
Defines functions exposure_get_relation test_fisher exposure_format_relations

Documented in exposure_format_relations exposure_get_relation

#' Work with exposure vs. conditions.
#' @description
#' Functions to retrieve risk ratio, difference in absolute risk and odds ratio.
#' Structure: Suppose you want to compare a group of people exposed to x vs. a
#' group without exposure:
#' |   | exposure    | observed    | comment           |
#' |---|-------------|-------------|-------------------|
#' | 1 | pos         | yes         | <- true positive  |
#' | 2 | pos         | no          | <- false positive |
#' | 3 | neg         | no          | <- true negative  |
#' | 4 | pos         | yes         | ...               |
#' | 5 | neg         | no          | ...               |
#' @name exposure
#' @param data A tibble holding the data
#' @param exposure The column holding the predicted conditions / exposure.
#' @param condition The column holding the observed conditions.
#' @param exposure_targ The value that signifies the exposed condition.
#' @param condition_targ The value that signifies the targeted observed
#' condition.
#' @param alpha The alpha level.
#' @param haldane_anscombe_correction Apply Haldane Anscombe correction if
#' @param relations Vector with at least one in `c("OR", "RR", "ARR")`.
#' necessary.
#' @param confusion_matrix A confusion matrix as returned by
#' `test_get_confusion_matrix`, `data` will be ignored.
#' @return variable

#' @export
#' @rdname exposure
exposure_get_relation <- function(data, exposure, condition, exposure_targ = TRUE,
  condition_targ = TRUE, alpha = eenv_alpha, haldane_anscombe_correction = TRUE,
  relations = c("OR", "RR", "ARR"), confusion_matrix = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(confusion_matrix)) {
    cm <- confusion_matrix
  } else {
    `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`; `!!` <- rlang::`!!`; `:=` <- rlang::`:=`
    exposure <- rlang::enquo(exposure)
    condition <- rlang::enquo(condition)

    cm <- test_get_confusion_matrix(
      data = data,
      pred_cond = !! exposure,
      act_cond = !! condition,
      pred_cond_targ = exposure_targ,
      act_cond_targ = condition_targ)
  # apply Haldane Anscombe correction (all cells + 0.5) if one of the cells in
  # the matrix is zero
  if (0 %in% cm & haldane_anscombe_correction) {
    cm <- cm + 0.5
    warning("Haldane Anscombe correction applied")
  } else {
    cm <- cm
  z <- stats::qnorm(1 - (alpha / 2))

  # The confusion matrix is intended for tests.
  # "CP" means condition positive
  # "CN" means condition negative
  # "PP" translates to exposure (predictor) positive
  # "PN" translates to exposure (predictor) negative
  total <- sum(cm)
  cond_pos <- sum(cm[,"CP"])
  cond_neg <- sum(cm[,"CN"])
  exp_pos <- sum(cm["PP",])
  exp_neg <- sum(cm["PN",])
  cond_pos_exp_pos <- cm[["PP", "CP"]]
  cond_pos_exp_neg <- cm[["PN", "CP"]]
  cond_neg_exp_neg <- cm[["PN", "CN"]]
  cond_neg_exp_pos <- cm[["PP", "CN"]]

  result <- list(
    "total" = total,
    "condition +" = cond_pos,
    "condition -" = cond_neg,
    "exposure +" = exp_pos,
    "exposure -" = exp_neg,
    "condition + & exposure +" = cond_pos_exp_pos,
    "condition + & exposure -" = cond_pos_exp_neg,
    "condition - & exposure -" = cond_neg_exp_neg,
    "condition - & exposure +" = cond_neg_exp_pos)

  if (length(relations) == 0) {

  if ("RR" %in% relations | "ARR" %in% relations) {
    risk_exp_pos <- cond_pos_exp_pos / exp_pos
    risk_exp_neg <- cond_pos_exp_neg / exp_neg
    risk_ratio <- risk_exp_pos / risk_exp_neg
    # http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/QuantCore/PH717_ComparingFrequencies/PH717_ComparingFrequencies7.html
    risk_ratio_log_se <- sqrt(
      ((1 - risk_exp_pos) / (exp_pos * risk_exp_pos)) + 
      ((1 - risk_exp_neg) / (exp_neg * risk_exp_neg)))
    risk_ratio_log <-  log(risk_ratio)
    risk_ratio_lci <-  exp(risk_ratio_log - z * risk_ratio_log_se)
    risk_ratio_uci <-  exp(risk_ratio_log + z * risk_ratio_log_se)
    result <- c(result, list(
      "risk for condition + with exposure +" = risk_exp_pos,
      "risk for condition + with exposure -" = risk_exp_neg,
      "risk ratio" = risk_ratio,
      "risk ratio, ln(SE)" = risk_ratio_log_se,
      "risk ratio, LCI" = risk_ratio_lci,
      "risk ratio, UCI" = risk_ratio_uci))

    if ("ARR" %in% relations) {
      risk_difference <- risk_exp_pos - risk_exp_neg
      result <- c(result, list(
        "absolute difference in risk" = risk_difference))

