
Defines functions d2wlasso get.weight.fn store.xy store.x corr.pvalue parcorr.pvalue correlations fstat.pvalue ftests qvalue.old q.computations q.interest minqval bon.holm.interest ben.hoch.interest make.std make.center weighted.lasso weighted.lasso.computations cv.delta lasso.procedure penalized.loss.criterion get.R2 partition.size partition.size.new random.partition index.sort.partition fixed.size fixed.plus.random.partition ridge.regression ridge.sort.partition sort.partition designed.partition columns.to.list step.selection step.selection.inclusion

Documented in correlations corr.pvalue cv.delta d2wlasso get.weight.fn parcorr.pvalue store.x store.xy weighted.lasso weighted.lasso.computations

## Functions for the main method

#' Weigted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param x (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate should
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param cox.delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param weight.type Character value denoting which weights to be used for the weighted lasso, where each covariate in \code{x}
#' is multiplied by a scalar weight. Options include
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{one:}{The scalar weight is one.}
#'   \item{corr.estimate:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Pearson correlation between
#'   \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{y}. }
#'   \item{corr.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the p-value of the coefficient of
#'   \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{x_j} }
#'   \item{corr.bh.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Benjanmini-Hocbherg adjusted p-value
#'   from \code{corr.pvalue}.}
#'   \item{corr.qvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the q-value transform of the p-value
#'   from \code{corr.pvalue}.}
#'   \item{corr.tstat:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the t-statistic associated with testing
#'   the significance of \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{x_j}.}
#'   \item{parcor.estimate:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the partial correlation between
#'   \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{y} after adjustment for \eqn{z}. }
#'   \item{parcor.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the p-value of the coefficient of
#'   \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{z} and \eqn{x_j} }
#'   \item{parcor.bh.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Benjanmini-Hocbherg adjusted p-value
#'   from \code{parcor.pvalue}.}
#'   \item{parcor.qvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the q-value transform of the p-value
#'   from \code{parcor.pvalue}.}
#'   \item{parcor.tstat:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the t-statistic associated with testing
#'   the significance of \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{z} and \eqn{x_j}.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.random.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#'   The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we first partition the covariates into \code{k.split}
#'   random groups, and we apply a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#'   set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#'   excluded from the final model. We repeat
#'   this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#'   \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.random.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#'   as in exfrequency.random.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#'   is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#'   The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#'   obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#'   We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#'   groups using a K-means criterion on the ridge regression coefficients, and we applied
#'   a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#'   set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#'   excluded from the final model. We repeat
#'   this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#'   \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#'   as in exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#'   is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.kquartile.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#'   The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#'   obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#'   We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#'   groups using k-quantiles of the ridge regression coefficients, and we applied a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#'   set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#'   excluded from the final model. We repeat
#'   this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#'   \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#'   as in exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#'   is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#'   The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#'   obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#'   We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#'   groups by first ordering the ridge regression coefficients in descending order
#'   and splitting them into \code{k.split} groups. We then applied a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#'   set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#'   excluded from the final model. We repeat
#'   this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#'   \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#'   \item{exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#'   as in exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#'   is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#' }
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue", "corr.qvalue",
#' "parcor.pvalue","parcor.bh.pvalue","parcor.qvalue". If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param q_opt_tuning_method character indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' Options are "bootstrap" or "smoother" to specify how the optimal tuning parameter is obtained when computing
#' q-values from Storey and Tibshirani (2003). Default is "smoother" (smoothing spline).
#' @param robust logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' If TRUE, q-values computed as in Storey and Tibshirani (2003)
#' are robust for small p-values.
#' @param pi0.known logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' If TRUE, when computing q-values, the estimate of the
#' true proportion of the null hypothesis is set to the value of pi0.val given by the user.
#' If FALSE, the estimate of the true proportion of the null hypothesis is
#' computed by bootstrap or smoothing spline as proposed in Storey and Tibshirani (2003). Default is FALSE.
#' @param pi0.val scalar used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' A user supplied estimate of the true proportion of the null hypothesis. Used only when pi0.known is TRUE. Default is 0.9.
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. When \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue",
#' \code{show.plots} refers to figures associated with q-value computations as proposed in Storey
#' and Tibshirani (2003). If \code{show.plots} is TRUE, we display the density histogram of original p-values,
#' density histogram of the q-values, scatter plot of \eqn{\hat\pi} versus \eqn{\lambda} in the
#' computation of q-values, and scatter plot of significant tests versus q-value cut-off. When
#' \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{show.plots} refers to plots associated with the
#' penalized loss criterion. If TRUE, a plot of the penalized loss criterion
#' versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004) is displayed. Default of
#' \code{show.plots} is FALSE.
#' @param qval.alpha scalar value used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' The choice of \code{qval.alpha} indicates the cut-off for q-values used to obtain the result \code{threshold.selection}
#' The result \code{threshold.selection} contains all covariates for which their q-value is less than \code{qval.alpha}.
#' @param alpha.bh scalar value used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue",
#' "parcor.pvalue", "parcor.bh.pvalue".
#' The choice of \code{alpha.bh} indicates the cut-off for p-values
#' used to obtain the result in \code{threshold.selection}.
#' The result \code{threshold.selection} contains all covariates for which their
#' p-value is less than \code{alpha.bh}.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param penalized.loss.delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @param mult.cv.folds scalar denoting the number of times we repeat the cross-validation procedures
#' of \code{penalty.choice} being "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 0.
#' @param nboot scalar denoting the number of bootstrap samples obtained for exclusion frequency weights when
#' \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic".
#' Default is 100.
#' @param k.split scalar that indicates the number of partitions used to compute the exclusion frequency weights
#' when \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic". Default is 4.
#' @param step.direction character that indicates the direction of stepwise regression used to compute the exclusion frequency weights
#' when \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic".
#'  One of "both", "forward" or "backward". Default is "backward".
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \strong{weights:} {weights used in the weighted Lasso. Weights computed depend on \code{weight.type} selected.}
#'    \item \strong{weighted.lasso.results:} {variable selection results from the LASSO when the covariates
#'    are multiplied by weights as specified by \code{weight.type}.}
#'    \item \strong{threshold.selection:} {variable selection results when weights are below a specified threshold.
#'    Results are reported only when \code{weight.type} are "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue",
#'    "corr.qvalue","parcor.pvalue","parcor.bh.pvalue","parcor.qvalue".}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] - 2*x[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' dwl0 = d2wlasso(x,z,y)
#' dwl1 = d2wlasso(x,z=NULL,y,weight.type="corr.pvalue")
#' dwl2 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.qvalue")
#' dwl3 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.bh.pvalue")
#' dwl4 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.qvalue",mult.cv.folds=100)
#' dwl5 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.random.partition.aic")
#' dwl6 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic")
#' dwl7 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic")
#' dwl8 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic")
#' ## Cox model
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(exp(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] - 2*x[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 2)), 100)
#' cox.delta = matrix(1,nrow=length(y),ncol=1)
#' dwl0.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl1.cox = d2wlasso(x,z=NULL,y,cox.delta,
#'   regression.type="cox",weight.type="corr.pvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl2.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#'   regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.qvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl3.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#'   regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.bh.pvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl4.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#'   regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.qvalue",
#'   mult.cv.folds=100,penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl5.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#'   weight.type="exfrequency.random.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl6.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#'   weight.type="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl7.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#'   weight.type="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl8.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#'   weight.type="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")

d2wlasso <- function(x,z,y,cox.delta=NULL,

    ## WARNING Messages ##

    if(pi0.known==TRUE & is.null(pi0.val)){
        stop("User must provide pi0.val if pi0.known is TRUE.")

        stop("x must be a n x m matrix.")

        if(!is.matrix(z) | ncol(z)>1){
        stop("z must be a n x 1 matrix.")

    if(!is.matrix(y) | ncol(y)>1){
        stop("y must be a n x 1 matrix.")

