## Functions for the main method
#' Weigted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param x (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate should
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param cox.delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param weight.type Character value denoting which weights to be used for the weighted lasso, where each covariate in \code{x}
#' is multiplied by a scalar weight. Options include
#' \itemize{
#' \item{one:}{The scalar weight is one.}
#' \item{corr.estimate:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Pearson correlation between
#' \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{y}. }
#' \item{corr.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the p-value of the coefficient of
#' \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{x_j} }
#' \item{corr.bh.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Benjanmini-Hocbherg adjusted p-value
#' from \code{corr.pvalue}.}
#' \item{corr.qvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the q-value transform of the p-value
#' from \code{corr.pvalue}.}
#' \item{corr.tstat:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the t-statistic associated with testing
#' the significance of \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{x_j}.}
#' \item{parcor.estimate:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the partial correlation between
#' \eqn{x_j} and \eqn{y} after adjustment for \eqn{z}. }
#' \item{parcor.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the p-value of the coefficient of
#' \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{z} and \eqn{x_j} }
#' \item{parcor.bh.pvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the Benjanmini-Hocbherg adjusted p-value
#' from \code{parcor.pvalue}.}
#' \item{parcor.qvalue:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the q-value transform of the p-value
#' from \code{parcor.pvalue}.}
#' \item{parcor.tstat:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is the t-statistic associated with testing
#' the significance of \eqn{x_j} in the regression of \eqn{y} on \eqn{z} and \eqn{x_j}.}
#' \item{exfrequency.random.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#' The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we first partition the covariates into \code{k.split}
#' random groups, and we apply a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#' set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#' excluded from the final model. We repeat
#' this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#' \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#' \item{exfrequency.random.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#' as in exfrequency.random.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#' is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#' \item{exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#' The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#' obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#' We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#' groups using a K-means criterion on the ridge regression coefficients, and we applied
#' a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#' set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#' excluded from the final model. We repeat
#' this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#' \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#' \item{exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#' as in exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#' is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#' \item{exfrequency.kquartile.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#' The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#' obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#' We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#' groups using k-quantiles of the ridge regression coefficients, and we applied a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#' set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#' excluded from the final model. We repeat
#' this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#' \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#' \item{exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#' as in exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#' is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#' \item{exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is an exclusion frequency.
#' The exclusion frequency is obtained as follows: we apply ridge regression of the response on all covariates and
#' obtain ridge regression coefficients for each covariate.
#' We then partitioned the covariates into \code{k.split}
#' groups by first ordering the ridge regression coefficients in descending order
#' and splitting them into \code{k.split} groups. We then applied a stepwise linear/Cox regression of the response on each partition
#' set of covariate. The final model is selected using an AIC criterion, and we track if \eqn{x_j} is
#' excluded from the final model. We repeat
#' this procedure \code{nboot} times and the exclusion frequency is the average number of times
#' \eqn{x_j} is excluded.}
#' \item{exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic:}{The scalar weight for covariate \eqn{x_j} is computed
#' as in exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic, except that the final model within each stepwise regression
#' is selected using a BIC criterion.}
#' }
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue", "corr.qvalue",
#' "parcor.pvalue","parcor.bh.pvalue","parcor.qvalue". If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param q_opt_tuning_method character indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' Options are "bootstrap" or "smoother" to specify how the optimal tuning parameter is obtained when computing
#' q-values from Storey and Tibshirani (2003). Default is "smoother" (smoothing spline).
#' @param robust logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' If TRUE, q-values computed as in Storey and Tibshirani (2003)
#' are robust for small p-values.
#' @param pi0.known logical indicator used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' If TRUE, when computing q-values, the estimate of the
#' true proportion of the null hypothesis is set to the value of pi0.val given by the user.
#' If FALSE, the estimate of the true proportion of the null hypothesis is
#' computed by bootstrap or smoothing spline as proposed in Storey and Tibshirani (2003). Default is FALSE.
#' @param pi0.val scalar used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' A user supplied estimate of the true proportion of the null hypothesis. Used only when pi0.known is TRUE. Default is 0.9.
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. When \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue",
#' \code{show.plots} refers to figures associated with q-value computations as proposed in Storey
#' and Tibshirani (2003). If \code{show.plots} is TRUE, we display the density histogram of original p-values,
#' density histogram of the q-values, scatter plot of \eqn{\hat\pi} versus \eqn{\lambda} in the
#' computation of q-values, and scatter plot of significant tests versus q-value cut-off. When
#' \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{show.plots} refers to plots associated with the
#' penalized loss criterion. If TRUE, a plot of the penalized loss criterion
#' versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004) is displayed. Default of
#' \code{show.plots} is FALSE.
#' @param qval.alpha scalar value used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.qvalue" or "parcor.qvalue".
#' The choice of \code{qval.alpha} indicates the cut-off for q-values used to obtain the result \code{threshold.selection}
#' The result \code{threshold.selection} contains all covariates for which their q-value is less than \code{qval.alpha}.
#' @param alpha.bh scalar value used when \code{weight.type} is "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue",
#' "parcor.pvalue", "parcor.bh.pvalue".
#' The choice of \code{alpha.bh} indicates the cut-off for p-values
#' used to obtain the result in \code{threshold.selection}.
#' The result \code{threshold.selection} contains all covariates for which their
#' p-value is less than \code{alpha.bh}.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param penalized.loss.delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @param mult.cv.folds scalar denoting the number of times we repeat the cross-validation procedures
#' of \code{penalty.choice} being "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 0.
#' @param nboot scalar denoting the number of bootstrap samples obtained for exclusion frequency weights when
#' \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic".
#' Default is 100.
#' @param k.split scalar that indicates the number of partitions used to compute the exclusion frequency weights
#' when \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic". Default is 4.
#' @param step.direction character that indicates the direction of stepwise regression used to compute the exclusion frequency weights
#' when \code{weight.type} is "exfrequency.random.partition.aic", "exfrequency.random.partition.bic",
#' "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic", "exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic","exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",
#' "exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.bic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic","exfrequency.ksorted.partition.bic".
#' One of "both", "forward" or "backward". Default is "backward".
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{weights:} {weights used in the weighted Lasso. Weights computed depend on \code{weight.type} selected.}
#' \item \strong{weighted.lasso.results:} {variable selection results from the LASSO when the covariates
#' are multiplied by weights as specified by \code{weight.type}.}
#' \item \strong{threshold.selection:} {variable selection results when weights are below a specified threshold.
#' Results are reported only when \code{weight.type} are "corr.pvalue","corr.bh.pvalue",
#' "corr.qvalue","parcor.pvalue","parcor.bh.pvalue","parcor.qvalue".}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] - 2*x[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' dwl0 = d2wlasso(x,z,y)
#' dwl1 = d2wlasso(x,z=NULL,y,weight.type="corr.pvalue")
#' dwl2 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.qvalue")
#' dwl3 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.bh.pvalue")
#' dwl4 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="parcor.qvalue",mult.cv.folds=100)
#' dwl5 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.random.partition.aic")
#' dwl6 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic")
#' dwl7 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic")
#' dwl8 = d2wlasso(x,z,y,weight.type="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic")
#' ## Cox model
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(exp(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] - 2*x[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 2)), 100)
#' cox.delta = matrix(1,nrow=length(y),ncol=1)
#' dwl0.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl1.cox = d2wlasso(x,z=NULL,y,cox.delta,
#' regression.type="cox",weight.type="corr.pvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl2.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#' regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.qvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl3.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#' regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.bh.pvalue",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl4.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,
#' regression.type="cox",weight.type="parcor.qvalue",
#' mult.cv.folds=100,penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl5.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#' weight.type="exfrequency.random.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl6.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#' weight.type="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl7.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#' weight.type="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
#' dwl8.cox = d2wlasso(x,z,y,cox.delta,regression.type="cox",
#' weight.type="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic",penalty.choice="cv.mse")
d2wlasso <- function(x,z,y,cox.delta=NULL,
## WARNING Messages ##
if(pi0.known==TRUE & is.null(pi0.val)){
stop("User must provide pi0.val if pi0.known is TRUE.")
stop("x must be a n x m matrix.")
if(!is.matrix(z) | ncol(z)>1){
stop("z must be a n x 1 matrix.")
if(!is.matrix(y) | ncol(y)>1){
stop("y must be a n x 1 matrix.")
