
Defines functions SSplotTimeseries

Documented in SSplotTimeseries

#' Plot timeseries data
#' Plot timeseries data contained in TIME_SERIES output from Stock Synthesis
#' report file. Some values have optional uncertainty intervals.
#' @template replist
#' @param subplot number controlling which subplot to create
#' Numbering of subplots is as follows, where the spawning biomass plots
#' (7 to 10) are provided first when this function is called by [SS_plots()]:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1 Total biomass (mt) with forecast
#'   \item 2 Total biomass by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 3 Total biomass (mt) at beginning of spawning season with forecast
#'   \item 4 Summary biomass (mt) with forecast
#'   \item 5 Summary biomass (mt) by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 6 Summary biomass (mt) at beginning of season 1 with forecast
#'   \item 7 Spawning output with forecast with ~95% asymptotic intervals
#'   \item 8 Spawning output by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 9 Relative spawning output with forecast with ~95% asymptotic intervals
#'   \item 10 Relative spawning output by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 11 Age-0 recruits (1,000s) with forecast with ~95% asymptotic intervals
#'   \item 12 Age-0 recruits by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 13 Fraction of recruits by area (spatial models only)
#'   \item 14 Age-0 recruits (1,000s) by birth season with forecast
#'   \item 15 Fraction of total Age-0 recruits by birth season with forecast
#' }
#' @param add add to existing plot? (not yet implemented)
#' @param areas optional subset of areas to plot for spatial models
#' @template areacols
#' @param areanames names for areas. Default is to use Area1, Area2,...
#' @param forecastplot add points from forecast years
#' @param uncertainty add intervals around quantities for which uncertainty is
#' available
#' @template bioscale
#' @param minyr optional input for minimum year to show in plots
#' @param maxyr optional input for maximum year to show in plots
#' @template plot
#' @template print
#' @template plotdir
#' @template verbose
#' @param btarg Target depletion to be used in plots showing depletion. May be
#' omitted by setting to 0. "default" chooses value based on modeloutput.
#' @param minbthresh Threshold depletion to be used in plots showing depletion.
#' May be omitted by setting to 0. "default" assumes 0.25 unless btarg in model
#' output is 0.25 in which case minbthresh = 0.125 (U.S. west coast flatfish).
#' @param xlab x axis label for all plots
#' @template labels
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template res
#' @template ptsize
#' @template cex.main
#' @template mainTitle
#' @template mar
#' @author Ian Taylor, Ian Stewart
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_plots()], [SS_output()]
SSplotTimeseries <-
  function(replist, subplot, add = FALSE, areas = "all",
           areacols = NULL, areanames = "default",
           forecastplot = TRUE, uncertainty = TRUE, bioscale = 1,
           minyr = -Inf, maxyr = Inf,
           plot = TRUE, print = FALSE, plotdir = "default", verbose = TRUE,
           btarg = "default", minbthresh = "default", xlab = "Year",
           labels = NULL,
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", res = 300, ptsize = 10, cex.main = 1,
           mainTitle = FALSE, mar = NULL) {
    if (missing(subplot)) {
      stop("'subplot' input required")
    if (length(subplot) > 1) {
      stop("function can only do 1 subplot at a time")
    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    # set default plot margins
    if (is.null(mar)) {
      if (mainTitle) {
        mar <- c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1
      } else {
        mar <- c(5, 4, 2, 2) + 0.1

    # default labels that are passed from SS_plots but available if running
    # this function independently
    if (is.null(labels)) {
      labels <- c(
        "Total biomass (mt)", # 1
        "Total biomass (mt) at beginning of season", # 2
        "Summary biomass (mt)", # 3
        "Summary biomass (mt) at beginning of season", # 4
        "Spawning biomass (mt)", # 5
        "Relative spawning biomass", # 6
        "Spawning output", # 7
        "Age-0 recruits (1,000s)", # 8
        "Fraction of total Age-0 recruits", # 9
        "Management target", # 10
        "Minimum stock size threshold"
      ) # 11

