## Class definition ----
#' @title Class `s2ts`
#' @description Class used for `{sen2rts}` time series.
#' @param value (mandatory) Vector with the values ("y") of the time series.
#' @param date (mandatory) Vector (of the same length of `value`) with the dates
#' of each value.
#' @param id (optional) Vector (of the same length of `value` or of length 1,
#' in which case the passed value is replicated for each element of `value`)
#' with the feature IDs of each value.
#' If missing, all the values are considered as extracted from the same feature.
#' @param qa (optional) Vector (of the same length of `value`) with the quality
#' assessment values (range 0-1) associated to each value.
#' If missing, all the values are considered as equally weighted.
#' @param orbit (optional) Vector (of the same length of `value`or of length 1,
#' in which case the passed value is replicated for each element of `value`)
#' with the Sentinel-2 orbits of each value.
#' @param sensor (optional) Vector (of the same length of `value` or of length 1,
#' in which case the passed value is replicated for each element of `value`)
#' with the Sentinel-2 sensors (`"2A"` or `"2B"`) of each value.
#' @param rawval (optional) Vector (of the same length of `value`) with the
#' non-smoothed values (this is generally created by outputs of `smooth_s2ts()`).
#' @param ... Additional vectors to be passed.
#' Each additional argument is threated as an additional element of the output
#' list in case it is of the same length of `value`, otherwise it is threated
#' as an output attribute.
#' @return The output time series in `s2ts` format.
#' This is a format derived from `data.table`, containing the mandatory columns
#' `id`, `date`, `value`, and additional ones among which
#' `qa`, `orbit`, `sensor` and `rawval` (see the arguments in this help for
#' their meanings).
#' The optional attribute `gen_by` provides information about the function
#' which generated the object (if provided).
#' @details Some specific methods for this class are defined.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>$value` returns a `data.table` with the values for each date,
#' in wide format.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>$date` returns a `vector` with the dates.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>$id` returns a `vector` with the unique ID values.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>$qa` returns a `data.table` with the quality assessment values
#' for each date, in wide format.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>$rawval` returns a `data.table` with the `rawval` values for
#' each date, in wide format.
#' - `<s2ts_obj>[[<idname>]]` returns a subsampled `s2ts` containing only
#' the values of the provided ID.
#' Notice that since `$` and `[[` methods are defined, the syntaxes
#' `<s2ts_obj>$<fieldname>` and `<s2ts_obj>[["<fieldname>"]]`
#' can not be used (use instead `<s2ts_obj>[,<fieldname>]`).
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) \email{luigi@@ranghetti.info}
#' @importFrom methods as setAs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Create a s2ts object from raw
#' library(sen2r)
#' sample_dt <- sen2r::s2_dop(
#' timewindow = c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-31"),
#' s2_orbit = 22
#' )
#' sample_dt$ndvi <- runif(nrow(sample_dt), 0, 1)
#' sample_dt$qa <- sqrt(sample_dt$ndvi)
#' # Minimum example (including dates and values)
#' s2ts(value = sample_dt$ndvi, date = sample_dt$date, id = "1")
#' # Example with additional information (including quality flags)
#' sample_ts <- s2ts(
#' value = sample_dt$ndvi,
#' date = sample_dt$date,
#' id = "1",
#' qa = sample_dt$qa,
#' sensor = sample_dt$mission
#' )
#' sample_ts
#' # Extract s2ts content
#' as.list(sample_dt) # convert in list (unclass)
#' sample_ts$date # extract dates
#' sample_ts$id # extract IDs
#' sample_ts$value # extract values
#' sample_ts$qa # extract quality values
#' sample_ts$rawval # extract raw values (for smooth_s2ts() and fill_s2ts() outputs)
#' # Load sample data generated by sen2rts functions
#' data(ts_raw) # generated by extract_s2ts()
#' data(ts_smoothed) # generated by smooth_s2ts()
#' data(ts_filled) # generated by fill_s2ts()
#' # Visualise data
#' print(ts_raw, topn = 5)
#' print(ts_smoothed, topn = 5)
#' print(ts_raw, topn = 5)
#' # See which function generated a s2ts object
#' attr(ts_raw, "gen_by")
#' attr(ts_smoothed, "gen_by")
#' attr(ts_filled, "gen_by")
#' # Convert in data frames or data tables
#' df_raw <- as.data.frame(ts_raw)
#' head(df_raw)
#' df_smoothed <- as.data.frame(ts_smoothed)
#' head(df_smoothed)
#' df_filled <- as.data.frame(ts_filled)
#' head(df_filled)
s2ts <- function(value, date, id = NA, qa, orbit, sensor, rawval, ...) {
# leave as first function command!
args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# Define constants
# mandatory arguments
which_args_mandatory <- c("value", "date")
# arguments for which the length must be the same as value
which_args_l_asval <- c("date", "qa", "rawval")
# arguments for which the length can be the same as value or 1
# (in which case it is replicated to the length of value)
which_args_l_toval <- c("id", "orbit", "sensor")
# arguments for which the length must be 1
which_args_l_1 <- c("gen_by")
# arguments which must be placed before 'value' (in this order)
which_args_before <- c("id", "date", "orbit", "sensor")
# Define arguments
args_all <- names(args)
args_formal <- names(formals())
args_formal <- args_formal[!args_formal %in% c("...")]