# Store the dimensions of x, z ##
n <- nrow(x)
m <- ncol(x)
m0 <- ncol(z)
} else {
m0 <- 0
# arranging input data ##
XX <- cbind(z, x)
} else {
XX <- x
## allocate names to X
colnames_use <- NULL
colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,"Fixed")
colnames(z) <- "Fixed"
} else {
colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,colnames(z))
colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,paste0("X_",seq(1,m)))
colnames(x) <- paste0("X_",seq(1,m))
} else {
colnames_use <- c(colnames_use,colnames(x))
z.names <- colnames(z)
x.names <- colnames(x)
colnames(XX) <- colnames_use
## allocate names to y
colnames(y) <- paste0("y",1:ncol(y))
if (regression.type=="linear"){
response <- list(yy=y,delta=NULL)
} else if (length(cox.delta)!=length(y)){
stop("length of y should be equal to length of cox.delta")
} else {
response <- list(yy=y,delta=cox.delta)
## Determine number of covariates and covariate names ##
number.of.covariates <- m0+m
covariate.names <- colnames(XX)
## ##
## ##
## ##
## ##
## For some weights, we can apply a threshold to determine if a covariate should be included or not.
threshold.selection <- NULL
## Unit weights
weights <- matrix(1,nrow=m,ncol=ncol(response$yy))
} else if(weight.type=="corr.estimate" |
weight.type=="corr.pvalue" |
weight.type=="corr.bh.pvalue" |
## compute correlation of x and y ##
cor.out <- correlations(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=FALSE,ttest.pvalue=ttest.pvalue,
## Extract the weights ##
## t-values with \beta_k in y= \beta_k * x_k
weights <- cor.out$tvalues
} else if(weight.type=="corr.pvalue"){
## p-values with \beta_k in y= \beta_k * x_k
weights <- cor.out$pvalues
benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(weights,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="none")
threshold.selection <- benhoch.results$interest
## we ignore z
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)
} else if(weight.type=="corr.estimate"){
## correlation between y and x_k
weights <- cor.out$estimate
} else if(weight.type=="corr.bh.pvalue"){
## Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values from y=z + \beta_k * x_k
benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(cor.out$pvalues,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="BH")
weights <- benhoch.results$pval.adjust
threshold.selection <- benhoch.results$interest
## we ignore z
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)
} else if(weight.type=="corr.qvalue"){
## Results for testing if a x_k has an effect on y, but NOT
## accounting for z
## That is, we test : H_0 : \beta_{x_k}=0
qvalues.results <- q.computations(cor.out, method=q_opt_tuning_method,
weights <- qvalues.results$qval.mat
threshold.selection <- q.interest(weights,alpha=qval.alpha,criteria="less")
threshold.selection <- threshold.selection$interest
## we ignore z
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=0,threshold.selection)
} else if(weight.type=="parcor.estimate" |
weight.type=="parcor.pvalue" |
weight.type=="parcor.bh.pvalue" |
## compute partial correlation of x and y after adjusting for z ##
parcor.out <- correlations(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=TRUE,ttest.pvalue=ttest.pvalue,
## Extract the weights ##
## t-values with \beta_k in y=z + \beta_k * x_k
weights <- parcor.out$tvalues
} else if(weight.type=="parcor.pvalue"){
## p-values with \beta_k in y=z + \beta_k * x_k
weights <- parcor.out$pvalues
benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(weights,alpha=alpha.bh,padjust.method="none")
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,benhoch.results$interest)
} else if(weight.type=="parcor.estimate"){
## partial correlations
weights <- parcor.out$estimate
} else if(weight.type=="parcor.bh.pvalue"){
## Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-values from y=z + \beta_k * x_k
benhoch.results <- ben.hoch.interest(parcor.out$pvalues,alpha=alpha.bh)
weights <- benhoch.results$pval.adjust
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,benhoch.results$interest)
} else if(weight.type=="parcor.qvalue"){
## Results for testing if a microbe has an effect on phenotype, but AFTER
## accounting for diet
## That is, we test : H_0 : \beta_{x_j|z}=0
# compute q-value as used by JD Storey with some adjustments made
qvalues.results <- q.computations(parcor.out,method=q_opt_tuning_method,
weights <- qvalues.results$qval.mat
threshold.selection <- q.interest(weights,alpha=qval.alpha,criteria="less")
threshold.selection <- rbind(z=1,threshold.selection$interest)
} else {
warning("Your choice of weight.type requires z to be non-NULL.")
} else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.bic" |
weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic" |
step.type <- NULL
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
step.type <- "AIC"
} else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.bic" |
weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.bic" |
step.type <- "BIC"
## Set up storage for bootstrap results ##
tmp2.store <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = m, ncol = nboot,
dimnames = list(x.names,
weight.boot <- tmp2.store
## Compute intermediary quantities ##
## Get parameter estimates from ridge regression
beta.values <- ridge.regression(XX,response,x.names)
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
## K-means clustering
kmeans.out <- stats::kmeans(beta.values,centers=k.split,iter.max=100)
index.group.kmeans <- kmeans.out$cluster
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |
## K-quart clustering
index.group.kquart <- cut(beta.values, breaks=quantile(beta.values,
probs=seq(0,1, by=1/k.split)),include.lowest=TRUE)
index.group.kquart <- as.numeric(factor(index.group.kquart, labels=1:k.split))
## K-sort clustering
beta.sort <- sort(abs(beta.values),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
sort.beta.index <- beta.sort$ix
## index of ordering
index.group.sort <- index.sort.partition(n=nrow(XX),k=k.split,sort.beta.index,x.names)
for(b in 1:nboot){
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
## Randomly partition the index
rand.index <- random.partition(n=nrow(XX),p=m,k=k.split)
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
## Partition the index using k-means
kmeans.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.kmeans,k=k.split)
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |
## Partition the index using k-quartile
kquart.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.kquart,k=k.split)
## Partition the index using k-quartile
sort.rand.index <- designed.partition(index.group.sort,k=k.split)
## Measures how often the largest beta from ridge regression is in the true,
## non-zero beta coefficients
#beta.index.sort[sort.beta.index[1]+1,j] <- as.numeric(sort.beta.index[1]%in%fixed.covariates)
## Apply stepwise AIC to each group
for(l in 1:k.split){
if(weight.type=="exfrequency.random.partition.aic" |
## Random partitioning
index <- as.numeric(unlist(rand.index[l]))
} else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kmeans.partition.aic" |
index <- as.numeric(unlist(kmeans.rand.index[l]))
} else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.kquartiles.partition.aic" |
index <- as.numeric(unlist(kquart.rand.index[l]))
} else if(weight.type=="exfrequency.ksorted.partition.aic"|
index <- as.numeric(unlist(sort.rand.index[l]))
weight.boot[,b] <- weight.boot[,b] +
weights <- apply(weight.boot,1,sum)/nboot
weights <- data.frame(weights)
## Change rownames of weights ##
rownames(weights) <- x.names
## ##
## ##
## ##
## ##
if(mult.cv.folds > 0 & (penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss" | penalty.choice=="cv.mse")){
lasso.w <-0
for(v in 1:mult.cv.folds){
lasso.w.tmp <- weighted.lasso.computations(weights,weight_fn,response,
lasso.w <- lasso.w + as.matrix(lasso.w.tmp$interest)
weighted.lasso.results <- lasso.w
} else {
lasso.w <- weighted.lasso.computations(weights,weight_fn,response,
weighted.lasso.results <- as.matrix(lasso.w$interest)
## Functions to get a sample weight function ##
#' Weight function examples
#' Returns possible weight functions that can be used in d2wlasso.