    # Store the dimensions of x, z ##
    n <- nrow(x)
    m <- ncol(x)

        m0 <- ncol(z)
    } else {
        m0 <- 0

    # arranging input data ##
        XX <- cbind(z, x)
    } else {
        XX <- x

    ## allocate names to X
    colnames_use <- NULL
            colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,"Fixed")
            colnames(z) <- "Fixed"
        } else {
            colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,colnames(z))

        colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,paste0("X_",seq(1,m)))
        colnames(x) <- paste0("X_",seq(1,m))
    } else {
        colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,colnames(x))

    z.names <- colnames(z)
    x.names <- colnames(x)
    colnames(XX) <- colnames_use

    ## allocate names to y
        colnames(y) <- paste0("y",1:ncol(y))

    if (regression.type=="linear"){
        response <- list(yy=y,delta=NULL)
    } else if (length(cox.delta)!=length(y)){
        stop("length of y should be equal to length of cox.delta")
    } else {
        response <- list(yy=y,delta=cox.delta)

    ## Determine number of covariates and covariate names ##
    number.of.covariates <- m0+m
    covariate.names <- colnames(XX)

    ##                                                        ##
    ##                                                        ##
    ##          COMPUTE THE WEIGHTS                           ##
    ##                                                        ##
    ##                                                        ##
    ## For some weights, we can apply a threshold to determine if a covariate should be included or not.
    threshold.selection <- NULL
        ## Unit weights
        weights <- matrix(1,nrow=m,ncol=ncol(response$yy))
    } else if(weight.type=="corr.estimate" |
       weight.type=="corr.pvalue" |
       weight.type=="corr.bh.pvalue" |

        ## compute correlation of x and y ##
        cor.out <- correlations(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=FALSE,ttest.pvalue=ttest.pvalue,

        ## Extract the weights ##
            ## t-values with \beta_k in y= \beta_k * x_k
            weights <- cor.out$tvalues
        } else if(weight.type=="corr.pvalue"){
            ## p-values with \beta_k in y= \beta_k * x_k
            weights <- cor.out$pvalues
            benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(weights,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="none")
            threshold.selection <- benhoch.results$interest

                ## we ignore z
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)

        } else if(weight.type=="corr.estimate"){
            ##  correlation between y and x_k
            weights <- cor.out$estimate
        } else if(weight.type=="corr.bh.pvalue"){
            ## Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values from y=z + \beta_k * x_k
            benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(cor.out$pvalues,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="BH")
            weights <- benhoch.results$pval.adjust
            threshold.selection <- benhoch.results$interest

                ## we ignore z
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)

        } else if(weight.type=="corr.qvalue"){

            ## Results for testing if a x_k has an effect on y, but NOT
            ##            accounting for z
            ## That is, we test : H_0 : \beta_{x_k}=0

            qvalues.results <- q.computations(cor.out, method=q_opt_tuning_method,

            weights <- qvalues.results$qval.mat
            threshold.selection <- q.interest(weights,alpha=qval.alpha,criteria="less")
            threshold.selection <- threshold.selection$interest

                ## we ignore z
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)


    } else if(weight.type=="parcor.estimate" |
              weight.type=="parcor.pvalue" |
              weight.type=="parcor.bh.pvalue" |
        ## compute partial correlation of x and y after adjusting for z ##

            parcor.out <- correlations(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=TRUE,ttest.pvalue=ttest.pvalue,

            ## Extract the weights ##
                ## t-values with \beta_k in y=z + \beta_k * x_k
                weights <- parcor.out$tvalues
            } else if(weight.type=="parcor.pvalue"){
                ## p-values with \beta_k in y=z + \beta_k * x_k
                weights <- parcor.out$pvalues
                benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(weights,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="none")
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,benhoch.results$interest)
            } else if(weight.type=="parcor.estimate"){
                ## partial correlations
                weights <- parcor.out$estimate
            } else if(weight.type=="parcor.bh.pvalue"){
                ## Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values from y=z + \beta_k * x_k
                benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(parcor.out$pvalues,alpha=alpha.bh)
                weights <- benhoch.results$pval.adjust
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,benhoch.results$interest)

            } else if(weight.type=="parcor.qvalue"){
                ## Results for testing if a microbe has an effect on phenotype, but AFTER
                ##            accounting for diet
                ## That is, we test : H_0 : \beta_{x_j|z}=0
                # compute q-value as used by JD Storey with some adjustments made
                qvalues.results <- q.computations(parcor.out,method=q_opt_tuning_method,
                weights <- qvalues.results$qval.mat
                threshold.selection <- q.interest(weights,alpha=qval.alpha,criteria="less")
                threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,threshold.selection$interest)

        } else {
            warning("Your choice of weight.type requires z to be non-NULL.")
    } else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
              weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.bic" |
              weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
              weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic" |

        step.type <- NULL
        if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
           weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
            step.type <- "AIC"
        } else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.bic" |
                  weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic" |
            step.type <- "BIC"

        ##  Set up storage for bootstrap results ##
        tmp2.store <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = nboot,
                                           dimnames = list(x.names,
        weight.boot <- tmp2.store

        ## Compute intermediary quantities ##
        ## Get parameter estimates from ridge regression
        beta.values <- ridge.regression(XX,response,x.names)

        if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
            ## K-means clustering
            kmeans.out <- stats::kmeans(beta.values,centers=k.split,iter.max=100)
            index.group.kmeans <- kmeans.out$cluster

        if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |

            ## K-quart clustering
            index.group.kquart <- cut(beta.values, breaks=quantile(beta.values,
                                        probs=seq(0,1, by=1/k.split)),include.lowest=TRUE)
            index.group.kquart <- as.numeric(factor(index.group.kquart, labels=1:k.split))


            ## K-sort clustering
            beta.sort <- sort(abs(beta.values),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
            sort.beta.index <- beta.sort$ix

            ## index of ordering
            index.group.sort <- index.sort.partition(n=nrow(XX),k=k.split,sort.beta.index,x.names)

        for(b in 1:nboot){
            if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
                ## Randomly partition the index
                rand.index <- random.partition(n=nrow(XX),p=m,k=k.split)

            if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
                ## Partition the index using k-means
                kmeans.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.kmeans,k=k.split)

            if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |
                ## Partition the index using k-quartile
                kquart.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.kquart,k=k.split)

                ## Partition the index using k-quartile
                sort.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.sort,k=k.split)

                ## Measures how often the largest beta from ridge regression is in the true,
                ##  non-zero beta coefficients
                #beta.index.sort[sort.beta.index[1]+1,j] <- as.numeric(sort.beta.index[1]%in%fixed.covariates)

            ## Apply stepwise AIC to each group
            for(l in 1:k.split){
                if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
                    ## Random partitioning
                    index <- as.numeric(unlist(rand.index[l]))