    # get values from replist
    SS_versionshort <- replist[["SS_versionshort"]]
    timeseries <- replist[["timeseries"]]
    nseasons <- replist[["nseasons"]]
    spawnseas <- replist[["spawnseas"]]
    birthseas <- replist[["birthseas"]]
    startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
    endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
    nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
    nareas <- replist[["nareas"]]
    derived_quants <- replist[["derived_quants"]]
    # FecPar2        <- replist[["FecPar2"]]
    recruitment_dist <- replist[["recruitment_dist"]]
    depletion_basis <- replist[["depletion_basis"]]
    depletion_multiplier <- replist[["depletion_multiplier"]]

    if (btarg == "default") btarg <- replist[["btarg"]]
    if (minbthresh == "default") minbthresh <- replist[["minbthresh"]]

    # set default colors if not specified
    areacols <- get_areacols(areacols, nareas)

    if (!is.null(birthseas)) {
      nbirthseas <- length(birthseas)
      seascols <- rich.colors.short(nbirthseas)
      if (nbirthseas > 2) seascols <- rich.colors.short(nbirthseas + 1)[-1]

    # directory where PNG files will go
    if (plotdir == "default") {
      plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]

    # check if spawning output rather than spawning biomass is plotted
    if (is.null(replist[["SpawnOutputUnits"]]) ||
      is.na(replist[["SpawnOutputUnits"]]) ||
      replist[["SpawnOutputUnits"]] == "numbers") { # quantity from test in SS_output
      labels[5] <- labels[7]
      labels[6] <- gsub("biomass", "output", labels[6])

    # check area subsets
    if (areas[1] == "all") {
      areas <- 1:nareas
    } else {
      if (length(intersect(areas, 1:nareas)) != length(areas)) {
        stop("Input 'areas' should be 'all' or a vector of values between 1 and nareas.")
    if (nareas > 1 & areanames[1] == "default") {
      areanames <- paste("area", 1:nareas)

    # modifying data to subset for a single season
    ts <- timeseries

    if (nseasons > 1) {
      if (SS_versionshort == "SS-V3.11") {
        # seasfracs previously unavailable so assume all seasons equal
        ts[["YrSeas"]] <- ts[["Yr"]] + (ts[["Seas"]] - 1) / nseasons
      } else {
        # more recent models have seasfracs
        ts[["YrSeas"]] <- ts[["Yr"]] + replist[["seasfracs"]]
    } else {
      ts[["YrSeas"]] <- ts[["Yr"]]

    # crop any years outside the range of maxyr to maxyr
    ts <- ts[ts[["YrSeas"]] >= minyr & ts[["YrSeas"]] <= maxyr, ]

    # define which years are forecast or not
    ts[["period"]] <- "time"
    ts[["period"]][ts[["Yr"]] < startyr] <- "equilibria"
    ts[["period"]][ts[["Yr"]] > endyr + 1] <- "fore"

    if (!forecastplot) ts[["period"]][ts[["Yr"]] > endyr + 1] <- "exclude"

    # a function to make the plot
    biofunc <- function(subplot) {
      # make the logical vector of which time-series entries to use
      plot1 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG" # T/F for in area & is virgin value
      plot2 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["period"]] == "time" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in area & not virgin value
      plot3 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["period"]] == "fore" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in area & not virgin value
      if (subplot %in% c(3, 6, 7, 9)) {
        plot1 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & is virgin value
        plot2 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["period"]] == "time" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & not virgin value
        plot3 <- ts[["Area"]] == 1 & ts[["period"]] == "fore" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & not virgin value