args_formal_missing <- logical(0)
for (a in args_formal) {
# args_formal_missing[a] <- do.call(missing, list(a))
args_formal_missing[a] <- inherits(args[[a]], "name")
# in this way, also arguments with a default value are considered
args_passed <- args_all[!args_all %in% args_formal[args_formal_missing]]
# Check mandatory arguments
args_mandatory_missing <- logical(0)
for (a in which_args_mandatory) {
args_mandatory_missing[a] <- do.call(missing, list(a))
if (any(args_mandatory_missing)) {
type = "error",
"Some mandatory arguments ('",
paste(which_args_mandatory[args_mandatory_missing], collapse = "', '"),
"') are missing."
# Check argument lengths
for (a in which_args_l_toval) {
if (a %in% args_passed && length(args[[a]]) == 1) {
args[[a]] <- rep(args[[a]], length(value))
args_l_not_asval <- logical(0)
for (a in c(which_args_l_asval, which_args_l_toval)) {
args_l_not_asval[a] <- a %in% args_passed && length(args[[a]]) != length(value)
if (any(args_l_not_asval)) {
type = "error",
"Arguments '",
paste(names(args_l_not_asval)[args_l_not_asval], sep = "', '"),
"' must be of the same length of 'value'."
args_l_not_1 <- logical(0)
for (a in which_args_l_1) {
args_l_not_1[a] <- a %in% args_passed && length(args[[a]]) != 1
if (any(args_l_not_1)) {
type = "error",
"Arguments '",
paste(which_args_l_1[args_l_not_1], sep = "', '"),
"' must be of length 1."
# Define arguments: which before "value" and which after
args_before <- which_args_before[which_args_before %in% args_passed]
args_after <- args_passed[!args_passed %in% c("value",which_args_before)]
out_l <- list()
for (a in args_before) {
out_l[[a]] <- args[[a]]
out_l[["value"]] <- value
for (a in args_after) {
if (length(args[[a]]) == length(value)) {
out_l[[a]] <- args[[a]]
} else {
attr(out_l, a) <- args[[a]]
# Return s2ts
out <- as.data.table(out_l)
for (a in names(attributes(out_l))[names(attributes(out_l)) != "names"]) {
attr(out, a) <- attr(out_l, a)
# Check univocity
if (any(any(out[,duplicated(paste(id, date))]))) {
type = "error",
"Duplicated were detected; please check your input data ",
"and ensure that only a unique data was provided for each ID value."
class(out) <- c("s2ts", class(out))
setClass("s2ts", contains = "list")
## Methods: input -> s2ts ----
#' @param x Input element to be converted to `s2ts`.
#' @name as.s2ts
#' @rdname s2ts
#' @export
as.s2ts <- function(x, ...) {
as.s2ts.numeric <- function(x, ...) {
# Accept a named vector with values, names being dates
# and optional additional arguments
x_list <- c(
list("value" = as.vector(x)),
x_list[["date"]] <- as.Date(x_list[["names"]])
x_list[["names"]] <- NULL
do.call(s2ts, x_list)
setAs("numeric", "s2ts", function(from) {
as.s2ts.integer <- function(x, ...) {
as.s2ts.numeric(x, ...)
setAs("integer", "s2ts", function(from) {
as.s2ts.data.frame <- function(x, ...) {
setAs("data.frame", "s2ts", function(from) {
as.s2ts.list <- function(x, ...) {
for (a in names(attributes(x))[names(attributes(x)) != "names"]) {
x[[a]] <- attr(x, a)
do.call(s2ts, x)
setAs("list", "s2ts", function(from) {
## Extract data from s2ts ----
s2ts_date <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "s2ts"))
s2ts_id <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "s2ts"))
s2ts_value <- function(x) {
value <- NULL # avoid check notes for data.table related variables
stopifnot(inherits(x, "s2ts"))
dcast(as.data.table(x)[!is.na(value),], date ~ id, value.var = "value")
s2ts_qa <- function(x) {
qa <- NULL # avoid check notes for data.table related variables
stopifnot(inherits(x, "s2ts"))
if (!is.null(unclass(x)[["qa"]])) {
dcast(as.data.table(x)[!is.na(qa),], date ~ id, value.var = "qa")
} else {
type = "message",
"Quality flag is missing."