                } else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
                    index <- as.numeric(unlist(kmeans.rand.index[l]))

                } else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |
                    index <- as.numeric(unlist(kquart.rand.index[l]))

                } else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic"|
                    index <- as.numeric(unlist(sort.rand.index[l]))


                    weight.boot[,b] <- weight.boot[,b] +

        weights <- apply(weight.boot,1,sum)/nboot
        weights <- data.frame(weights)

    ## Change rownames of weights ##
    rownames(weights) <- x.names

    ##                                                        ##
    ##                                                        ##
    ##          COMPUTE THE WEIGHTED LASSO RESULTS            ##
    ##                                                        ##
    ##                                                        ##

    if(mult.cv.folds > 0 & (penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss" | penalty.choice=="cv.mse")){
        lasso.w <-0

        for(v in 1:mult.cv.folds){
            lasso.w.tmp <- weighted.lasso.computations(weights,weight_fn,response,

            lasso.w <- lasso.w + as.matrix(lasso.w.tmp$interest)
        weighted.lasso.results <- lasso.w

    } else {
        lasso.w <- weighted.lasso.computations(weights,weight_fn,response,

        weighted.lasso.results <- as.matrix(lasso.w$interest)


## Functions to get a sample weight function ##

#' Weight function examples
#' Returns possible weight functions that can be used in d2wlasso.
#' @param weight_fn_type character indicating type of function to return.
#' @return a function that can be applied to a scalar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' weight_fn <- get.weight.fn("sqrt") # return f(x)=sqrt(x)
get.weight.fn <- function(weight_fn_type=c("identity","sqrt","inverse_abs","square")[1]){

    ## Weight functions
        out <- function(x){
    } else if(weight_fn_type=="sqrt"){
        out <- function(x){
    } else if(weight_fn_type=="inverse_abs"){
        out <- function(x){
    } else if(weight_fn_type=="square"){
        out <- function(x){

## Function for making data frames for storing results ##

#' Matrix to store results for covariates x and vector response y.
#' Forms a matrix that will be used to store regression results of response y on covariates x.
#' @param XX (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param yy (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable.
#' @return (m by 1) matrix of zeroes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xx = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' colnames(xx) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(xx))
#' yy = matrix(2*xx[,1] - 2*xx[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(yy) <- "y"
#' store.xy(xx,yy)
store.xy <- function(XX,yy){
	out <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=ncol(XX),ncol=ncol(yy)))
	rownames(out) <- colnames(XX)
	colnames(out) <- colnames(yy)

#' Matrix to store results for covariates x.
#' Forms a matrix that will be used to store regression results of response y on covariates x.
#' @param XX (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @return (m by 1) matrix of zeroes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xx = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' colnames(xx) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(xx))
#' store.x(xx)
store.x <- function(XX){
	out <- as.data.frame(rep(0,ncol(XX)))
	rownames(out) <- colnames(XX)

## Functions to get partial correlation and its p-value #

#' Pearson correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' @param x (n by 1) matrix corresponding to a covariate vector where n is the sample size.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param method character indicating the type of correlation to compute. Default if "pearson"
#' @param alternative character indicating whether the p-value is computed using one-sided or two-sided
#' testing. Default is "two-sided".
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{p.value:}{p-value of the coefficient of x in the regression of y on x.}
#'   \item \strong{estimate:}{Pearson correlation between x and y.}
#'   \item \strong{t.stat:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x in the regression
#'   of y on x.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1),100,1)
#' colnames(x) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(x))
#' y = matrix(2*x[,1]+ rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(y) <- "y"
#' delta <- NULL
#' output <- corr.pvalue(x,y,delta,regression.type="linear")
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom survival coxph Surv
corr.pvalue <- function(x,y,delta,method="pearson",
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)
    delta.use <- as.numeric(delta)

        out <- stats::cor.test(x,y,alternative=alternative,method=method,na.action=na.omit)
        estimate <- out$estimate
    } else {
        estimate <- 0

    if(ttest.pvalue==FALSE & regression.type=="linear"){
        p.value <- out$p.value
    } else {
        y1 <- y
        x1 <- x
        delta1 <- delta.use

            ## linear regression ##
            summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1~  x1))
            p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|t|)"]
            t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","t value"]
            ##summary.out <- summary(lm(y~x))
            ##p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x","Pr(>|t|)"]
        } else {
            ## survival regression ##
            survival.data <- list(time=y1,status=delta1,x1=x1)
            summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ x1,data=survival.data))
            p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|z|)"]
            t.stat  <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","z"]


#' Partial correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' after adjustment for a covariate z.
#' @param x (n by 1) matrix corresponding to a covariate vector where n is the sample size.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param method character indicating the type of correlation to compute. Default if "pearson"
#' @param alternative character indicating whether the p-value is computed using one-sided or two-sided
#' testing. Default is "two-sided".
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{p.value:}{p-value of the coefficient of x in the regression of y on x and z.}
#'   \item \strong{estimate:}{Partial correlation between x and y after adjustment for z.}
#'   \item \strong{t.stat:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x in the regression
#'   of y on x and z.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1),100,1)
#' colnames(x) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(x))
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(y) <- "y"
#' delta <- NULL
#' output <- parcorr.pvalue(factor.z=TRUE,x,y,z,delta,regression.type="linear")
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom survival coxph Surv
parcorr.pvalue <- function(factor.z,x,y,z,delta=NULL,method="pearson",alternative="two.sided",ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type){
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)
    z <- as.numeric(z)
    delta.use <- as.numeric(delta)

            xres <- residuals(stats::lm(x~factor(z)))
            yres <- residuals(stats::lm(y~factor(z)))
        } else {
            xres <- residuals(stats::lm(x~z))
            yres <- residuals(stats::lm(y~z))
        out <- corr.pvalue(xres,yres,delta.use,method,alternative,ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type=regression.type)
        estimate <- out$estimate
    } else {
        estimate <- 0

    if(ttest.pvalue==FALSE & regression.type=="linear"){
        p.value <- out$p.value
        t.stat <- NULL
    } else {
        y1 <- y
        x1 <- x
        delta1 <- delta.use

            ## linear regression ##

                summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1 ~ factor(z) +  x1))  ## may have to change due to nature of z!!
            } else {
                summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1 ~ z +  x1))  ## may have to change due to nature of z!!

            p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|t|)"]
            t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","t value"]

            ## Or using reduced sum of squares:
            ##model.full <- lm(y1~z + x1)
            ##model.red  <- lm(y1~z)
            ##anova.out <- anova(model.full,model.red)
            ##p.value <- anova.out[-1,"Pr(>F)"]

            ##summary.out <- summary(lm(y ~ z +  x))
            ##p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x","Pr(>|t|)"]
        } else {
            ## survival regression ##
            survival.data <- list(time=y1,status=delta1,z=z,x1=x1)
                summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ factor(z) + x1,
            } else{
                summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ z + x1,
            p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|z|)"]
            t.stat  <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","z"]


#' Correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' after potential adjustment for a covariate z.
#' @param x (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param response a list containing: yy and delta. yy is an (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times. delta is an (n by 1) matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param partial logical indicator. If TRUE, the partial correlation is computed between the response
#' and each covariate in x after adjustment for z. If FALSE, the correlation is computed between the
#' response and each covariate in x.
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{pvalues:}{p-values for each x_k in the regression of y on x_k when \code{partial}=FALSE. Otherwise,
#'   p-values for each x_k in the regression of y on x_k and z when \code{partial}=TRUE.}
#'   \item \strong{estimate:}{Correlation between x_k and y when \code{partial}=FALSE.
#'   Otherwise, \code{estimate} is the partial correlation between x_k and y after adjustment for z
#'   when \code{partial} is TRUE.}
#'   \item \strong{tvalues:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x_k in the regression
#'   of y on x_k and z when \code{partial} is TRUE. Otherwise it is the t-statistic when testing the
#'   significance of x_k in the regression of y on x_k when \code{partial} is FALSE.}
#' }
#' @export
correlations <- function(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=FALSE,ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type){

    ## Formatting data
    data.response <- response$yy
    data.delta <- response$delta

	data.XX <- x
	data.z <- z

	# Setting up matrices to store Pearson correlations and p-values
	correlation <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)
	pvalues <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)
	tvalues <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)

	# Computing pearson correlations and p-values
	for (i in 1: ncol(data.XX)) {
		for(j in 1:ncol(data.response)) {
				tmp <- parcorr.pvalue(factor.z=factor.z,x=data.XX[,i],y=data.response[,j],
			} else {
				tmp <- corr.pvalue(x=data.XX[,i],y=data.response[,j],delta=data.delta[,j],
			correlation[i,j] <- tmp$estimate
			pvalues[i,j] <- tmp$p.value
			tvalues[i,j] <- tmp$t.stat
	list(estimate = correlation, pvalues = pvalues,tvalues=tvalues)

# Function to get F-test statistics and p-values #

fstat.pvalue <- function(factor.z,x,z){
        z <- factor(as.numeric(z))
    } else {
        z <- as.numeric(z)
    x <- as.numeric(x)

    # Assuming variances in both diet groups are different
    result <- t.test(x ~ z)
    stat <- result$statistic
    p.value <- result$p.value

    #	Fstat <- NA
    #	p.value <- 1
    return(list(Fstat = stat, p.value = p.value))

ftests <- function(factor.z,x,z){
    # Formatting data
    data.z <- z
    data.XX <- x

    # Setting up matrices to store F-statistics and p-values
    fstat <- store.x(data.XX)
    pvalues <- store.x(data.XX)

    # Computing pearson correlations and p-values
    for (i in 1: ncol(data.XX)) {
        tmp <- fstat.pvalue(factor.z,data.XX[,i],z)
        fstat[i,] <- tmp$Fstat
        pvalues[i,] <- tmp$p.value

    return(list(estimate = fstat, pvalues = pvalues))

# Qvalues function #

# modification of qplot so as to get individual plots

qplot2 <- function (qobj, rng = c(0, 0.1), smooth.df = 3, smooth.log.pi0 = FALSE, whichplot=1)
    q2 <- qobj$qval[order(qobj$pval)]
    if (min(q2) > rng[2]) {
        rng <- c(min(q2), quantile(q2, 0.1))
    p2 <- qobj$pval[order(qobj$pval)]
    #par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
    lambda <- qobj$lambda
    if (length(lambda) == 1) {
        lambda <- seq(0, max(0.9, lambda), 0.05)
    pi0 <- rep(0, length(lambda))
    for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
        pi0[i] <- mean(p2 > lambda[i])/(1 - lambda[i])
    if (smooth.log.pi0)
        pi0 <- log(pi0)
    spi0 <- smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df)
    if (smooth.log.pi0) {
        pi0 <- exp(pi0)
        spi0$y <- exp(spi0$y)
    pi00 <- round(qobj$pi0, 3)
	#TG change, 02/07/2012 ("gamma" is lambda in manuscript)
	par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+1)
    plot(lambda, pi0, xlab = expression(gamma), ylab = expression(hat(pi)(gamma)),pch=19,cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5)
    mtext(substitute(hat(pi) == that, list(that = pi00)),cex=2)
	} else if (whichplot==2){
    plot(p2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <= rng[2]], q2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <=
        rng[2]], type = "l", xlab = "p-value", ylab = "q-value")
	} else if (whichplot==3){
    plot(q2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <= rng[2]], (1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <=
        rng[2]), type = "l", xlab = "q-value cut-off", ylab = "Number of significant XX",cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5)
	} else if (whichplot==4){
    plot((1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <= rng[2]), q2[q2 >= rng[1] &
        q2 <= rng[2]] * (1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <= rng[2]),
        type = "l", xlab = "significant tests", ylab = "expected false positives")
    #par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

## qvalue.adj. is as used by JD Storey with some adjustments made ##
qvalue.adj<-function (p = NULL, lambda = seq(0, 0.9, 0.05), pi0.method = "smoother",
    fdr.level = NULL, robust = FALSE, gui = FALSE, smooth.df = 3,
    smooth.log.pi0 = FALSE,pi0.known=FALSE,pi0.val=0.9)
    if (is.null(p)) {
        return("Launching point-and-click...")
    if (gui & !interactive())
        gui = FALSE
    if (min(p) < 0 || max(p) > 1) {
        if (gui)
            eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: p-values not in valid range.",
                "\n"))), parent.frame())
        else print("ERROR: p-values not in valid range.")
    if (length(lambda) > 1 && length(lambda) < 4) {
        if (gui)
            eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: If length of lambda greater than 1, you need at least 4 values.",
                "\n"))), parent.frame())
        else print("ERROR: If length of lambda greater than 1, you need at least 4 values.")
    if (length(lambda) > 1 && (min(lambda) < 0 || max(lambda) >=
        1)) {
        if (gui)
            eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).",
                "\n"))), parent.frame())
        else print("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).")
    m <- length(p)
    if (length(lambda) == 1) {
        if (lambda < 0 || lambda >= 1) {
            if (gui)
                eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).",
                  "\n"))), parent.frame())
            else print("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).")
        pi0 <- mean(p >= lambda)/(1 - lambda)
        pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
    else {
      # TG added pi0.known option
        pi0 <- pi0.val
      } else {
        pi0 <- rep(0, length(lambda))
        for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
          pi0[i] <- mean(p >= lambda[i])/(1 - lambda[i])

     # TG change: Remove any pi0 which have entry 0, and adjust lambda values

          ind.zero <- which(pi0==0)
          pi0 <- pi0[-ind.zero]
          lambda <- lambda[-ind.zero]

        if (pi0.method == "smoother") {
          if (smooth.log.pi0)
            pi0 <- log(pi0)
          spi0 <- smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df)
          pi0 <- predict(spi0, x = max(lambda))$y
          if (smooth.log.pi0)
            pi0 <- exp(pi0)
          pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
        else if (pi0.method == "bootstrap") {
          minpi0 <- min(pi0)
          mse <- rep(0, length(lambda))
          pi0.boot <- rep(0, length(lambda))
          for (i in 1:1000) {
            p.boot <- sample(p, size = m, replace = TRUE)
            for (j in 1:length(lambda)) {
              pi0.boot[j] <- mean(p.boot > lambda[j])/(1 -
            mse <- mse + (pi0.boot - minpi0)^2
          pi0 <- min(pi0[mse == min(mse)])
          pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
        else {
          print("ERROR: 'pi0.method' must be one of 'smoother' or 'bootstrap'.")