  if ("OR" %in% relations) {
    odds_exp_pos <-  cond_pos_exp_pos / cond_neg_exp_pos
    odds_exp_neg <- cond_pos_exp_neg / cond_neg_exp_neg
    odds_ratio <- odds_exp_pos / odds_exp_neg
    odds_ratio_log_se <- sqrt(
      (1 / cond_pos_exp_pos) +
        (1 / cond_pos_exp_neg) +
        (1 / cond_neg_exp_pos) +
        (1 / cond_neg_exp_neg))
    odds_ratio_log <-  log(odds_ratio)
    odds_ratio_lci <-  exp(odds_ratio_log - z * odds_ratio_log_se)
    odds_ratio_uci <-  exp(odds_ratio_log + z * odds_ratio_log_se)
    result <- c(result, list(
      "odds for condition + with exposure +" = odds_exp_pos,
      "odds for condition + with exposure -" = odds_exp_neg,
      "odds ratio" = odds_ratio,
      "odds ratio, ln(SE)" = odds_ratio_log_se,
      "odds ratio, LCI" = odds_ratio_lci,
      "odds ratio, UCI" = odds_ratio_uci))

  # Fisher's exact test
  # http://www.pmean.com/11/Fishers.html
  fisher_p <- test_fisher(cm)
  # Chi Sqared with Yate's continuity correction
  chi_squared <-
    ((abs(cond_pos_exp_pos - (cond_pos * exp_pos / total)) - 0.5)^2) / (cond_pos * exp_pos / total) +
    ((abs(cond_pos_exp_neg - (cond_pos * exp_neg / total)) - 0.5)^2) / (cond_pos * exp_neg / total) +
    ((abs(cond_neg_exp_pos - (cond_neg * exp_pos / total)) - 0.5)^2) / (cond_neg * exp_pos / total) +
    ((abs(cond_neg_exp_neg - (cond_neg * exp_neg / total)) - 0.5)^2) / (cond_neg * exp_neg / total)
  chi_squared_p <- (1 - stats::pnorm(sqrt(chi_squared))) * 2
  result <- c(result, list(
    "Fisher's exact test, p" = fisher_p,
    "Chi Squared" = chi_squared,
    "Chi Squared, p" = chi_squared_p))

test_fisher <- function(m) {
  calc_p <- function(m) {
      (factorial(sum(m[1,])) * factorial(sum(m[2,])) * factorial(sum(m[,1])) *  factorial(sum(m[,2]))) /
      (factorial(sum(m)) * factorial(m[[1,1]]) * factorial(m[[1,2]]) * factorial(m[[2,1]]) *

  total <- sum(m)
  # calculate p of initial table
  p_init <- calc_p(m)
  # find field with min value
  field <- which(m == min(m), arr.ind = TRUE)
  f_r <- field[[1,"row"]]
  f_c <- field[[1,"col"]]
  # find boundaries (numbers do not correspond to row / col numbers, `b_r1`
  # represents the boundary of the row which contains the minimum value
  # same for column `b_c1`
  b_r1 <- sum(m[f_r,])
  b_r2 <- total - b_r1 
  b_c1 <- sum(m[,f_c])
  b_c2 <- total - b_c1 
  # to build a two-tailed p-value we have to calculate all tables with these
  # boundaries -> 0 to the lower of the two boundaries for the field we picked
  p_values <- c(p_init)
  for (n in 0:min(c(b_r1,b_c1))) {
    if (n == m[[f_r,f_c]]) next
    m_temp <- matrix(c(n, b_r1 - n, b_c1 - n, b_r2 - (b_c1 - n)),
                     nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    p_temp <- calc_p(m_temp)
    if (p_temp <= p_init) {
      p_values <- c(p_values, p_temp)

#' Format the output of `exposure_get_relation`.
#' @export
#' @param raw_relations The output of `test_get_relation`.
#' @param relations Vector with at least one in `c("OR", "RR", "ARR")`.
#' @return named vector
exposure_format_relations <- function(
  relations = c("OR", "RR", "ARR")) {

  result <- c(format_number(raw_relations["total"], type = "int"))
  names(result) <- c("Total")

  if ("OR" %in% relations) {
    names <- names(result)
    result <- c(
      format_number(raw_relations["odds ratio"], type = "int"),
        format_number(raw_relations["odds ratio, LCI"], type = "int"),
        ' - ',
        format_number(raw_relations["odds ratio, UCI"], type = "int")),
      format_number(raw_relations["Fisher's exact test, p"], type = "p"))

    names(result) <- c(
      "Odds Ratio",

  if ("RR" %in% relations) {
    names <- names(result)
    result <- c(
      format_number(raw_relations["risk ratio"], type = "int"),
        format_number(raw_relations["risk ratio, LCI"], type = "int"),
        ' - ',
        format_number(raw_relations["risk ratio, UCI"], type = "int")),
      format_number(raw_relations["Fisher's exact test, p"], type = "p"))

    names(result) <- c(
      "Odds Ratio",

  if ("ARR" %in% relations) {
    names <- names(result)
    result <- c(
        raw_relations["absolute difference in risk"],
        type = "int"))

    names(result) <- c(
      "Absolute Difference In Risk")

randomchars42/eenv documentation built on May 20, 2019, 1:29 p.m.