#' @param weight_fn_type character indicating type of function to return.
#' @return a function that can be applied to a scalar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' weight_fn <- get.weight.fn("sqrt") # return f(x)=sqrt(x)
get.weight.fn <- function(weight_fn_type=c("identity","sqrt","inverse_abs","square")[1]){
## Weight functions
out <- function(x){
} else if(weight_fn_type=="sqrt"){
out <- function(x){
} else if(weight_fn_type=="inverse_abs"){
out <- function(x){
} else if(weight_fn_type=="square"){
out <- function(x){
## Function for making data frames for storing results ##
#' Matrix to store results for covariates x and vector response y.
#' Forms a matrix that will be used to store regression results of response y on covariates x.
#' @param XX (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param yy (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable.
#' @return (m by 1) matrix of zeroes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xx = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' colnames(xx) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(xx))
#' yy = matrix(2*xx[,1] - 2*xx[,2] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(yy) <- "y"
#' store.xy(xx,yy)
store.xy <- function(XX,yy){
out <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,nrow=ncol(XX),ncol=ncol(yy)))
rownames(out) <- colnames(XX)
colnames(out) <- colnames(yy)
#' Matrix to store results for covariates x.
#' Forms a matrix that will be used to store regression results of response y on covariates x.
#' @param XX (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @return (m by 1) matrix of zeroes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' xx = matrix(rnorm(100*5, 0, 1),100,5)
#' colnames(xx) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(xx))
#' store.x(xx)
store.x <- function(XX){
out <- as.data.frame(rep(0,ncol(XX)))
rownames(out) <- colnames(XX)
## Functions to get partial correlation and its p-value #
#' Pearson correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' @param x (n by 1) matrix corresponding to a covariate vector where n is the sample size.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param method character indicating the type of correlation to compute. Default if "pearson"
#' @param alternative character indicating whether the p-value is computed using one-sided or two-sided
#' testing. Default is "two-sided".
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{p.value:}{p-value of the coefficient of x in the regression of y on x.}
#' \item \strong{estimate:}{Pearson correlation between x and y.}
#' \item \strong{t.stat:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x in the regression
#' of y on x.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1),100,1)
#' colnames(x) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(x))
#' y = matrix(2*x[,1]+ rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(y) <- "y"
#' delta <- NULL
#' output <- corr.pvalue(x,y,delta,regression.type="linear")
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom survival coxph Surv
corr.pvalue <- function(x,y,delta,method="pearson",
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
delta.use <- as.numeric(delta)
out <- stats::cor.test(x,y,alternative=alternative,method=method,na.action=na.omit)
estimate <- out$estimate
} else {
estimate <- 0
if(ttest.pvalue==FALSE & regression.type=="linear"){
p.value <- out$p.value
} else {
y1 <- y
x1 <- x
delta1 <- delta.use
## linear regression ##
summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1~ x1))
p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|t|)"]
t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","t value"]
##summary.out <- summary(lm(y~x))
##p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x","Pr(>|t|)"]
} else {
## survival regression ##
survival.data <- list(time=y1,status=delta1,x1=x1)
summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ x1,data=survival.data))
p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|z|)"]
t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","z"]
#' Partial correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' after adjustment for a covariate z.
#' @param x (n by 1) matrix corresponding to a covariate vector where n is the sample size.
#' @param y (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param method character indicating the type of correlation to compute. Default if "pearson"
#' @param alternative character indicating whether the p-value is computed using one-sided or two-sided
#' testing. Default is "two-sided".
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{p.value:}{p-value of the coefficient of x in the regression of y on x and z.}
#' \item \strong{estimate:}{Partial correlation between x and y after adjustment for z.}
#' \item \strong{t.stat:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x in the regression
#' of y on x and z.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = matrix(rnorm(100, 0, 1),100,1)
#' colnames(x) <- paste0("X",1:ncol(x))
#' z = matrix(rbinom(100, 1, 0.5),100,1)
#' y = matrix(z[,1] + 2*x[,1] + rnorm(100, 0, 1), 100)
#' colnames(y) <- "y"
#' delta <- NULL
#' output <- parcorr.pvalue(factor.z=TRUE,x,y,z,delta,regression.type="linear")
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom survival coxph Surv
parcorr.pvalue <- function(factor.z,x,y,z,delta=NULL,method="pearson",alternative="two.sided",ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type){
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
z <- as.numeric(z)
delta.use <- as.numeric(delta)
xres <- residuals(stats::lm(x~factor(z)))
yres <- residuals(stats::lm(y~factor(z)))
} else {
xres <- residuals(stats::lm(x~z))
yres <- residuals(stats::lm(y~z))
out <- corr.pvalue(xres,yres,delta.use,method,alternative,ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type=regression.type)
estimate <- out$estimate
} else {
estimate <- 0
if(ttest.pvalue==FALSE & regression.type=="linear"){
p.value <- out$p.value
t.stat <- NULL
} else {
y1 <- y
x1 <- x
delta1 <- delta.use
## linear regression ##
summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1 ~ factor(z) + x1)) ## may have to change due to nature of z!!
} else {
summary.out <- summary(stats::lm(y1 ~ z + x1)) ## may have to change due to nature of z!!
p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|t|)"]
t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","t value"]
## Or using reduced sum of squares:
##model.full <- lm(y1~z + x1)
##model.red <- lm(y1~z)
##anova.out <- anova(model.full,model.red)
##p.value <- anova.out[-1,"Pr(>F)"]
##summary.out <- summary(lm(y ~ z + x))
##p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x","Pr(>|t|)"]
} else {
## survival regression ##
survival.data <- list(time=y1,status=delta1,z=z,x1=x1)
summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ factor(z) + x1,
} else{
summary.out <- summary(survival::coxph(survival::Surv(time,status)~ z + x1,
p.value <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","Pr(>|z|)"]
t.stat <- summary.out$coefficients["x1","z"]
#' Correlation, p-value and t-statistic associated with the regression between response y and a covariate x
#' after potential adjustment for a covariate z.
#' @param x (n by m) matrix of main covariates where m is the number of covariates and n is the sample size.
#' @param response a list containing: yy and delta. yy is an (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times. delta is an (n by 1) matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. Can be NULL.
#' @param factor.z logical. If TRUE, the fixed variable z is a factor variable.
#' @param regression.type a character indicator that is either "linear" for linear regression
#' or "cox" for Cox proportional hazards regression. Default is "linear".
#' @param partial logical indicator. If TRUE, the partial correlation is computed between the response
#' and each covariate in x after adjustment for z. If FALSE, the correlation is computed between the
#' response and each covariate in x.
#' @param ttest.pvalue logical indicator. If TRUE, p-value for each covariate is computed from univariate
#' linear/cox regression of the response on each covariate. If FALSE, the
#' p-value is computed from correlation coefficients between the response and each covariate.