      # switch for which column of the TIME_SERIES table is being plotted
      # subplot1,2,3 = total biomass
      if (subplot %in% 1:3) {
        yvals <- ts[["Bio_all"]]
        ylab <- labels[1]
        if (subplot == 3) {
          ylab <- paste(labels[2], spawnseas)
      # subplot4,5,6 = summary biomass
      if (subplot %in% 4:6) {
        yvals <- ts[["Bio_smry"]]
        ylab <- labels[3]
        if (subplot == 6) {
          ylab <- paste(labels[4], spawnseas)
      # subplot7&8 = spawning biomass
      if (subplot %in% 7:8) {
        yvals <- bioscale * ts[["SpawnBio"]]
        ylab <- labels[5]

      # subplot9&10 = relative spawning output
      if (subplot %in% 9:10) {
        # yvals for spatial models are corrected later within loop over areas
        yvals <- NA * ts[["SpawnBio"]] # placeholder to ensure the correct length
        # get derived quantities for Bratio
        quants <- derived_quants[substring(derived_quants[["Label"]], 1, 6) == "Bratio", ]
        # get year for each row
        quants[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(quants[["Label"]], 8))
        # replace y-values with Bratio values from derived quantities
        # PROBLEM: this doesn't work for seasonal models
        yvals[ts[["Yr"]] %in% quants[["Yr"]]] <- quants[["Value"]]
        ylab <- paste0(labels[6], ": ", replist[["Bratio_label"]])

      # subplot11-15 = recruitment
      if (subplot %in% 11:15) {
        yvals <- ts[["Recruit_0"]]
        ylab <- labels[8]
        # override missing value in case (model from Geoff Tuck run with
        # where spawn_month = 7 with settlement at age 1 (the following year)
        # 30 Oct 2019: limiting this override to models with only 1 season
        if (all(yvals[ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] == 0 & max(ts[["Seas"]] == 1))) {
          yvals[ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] <- derived_quants["Recr_Virgin", "Value"]
        if (all(yvals[ts[["Era"]] == "INIT"] == 0 & max(ts[["Seas"]] == 1))) {
          yvals[ts[["Era"]] == "INIT"] <- derived_quants["Recr_Unfished", "Value"]

      # change ylab to represent fractions for those plots
      if (subplot %in% c(13, 15)) ylab <- labels[9]

      if (subplot > 15) {
        stop("subplot should be a value from 1 to 15")

      # title initially set equal to y-label
      main <- ylab

      # calculations related to birth season (3.24) or settlement (3.30)
      yrshift <- 0 # years of shift for fish spawning to next birth season
      if (!is.null(birthseas) && max(birthseas) < spawnseas) {
        # case where fish are born in the year after spawning
        yrshift <- 1
      if (!is.null(replist[["recruitment_dist"]][["recruit_dist"]]) &&
        "Age" %in% names(replist[["recruitment_dist"]][["recruit_dist"]])) {
        # case where fish are born in the year after spawning
        yrshift <- min(as.numeric(replist[["recruitment_dist"]][["recruit_dist"]][["Age"]], na.rm = TRUE))

      if (!is.null(birthseas) && nbirthseas > 1) {
        if (subplot == 11) {
          # sum total recruitment across birth seasons
          for (y in ts[["Yr"]]) {
            yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y & ts[["Seas"]] == 1 & ts[["Area"]] == 1] <- sum(yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y], na.rm = TRUE)
            yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y & (ts[["Seas"]] > 1 | ts[["Area"]] > 1)] <- 0
        if (subplot == 15) {
          # sum total recruitment across birth seasons
          for (y in ts[["Yr"]]) {
            yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y] <- yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y] / sum(yvals[ts[["Yr"]] == y], na.rm = TRUE)
        if (subplot %in% c(14, 15)) main <- paste(main, "by birth season")