    if (pi0 <= 0) {
        if (gui)
            eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: The estimated pi0 <= 0. Check that you have valid p-values or use another lambda method.",
                "\n"))), parent.frame())
        else print("ERROR: The estimated pi0 <= 0. Check that you have valid p-values or use another lambda method.")
    if (!is.null(fdr.level) && (fdr.level <= 0 || fdr.level >
        1)) {
        if (gui)
            eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: 'fdr.level' must be within (0, 1].",
                "\n"))), parent.frame())
        else print("ERROR: 'fdr.level' must be within (0, 1].")
    u <- order(p)
    qvalue.rank <- function(x) {
        idx <- sort.list(x)
        fc <- factor(x)
        nl <- length(levels(fc))
        bin <- as.integer(fc)
        tbl <- tabulate(bin)
        cs <- cumsum(tbl)
        tbl <- rep(cs, tbl)
        tbl[idx] <- tbl
    v <- qvalue.rank(p)
    qvalue <- pi0 * m * p/v
    if (robust) {
        qvalue <- pi0 * m * p/(v * (1 - (1 - p)^m))
    qvalue[u[m]] <- min(qvalue[u[m]], 1)
    for (i in (m - 1):1) {
        qvalue[u[i]] <- min(qvalue[u[i]], qvalue[u[i + 1]], 1)
    if (!is.null(fdr.level)) {
        retval <- list(call = match.call(), pi0 = pi0, qvalues = qvalue,
            pvalues = p, fdr.level = fdr.level, significant = (qvalue <=
                fdr.level), lambda = lambda)
    else {
        retval <- list(call = match.call(), pi0 = pi0, qvalues = qvalue,
            pvalues = p, lambda = lambda)
    class(retval) <- "qvalue"

qvalue.old <- function(p, alpha=NULL, lam=NULL, robust=F,pi0.known=FALSE,pi0.val=0.9)
    #This is a function for estimating the q-values for a given set of p-values. The
    #methodology comes from a series of recent papers on false discovery rates by John
    #D. Storey et al. See http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~storey/ for references to these
    #papers. This function was written by John D. Storey. Copyright 2002 by John D. Storey.
    #All rights are reserved and no responsibility is assumed for mistakes in or caused by
    #the program.
    #p: a vector of p-values (only necessary input)
    #alpha: a level at which to control the FDR (optional)
    #lam: the value of the tuning parameter to estimate pi0 (optional)
    #robust: an indicator of whether it is desired to make the estimate more robust
    #        for small p-values (optional)
    #remarks: tells the user what options were used, and gives any relevant warnings
    #pi0: an estimate of the proportion of null p-values
    #qvalues: a vector of the estimated q-values (the main quantity of interest)
    #pvalues: a vector of the original p-values
    #significant: if alpha is specified, and indicator of whether the q-value fell below alpha
    #    (taking all such q-values to be significant controls FDR at level alpha)

    #This is just some pre-processing
    m <- length(p)
    #These next few functions are the various ways to automatically choose lam
    #and estimate pi0
    if(!is.null(lam)) {
        pi0 <- mean(p>lam)/(1-lam)
        remark <- "The user prespecified lam in the calculation of pi0."
        remark <- "A smoothing method was used in the calculation of pi0."
        lam <- seq(0,0.95,0.01)
        pi0 <- rep(0,length(lam))
        for(i in 1:length(lam)) {
            pi0[i] <- mean(p>lam[i])/(1-lam[i])
        spi0 <- smooth.spline(lam,pi0,df=3,w=(1-lam))
        pi0 <- predict(spi0,x=0.95)$y

    # TG added, true pi0
        pi0 <- pi0.val


    #The q-values are actually calculated here
    u <- order(p)
    v <- rank(p)
    qvalue <- pi0*m*p/v
    if(robust) {
        qvalue <- pi0*m*p/(v*(1-(1-p)^m))
        remark <- c(remark, "The robust version of the q-value was calculated. See Storey JD (2002) JRSS-B 64: 479-498.")
    qvalue[u[m]] <- min(qvalue[u[m]],1)
    for(i in (m-1):1) {
        qvalue[u[i]] <- min(qvalue[u[i]],qvalue[u[i+1]],1)
    #Here the results are returned
    if(!is.null(alpha)) {
        list(remarks=remark, pi0=pi0, qvalue=qvalue, significant=(qvalue <= alpha), pvalue=p)
    else {
        list(remarks=remark, pi0=pi0, qvalue=qvalue, pvalue=p)

#' @import graphics
q.computations <- function(out, method=c("smoother","bootstrap")[2],

	qval.mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(out$pvalues),ncol=ncol(out$pvalues))
	qval.mat <- as.data.frame(qval.mat)
	rownames(qval.mat) <- rownames(out$pvalues)
	colnames(qval.mat) <- colnames(out$pvalues)

	for(i in 1:ncol(qval.mat)){
		pvalues <- out$pvalues[,i]
		estimate <- out$estimate[,i]

		#qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.95,by=0.01),robust=FALSE,pi0.known=pi0.known,pi0.val=pi0.val)
		#qval <- qobj$qvalues
		    qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.95,by=0.01),
		    qval <- qobj$qvalues
		##} else {
		##   qobj <- qvalue.old(pvalues,robust=robust,pi0.known=pi0.known,pi0.val=pi0.val)
		##    qval <- qobj$qvalue
		pi0 <- qobj$pi0
		qval.mat[,i] <- qval

		cnames <- colnames(out$pvalues)

		# Plots

			# Density histogram of p-values
		    hist(pvalues,main="",xlab="Density of observed p-values",ylab="",freq=FALSE,yaxt="n",ylim=c(0,5),cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
			axis(2,at = c(0,qobj$pi0,1,2,3,4),labels=c(0,round(qobj$pi0,2),1,2,3,4),las=2,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
			box(lty=1,col="black") 	# for a box around plot

			# Density histogram of estimate
			hist(estimate,main="",xlab="Density of observed statistic",ylab="",yaxt="n",freq=FALSE,ylim=c(0,5),cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
			axis(2,at = c(0,1,2,3,4),labels=c(0,1,2,3,4),las=2,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)

			# Plot of \hat \pi vs. \lambda

			# Plot of significant tests vs. q cut-off

q.interest <- function(qval.mat,alpha=0.15, criteria = c("more","less")[2]){

	interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(qval.mat),ncol=ncol(qval.mat))
	interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
	rownames(interest) <- rownames(qval.mat)
	colnames(interest) <- colnames(qval.mat)

	for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
		qval <- qval.mat[,i]

		if(criteria == "less"){
			ind <- which(qval <= alpha)
		} else {
			ind <- which(qval > alpha)
			interest[ind,i] <- 1

# Function to find minimum qvalues

minqval <- function(out,method=c("smoother","bootstrap")[2]){

    interest <- matrix(0,nrow=ncol(out$pvalues),ncol=1)
    interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
    rownames(interest) <- colnames(out$pvalues)

    for(i in 1:nrow(interest)){
        pvalues <- out$pvalues[,i]
        qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.90,by=0.01))
        #qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method)
        qval <- qobj$qvalues
        interest[i,] <- min(qval)

# Bonferonni-Holm Method #

bon.holm.interest <- function(pvalues,alpha=0.05){

    interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
    interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
    rownames(interest) <- rownames(pvalues)
    colnames(interest) <- colnames(pvalues)

    pval.adjust <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
    pval.adjust <- as.data.frame(pval.adjust)
    rownames(pval.adjust) <- rownames(pval.adjust)
    colnames(pval.adjust) <- colnames(pval.adjust)

    for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
        pval <- pvalues[,i]