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{pvalues:}{p-values for each x_k in the regression of y on x_k when \code{partial}=FALSE. Otherwise,
#' p-values for each x_k in the regression of y on x_k and z when \code{partial}=TRUE.}
#' \item \strong{estimate:}{Correlation between x_k and y when \code{partial}=FALSE.
#' Otherwise, \code{estimate} is the partial correlation between x_k and y after adjustment for z
#' when \code{partial} is TRUE.}
#' \item \strong{tvalues:}{t-statistic with testing the significance of x_k in the regression
#' of y on x_k and z when \code{partial} is TRUE. Otherwise it is the t-statistic when testing the
#' significance of x_k in the regression of y on x_k when \code{partial} is FALSE.}
#' }
#' @export
correlations <- function(factor.z,x,z,response,partial=FALSE,ttest.pvalue=FALSE,regression.type){
## Formatting data
data.response <- response$yy
data.delta <- response$delta
data.XX <- x
data.z <- z
# Setting up matrices to store Pearson correlations and p-values
correlation <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)
pvalues <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)
tvalues <- store.xy(data.XX,data.response)
# Computing pearson correlations and p-values
for (i in 1: ncol(data.XX)) {
for(j in 1:ncol(data.response)) {
tmp <- parcorr.pvalue(factor.z=factor.z,x=data.XX[,i],y=data.response[,j],
} else {
tmp <- corr.pvalue(x=data.XX[,i],y=data.response[,j],delta=data.delta[,j],
correlation[i,j] <- tmp$estimate
pvalues[i,j] <- tmp$p.value
tvalues[i,j] <- tmp$t.stat
list(estimate = correlation, pvalues = pvalues,tvalues=tvalues)
# Function to get F-test statistics and p-values #
fstat.pvalue <- function(factor.z,x,z){
z <- factor(as.numeric(z))
} else {
z <- as.numeric(z)
x <- as.numeric(x)
# Assuming variances in both diet groups are different
result <- t.test(x ~ z)
stat <- result$statistic
p.value <- result$p.value
# Fstat <- NA
# p.value <- 1
return(list(Fstat = stat, p.value = p.value))
ftests <- function(factor.z,x,z){
# Formatting data
data.z <- z
data.XX <- x
# Setting up matrices to store F-statistics and p-values
fstat <- store.x(data.XX)
pvalues <- store.x(data.XX)
# Computing pearson correlations and p-values
for (i in 1: ncol(data.XX)) {
tmp <- fstat.pvalue(factor.z,data.XX[,i],z)
fstat[i,] <- tmp$Fstat
pvalues[i,] <- tmp$p.value
return(list(estimate = fstat, pvalues = pvalues))
# Qvalues function #
# modification of qplot so as to get individual plots
qplot2 <- function (qobj, rng = c(0, 0.1), smooth.df = 3, smooth.log.pi0 = FALSE, whichplot=1)
q2 <- qobj$qval[order(qobj$pval)]
if (min(q2) > rng[2]) {
rng <- c(min(q2), quantile(q2, 0.1))
p2 <- qobj$pval[order(qobj$pval)]
#par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
lambda <- qobj$lambda
if (length(lambda) == 1) {
lambda <- seq(0, max(0.9, lambda), 0.05)
pi0 <- rep(0, length(lambda))
for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
pi0[i] <- mean(p2 > lambda[i])/(1 - lambda[i])
if (smooth.log.pi0)
pi0 <- log(pi0)
spi0 <- smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df)
if (smooth.log.pi0) {
pi0 <- exp(pi0)
spi0$y <- exp(spi0$y)
pi00 <- round(qobj$pi0, 3)
#TG change, 02/07/2012 ("gamma" is lambda in manuscript)
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+1)
plot(lambda, pi0, xlab = expression(gamma), ylab = expression(hat(pi)(gamma)),pch=19,cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5)
mtext(substitute(hat(pi) == that, list(that = pi00)),cex=2)
} else if (whichplot==2){
plot(p2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <= rng[2]], q2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <=
rng[2]], type = "l", xlab = "p-value", ylab = "q-value")
} else if (whichplot==3){
plot(q2[q2 >= rng[1] & q2 <= rng[2]], (1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <=
rng[2]), type = "l", xlab = "q-value cut-off", ylab = "Number of significant XX",cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5)
} else if (whichplot==4){
plot((1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <= rng[2]), q2[q2 >= rng[1] &
q2 <= rng[2]] * (1 + sum(q2 < rng[1])):sum(q2 <= rng[2]),
type = "l", xlab = "significant tests", ylab = "expected false positives")
#par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
## qvalue.adj. is as used by JD Storey with some adjustments made ##
qvalue.adj<-function (p = NULL, lambda = seq(0, 0.9, 0.05), pi0.method = "smoother",
fdr.level = NULL, robust = FALSE, gui = FALSE, smooth.df = 3,
smooth.log.pi0 = FALSE,pi0.known=FALSE,pi0.val=0.9)
if (is.null(p)) {
return("Launching point-and-click...")
if (gui & !interactive())
gui = FALSE
if (min(p) < 0 || max(p) > 1) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: p-values not in valid range.",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: p-values not in valid range.")
if (length(lambda) > 1 && length(lambda) < 4) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: If length of lambda greater than 1, you need at least 4 values.",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: If length of lambda greater than 1, you need at least 4 values.")
if (length(lambda) > 1 && (min(lambda) < 0 || max(lambda) >=
1)) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).")
m <- length(p)
if (length(lambda) == 1) {
if (lambda < 0 || lambda >= 1) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: Lambda must be within [0, 1).")
pi0 <- mean(p >= lambda)/(1 - lambda)
pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
else {
# TG added pi0.known option
pi0 <- pi0.val
} else {
pi0 <- rep(0, length(lambda))
for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
pi0[i] <- mean(p >= lambda[i])/(1 - lambda[i])
# TG change: Remove any pi0 which have entry 0, and adjust lambda values
ind.zero <- which(pi0==0)
pi0 <- pi0[-ind.zero]
lambda <- lambda[-ind.zero]
if (pi0.method == "smoother") {
if (smooth.log.pi0)
pi0 <- log(pi0)
spi0 <- smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df)
pi0 <- predict(spi0, x = max(lambda))$y
if (smooth.log.pi0)
pi0 <- exp(pi0)
pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
else if (pi0.method == "bootstrap") {
minpi0 <- min(pi0)
mse <- rep(0, length(lambda))
pi0.boot <- rep(0, length(lambda))
for (i in 1:1000) {
p.boot <- sample(p, size = m, replace = TRUE)
for (j in 1:length(lambda)) {
pi0.boot[j] <- mean(p.boot > lambda[j])/(1 -
mse <- mse + (pi0.boot - minpi0)^2
pi0 <- min(pi0[mse == min(mse)])
pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)
else {
print("ERROR: 'pi0.method' must be one of 'smoother' or 'bootstrap'.")
if (pi0 <= 0) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: The estimated pi0 <= 0. Check that you have valid p-values or use another lambda method.",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: The estimated pi0 <= 0. Check that you have valid p-values or use another lambda method.")
if (!is.null(fdr.level) && (fdr.level <= 0 || fdr.level >
1)) {
if (gui)
eval(expression(postMsg(paste("ERROR: 'fdr.level' must be within (0, 1].",
"\n"))), parent.frame())
else print("ERROR: 'fdr.level' must be within (0, 1].")
