
Defines functions getDescriptionStatsBy

Documented in getDescriptionStatsBy

#' Creating of description statistics
#' A function that returns a description statistic that can be used
#' for creating a publication "table 1" when you want it by groups.
#' The function identifies if the variable is a continuous, binary
#' or a factored variable. The format is inspired by NEJM, Lancet &
#' BMJ.
#' @param x The variable that you want the statistics for
#' @param by The variable that you want to split into different
#'  columns
#' @param digits The number of decimals used
#' @param html If HTML compatible output shoudl be used instead
#'  of default LaTeX
#' @param NEJMstyle Adds - no (\%) at the end to proportions
#' @param numbers_first If the number should be given or if the percentage
#'  should be presented first. The second is encapsulated in parentheses ().
#' @param show_missing Show the missing values. This adds another row if
#'  there are any missing values.
#' @param show_missing_digits The number of digits to use for the
#'  missing percentage, defaults to the overall \code{digits}.
#' @param continuous_fn The method to describe continuous variables. The
#'  default is \code{\link{describeMean}}.
#' @param prop_fn The method used to describe proportions, see \code{\link{describeProp}}.
#' @param factor_fn The method used to describe factors, see \code{\link{describeFactors}}.
#' @param statistics Add statistics, fisher test for proportions and Wilcoxon
#'  for continuous variables
#' @param two_dec.limit The limit for showing two decimals .
#' @param sig.limit The significance limit for < sign, i.e. p-value 0.0000312
#'  should be < 0.0001 with the default setting.
#' @param show_all_values This is by default false as for instance if there is
#'  no missing and there is only one variable then it is most sane to only show
#'  one option as the other one will just be a complement to the first. For instance
#'  sex - if you know gender then automatically you know the distribution of the
#'  other sex as it's 100 \% - other \%. To choose which one you want to show then
#'  set the \code{default_ref} parameter.
#' @param hrzl_prop This is default FALSE and indicates
#'  that the proportions are to be interpreted in a vertical manner.
#'  If we want the data to be horizontal, i.e. the total should be shown
#'  and then how these differ in the different groups then set this to TRUE.
#' @param add_total_col This adds a total column to the resulting table.
#'  You can also specify if you want the total column "first" or "last"
#'  in the column order.
#' @param total_col_show_perc This is by default true but if
#'  requested the percentages are surpressed as this sometimes may be confusing.
#' @param use_units If the Hmisc package's units() function has been employed
#'  it may be interesting to have a column at the far right that indicates the
#'  unit measurement. If this column is specified then the total column will
#'  appear before the units (if specified as last).
#' @param default_ref If you use proportions with only one variable, i.e. not show_all_values,
#'  then it can be useful to set the reference level that is of interest to show. This can
#'  wither be "First", level name or level number.
#' @param percentage_sign If you want to surpress the percentage sign you
#'  can set this variable to FALSE. You can also choose something else that
#'  the default \% if you so wish by setting this variable.
#' @return Returns a vector if vars wasn't specified and it's a
#'  continuous or binary statistic. If vars was a matrix then it
#'  appends the result to the end of that matrix. If the x variable
#'  is a factor then it does not append and you get a warning.
#' @example inst/examples/getDescriptionStatsBy_example.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{describeMean}}, \code{\link{describeProp}}, \code{\link{describeFactors}}, \code{\link{htmlTable}}
#' @importFrom Hmisc label
#' @importFrom Hmisc units
#' @importFrom Hmisc capitalize
#' @export
getDescriptionStatsBy <-
  function(x, by, digits=1,
           html = FALSE, NEJMstyle = FALSE,
           numbers_first = TRUE,
           sig.limit=10^-4, two_dec.limit= 10^-2,
           show_missing = FALSE,
           show_missing_digits = digits,
           continuous_fn = describeMean,
           prop_fn = describeProp,
           factor_fn = describeFactors,
           show_all_values = FALSE,
           hrzl_prop = FALSE,
           total_col_show_perc = TRUE,
           use_units = FALSE,
           default_ref = "First",
           percentage_sign = TRUE){

