splitsegs: splits segments that span chromosome ends

splitsegsR Documentation

splits segments that span chromosome ends


Finds segments that span chromosomes ends and splits those in two segments on each covered chromosome. The input must contain columns "start" and "end"; these will be modified for chromosome-spanning segments. All other entries in the matrix will be copied, unless an "idcol" is specified, which will receive the suffix "_2" for one of two copies.


splitsegs(segs, chrS, idcol, verb = 0)



a matrix of segment start and end coordinates given in columns named "start" and "end"


a chromosome index, indicating at wich positions chromosomes start; this is required for handling chromosome ends and forward and reverse strand values


column holding segment IDs; IDs of split segments will receive the suffix "_2" for once copy#'


integer level of verbosity, 0: no messages, 1: show messages

raim/segmenTools documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 10:40 p.m.