        # adjust p-values using bonferroni-holm method
        pval.adjust[,i] <- p.adjust(pval,method="holm")

        ind <- which(pval.adjust[,i] <= alpha)

            interest[ind,i] <- 1

# Benjamini-Hochberg Method #
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
ben.hoch.interest <- function(pvalues,alpha=0.05,padjust.method="BH"){

  interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
  interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
  rownames(interest) <- rownames(pvalues)
  colnames(interest) <- colnames(pvalues)

  pval.adjust <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
  pval.adjust <- as.data.frame(pval.adjust)
  rownames(pval.adjust) <- rownames(pval.adjust)
  colnames(pval.adjust) <- colnames(pval.adjust)

  for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
    pval <- pvalues[,i]

    ## adjust p-values using Benjamini-Hochberg method
    pval.adjust[,i] <- stats::p.adjust(pval,method=padjust.method)

    ind <- which(pval.adjust[,i] <= alpha)

      interest[ind,i] <- 1

## weighted LASSO Approach ##

# function to standardize a vector x
make.std <- function(x){
	N <- length(x)
	( x-mean(x) ) / ( sd(as.vector(x)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) ) )

make.center <- function(x){

#' Compute weighted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param weights (m x 1) matrix that we use to multiply the m-covariates by.
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param yy (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{yy} contains the observed event times.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate will
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param XX (n by K) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and K=m if z is NULL,
#' and K= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param data.delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.lasso",
#' a plot of the penalized lasso criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @param delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{sig.variables:}{m-dimensional vector where the kth entry is 1 if x_k is selected to be
#'   in the model, and 0 if not.}
#'   \item \strong{sign.of.variables:}{m-dimensional vector where the kth entry is 1 if the coefficient in
#'   front of x_k is positive, and -1 if not.}
#'   \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta used in the penalized loss criterion.
#'   When \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the same as \code{delta}.
#'   When \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the resulting delta-value
#'   obtained from the k-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import glmnet
#' @import lars
weighted.lasso <- function(weights,weight_fn=function(x){x},yy,XX,z,data.delta,z.names,

    ## Set up the data ##
    y <- yy
    X <- XX

    N <- length(y)
    y1 <- y
    delta.out <- delta

    # Standardized design matrix X
    X1 <- apply(X,2,make.std)

    ## Transform the weights
    weights.use <- weight_fn(weights)

    # Get rid of small weights
    weights.use <- sapply(weights.use,function(u){max(0.0001,abs(u))})

    ## Be sure to include z
        wts <- c(1e-5,weights.use)
    } else {
        wts <- c(weights.use)


    X1 <- X1 %*% diag(1/wts)

        ## Linear Regression LASSO ##
        ## adjust use.Gram
            use.Gram <- FALSE
        } else {
            use.Gram <- TRUE

        ## Run Lasso
        wLasso.out <-  lasso.procedure(y1,X1)

        ##order.variables <- as.numeric(wLasso.out$actions)

            ## Computes the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error for lars, lasso, or forward stagewise.
            ## good implementation, mode="step"
            wLasso.cv <- cv.lars(X1, y1, type = c("lasso"), K = cv.folds,
                                 trace = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, intercept= FALSE,

            bestindex <- wLasso.cv$index[which.min(wLasso.cv$cv)]

            ## final best descriptive model
            s <- NULL
            predict.out <- lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1,s=bestindex, type = "coefficients", mode="step")
            delta.out <- delta

        } else if(penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss"){
            cv.out <- cv.delta(y1,X1,z.names,K=cv.folds,est.MSE=est.MSE,show.plots)
            predict.out <- cv.out$predict.out
            delta.out <- cv.out$delta
        } else if(penalty.choice=="penalized.loss"){
            tmp.out <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1,X1,z.names,
            predict.out <- tmp.out$predict.out
            delta.out <- delta

    } else {

        ## Cox Regression LASSO ##
            penalty <- c(0,rep(1,ncol(X1)-ncol(z)))
        } else {
            penalty <- rep(1,ncol(X1))
        ## Run Lasso
        ytmp <- cbind(time=y1,status=data.delta)
        colnames(ytmp) <- c("time","status")

            wLasso.cv <- cv.glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,penalty.factor=penalty)
            lambda.opt <- wLasso.cv$lambda.min

        } else if(penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss" | penalty.choice == "penalized.loss"){
            ## not used
            stop("This method is not implemented for the Cox model.")
        } else if(penalty.choice=="deviance.criterion"){
            wLasso.out <-  glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,penalty.factor=penalty)

            ## BIC/Deviance criterion: deviance + k*log(n)
            deviance <- stats::deviance(wLasso.out)
            p.min <- which.min(deviance + wLasso.out$df*log(N))
            lambda.opt <- wLasso.out$lambda[p.min]

        wLasso.fit <- glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,lambda=lambda.opt)
        ## final best descriptive model
        predict.out <- list(coefficients=wLasso.fit$beta)

    ## Report variables where the coefficient > 0 ##
    ind <- which(as.logical(abs(predict.out$coefficients)>1e-10))

    sig.variables <- rep(0,ncol(XX))
    sig.variables[ind] <- 1

    ## Report the sign of the coefficients  ##

    sign.of.variables <- rep(0,ncol(XX))
    ind.pos <- which(as.logical(predict.out$coefficients >0))
    sign.of.variables[ind.pos] <- 1

    ind.neg <- which(as.logical(predict.out$coefficients <0))
    sign.of.variables[ind.neg] <- -1


#' Wrapper function to store results for  weighted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param weights (m x 1) matrix that we use to multiply the m-covariates by.
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param response a list containing: yy and delta. yy is an (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times. delta is an (n by 1) matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate will
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param XX (n by K) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and K=m if z is NULL,
#' and K= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", a plot of the penalized
#' loss criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @param delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{interest:}{(m by 1) matrix where the kth entry is 1 if x_k is selected to be
#'   in the model, and 0 if not.}
#'   \item \strong{sign.interest:}{(m by 1) matrix where the kth entry is 1 if the coefficient in
#'   front of x_k is positive, and -1 if not.}
#'   \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta used in the penalized loss criterion.
#'   When \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the same as \code{delta}.
#'   When \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the resulting delta-value
#'   obtained from the k-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
weighted.lasso.computations <- function(weights,weight_fn=function(x){x},response,
    data.response <- response$yy
    data.delta <- response$delta

    interest <- matrix(0,nrow=ncol(XX),ncol=ncol(data.response))
    interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
    rownames(interest) <- colnames(XX)
    colnames(interest) <- colnames(data.response)

    interest.sign <- interest		# matrix to store sign of lasso coefficients

    delta.out <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(data.response))

    for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
        lasso.out <-  weighted.lasso(weights[,i],

        interest[,i] <- lasso.out$sig.variables
        interest.sign[,i] <- lasso.out$sign.of.variables

        delta.out[,i] <- lasso.out$delta.out


## Cross-Validation function to select delta in penalized loss criterion ##

#' Cross-validation function to select regularization parameter delta in the penalized loss criterion.
#' @param y1 (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable.
#' @param X1 (n by L) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and L=m if z is NULL,
#' and L= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param K scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", a plot of the penalized
#' loss criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{predict.out:}{output from LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).}
#'   \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta obtained from K-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
cv.delta <- function(y1,X1,z.names,K=10,est.MSE=c("est.var","step")[1],show.plots){
    ## sequence of delta values
    delta.cv <- seq(0.75,2,by=0.1)
    ##delta.cv <- seq(0.1,2,by=0.1)