u <- order(p)
qvalue.rank <- function(x) {
idx <- sort.list(x)
fc <- factor(x)
nl <- length(levels(fc))
bin <- as.integer(fc)
tbl <- tabulate(bin)
cs <- cumsum(tbl)
tbl <- rep(cs, tbl)
tbl[idx] <- tbl
v <- qvalue.rank(p)
qvalue <- pi0 * m * p/v
if (robust) {
qvalue <- pi0 * m * p/(v * (1 - (1 - p)^m))
qvalue[u[m]] <- min(qvalue[u[m]], 1)
for (i in (m - 1):1) {
qvalue[u[i]] <- min(qvalue[u[i]], qvalue[u[i + 1]], 1)
if (!is.null(fdr.level)) {
retval <- list(call = match.call(), pi0 = pi0, qvalues = qvalue,
pvalues = p, fdr.level = fdr.level, significant = (qvalue <=
fdr.level), lambda = lambda)
else {
retval <- list(call = match.call(), pi0 = pi0, qvalues = qvalue,
pvalues = p, lambda = lambda)
class(retval) <- "qvalue"
qvalue.old <- function(p, alpha=NULL, lam=NULL, robust=F,pi0.known=FALSE,pi0.val=0.9)
#This is a function for estimating the q-values for a given set of p-values. The
#methodology comes from a series of recent papers on false discovery rates by John
#D. Storey et al. See http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~storey/ for references to these
#papers. This function was written by John D. Storey. Copyright 2002 by John D. Storey.
#All rights are reserved and no responsibility is assumed for mistakes in or caused by
#the program.
#p: a vector of p-values (only necessary input)
#alpha: a level at which to control the FDR (optional)
#lam: the value of the tuning parameter to estimate pi0 (optional)
#robust: an indicator of whether it is desired to make the estimate more robust
# for small p-values (optional)
#remarks: tells the user what options were used, and gives any relevant warnings
#pi0: an estimate of the proportion of null p-values
#qvalues: a vector of the estimated q-values (the main quantity of interest)
#pvalues: a vector of the original p-values
#significant: if alpha is specified, and indicator of whether the q-value fell below alpha
# (taking all such q-values to be significant controls FDR at level alpha)
#This is just some pre-processing
m <- length(p)
#These next few functions are the various ways to automatically choose lam
#and estimate pi0
if(!is.null(lam)) {
pi0 <- mean(p>lam)/(1-lam)
remark <- "The user prespecified lam in the calculation of pi0."
remark <- "A smoothing method was used in the calculation of pi0."
lam <- seq(0,0.95,0.01)
pi0 <- rep(0,length(lam))
for(i in 1:length(lam)) {
pi0[i] <- mean(p>lam[i])/(1-lam[i])
spi0 <- smooth.spline(lam,pi0,df=3,w=(1-lam))
pi0 <- predict(spi0,x=0.95)$y
# TG added, true pi0
pi0 <- pi0.val
#The q-values are actually calculated here
u <- order(p)
v <- rank(p)
qvalue <- pi0*m*p/v
if(robust) {
qvalue <- pi0*m*p/(v*(1-(1-p)^m))
remark <- c(remark, "The robust version of the q-value was calculated. See Storey JD (2002) JRSS-B 64: 479-498.")
qvalue[u[m]] <- min(qvalue[u[m]],1)
for(i in (m-1):1) {
qvalue[u[i]] <- min(qvalue[u[i]],qvalue[u[i+1]],1)
#Here the results are returned
if(!is.null(alpha)) {
list(remarks=remark, pi0=pi0, qvalue=qvalue, significant=(qvalue <= alpha), pvalue=p)
else {
list(remarks=remark, pi0=pi0, qvalue=qvalue, pvalue=p)
#' @import graphics
q.computations <- function(out, method=c("smoother","bootstrap")[2],
qval.mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(out$pvalues),ncol=ncol(out$pvalues))
qval.mat <- as.data.frame(qval.mat)
rownames(qval.mat) <- rownames(out$pvalues)
colnames(qval.mat) <- colnames(out$pvalues)
for(i in 1:ncol(qval.mat)){
pvalues <- out$pvalues[,i]
estimate <- out$estimate[,i]
#qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.95,by=0.01),robust=FALSE,pi0.known=pi0.known,pi0.val=pi0.val)
#qval <- qobj$qvalues
qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.95,by=0.01),
qval <- qobj$qvalues
##} else {
## qobj <- qvalue.old(pvalues,robust=robust,pi0.known=pi0.known,pi0.val=pi0.val)
## qval <- qobj$qvalue
pi0 <- qobj$pi0
qval.mat[,i] <- qval
cnames <- colnames(out$pvalues)
# Plots
# Density histogram of p-values
hist(pvalues,main="",xlab="Density of observed p-values",ylab="",freq=FALSE,yaxt="n",ylim=c(0,5),cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
axis(2,at = c(0,qobj$pi0,1,2,3,4),labels=c(0,round(qobj$pi0,2),1,2,3,4),las=2,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
box(lty=1,col="black") # for a box around plot
# Density histogram of estimate
hist(estimate,main="",xlab="Density of observed statistic",ylab="",yaxt="n",freq=FALSE,ylim=c(0,5),cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
axis(2,at = c(0,1,2,3,4),labels=c(0,1,2,3,4),las=2,cex.lab=2,cex.axis=2)
# Plot of \hat \pi vs. \lambda
# Plot of significant tests vs. q cut-off
q.interest <- function(qval.mat,alpha=0.15, criteria = c("more","less")[2]){
interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(qval.mat),ncol=ncol(qval.mat))
interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
rownames(interest) <- rownames(qval.mat)
colnames(interest) <- colnames(qval.mat)
for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
qval <- qval.mat[,i]
if(criteria == "less"){
ind <- which(qval <= alpha)
} else {
ind <- which(qval > alpha)
interest[ind,i] <- 1
# Function to find minimum qvalues
minqval <- function(out,method=c("smoother","bootstrap")[2]){
interest <- matrix(0,nrow=ncol(out$pvalues),ncol=1)
interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
rownames(interest) <- colnames(out$pvalues)
for(i in 1:nrow(interest)){
pvalues <- out$pvalues[,i]
qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method,lambda=seq(0,0.90,by=0.01))
#qobj <- qvalue.adj(pvalues,pi0.method=method)
qval <- qobj$qvalues
interest[i,] <- min(qval)
# Bonferonni-Holm Method #
bon.holm.interest <- function(pvalues,alpha=0.05){
interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
rownames(interest) <- rownames(pvalues)
colnames(interest) <- colnames(pvalues)
pval.adjust <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
pval.adjust <- as.data.frame(pval.adjust)
rownames(pval.adjust) <- rownames(pval.adjust)
colnames(pval.adjust) <- colnames(pval.adjust)
for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
pval <- pvalues[,i]
# adjust p-values using bonferroni-holm method
pval.adjust[,i] <- p.adjust(pval,method="holm")
ind <- which(pval.adjust[,i] <= alpha)
interest[ind,i] <- 1
# Benjamini-Hochberg Method #
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
ben.hoch.interest <- function(pvalues,alpha=0.05,padjust.method="BH"){
interest <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
rownames(interest) <- rownames(pvalues)
colnames(interest) <- colnames(pvalues)
pval.adjust <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(pvalues),ncol=ncol(pvalues))
pval.adjust <- as.data.frame(pval.adjust)
rownames(pval.adjust) <- rownames(pval.adjust)
colnames(pval.adjust) <- colnames(pval.adjust)
for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
pval <- pvalues[,i]
## adjust p-values using Benjamini-Hochberg method
pval.adjust[,i] <- stats::p.adjust(pval,method=padjust.method)
ind <- which(pval.adjust[,i] <= alpha)
interest[ind,i] <- 1
## weighted LASSO Approach ##
# function to standardize a vector x
make.std <- function(x){
N <- length(x)
( x-mean(x) ) / ( sd(as.vector(x)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) ) )
make.center <- function(x){
#' Compute weighted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param weights (m x 1) matrix that we use to multiply the m-covariates by.