      # sum up total across areas if needed
      if (nareas > 1) {
        if (subplot %in% c(2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13)) {
          # these plots have separate lines for each area
          main <- paste(main, "by area")
        if (subplot %in% c(1, 4, 7, 11, 13)) {
          # these plots have sum across areas
          yvals2 <- rep(NA, length(ts[["YrSeas"]]))
          for (iyr in seq_along(yvals)) {
            y <- ts[["YrSeas"]][iyr]
            yvals2[iyr] <- sum(yvals[ts[["YrSeas"]] == y])
          if (subplot == 13) {
            yvals <- yvals / yvals2
          } else {
            yvals <- yvals2
        if (subplot == 9) {
          # sum up total across areas differently for spawning depletion
          yvals2 <- rep(NA, length(ts[["YrSeas"]]))
          for (iyr in seq_along(yvals)) {
            y <- ts[["YrSeas"]][iyr]
            yvals[iyr] <- sum(ts[["SpawnBio"]][ts[["YrSeas"]] == y])
          yvals <- yvals / yvals[!is.na(yvals)][1] # total depletion
          yvals <- yvals / depletion_multiplier
        ymax <- max(yvals, 1, na.rm = TRUE)

        # correct ymax value for plot 10 (other plots may need it too)
        if (subplot == 10) {
          for (iarea in 1:nareas) {
            # test for any non-zero spawning biomass in each area
            if (max(ts[["SpawnBio"]][ts[["Area"]] == iarea], na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
              # calculate relative spawning biomass
              yvals <- ts[["SpawnBio"]][ts[["Area"]] == iarea] /
                (ts[["SpawnBio"]][ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas][1])
              ymax <- max(yvals, na.rm = TRUE)
      if (subplot == 10) {
        yvals[1] <- NA

      if (forecastplot) main <- paste(main, "with forecast")
      # calculating intervals around spawning biomass, depletion, or recruitment
      # area specific confidence intervals?
      if (uncertainty & subplot %in% c(7, 9, 11)) {
        main <- paste(main, "with ~95% asymptotic intervals")
        if (!"SSB_Virgin" %in% derived_quants[["Label"]]) {
            "Skipping spawning biomass with uncertainty plot because 'SSB_Virgin' not in derived quantites.\n",
            "  Try changing 'min yr for Spbio_sdreport' in starter file to -1.\n"
          stdtable <- NULL
        } else {
          # get subset of DERIVED_QUANTITIES
          if (subplot == 7) { # spawning biomass
            stdtable <- derived_quants[grep("SSB_Virgin", derived_quants[, 1]):(grep("Recr_Virgin", derived_quants[, 1]) - 1), 1:3]
            # year as part of the Label string starting with 5th character
            stdtable[["Yr"]] <- substring(stdtable[["Label"]], 5)
            # filling in Virgin and Initial years as 2 and 1 years prior to following years
            stdtable[["Yr"]][1:2] <- as.numeric(stdtable[["Yr"]][3]) - (2:1) - yrshift
            stdtable[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(stdtable[["Yr"]])
          if (subplot == 9) { # relative spawning output
            stdtable <- derived_quants[substring(derived_quants[["Label"]], 1, 6) == "Bratio", ]
            stdtable[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(substring(stdtable[["Label"]], 8))
          if (subplot == 11) { # recruitment
            stdtable <- derived_quants[substring(derived_quants[["Label"]], 1, 5) == "Recr_", ]
            stdtable <- stdtable[tolower(stdtable[["Label"]]) != "recr_unfished", ]
            # year as the part of the Label string starting with 6th character
            stdtable[["Yr"]] <- substring(stdtable[["Label"]], 6)
            # filling in Virgin and Initial years as
            # 2 years and 1 year prior to following years
            stdtable[["Yr"]][1:2] <- as.numeric(stdtable[["Yr"]][3]) - (2:1)
            stdtable[["Yr"]] <- as.numeric(stdtable[["Yr"]]) + yrshift
            bioscale <- 1
          # calculation fractional year value associated with spawning season for spawning biomass plots
          stdtable[["YrSeas"]] <- stdtable[["Yr"]] + replist[["seasfracs"]][which(1:nseasons %in% spawnseas)]
          if (ts[["YrSeas"]][1] == ts[["Yr"]][1]) {
            stdtable[["YrSeas"]] <- stdtable[["Yr"]]

