
Defines functions SSplotMovementRates

Documented in SSplotMovementRates

#' Plot movement rates from model output
#' Plots estimated movement rates in final year for each area/season with movement as
#' reported in Report.sso. If movement is time-varying, an additional figure shows
#' pattern across years (if the MGparm_By_Year_after_adjustments table (report:7)
#' is available in the Report.sso file)
#' @template replist
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @param subplots which subplots to create.
#' @template plotdir
#' @param colvec vector of colors for each movement rate in the plot
#' @param ylim optional input for y range of the plot. By default plot ranges
#' from 0 to 10% above highest movement rate (not including fish staying in an
#' area).
#' @param legend add a legend designating which color goes with which pair of
#' areas?
#' @template legendloc
#' @param moveseas choice of season for which movement rates are shown
#' @param min.move.age Minimum age of movement (in future will come from Report file)
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @template verbose
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_output()], [SSplotMovementRates()],
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' SSplotMovementRates(myreplist)
#' }
SSplotMovementRates <-
  function(replist, plot = TRUE, print = FALSE, subplots = 1:2,
           plotdir = "default",
           colvec = "default", ylim = "default",
           legend = TRUE, legendloc = "topleft",
           moveseas = "all", min.move.age = 0.5,
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10, cex.main = 1,
           verbose = TRUE) {
    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    if (plotdir == "default") plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    # get values from replist
    accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]
    move <- replist[["movement"]]
    nseasons <- replist[["nseasons"]]
    min.move.age <- min.move.age # need to get min.move.age into repfile somewhere
    seasdur <- replist[["seasdurations"]]
    parameters <- replist[["parameters"]]
    accuage <- replist[["accuage"]]
    nareas <- replist[["nareas"]]
    MGparmAdj <- replist[["MGparmAdj"]]

    # some empty value to be replaced in subplot 2
    moveByYr <- NULL
    moveinfo <- NULL

    # subplot 1: movement in end year
    if (1 %in% subplots) {
      if (verbose) message("Running subplot 1: movement rates in final year")

      if (moveseas[1] == "all") moveseas <- sort(unique(move[["Seas"]]))
      for (iseas in moveseas) {
        move2 <- move[move[["Seas"]] == moveseas[iseas] &
          move[["Source_area"]] != move[["Dest_area"]], ]

        if (nrow(move2) == 0) {
          if (verbose) message("Skipping movement rate plot: no movement in season", moveseas[iseas])
        } else {
          move3 <- move2[, -(1:6)]

          if (colvec[1] == "default") colvec <- rich.colors.short(nrow(move2))
          if (ylim[1] == "default") ylim <- c(0, 1.1 * max(move))
          main <- paste("Movement rates\n(fraction moving per year in season ", moveseas[iseas], ")", sep = "")
          # bundle plot as function below
          move.endyr.fn <- function() {
            matplot(0:accuage, t(move3),
              type = "l", lwd = 3, col = colvec,
              ylab = "Movement rate", xlab = "Age (years)",
              main = main,
              cex.main = cex.main
            abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
            if (legend) {
                lwd = 3, bty = "n",
                col = colvec, lty = 1:nrow(move2),
                legend = paste("area", move2[["Source_area"]], "to area", move2[["Dest_area"]])
          if (plot) move.endyr.fn()
          if (print) {
            # file <- "move1_movement_rates.png"
            file <- paste0("move1_movement_rates_seas", moveseas[iseas], ".png")
            caption <- main
            plotinfo <- save_png(
              plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
              pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
              caption = caption
      } # end loop over seasons
    } # end subplot 1

    # subplot 2: time-varying movement
    if (2 %in% subplots) {
      if (!is.null(MGparmAdj)) {
        # subset some report values
        movepars <- parameters[grep("Move", replist[["parameters"]][["Label"]]), ]
        MGparmAdj <- MGparmAdj[, c(1, grep("MoveParm", names(MGparmAdj)))]
        # exclude forecast years (values were reported as zeros)
        MGparmAdj <- MGparmAdj[MGparmAdj[["Yr"]] <= replist[["endyr"]], ]
        time <- any(apply(MGparmAdj[, -1], 2, function(x) {
          any(x != x[1])
        if (time) {
          warning("plot of time-varying movement rates not currently working")
          if (FALSE) {
            if (verbose) message("Running subplot 2: time-varying movement rates")
            moveinfo <- move[, 1:6]
            moveinfo[["LabelBase2"]] <- paste("seas_", moveinfo[["Seas"]], "_GP_", moveinfo[["GP"]],
              "from_", moveinfo[["Source"]], "to_", moveinfo[["Dest"]],
              sep = ""
            moveinfo <- moveinfo[moveinfo[["LabelBase2"]] %in% substring(movepars[["Label"]], 12), ]
            nmoves <- nrow(moveinfo)
            if (verbose) message("N movement rates:", nmoves)
            if (nareas > 2) {
                "Time-varying movement plots not yet configured",
                "for models with N areas > 2"
            } else {
              yrvec <- replist[["startyr"]]:replist[["endyr"]]
              nyrs <- length(yrvec)