    ## Randomly partition the data
    all.folds <- cv.folds(length(y1), K)

    ## Matrix to store residuals
    residmat <- matrix(0, length(delta.cv), K)

    for(j in seq(K)){
        ## data set to omit
        omit <- all.folds[[j]]

        ## Run Lasso with after removing omit data
        wLasso.out <- lasso.procedure(y1[-omit],X1[-omit,,drop=FALSE])$wLasso.out

        for(d in 1:length(delta.cv)){

            ## Find best-fitting model for specified delta
            beta.omit <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1[-omit],X1[-omit,,drop=FALSE],z.names,

            ## Find final fit with data omitted
            fit <- X1[omit,,drop=FALSE] %*% beta.omit$predict.out$coefficients

            ## Store residual
            residmat[d,j] <-  apply((y1[omit] - fit)^2, 2, sum)



    cv <- apply(residmat,1,mean)

    ## Check which delta's lead to min(cv)
    delta.ind <- which(cv==min(cv))
    delta.opt <- delta.cv[delta.ind]

    delta <- mean(delta.opt)		## takes average of delta values

    wLasso.out <- lasso.procedure(y1,X1)$wLasso.out
    predict.out <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1,X1,delta=delta,est.MSE=est.MSE,show.plots)$predict.out

#' @import lars
lasso.procedure <- function(y1,X1){

    ## adjust use.Gram
		use.Gram <- FALSE
	} else {
		use.Gram <- TRUE

	# Run Lasso
	wLasso.out <-  lars::lars(X1, y1, type = c("lasso"),
                trace = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, intercept = FALSE,use.Gram=use.Gram)


#' @importFrom lars predict.lars
penalized.loss.criterion <- function(wLasso.out,y1,X1,z.names,
    # Setup
    N <- length(y1)
    p <- ncol(X1)
    s <- length(wLasso.out$df)
    p.pos <- NULL
    RSS = NULL

    for (i in 1:s){
        RSS[i] = sum((y1-lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=i, type = c("fit"))$fit)**2)
        p.pre = lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=i, type = c("coefficients"))$coefficients
        p.pos = c(p.pos,length(p.pre[abs(p.pre)>0]))

    ## Get estimated MSE
    if(est.MSE=="est.var") {
        MSE <- sd(as.vector(y1)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) )
        MSE <- MSE^2
    } else {
        ## Get estimated MSE from best fit of forward stepwise regression with AIC as selection criterion
        X2 <- data.frame(X1)
        full.lm <- lm(y1~.,data=X2)
        start.fmla <- as.formula(paste("y1~-1+",z.names))
        start.lm <- lm(start.fmla,data=X2)

        lowest.step.forward <- step(lm(start.fmla, data=X2),
                                    list(lower=start.lm,upper=full.lm), direction='forward',trace=FALSE)

        MSE <- summary(lowest.step.forward)$sigma
        MSE <- summary(lowest.step.forward)$sigma^2

        if(MSE < 1e-5){
            MSE <-  sd(as.vector(y1)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) )
            MSE <- MSE^2

    p.min = which.min(RSS/MSE+delta*p.pos)

    ## final best descriptive model
    predict.out <- lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=p.min, type = c("coefficients"))

        ## Samuel's correction 11/9/2011
        par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+1)
                                                                                 list(that=delta)), xlab="Steps")


# Function to get R^2 value
get.R2 <- function(sig,XX,response){
    } else {
        Xtmp <- t(XX[which(sig==1),])
            X <- make.std(as.numeric(Xtmp))
        } else {
            X <- apply(Xtmp,2,make.std)

        y <- make.std(as.numeric(response))
        out <- summary(lm(y~X))
        R2 <- out$r.squared

## Exclusion-frequency weights ##

## Function to determine size of partitions ##

partition.size <- function(n,p,k){
    lo <- floor(p/k)
    hi <- ceiling(p/k)

    constraints <- c(lo,hi)

    ## We require that q_l < n for each l
    index <- which(constraints<n)

    if(length(index)< 2){
        stop("k too low")

    constraints <- constraints[index]

    ## Each q_l is such that : lo <= q_l <= hi
    #tmp <- t(matrix(rep(constraints,k),nrow=k,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))

    ## Determining different q_l values
    #combinations <- as.matrix(do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(tmp)))

    ## Determine which combinations are such that \sum q_l =p
    #combinations <- combinations[which(apply(combinations,1,sum)==p),]
    #groups <- as.vector(combinations[1,])

    combinations <- rep(floor(p/k),k)
        tmp.diff <- p-sum(combinations)
        combinations[1:tmp.diff] <- combinations[1:tmp.diff]+1
    groups <- combinations


## determine partition size without requiring q_l < n
partition.size.new <- function(p,k){
    lo <- floor(p/k)
    hi <- ceiling(p/k)

    constraints <- c(lo,hi)

    ## Each q_l is such that : lo <= q_l <= hi
    #tmp <- t(matrix(rep(constraints,k),nrow=k,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))

    ## Determining different q_l values
    #combinations <- as.matrix(do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(tmp)))

    ## Determine which combinations are such that \sum q_l =p
    #combinations <- combinations[which(apply(combinations,1,sum)==p),]
    #groups <- as.vector(combinations[1,])

    combinations <- rep(floor(p/k),k)
        tmp.diff <- p-sum(combinations)
        combinations[1:tmp.diff] <- combinations[1:tmp.diff]+1
    groups <- combinations


## Function to randomly partition data index ##
random.partition <- function(n,p,k){
    ## Size of each partition group
        size.groups <- partition.size(n,p,k)
    } else {
        size.groups <- rep(1,k)

    ## Name of each group
    names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")
    cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)

    ## Get random index
    rand.index <- split(sample(1:p, p), cut.by)


index.sort.partition <- function(n,k,beta.sort.ix,x.names){
    p <- length(beta.sort.ix)

    ## Size of each partition group
    size.groups <- partition.size(n,p,k)

    ## Name of each group
    names <- seq(1,k)
    index.sort <- rep(names, times = size.groups)

    names(index.sort) <- x.names[beta.sort.ix]


## get sizes of fixed covariates partition
fixed.size <- function(fixed.covariates,k){
    whole.groups <- floor(length(fixed.covariates)/k)
    group.size <- rep(whole.groups,k)

    tmp.diff <- abs(sum(group.size)-length(fixed.covariates))


## Function to ensure certain covariates are in each group, and the rest are randomly placed
fixed.plus.random.partition <- function(fixed.covariates,n,p,k){
    ## Size of each partition group: minus fixed.covariates
    size.groups <- partition.size(n,p-length(fixed.covariates),k)

    ## Name of each group
    names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")
    cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)

    ## Get all covariates that will be randomly sampled (i.e., remove fixed.covariates)
    all <- 1:p
    covariates.not.fixed <- all[!all%in%fixed.covariates]

    ## Get random index for covariates.not.fixed
    rand.index.covariates.not.fixed <- split(sample(covariates.not.fixed, length(covariates.not.fixed)), cut.by)