          # scaling and calculation of confidence intervals
          v <- stdtable[["Value"]] * bioscale
          std <- stdtable[["StdDev"]] * bioscale
          if (subplot == 11) {
            # assume recruitments have log-normal distribution
            # from first principals (multiplicative survival probabilities)
            # and from their basis as exponential of normal recdevs
            stdtable[["logint"]] <- sqrt(log(1 + (std / v)^2))
            stdtable[["lower"]] <- qlnorm(
              p = 0.025,
              meanlog = log(v),
              sdlog = stdtable[["logint"]]
            stdtable[["upper"]] <- qlnorm(
              p = 0.975,
              meanlog = log(v),
              sdlog = stdtable[["logint"]]
          } else { # assume normal distribution matching internal assumptions of ADMB
            stdtable[["upper"]] <- v + 1.96 * std
            stdtable[["lower"]] <- pmax(v - 1.96 * std, 0) # max of value or 0
          if (max(stdtable[["Yr"]]) < max(floor(ts[["YrSeas"]]))) {
              " is the last year with uncertainty in Report file, but ",
              max(ts[["YrSeas"]]), " is last year of time series. ",
              "Consider changing starter file input for ",
              "'max yr for sdreport outputs' to -2"
          stdtable <- stdtable[stdtable[["Yr"]] >= minyr & stdtable[["Yr"]] <= maxyr, ]

      # improved y-range for plot (possibly excluding time periods that aren't plotted)
      #   only works on single area models
      if (nareas == 1) {
        ymax <- max(yvals[plot1 | plot2 | plot3], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (subplot %in% c(13, 15)) ymax <- 1 # these plots show fractions

      if (uncertainty & subplot %in% c(7, 9, 11)) {
        ymax <- max(ymax, stdtable[["upper"]], na.rm = TRUE)

      if (print) { # if printing to a file
        # adjust file names
        caption <- main
        file <- main
        if (subplot %in% 9:10 & grepl(":", main)) {
          # remove extra stuff like "B/B_0" from file
          file <- strsplit(main, split = ":")[[1]][1]
        file <- gsub("[,~%*]", "", file)
        if (forecastplot) {
          file <- paste(file, "forecast")
        if (uncertainty & subplot %in% c(5, 7, 9)) {
          file <- paste(file, "intervals")
        file <- paste("ts", subplot, "_", file, ".png", sep = "")
        # replace any spaces with underscores
        file <- gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = file, fixed = TRUE)

        plotinfo <- save_png(
          plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
          pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
          caption = caption

      # move VIRG value from startyr-2 to startyr-1 to show closer to plot
      # this one didn't work:
      # if(exists("stdtable")) stdtable[["Yr"]][stdtable[["Yr"]] %in% ts[["Yr"]][plot1]] <- stdtable[["Yr"]][stdtable[["Yr"]] %in% ts[["Yr"]][plot1]]+1
      ts[["Yr"]][ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] <- ts[["Yr"]][ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] + 1 + yrshift
      ts[["YrSeas"]][ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] <- ts[["YrSeas"]][ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG"] + 1 + yrshift

      # create an empty plot (if not adding to existing plot)
      if (!add) {
        yrvals <- ts[["YrSeas"]][plot1 | plot2 | plot3]
        # axis limits
        xlim <- range(yrvals)
        par(mar = mar)
        plot(yrvals, yvals[plot1 | plot2 | plot3],
          type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax), yaxs = "i", ylab = ylab,
          main = ifelse(mainTitle, main, ""),
          cex.main = cex.main, xlim = xlim
        # abline(h=0,col="grey") # no longer required due to use of yaxs='i'