    # Always have a total column if the description statistics
    # are presented in a horizontal fashion
    if (missing(add_total_col) &&
      add_total_col = TRUE

      stop("You haven't provided an x-value to do the statistics by.",
           " This error is most frequently caused by referencing an old",
           " variable name that doesn't exist anymore")
      stop("You haven't provided an by-value to do the statistics by.",
           " This error is most frequently caused by referencing an old",
           " variable name that doesn't exist anymore")

    # If there is a label for the variable
    # that one should be used otherwise go
    # with the name of the variable
    if (label(x) == "")
      name <- deparse(substitute(x))
      name <- label(x)

    # Check missing -
    # Send a warning, since the user might be unaware of this
    # potentially disturbing fact. The dataset should perhaps by
    # subsetted by is.na(by) == FALSE
    if (any(is.na(by))){
      warning(sprintf("Your 'by' variable has %d missing values", sum(is.na(by))),
              "\n   The corresponding 'x' and 'by' variables are automatically removed")
      x <- x[!is.na(by)]
      if (inherits(x, "factor")){
        x <- factor(x)
      by <- by[!is.na(by)]
      if (inherits(by, "factor")){
        by <- factor(by)

    show_missing <- prConvertShowMissing(show_missing)

    # If all values are to be shown then simply use
    # the factors function
    if (show_all_values)
      prop_fn <- describeFactors

    addEmptyValuesToMakeListCompatibleWithMatrix <- function(t){
      # Convert the list into a list with vectors instead of matrices
      for (n in names(t)){
        if (is.matrix(t[[n]])){
          tmp_names <- rownames(t[[n]])
          t[[n]] <- as.vector(t[[n]])
          names(t[[n]]) <- tmp_names

      # TODO: This function does not respect the order in
      # the factored variable. This could potentially be
      # a problem although probably more theoretical
      all_row_names <- c()
      for (n in names(t)){
        all_row_names <- union(all_row_names, names(t[[n]]))

      # No rownames exist, this occurs often
      # when there is only one row and that row doesn't
      # have a name
      if (is.null(all_row_names))

      # The missing NA element should always be last
      if (any(is.na(all_row_names)))
        all_row_names <- append(all_row_names[is.na(all_row_names) == FALSE], NA)

      ret <- list()
      for (n in names(t)){
        # Create an empty array
        ret[[n]] <- rep(0, times=length(all_row_names))
        names(ret[[n]]) <- all_row_names
        # Loop and add all the values
        for (nn in all_row_names){
          if (nn %in% names(t[[n]])){
            if (is.na(nn)){
              ret[[n]][is.na(names(ret[[n]]))] <- t[[n]][is.na(names(t[[n]]))]
              ret[[n]][nn] <- t[[n]][nn]


    if (!is.logical(x) && is.numeric(x)){
      # If the numeric has horizontal_proportions then it's only so in the
      # missing category
      if (hrzl_prop)
        t <- by(x, by, FUN=continuous_fn, html=html, digits=digits,
                show_missing = show_missing,
                show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                horizontal_proportions = table(is.na(x), useNA=show_missing),
                percentage_sign = percentage_sign)
        t <- by(x, by, FUN=continuous_fn, html=html, digits=digits,
                show_missing = show_missing,
                show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                percentage_sign = percentage_sign)

      if (length(t[[1]]) != 1){
        if (deparse(substitute(continuous_fn)) == "describeMean")
          names(t[[1]][1]) = "Mean"
        else if (deparse(substitute(continuous_fn)) == "describeMedian")
          names(t[[1]][1]) = "Median"
          names(t[[1]][1]) = deparse(substitute(continuous_fn))

      if (statistics)
        pval <- wilcox.test(x ~ by)$p.value

    }else if(is.factor(x) &&
               length(levels(x)) == 2 &&
               hrzl_prop == FALSE){

      default_ref <- prGetAndValidateDefaultRef(x, default_ref)

      t <- by(x, by, FUN=prop_fn, html=html, digits=digits,
              show_missing = show_missing,
              show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
              default_ref = default_ref, percentage_sign = percentage_sign)

      # Set the rowname to a special format
      # if there was missing and this is an matrix
      # then we should avoid using this format
      name <- sprintf("%s %s", capitalize(levels(x)[default_ref]), tolower(label(x)))
      if (NEJMstyle) {
        # LaTeX needs and escape before %
        # or it marks the rest of the line as
        # a comment. This is not an issue with
        # html (markdown)
        percent_sign <- ifelse(html, "%", "\\%")

        if (numbers_first)
          name <- sprintf("%s - no (%s)", name, percent_sign)
          name <- sprintf("%s - %s (no)", name, percent_sign)