    ## Put fixed covariates back in
    fixed.cut.by <-rep(names,times=partition.size.new(length(fixed.covariates),k))
    fixed.covariates.partition <- split(fixed.covariates,fixed.cut.by)

    rand.index <- appendList(rand.index.covariates.not.fixed,fixed.covariates.partition)


## function to append lists
appendList <- function (x, val){
    stopifnot(is.list(x), is.list(val))
    xnames <- names(x)
    for (v in names(val)) {
        x[[v]] <- if (v %in% xnames && is.list(x[[v]]) && is.list(val[[v]]))
            appendList(x[[v]], val[[v]])
        else c(x[[v]], val[[v]])

## Ridge regresssion
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet cv.glmnet
ridge.regression <- function(XX,response,x.names){
    ## Center data
    X <- XX
    X <- apply(X,2,make.center)

    yy <- response$yy
    delta <- response$delta

        ## linear regression ##
        y <- yy
        ##y <- apply(y,2,make.center)
        family <- "gaussian"
        grouped <- FALSE
    } else {
        yy <- as.numeric(yy)
        delta <- as.numeric(delta)
        y <- cbind(time=yy,status=delta)
        colnames(y) <- c("time","status")
        family <- "cox"
        grouped <- TRUE

    ## Find optimal lambda value for ridge regression
    cv.out <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X,y,standardize=FALSE,family=family,alpha=0,grouped=grouped)
    lambda.opt <- cv.out$lambda.min

    ## Ridge regression
    ridge.out <- glmnet::glmnet(X,y,standardize=FALSE,family=family,alpha=0,lambda=lambda.opt)
    beta.values <- ridge.out$beta[x.names,]  ## only take beta values from variables that are subject to selection


## We partition based on ascending values of ridge regression estimates
ridge.sort.partition <- function(k,XX,response,x.names){
    ## Get parameter estimates from ridge regression
    beta.values <- ridge.regression(XX,response,x.names)

    ## Sort beta.values in decreasing order
    beta.sort <- sort(abs(beta.values),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)

    ## index of ordering
    beta.index <- beta.sort$ix

    ## Partition based on decreasing order
    rand.index <- sort.partition(beta.index,k)


## We partition based on sorting the ridge regression estimates
sort.partition <- function(beta.index,k){
    ## Name of each group
    names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")

    ## Get rand.index labels
    rand.index <- vector("list",length(names))
    names(rand.index) <- names

    ## Sort indices for each group
    tmp <-1
    size.groups <- NULL
    tmp.index <- NULL
    for(j in 1:k){
        indices <- seq(tmp,length(beta.index),by=k)
        size.groups <- c(size.groups,length(indices))
        tmp.index <- c(tmp.index,indices)
        tmp <- tmp + 1

    ## Put groups together
    cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)

    ## Get random index
    rand.index <- split(beta.index[tmp.index], cut.by)


## Function to do designed partitioning
## index.group : variable designating which variable belongs to which group
designed.partition <- function(index.group,k){
    cluster <- index.group

    ## Name of each group
    names_use <- paste0("group",seq(1,k))

    ## Get k-means partition of beta values
    rand.index <- vector("list",length(names_use))
    names(rand.index) <- names_use

    for(j in 1:k){
        cluster.tmp <- as.numeric(which(cluster==j))
        size.groups <- partition.size.new(length(cluster.tmp),k)
        cut.by <- rep(names_use, times = size.groups)
        rand.index.tmp <- split(sample(cluster.tmp,length(cluster.tmp)), cut.by)
        ##rand.index <- mapply(c,rand.index,rand.index.tmp,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
        rand.index <- appendList(rand.index,rand.index.tmp)

    ## Below won't work
    ##index.val <-1:length(index.group)
    ##mydf <- data.frame(index.val,index.group)
    ##rand.index <- vector("list",length(names))
    ##names(rand.index) <- names

    ##size.big.groups <- partition.size(n=ncol(XX),p=nrow(XX)-1,k=k)
    ##for(s in 1:k){
    ##  size.cluster <- partition.size.new(size.big.groups[s],k)
    ## tmp <- stratified(mydf,"index.group",size=size.cluster)
    ##  selected.group <- tmp[,"index.val"]
    ##  rand.index[[s]] <- selected.group

    ## Update mydf
    ## mydf <- mydf[-selected.group,]


columns.to.list <- function( df ) {

## Function to do step AIC on group subset
#' @import survival
#' @import stats
step.selection <- function(factor.z,index,XX,x.names,z.names,

    xnam.orig <- x.names[index]

        xnam <- c(paste0("factor(",z.names,")"),xnam.orig)
    } else {
        xnam <- c(z.names,xnam.orig)

    yy <- response$yy
    delta <- response$delta

        ## linear regression ##
        mydata <- data.frame(yy,XX)
        fmla <- as.formula(paste("yy~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
        fit <- lm(fmla,data=mydata)
    } else {
        ## survival regression ##
        X <- data.frame(XX)
        tmp.list <- columns.to.list(X)
        mydata <- list(time=as.numeric(yy),status=as.numeric(delta))
        mydata <- appendList(mydata,tmp.list)
        fmla <- as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status)~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
        fit <- survival::coxph(fmla,data=mydata)

        deg.free <- 2
    } else {
        deg.free <- log(length(yy))

        lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~ factor(",z.names,")"))
    } else {
        lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~",z.names))

    step.reg <- stats::step(fit,k=deg.free,direction=direction,
                            scope = list(lower = lower.fmla),trace=FALSE,data=mydata)

    ## XX selected
    results <- intersect(names(step.reg$coefficients),xnam.orig)

    ## Store results
    out <- data.frame(rep(0,length(x.names)))
    rownames(out) <- x.names
    colnames(out) <- "results"
    out[xnam.orig,] <- as.numeric(!xnam.orig%in%results)

## Function to do step AIC on group subset
step.selection.inclusion <- function(factor.z,index,XX,x.names,z.names,

    xnam.orig <- x.names[index]

        xnam <- c(paste0("factor(",z.names,")"),xnam.orig)
    } else {
        xnam <- c(z.names,xnam.orig)

    yy <- response$yy
    delta <- response$delta

        ## linear regression ##
        mydata <- data.frame(yy,XX)
        fmla <- as.formula(paste("yy~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
        fit <- lm(fmla,data=mydata)
    } else {
        ## survival regression ##
        X <- data.frame(XX)
        tmp.list <- columns.to.list(X)
        mydata <- list(time=as.numeric(yy),status=as.numeric(delta))
        mydata <- appendList(mydata,tmp.list)
        fmla <- as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status)~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
        fit <- survival::coxph(fmla,data=mydata)

        deg.free <- 2
    } else {
        deg.free <- log(length(yy))

        lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~ factor(",z.names,")"))
    } else {
        lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~",z.names))

    step.reg <- stats::step(fit,k=deg.free,direction=direction,
                            scope = list(lower = lower.fmla),trace=FALSE,data=mydata)

    ## XX selected
    results <- intersect(names(step.reg$coefficients),xnam.orig)

    ## Store results
    out <- data.frame(rep(0,length(x.names)))
    rownames(out) <- x.names
    colnames(out) <- "results"

    out[xnam,] <- as.numeric(xnam%in%results)
rakheon/d2wlasso documentation built on Feb. 26, 2020, 10:39 p.m.