      # add references points to plot of relative biomass
      if (subplot %in% 9:10 & replist[["Bratio_label"]] == "B/B_0") {
        if (btarg < 1) {
          abline(h = btarg, col = "red")
          text(max(startyr, minyr) + 4, btarg + 0.02 * diff(par()$usr[3:4]),
            adj = 0
        if (minbthresh < 1) {
          abline(h = minbthresh, col = "red")
          text(max(startyr, minyr) + 4, minbthresh + 0.02 * diff(par()$usr[3:4]),
            adj = 0
      if (subplot %in% 9:10) {
        abline(h = 1.0, col = "red")

      if (subplot %in% 14:15) {
        # these plots show lines for each birth season,
        # but probably won't work if there are multiple birth seasons and multiple areas
        for (iseas in 1:nbirthseas) {
          s <- birthseas[iseas]
          mycol <- seascols[iseas]
          mytype <- "o" # overplotting points on lines for most time series
          plot1 <- ts[["Seas"]] == s & ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG" # T/F for in seas & is virgin value
          plot2 <- ts[["Seas"]] == s & ts[["period"]] == "time" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in seas & not virgin value
          plot3 <- ts[["Seas"]] == s & ts[["period"]] == "fore" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in seas & is forecast
          points(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot1], yvals[plot1], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for virgin conditions
          lines(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot2], yvals[plot2], type = mytype, col = mycol) # open points and lines in middle
          points(ts[["Yr"]][plot3], yvals[plot3], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for forecast
        legend("topright", legend = paste("Season", birthseas), lty = 1, pch = 1, col = seascols, bty = "n")
      } else {
        # always loop over areas, but for plots with only one line,
        # change vector of areas to equal 1.
        if (subplot %in% c(1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15)) myareas <- 1 else myareas <- areas
        for (iarea in myareas) { # loop over chosen areas
          # subset for time period to allow different colors in plot
          #   plot1 = subset for equilibrium (virgin) values
          #   plot2 = subset for main timeseries
          #   plot3 = subset for forecast
          if (subplot == 10) {
            yvals <- ts[["SpawnBio"]] / (ts[["SpawnBio"]][ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas][1])
          if (subplot %in% c(3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)) {
            plot1 <- ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & is virgin value
            plot2 <- ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["period"]] == "time" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & not virgin value
            plot3 <- ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["period"]] == "fore" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" & ts[["Seas"]] == spawnseas # T/F for in area & not virgin value
          } else {
            plot1 <- yvals > 0 & ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["Era"]] == "VIRG" # T/F for in area & is virgin value
            plot2 <- yvals > 0 & ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["period"]] == "time" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in area & not virgin value
            plot3 <- yvals > 0 & ts[["Area"]] == iarea & ts[["period"]] == "fore" & ts[["Era"]] != "VIRG" # T/F for in area & not virgin value
          if (subplot %in% 9:10) {
            plot1 <- NULL
            # remove the start year if Bratio_[startyr] is not in
            # derived quantities (which will be the case for any model
            # without initial equilibrium catch)
            if (uncertainty && !paste0("Bratio_", startyr) %in% derived_quants[["Label"]]) {
              plot2[3] <- FALSE
          mycol <- areacols[iarea]
          mytype <- "o" # overplotting points on lines for most time series
          if (subplot == 11 & uncertainty) {
            mytype <- "p" # just points without connecting lines if plotting recruitment with confidence intervals
          if (!uncertainty) {
            points(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot1], yvals[plot1], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for virgin conditions
            lines(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot2], yvals[plot2], type = mytype, col = mycol) # open points and lines in middle
            points(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot3], yvals[plot3], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for forecast
          } else {
            # add lines for confidence intervals areas if requested
            # lines and points (previously on integer years, but not sure why)