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param yy (n by 1) a matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{yy} contains the observed event times.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate will
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param XX (n by K) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and K=m if z is NULL,
#' and K= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param data.delta (n by 1) a matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.lasso",
#' a plot of the penalized lasso criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @param delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{sig.variables:}{m-dimensional vector where the kth entry is 1 if x_k is selected to be
#' in the model, and 0 if not.}
#' \item \strong{sign.of.variables:}{m-dimensional vector where the kth entry is 1 if the coefficient in
#' front of x_k is positive, and -1 if not.}
#' \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta used in the penalized loss criterion.
#' When \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the same as \code{delta}.
#' When \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the resulting delta-value
#' obtained from the k-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import glmnet
#' @import lars
weighted.lasso <- function(weights,weight_fn=function(x){x},yy,XX,z,data.delta,z.names,
## Set up the data ##
y <- yy
X <- XX
N <- length(y)
y1 <- y
delta.out <- delta
# Standardized design matrix X
X1 <- apply(X,2,make.std)
## Transform the weights
weights.use <- weight_fn(weights)
# Get rid of small weights
weights.use <- sapply(weights.use,function(u){max(0.0001,abs(u))})
## Be sure to include z
wts <- c(1e-5,weights.use)
} else {
wts <- c(weights.use)
X1 <- X1 %*% diag(1/wts)
## Linear Regression LASSO ##
## adjust use.Gram
use.Gram <- FALSE
} else {
use.Gram <- TRUE
## Run Lasso
wLasso.out <- lasso.procedure(y1,X1)
##order.variables <- as.numeric(wLasso.out$actions)
## Computes the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error for lars, lasso, or forward stagewise.
## good implementation, mode="step"
wLasso.cv <- cv.lars(X1, y1, type = c("lasso"), K = cv.folds,
trace = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, intercept= FALSE,
bestindex <- wLasso.cv$index[which.min(wLasso.cv$cv)]
## final best descriptive model
s <- NULL
predict.out <- lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1,s=bestindex, type = "coefficients", mode="step")
delta.out <- delta
} else if(penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss"){
cv.out <- cv.delta(y1,X1,z.names,K=cv.folds,est.MSE=est.MSE,show.plots)
predict.out <- cv.out$predict.out
delta.out <- cv.out$delta
} else if(penalty.choice=="penalized.loss"){
tmp.out <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1,X1,z.names,
predict.out <- tmp.out$predict.out
delta.out <- delta
} else {
## Cox Regression LASSO ##
penalty <- c(0,rep(1,ncol(X1)-ncol(z)))
} else {
penalty <- rep(1,ncol(X1))
## Run Lasso
ytmp <- cbind(time=y1,status=data.delta)
colnames(ytmp) <- c("time","status")
wLasso.cv <- cv.glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,penalty.factor=penalty)
lambda.opt <- wLasso.cv$lambda.min
} else if(penalty.choice=="cv.penalized.loss" | penalty.choice == "penalized.loss"){
## not used
stop("This method is not implemented for the Cox model.")
} else if(penalty.choice=="deviance.criterion"){
wLasso.out <- glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,penalty.factor=penalty)
## BIC/Deviance criterion: deviance + k*log(n)
deviance <- stats::deviance(wLasso.out)
p.min <- which.min(deviance + wLasso.out$df*log(N))
lambda.opt <- wLasso.out$lambda[p.min]
wLasso.fit <- glmnet(X1, ytmp, standardize=FALSE,family="cox",alpha=1,lambda=lambda.opt)
## final best descriptive model
predict.out <- list(coefficients=wLasso.fit$beta)
## Report variables where the coefficient > 0 ##
ind <- which(as.logical(abs(predict.out$coefficients)>1e-10))
sig.variables <- rep(0,ncol(XX))
sig.variables[ind] <- 1
## Report the sign of the coefficients ##
sign.of.variables <- rep(0,ncol(XX))
ind.pos <- which(as.logical(predict.out$coefficients >0))
sign.of.variables[ind.pos] <- 1
ind.neg <- which(as.logical(predict.out$coefficients <0))
sign.of.variables[ind.neg] <- -1
#' Wrapper function to store results for weighted lasso variable selection
#' Performs variable selection with covariates multiplied by weights that direct which variables
#' are likely to be associated with the response.
#' @param weights (m x 1) matrix that we use to multiply the m-covariates by.
#' @param weight_fn A user-defined function to be applied to the weights for the weighted lasso.
#' Default is an identify function.
#' @param response a list containing: yy and delta. yy is an (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable. If \code{regression.type} is "cox",
#' \code{y} contains the observed event times. delta is an (n by 1) matrix that denotes censoring when \code{regression.type} is "cox" (1 denotes
#' survival event is observed, 0 denotes the survival event is censored). Can be NULL.
#' @param z (n by 1) matrix of additional fixed covariate affecting response variable. This covariate will
#' always be selected. Can be NULL.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param XX (n by K) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and K=m if z is NULL,
#' and K= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param penalty.choice character that indicates the variable selection criterion. Options are "cv.mse" for
#' the K-fold cross-validated mean squared prediction error, "penalized.loss" for the penalized loss criterion which
#' requires specification of the penalization parameter \code{penalized.loss.delta},
#' "cv.penalized.loss" for the K-fold cross-validated criterion to determine delta in the penalized loss
#' criterion, and "deviance.criterion" for optimizing the
#' Cox proportional hazards deviance (only available when \code{regression.type} is "cox".) Defalt is "penalized.loss".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", a plot of the penalized
#' loss criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @param delta scalar to indicate the choice of the penalization parameter delta in the
#' penalized loss criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss".
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param cv.folds scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2016). Cox regression with exclusion frequency-based weights to
#' identify neuroimaging markers relevant to Huntington’s disease onset. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10, 2130-2156.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' Storey, J. D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies.
#' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100, 9440-9445.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{interest:}{(m by 1) matrix where the kth entry is 1 if x_k is selected to be
#' in the model, and 0 if not.}
#' \item \strong{sign.interest:}{(m by 1) matrix where the kth entry is 1 if the coefficient in
#' front of x_k is positive, and -1 if not.}
#' \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta used in the penalized loss criterion.
#' When \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the same as \code{delta}.
#' When \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.penalized.loss", \code{delta.out} is the resulting delta-value
#' obtained from the k-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
weighted.lasso.computations <- function(weights,weight_fn=function(x){x},response,
data.response <- response$yy
data.delta <- response$delta
interest <- matrix(0,nrow=ncol(XX),ncol=ncol(data.response))
interest <- as.data.frame(interest)
rownames(interest) <- colnames(XX)
colnames(interest) <- colnames(data.response)
interest.sign <- interest # matrix to store sign of lasso coefficients
delta.out <- matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(data.response))
for(i in 1:ncol(interest)){
lasso.out <- weighted.lasso(weights[,i],
interest[,i] <- lasso.out$sig.variables
interest.sign[,i] <- lasso.out$sign.of.variables
delta.out[,i] <- lasso.out$delta.out
## Cross-Validation function to select delta in penalized loss criterion ##
#' Cross-validation function to select regularization parameter delta in the penalized loss criterion.
#' @param y1 (n by 1) matrix corresponding to the response variable.
#' @param X1 (n by L) matrix of main covariates where n is the sample size and L=m if z is NULL,
#' and L= m+1 otherwise. Here, m refers to the number of x-covariates.