              movecalc <- function(min.move.age, accuage, minage, maxage,
                                   valueA, valueB, from, to, seasdur) {
                # subfunction to calculate movement rates
                # similar to one in the "movepars" function.
                # in the future, these could be generalized and stand-alone in the r4ss package
                veclengths <- unique(c(
                  length(minage), length(maxage),
                  length(valueA), length(valueB),
                  length(from), length(to)
                if (length(veclengths) != 1) {
                  stop("Error! input vectors  minage, maxage, valueA, valueB, from, and to need to all have the same length.")
                } else {
                  npars <- veclengths

                agevec <- 0:accuage
                nages <- length(agevec)

                movemat1 <- matrix(NA, npars, nages) # raw values
                movemat2 <- matrix(NA, npars, nages) # normalized to sum to 1

                temp <- 1 / (maxage - minage)
                temp1 <- temp * (valueB - valueA)

                for (iage in 1:nages) {
                  for (ipar in 1:npars) {
                    if (agevec[iage] <= minage[ipar]) {
                      movemat1[ipar, iage] <- valueA[ipar]
                    if (agevec[iage] >= maxage[ipar]) {
                      movemat1[ipar, iage] <- valueB[ipar]
                    if (agevec[iage] > minage[ipar] & agevec[iage] < maxage[ipar]) {
                      movemat1[ipar, iage] <-
                        valueA[ipar] + (agevec[iage] - minage[ipar]) * temp1[ipar]
                movemat1 <- exp(movemat1)
                movemat1[from != to, ] <- (1 / nseasons) * movemat1[from != to, ]
                movemat2 <- movemat1 / matrix(apply(movemat1, 2, sum), npars, nages, byrow = T)
                names <- paste("from_", from, "to_", to, sep = "")
                # fix movement at 0 for when from and to areas don't match
                movemat2[, 0:accuage < min.move.age] <- from == to
                rownames(movemat2) <- names

              } # end movecalc subfunction

              # make an array of movement rates by source area, age, destination area, and year
              moveByYr <- array(NA,
                dim = c(accuage + 1, nyrs, nmoves),
                dimnames = list(
                  age = 0:accuage,
                  yr = yrvec, movement = 1:nmoves
              for (iyr in 1:nyrs) {
                y <- yrvec[iyr]
                for (imove in 1:nmoves) {
                  LabelA <- paste("MoveParm_A_", moveinfo[["LabelBase2"]][imove], sep = "")
                  LabelB <- paste("MoveParm_B_", moveinfo[["LabelBase2"]][imove], sep = "")
                  seas <- moveinfo[["Seas"]][imove]
                  basevalueA <- movepars[["Value"]][movepars[["Label"]] == LabelA]
                  basevalueB <- movepars[["Value"]][movepars[["Label"]] == LabelB]
                  valueA <- MGparmAdj[[LabelA]][MGparmAdj[["Yr"]] == y]
                  valueB <- MGparmAdj[[LabelB]][MGparmAdj[["Yr"]] == y]
                  # fill in array
                  moveByYr[, iyr, imove] <-
                      min.move.age = min.move.age,
                      accuage = accuage,
                      minage = rep(moveinfo[["minage"]][imove], 2),
                      maxage = rep(moveinfo[["maxage"]][imove], 2),
                      valueA = c(valueA, 0),
                      valueB = c(valueB, 0),
                      from = rep(moveinfo[["Source_area"]][imove], 2),
                      to = c(moveinfo[["Dest_area"]][imove], moveinfo[["Source_area"]][imove]),
                      seasdur = seasdur[seas]
                } # end loop over movement definitions
              } # end loop over years to calculate moveByYr array

              # make plots
              for (imove in 1:nmoves) {
                Source_area <- moveinfo[["Source_area"]][imove]
                Dest_area <- moveinfo[["Dest_area"]][imove]
                movetable <- moveByYr[, , imove]
                ### not sure why following line was present, removing on 10 May 2018
                # movetable <- moveByYr[1, ,imove,]
                main <- paste(
                  "Time-varying movement from area", Source_area,
                  "to area", Dest_area
                move.mountains.fn <- function() {
                  mountains(zmat = t(movetable), xvec = 0:accuage, yvec = yrvec, xlab = "Age", ylab = "Year")
                  title(main = main, cex.main = cex.main)

                if (plot) move.mountains.fn()
                if (print) {
                  file <- paste0(
                    Source_area, "to", Dest_area, ".png"
                  caption <- main
                  plotinfo <- save_png(
                    plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
                    pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
                    caption = caption
            } # end check for Nareas > 2
          } # end if(FALSE) turning off section that isn't working
        } # end check for time-varying movement
      } else {
          "Skipping time varying movement plots (subplot 2), most likely\n",
          "because MGparm_By_Year_after_adjustments table (report:7) is\n",
          "not reported in the Report.sso file."
    } # end subplot 2
    returnlist <- list()
    if (!is.null(moveByYr)) {
      returnlist <- list(moveinfo = moveinfo, moveByYr = moveByYr)
    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) {
      plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Move"
      returnlist[["plotinfo"]] <- plotinfo
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.