            # update if Bratio is not relative to unfished spawning output
            if (subplot == 9 & replist[["Bratio_label"]] != "B/B_0") {
              yvals <- NA * yvals
              # Change to year rather that middle of the year
              yvals[which(ts[["Yr"]] %in% stdtable[["Yr"]])] <-
                stdtable[["Value"]][stdtable[["Yr"]] %in% ts[["Yr"]]]

            if (subplot != 11) {
              points(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot1], yvals[plot1], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for virgin conditions
              lines(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot2], yvals[plot2], type = mytype, col = mycol) # open points and lines in middle
              points(ts[["YrSeas"]][plot3], yvals[plot3], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for forecast
            } else {
              points(ts[["Yr"]][plot1], yvals[plot1], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for virgin conditions
              lines(ts[["Yr"]][plot2], yvals[plot2], type = mytype, col = mycol) # open points and lines in middle
              points(ts[["Yr"]][plot3], yvals[plot3], pch = 19, col = mycol) # filled points for forecast
            if (subplot %in% c(7, 9, 11)) {
              # subset years for confidence intervals
              if (subplot == 7) {
                plot1 <- stdtable[["Label"]] == "SSB_Virgin"
                stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] <- stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] + yrshift
              if (subplot == 9) {
                plot1 <- stdtable[["Label"]] == "Bratio_Virgin" # note: this doesn't exist
              if (subplot == 11) {
                plot1 <- stdtable[["Label"]] == "Recr_Virgin"
                stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] <- stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] + 1 # shifting as in other cases to make Virgin year adjacent to first year of timeseries
              plot2 <- stdtable[["Yr"]] %in% ts[["Yr"]][plot2]
              plot3 <- stdtable[["Yr"]] %in% ts[["Yr"]][plot3]
              plotall <- plot1 | plot2 | plot3
              ## stdtable[["plot1"]] <- plot1
              ## stdtable[["plot2"]] <- plot2
              ## stdtable[["plot3"]] <- plot3
            if (subplot %in% c(7, 9)) {
              # add lines for main period
              lines(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot2], stdtable[["upper"]][plot2], lty = 2, col = mycol)
              lines(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot2], stdtable[["lower"]][plot2], lty = 2, col = mycol)

              # add dashes for early period
              points(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] + 1, stdtable[["upper"]][plot1], pch = "-", col = mycol) # +1 is because VIRG was shifted right 1 year
              points(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot1] + 1, stdtable[["lower"]][plot1], pch = "-", col = mycol) # +1 is because VIRG was shifted right 1 year

              # add dashes for forecast period
              points(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot3], stdtable[["upper"]][plot3], pch = "-", col = mycol)
              points(stdtable[["Yr"]][plot3], stdtable[["lower"]][plot3], pch = "-", col = mycol)
            if (subplot == 11) { # confidence intervals as error bars because recruitment is more variable
              old_warn <- options()$warn # previous setting
              options(warn = -1) # turn off "zero-length arrow" warning
              # note that Yr rather than YrSeas is used here because recruitment is summed across seasons in multi-season models
                x0 = stdtable[["Yr"]][plotall],
                y0 = stdtable[["lower"]][plotall],
                y1 = stdtable[["upper"]][plotall],
                length = 0.01, angle = 90, code = 3, col = mycol
              options(warn = old_warn) # returning to old value
          } # end if uncertainty
        } # end loop over areas
        if (nareas > 1 & subplot %in% c(2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13)) {
            legend = areanames[areas],
            lty = 1,
            pch = 1,
            col = areacols[areas],
            bty = "n"
      } # end test for birthseason plots or not
      ## if (verbose) {
      ##   message("  finished time series subplot ", subplot, ": ", main)
      ## }
      if (print) dev.off()
    } # end biofunc

    # make plots
    # for(iplot in subplot){ # doesn't work for more than one subplota at a time
    skip <- FALSE
    # plots 2, 5, 8, 10, and 12 are redundant for 1-area models
    if (nareas == 1 & subplot %in% c(2, 5, 8, 10, 12:13)) skip <- TRUE
    # plots 3 and 6 are redundant for 1-season models
    if (nseasons == 1 & subplot %in% c(3, 6)) skip <- TRUE
    if (subplot %in% c(14:15) & (is.null(birthseas) || nbirthseas == 1)) skip <- TRUE

    if (!skip) {
      plotinfo <- biofunc(subplot = subplot)
      if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "Timeseries"
r4ss/r4ss documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:42 a.m.