s2ts_rawval <- function(x) {
rawval <- NULL # avoid check notes for data.table related variables
stopifnot(inherits(x, "s2ts"))
if (!is.null(unclass(x)[["rawval"]])) {
dcast(as.data.table(x)[!is.na(rawval),], date ~ id, value.var = "rawval")
} else {
type = "message",
"Non-smoothed values are missing (probably this is not a smoothed s2ts)."
`$.s2ts` = function(x, name) {
if (name == "date") {
} else if (name == "id") {
} else if (name == "value") {
} else if (name == "qa") {
} else if (name == "rawval") {
`[[.s2ts` = function(x, name) {
id <- NULL # avoid check notes for data.table related variables
x_dt <- as.data.table(x)
as(x_dt[id %in% name,], "s2ts")
`[.s2ts` = function(x, ...) {
x_dt <- as.data.table(x)[...]
as(x_dt, "s2ts"),
error = function(e) {x_dt}
## Methods: s2ts -> input ----
#' @export
as.list.s2ts <- function(x, ...) {
setAs("s2ts", "list", function(from) {
## Print ----
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @export
print.s2ts <- function(x, ...) {
# Avoid check notes for data.table related variables
id <- flag <- qa <- interpolated <- NULL
# Define constants
# maximum number of IDs to print
n_ids <- 6
x_dt <- as.data.table(x)
ids <- sort(unique(x_dt$id))
sel_ids <- ids[seq(min(n_ids, length(ids)))]
x_dt <- x_dt[id %in% sel_ids,]
dcast_lhs <- c("date", c("orbit", "sensor")[c("orbit", "sensor") %in% names(x_dt)])
dcast_formula <- as.formula(paste(paste(dcast_lhs, collapse = " + "), "~ id"))
x_dt$flag <- ""
if (!is.null(x_dt$qa)) {
x_dt[,flag := ifelse(is.na(qa), "",
ifelse(qa == 1, "\u25CF ",
ifelse(qa > 0.9, "\u25D5 ",
ifelse(qa > 0.75, "\u25D1 ",
ifelse(qa > 0.5, "\u25D4 ", "\u25CB ")))))]
if (!is.null(x_dt$interpolated)) {
x_dt[interpolated == TRUE,flag := "~ "]
if (nrow(x_dt) > 0) {
x_dt_cast <- dcast(x_dt, dcast_formula, value.var = c("value","flag"))
as.vector(t(matrix(seq(length(dcast_lhs)+1, ncol(x_dt_cast)), ncol=2)))
c("date", "orbit", "sensor"),
c("Date", "Orbit", "Sensor"),
skip_absent = TRUE
gsub("^value_", "", names(x_dt_cast)[grep("^value_",names(x_dt_cast))])
rep("\u00A0", sum(grepl("^flag_",names(x_dt_cast))))
# in case of a single TS without explicit ID
setnames(x_dt_cast, "NA", "Value", skip_absent = TRUE)
if (!is.null(attr(x, "gen_by"))) {
if (attr(x, "gen_by") == "extract_s2ts") {
cat(" raw")
} else if (attr(x, "gen_by") == "smooth_s2ts") {
cat(" smoothed")
} else if (attr(x, "gen_by") %in% c("fill_s2ts", "cut_cycles")) {
cat("n interpolated")
} else if (attr(x, "gen_by") == "fit_curve") {
cat(paste0(" fitted (",attr(x, "fit")," method)"))
if (nrow(x_dt) == 0) {
cat(" empty s2ts time series.\n")
} else {
cat(" s2ts time series with", nrow(x_dt_cast), "dates")
if (length(ids) > 0) {cat(" and", length(ids), "IDs")}
print(x_dt_cast, ...)
if (length(ids) > n_ids) {
cat("...with", length(ids)-n_ids, "more IDs.\n")
if (any(!is.null(x_dt$qa), !is.null(attr(x, "gen_by")) && attr(x, "gen_by") == "fill_s2ts")) {
if (!is.null(x_dt$qa)) {
cat("Quality flags: \u25CF [1] \u25D5 [0.9,1) \u25D1 [0.75,0.9) \u25D4 [0.5,0.75) \u25CB [0,0.5)\n")
if (!is.null(attr(x, "gen_by")) && attr(x, "gen_by") == "fill_s2ts") {
cat("Interpolated values are marked with \"~\".\n")
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