#' @param z.names character denoting the column name of the z-covariate if z is not NULL. Can be NULL.
#' @param K scalar denoting the number of folds for cross-validation
#' when \code{penalty.choice} is "cv.mse" or "cv.penalized.loss". Default is 10.
#' @param est.MSE character that indicates how the mean squared error is estimated in the penalized loss
#' criterion when \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss" or "cv.penalized.loss". Options are
#' "est.var" which means the MSE is sd(y) * sqrt(n/(n-1)) where n is the sample size, and
#' "step" which means we use the MSE from forward stepwise regression with AIC as the selection criterion. Default
#' is "est.var".
#' @param show.plots logical indicator. If TRUE and \code{penalty.choice} is "penalized.loss", a plot of the penalized
#' loss criterion versus steps in the LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).
#' @references
#' Efron, B., Hastie, T., Johnstone, I. AND Tibshirani, R. (2004). Least angle regression.
#' Annals of Statistics 32, 407–499.
#' Garcia, T.P. and M¨uller, S. (2014). Influence of measures of significance-based weights in the weighted Lasso.
#' Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (Invited paper), 68, 131-144.
#' Garcia, T.P., Mueller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D., and Walzem, R.L.
#' (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics, DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{predict.out:}{output from LARS algorithm of Efron et al (2004).}
#' \item \strong{delta.out:}{the penalization parameter delta obtained from K-fold cross validation.}
#' }
#' @export
cv.delta <- function(y1,X1,z.names,K=10,est.MSE=c("est.var","step")[1],show.plots){
## sequence of delta values
delta.cv <- seq(0.75,2,by=0.1)
##delta.cv <- seq(0.1,2,by=0.1)
## Randomly partition the data
all.folds <- cv.folds(length(y1), K)
## Matrix to store residuals
residmat <- matrix(0, length(delta.cv), K)
for(j in seq(K)){
## data set to omit
omit <- all.folds[[j]]
## Run Lasso with after removing omit data
wLasso.out <- lasso.procedure(y1[-omit],X1[-omit,,drop=FALSE])$wLasso.out
for(d in 1:length(delta.cv)){
## Find best-fitting model for specified delta
beta.omit <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1[-omit],X1[-omit,,drop=FALSE],z.names,
## Find final fit with data omitted
fit <- X1[omit,,drop=FALSE] %*% beta.omit$predict.out$coefficients
## Store residual
residmat[d,j] <- apply((y1[omit] - fit)^2, 2, sum)
cv <- apply(residmat,1,mean)
## Check which delta's lead to min(cv)
delta.ind <- which(cv==min(cv))
delta.opt <- delta.cv[delta.ind]
delta <- mean(delta.opt) ## takes average of delta values
wLasso.out <- lasso.procedure(y1,X1)$wLasso.out
predict.out <- penalized.loss.criterion(wLasso.out,y1,X1,delta=delta,est.MSE=est.MSE,show.plots)$predict.out
#' @import lars
lasso.procedure <- function(y1,X1){
## adjust use.Gram
use.Gram <- FALSE
} else {
use.Gram <- TRUE
# Run Lasso
wLasso.out <- lars::lars(X1, y1, type = c("lasso"),
trace = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, intercept = FALSE,use.Gram=use.Gram)
#' @importFrom lars predict.lars
penalized.loss.criterion <- function(wLasso.out,y1,X1,z.names,
# Setup
N <- length(y1)
p <- ncol(X1)
s <- length(wLasso.out$df)
p.pos <- NULL
for (i in 1:s){
RSS[i] = sum((y1-lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=i, type = c("fit"))$fit)**2)
p.pre = lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=i, type = c("coefficients"))$coefficients
p.pos = c(p.pos,length(p.pre[abs(p.pre)>0]))
## Get estimated MSE
if(est.MSE=="est.var") {
MSE <- sd(as.vector(y1)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) )
MSE <- MSE^2
} else {
## Get estimated MSE from best fit of forward stepwise regression with AIC as selection criterion
X2 <- data.frame(X1)
full.lm <- lm(y1~.,data=X2)
start.fmla <- as.formula(paste("y1~-1+",z.names))
start.lm <- lm(start.fmla,data=X2)
lowest.step.forward <- step(lm(start.fmla, data=X2),
list(lower=start.lm,upper=full.lm), direction='forward',trace=FALSE)
MSE <- summary(lowest.step.forward)$sigma
MSE <- summary(lowest.step.forward)$sigma^2
if(MSE < 1e-5){
MSE <- sd(as.vector(y1)) * sqrt( N / (N-1) )
MSE <- MSE^2
p.min = which.min(RSS/MSE+delta*p.pos)
## final best descriptive model
predict.out <- lars::predict.lars(wLasso.out, X1, s=p.min, type = c("coefficients"))
## Samuel's correction 11/9/2011
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2)+1)
list(that=delta)), xlab="Steps")
# Function to get R^2 value
get.R2 <- function(sig,XX,response){
} else {
Xtmp <- t(XX[which(sig==1),])
X <- make.std(as.numeric(Xtmp))
} else {
X <- apply(Xtmp,2,make.std)
y <- make.std(as.numeric(response))
out <- summary(lm(y~X))
R2 <- out$r.squared
## Exclusion-frequency weights ##
## Function to determine size of partitions ##
partition.size <- function(n,p,k){
lo <- floor(p/k)
hi <- ceiling(p/k)
constraints <- c(lo,hi)
## We require that q_l < n for each l
index <- which(constraints<n)
if(length(index)< 2){
stop("k too low")
constraints <- constraints[index]
## Each q_l is such that : lo <= q_l <= hi
#tmp <- t(matrix(rep(constraints,k),nrow=k,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
## Determining different q_l values
#combinations <- as.matrix(do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(tmp)))
## Determine which combinations are such that \sum q_l =p
#combinations <- combinations[which(apply(combinations,1,sum)==p),]
#groups <- as.vector(combinations[1,])
combinations <- rep(floor(p/k),k)
tmp.diff <- p-sum(combinations)
combinations[1:tmp.diff] <- combinations[1:tmp.diff]+1
groups <- combinations
## determine partition size without requiring q_l < n
partition.size.new <- function(p,k){
lo <- floor(p/k)
hi <- ceiling(p/k)
constraints <- c(lo,hi)
## Each q_l is such that : lo <= q_l <= hi
#tmp <- t(matrix(rep(constraints,k),nrow=k,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE))
## Determining different q_l values
#combinations <- as.matrix(do.call(`expand.grid`,as.data.frame(tmp)))
## Determine which combinations are such that \sum q_l =p
#combinations <- combinations[which(apply(combinations,1,sum)==p),]
#groups <- as.vector(combinations[1,])
combinations <- rep(floor(p/k),k)
tmp.diff <- p-sum(combinations)
combinations[1:tmp.diff] <- combinations[1:tmp.diff]+1
groups <- combinations
## Function to randomly partition data index ##
random.partition <- function(n,p,k){
## Size of each partition group
size.groups <- partition.size(n,p,k)
} else {
size.groups <- rep(1,k)
## Name of each group
names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")
cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)
## Get random index
rand.index <- split(sample(1:p, p), cut.by)
index.sort.partition <- function(n,k,beta.sort.ix,x.names){
p <- length(beta.sort.ix)
## Size of each partition group
size.groups <- partition.size(n,p,k)
## Name of each group
names <- seq(1,k)
index.sort <- rep(names, times = size.groups)
names(index.sort) <- x.names[beta.sort.ix]
## get sizes of fixed covariates partition
fixed.size <- function(fixed.covariates,k){
whole.groups <- floor(length(fixed.covariates)/k)
group.size <- rep(whole.groups,k)
tmp.diff <- abs(sum(group.size)-length(fixed.covariates))