      # If this is the only row then set that row to the current name
      if (length(t[[1]]) == 1){
        names(t[[1]][1]) = name

      if (statistics){
        if (length(unique(x))*length(unique(by)) < 3*3)
          pval <- fisher.test(x, by, workspace=20)$p.value
          pval <- fisher.test(x, by, workspace=20, simulate.p.value=TRUE)$p.value

      if (hrzl_prop){
        t <- by(x, by, FUN=factor_fn, html=html, digits=digits,
                show_missing = show_missing,
                show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                horizontal_proportions = table(x, useNA=show_missing),
                percentage_sign = percentage_sign)
        t <- by(x, by, FUN=factor_fn, html=html, digits=digits,
                show_missing = show_missing,
                show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                percentage_sign = percentage_sign)

      if (statistics){
        # This is a quick fix in case of large dataset
        workspace = 10^5
        if (length(x)*length(levels(x)) > 10^4)
          workspace = 10^7
        # Large statistics tend to be very heavy and therefore
        # i need to catch errors in fisher and redo by simulation
        pval <- tryCatch({fisher.test(x, by, workspace=workspace)$p.value},
                         error = function(err){
                           warning("Simulating p-value for fisher due to high computational demands on the current varible")
                           fisher.test(x, by, simulate.p.value=TRUE, B=10^5)$p.value

    # Convert the list into a matrix compatible format
    t <- addEmptyValuesToMakeListCompatibleWithMatrix(t)
    # Convert into a matrix
    results <- matrix(unlist(t), ncol=length(t))

    cn <- names(t)

    # Add the proper rownames
    if (class(t[[1]]) == "matrix")
      rownames(results) <- rownames(t[[1]])
      rownames(results) <- names(t[[1]])

    # This is an effect from the numeric variable not having
    # a naming function
    if (is.null(rownames(results)) && nrow(results) == 1)
      rownames(results) <- name

    if (!missing(add_total_col) &&
          add_total_col != FALSE){
      total_table <- prGetStatistics(x[is.na(by) == FALSE],
                                     show_all_values = show_all_values,
                                     show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                                     continuous_fn = continuous_fn,
                                     factor_fn = factor_fn,
                                     prop_fn = prop_fn,
                                     percentage_sign = percentage_sign)

      if (!is.matrix(total_table)){
        total_table <- matrix(total_table, ncol=1, dimnames=list(names(total_table)))

      if (nrow(total_table) != nrow(results)){
        stop("There is an discrepancy in the number of rows in the total table",
             " and the by results: ", nrow(total_table), " total vs ", nrow(results), " results",
             "\n Rows total:", paste(rownames(total_table), collapse=", "),
             "\n Rows results:", paste(rownames(results), collapse=", "))
      if (add_total_col != "last"){
        results <- cbind(total_table, results)
        cn <- c("Total", cn)
        results <- cbind(results, total_table)
        cn <- c(cn, "Total")

    if (use_units){
      if (units(x) != ""){
        unitcol <- rep(sprintf("%s",units(x)), times=NROW(results))
        unitcol[rownames(results) == "Missing"] <- ""
        unitcol <- rep("", times=NROW(results))
      if (length(unitcol) != nrow(results)){
        stop("There is an discrepancy in the number of rows in the units",
             " and the by results: ", length(unitcol), " units vs ", nrow(results), " results",
             "\n Units:", paste(unitcol, collapse=", "),
             "\n Rows results:", paste(rownames(results), collapse=", "))
      results <- cbind(results, unitcol)
      cn <- c(cn, "units")

    if (statistics){
      pval <- pvalueFormatter(pval,
                              sig.limit=sig.limit, two_dec.limit= two_dec.limit,
      results <- cbind(results, c(pval, rep("", nrow(results)-1)))
      cn <- c(cn, "p-value")

    colnames(results) <- cn

    # Even if one row has the same name this doesn't matter
    # at this stage as it is information that may or may
    # not be used later on
    label(results) <- name

    return (results)
raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.