotfun <- function(isubplot) {
      if (isubplot == 1) {
        # make plot of cumulative numbers by cohort
          x = 0:accuage, t(cumcatcohortN[cohorts %in% cohortvecN, ]),
          xlab = "Age", ylab = labels[2], type = "l",
          xlim = c(0, 1.1 * accuage), col = cohortcolsN, lty = 1, lwd = lwd
        ## print(cbind(bigcohorts,maxages,maxvec))
        points(x = maxagesN, y = maxvecN, pch = 16, cex = .5)
        text(x = maxagesN, y = maxvecN, labels = bigcohortsN, pos = 4)
      if (isubplot == 2) {
        # make plot of cumulative biomass by cohort
          x = 0:accuage, t(cumcatcohortB[cohorts %in% cohortvecB, ]) / 1000,
          xlab = "Age", ylab = labels[3], type = "l",
          xlim = c(0, 1.1 * accuage), col = cohortcolsN, lty = 1, lwd = lwd
        ## print(cbind(bigcohorts,maxages,maxvec))
        points(x = maxagesB, y = maxvecB / 1000, pch = 16, cex = .5)
        text(x = maxagesB, y = maxvecB / 1000, labels = bigcohortsB, pos = 4)

    if (plot) for (isubplot in subplots) plotfun(isubplot)

    if (print) {
      for (isubplot in subplots) {
        if (isubplot == 1) {
          file <- paste("catch_cohort_numbers.png", sep = "")
          caption <- labels[2]
        if (isubplot == 2) {
          file <- paste("catch_cohort_biomass.png", sep = "")
          caption <- labels[3]
        plotinfo <- save_png(
          plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
          pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
          caption = caption

    returnlist <-
        catcohort_fltsex = catcohort_fltsex,
        wtatage_fltsex = wtatage_fltsex,
        catcohortN = catcohortN,
        catcohortB = catcohortB,
        cumcatcohortN = cumcatcohortN,
        cumcatcohortB = cumcatcohortB

    returnlist[["plotinfo"]] <- plotinfo
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.