plotDFT: plot polar coordinates

View source: R/clusterTools.R

plotDFTR Documentation

plot polar coordinates


Plots the components of a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) as polar coordinates (Re and Im of the complex numbers in the DFT). Arguments dft and col can be segmenTier timeseries and clustering objects.


plotDFT(dft, col, cycles = 3, radius = 0.9, lambda = 1, bc = "component", ...)



the Fourier transform of a time series as returned by t(mvfft(t(timeseries))), or alternatively, a ‘timeseries’ object from segmenTier's processTimeseries when run with (use.fft=TRUE)


a color vector for the rows in argument dft or alternatively, ‘clustering’ object as returned by segmenTier's clusterTimeseries with coloring information


the number of cycles (index of non-DC DFT component) to be plotted


radius of the polar plot circle as a fraction of data to be contained within the radius (smaller amplitude)


parameter for Box-Cox transformation of DFT data; has no effect for lambda==1


type of Box-Cox transformation (if lambda!=1); "component": separate transformation of real and imaginary parts of the DFT; "amplitude": Box-Cox transformation of the amplitude


arguments to the base plot and/or points functions

raim/segmenTools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 10:40 p.m.