## Function to ensure certain covariates are in each group, and the rest are randomly placed
fixed.plus.random.partition <- function(fixed.covariates,n,p,k){
## Size of each partition group: minus fixed.covariates
size.groups <- partition.size(n,p-length(fixed.covariates),k)
## Name of each group
names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")
cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)
## Get all covariates that will be randomly sampled (i.e., remove fixed.covariates)
all <- 1:p
covariates.not.fixed <- all[!all%in%fixed.covariates]
## Get random index for covariates.not.fixed
rand.index.covariates.not.fixed <- split(sample(covariates.not.fixed, length(covariates.not.fixed)), cut.by)
## Put fixed covariates back in
fixed.cut.by <-rep(names,times=partition.size.new(length(fixed.covariates),k))
fixed.covariates.partition <- split(fixed.covariates,fixed.cut.by)
rand.index <- appendList(rand.index.covariates.not.fixed,fixed.covariates.partition)
## function to append lists
appendList <- function (x, val){
stopifnot(is.list(x), is.list(val))
xnames <- names(x)
for (v in names(val)) {
x[[v]] <- if (v %in% xnames && is.list(x[[v]]) && is.list(val[[v]]))
appendList(x[[v]], val[[v]])
else c(x[[v]], val[[v]])
## Ridge regresssion
#' @importFrom glmnet glmnet cv.glmnet
ridge.regression <- function(XX,response,x.names){
## Center data
X <- XX
X <- apply(X,2,make.center)
yy <- response$yy
delta <- response$delta
## linear regression ##
y <- yy
##y <- apply(y,2,make.center)
family <- "gaussian"
grouped <- FALSE
} else {
yy <- as.numeric(yy)
delta <- as.numeric(delta)
y <- cbind(time=yy,status=delta)
colnames(y) <- c("time","status")
family <- "cox"
grouped <- TRUE
## Find optimal lambda value for ridge regression
cv.out <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X,y,standardize=FALSE,family=family,alpha=0,grouped=grouped)
lambda.opt <- cv.out$lambda.min
## Ridge regression
ridge.out <- glmnet::glmnet(X,y,standardize=FALSE,family=family,alpha=0,lambda=lambda.opt)
beta.values <- ridge.out$beta[x.names,] ## only take beta values from variables that are subject to selection
## We partition based on ascending values of ridge regression estimates
ridge.sort.partition <- function(k,XX,response,x.names){
## Get parameter estimates from ridge regression
beta.values <- ridge.regression(XX,response,x.names)
## Sort beta.values in decreasing order
beta.sort <- sort(abs(beta.values),decreasing=TRUE,index.return=TRUE)
## index of ordering
beta.index <- beta.sort$ix
## Partition based on decreasing order
rand.index <- sort.partition(beta.index,k)
## We partition based on sorting the ridge regression estimates
sort.partition <- function(beta.index,k){
## Name of each group
names <- paste("group",seq(1,k),sep="")
## Get rand.index labels
rand.index <- vector("list",length(names))
names(rand.index) <- names
## Sort indices for each group
tmp <-1
size.groups <- NULL
tmp.index <- NULL
for(j in 1:k){
indices <- seq(tmp,length(beta.index),by=k)
size.groups <- c(size.groups,length(indices))
tmp.index <- c(tmp.index,indices)
tmp <- tmp + 1
## Put groups together
cut.by <- rep(names, times = size.groups)
## Get random index
rand.index <- split(beta.index[tmp.index], cut.by)
## Function to do designed partitioning
## index.group : variable designating which variable belongs to which group
designed.partition <- function(index.group,k){
cluster <- index.group
## Name of each group
names_use <- paste0("group",seq(1,k))
## Get k-means partition of beta values
rand.index <- vector("list",length(names_use))
names(rand.index) <- names_use
for(j in 1:k){
cluster.tmp <- as.numeric(which(cluster==j))
size.groups <- partition.size.new(length(cluster.tmp),k)
cut.by <- rep(names_use, times = size.groups)
rand.index.tmp <- split(sample(cluster.tmp,length(cluster.tmp)), cut.by)
##rand.index <- mapply(c,rand.index,rand.index.tmp,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
rand.index <- appendList(rand.index,rand.index.tmp)
## Below won't work
##index.val <-1:length(index.group)
##mydf <- data.frame(index.val,index.group)
##rand.index <- vector("list",length(names))
##names(rand.index) <- names
##size.big.groups <- partition.size(n=ncol(XX),p=nrow(XX)-1,k=k)
##for(s in 1:k){
## size.cluster <- partition.size.new(size.big.groups[s],k)
## tmp <- stratified(mydf,"index.group",size=size.cluster)
## selected.group <- tmp[,"index.val"]
## rand.index[[s]] <- selected.group
## Update mydf
## mydf <- mydf[-selected.group,]
columns.to.list <- function( df ) {
## Function to do step AIC on group subset
#' @import survival
#' @import stats
step.selection <- function(factor.z,index,XX,x.names,z.names,
xnam.orig <- x.names[index]
xnam <- c(paste0("factor(",z.names,")"),xnam.orig)
} else {
xnam <- c(z.names,xnam.orig)
yy <- response$yy
delta <- response$delta
## linear regression ##
mydata <- data.frame(yy,XX)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("yy~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
fit <- lm(fmla,data=mydata)
} else {
## survival regression ##
X <- data.frame(XX)
tmp.list <- columns.to.list(X)
mydata <- list(time=as.numeric(yy),status=as.numeric(delta))
mydata <- appendList(mydata,tmp.list)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status)~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
fit <- survival::coxph(fmla,data=mydata)
deg.free <- 2
} else {
deg.free <- log(length(yy))
lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~ factor(",z.names,")"))
} else {
lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~",z.names))
step.reg <- stats::step(fit,k=deg.free,direction=direction,
scope = list(lower = lower.fmla),trace=FALSE,data=mydata)
## XX selected
results <- intersect(names(step.reg$coefficients),xnam.orig)
## Store results
out <- data.frame(rep(0,length(x.names)))
rownames(out) <- x.names
colnames(out) <- "results"
out[xnam.orig,] <- as.numeric(!xnam.orig%in%results)
## Function to do step AIC on group subset
step.selection.inclusion <- function(factor.z,index,XX,x.names,z.names,
xnam.orig <- x.names[index]
xnam <- c(paste0("factor(",z.names,")"),xnam.orig)
} else {
xnam <- c(z.names,xnam.orig)
yy <- response$yy
delta <- response$delta
## linear regression ##
mydata <- data.frame(yy,XX)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("yy~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
fit <- lm(fmla,data=mydata)
} else {
## survival regression ##
X <- data.frame(XX)
tmp.list <- columns.to.list(X)
mydata <- list(time=as.numeric(yy),status=as.numeric(delta))
mydata <- appendList(mydata,tmp.list)
fmla <- as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status)~",paste(xnam,collapse="+")))
fit <- survival::coxph(fmla,data=mydata)
deg.free <- 2
} else {
deg.free <- log(length(yy))
lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~ factor(",z.names,")"))
} else {
lower.fmla <- as.formula(paste0("~",z.names))
step.reg <- stats::step(fit,k=deg.free,direction=direction,
scope = list(lower = lower.fmla),trace=FALSE,data=mydata)
## XX selected
results <- intersect(names(step.reg$coefficients),xnam.orig)
## Store results
out <- data.frame(rep(0,length(x.names)))
rownames(out) <- x.names
colnames(out) <- "results"
out[xnam,] <- as.numeric(xnam%in%results)
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