
Defines functions rvn_rvh_read

Documented in rvn_rvh_read

#' @title Read Raven .rvh (watershed discretization) file
#' @description
#' This routine reads in a valid Raven watershed discretization (.rvh) file and returns the
#' information about HRUs and Subbasins as data tables. It also returns a subbasin igraph
#' network object which describes stream network connectivity and adds additional HRU-derived
#' subbasin characteristics such as total upstream area and dominant land/vegetation classes.
#' @details
#' The supplied file should not be comma-delimited with a trailing comma. The function also
#' does not like tabs in the rvh file, the file should be untabified first.
#' This function uses the igraph library to build the networks and compute the total upstream area.
#' The .rvh file can have arbitrary contents outside of the :HRUs-:EndHRUs and :SubBasins-:EndSubBasins
#' command blocks.
#' Partial rvh files may be provided to this function (i.e. with only :SubBasin or :HRUs blocks but not the other),
#' however, some calculations and the calculation of the \code{SBnetwork} output will not be completed. Omitted
#' structures (e.g. \code{SBtable}) will be returned as \code{NULL} if the section is not found in the rvh file directly.
#' Note that this function does not look for additional files specified with \code{:RedirectToFile} commands.
#' The ff argument can be a relative path name or absolute one.
#' The TotalUpstreamArea is the total drainage area upstream of the given subbasin outlet. With this calculation,
#' headerwater subbasins will have a total upstream area equal to their own subbasin area.
#' @param ff the filepath of the .rvh file (with .rvh extension included).
#' @return
#' Returns a list including:
#' \item{SBtable}{a data table of Subbasin characteristics indexed by Subbasin ID (SBID). Includes
#' the following data columns from the .rvh file : SBID, Name, Downstream_ID, Profile, ReachLength,
#' Gauged. The rvn_rvh_read() functions supplements this with additional columns: Area, Elevation, AvgLatit,
#' AvgLongit, AvgSlope, AvgAspect, DomLU, DomLUArea, DomLUFrac, DomVeg, DomVegArea, DomVegFrac.
#' Elevation, AvgLatit, AvgLongit, AvgSlope, and AvgAspect are the area-weighted averages from all
#' constituent HRUs. DomLU is the dominant land use name, DomLUArea is the area (in km2) of the
#' dominant land use and DomLUArea is the percentage of the basin covered with DomLU; same applies to DomVeg.}
#' \item{HRUtable}{a data table of HRU characteristics, with land use and vegetation classes as factors.
#' Contains identical information as found in the :HRUs-:EndHRUs block of the .rvh file: ID, Area,
#' Elevation, Latitude, Longitude, SBID, LandUse,Vegetation, SoilProfile, Aquifer, Terrain, Slope,
#' and Aspect.}
#' \item{SBnetwork}{an igraph network graph network describing subbasin stream network connectivity,
#' with nodes indexed by SBID.}
#' @author James R. Craig, University of Waterloo
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{rvn_rvh_write}} to write contents of the generated (and usually modified HRU and SubBasin tables)
#' \code{\link{rvn_rvh_subbasin_network_plot}} to plot the subbasin network
#' @examples
#'   # load example rvh file
#'   nith <- system.file("extdata","Nith.rvh",package = "RavenR")
#'   rvh <- rvn_rvh_read(nith)
#'   # number of HRUs
#'   nrow(rvh$HRUtable)
#'   # total watershed area
#'   sum(rvh$HRUtable$Area)
#'   # sub-table of headwater basins (upstream area = subbasin area)
#'   rvh$SBtable$SBID[rvh$SBtable$Area == rvh$SBtable$TotalUpstreamArea]
#'   # sub-table of Urban HRUs
#'   subset(rvh$HRUtable, LandUse == "URBAN")
#'   # get total area upstream of subbasin containing outlet
#'   upstr <- cumsum(rvh$SBtable$Area)
#'   upstr[rvh$SBtable$Downstream_ID == -1]
#'   # show upstream areas for each subbasin
#'   rvh$SBtable[,c("SBID","TotalUpstreamArea")]
#'   # plot network diagram using igraph library
#'   igraph::plot.igraph(rvh$SBnetwork)
#' @export rvn_rvh_read
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame ego V as_ids
#' @importFrom utils read.table
rvn_rvh_read <- function(ff)

  # ego_size removed from importFrom

  downID <- NULL
  SBtab <- HRUtab <- net <- NULL # define outputs as NULL to start

  # read subbasins table--------------------------------
  lineno<-grep("^\\s*\\t*:SubBasins", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE), value = FALSE)
  lineend<-grep("^\\s*\\t*:EndSubBasins", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE), value = FALSE)

  if ((length(lineno)==0) || (length(lineend)==0)){
    warning('rvn_rvh_read: no :SubBasins block found; SBtable and SBnetwork will be returned as NULL')
    SubBasinTab <- NULL
  } else {

    if (length(lineno) >= 2) {
      warning("rvn_rvh_read: multiple lines matching :SubBasins found; using first matching line in reading file")
      lineno <- lineno[1]
    if (length(lineend) >=2 ) {
      warning("rvn_rvh_read: multipe lines matching :EndSubBasins found; using first matching line in reading file.")
      lineend <- lineend[1]


    #print(paste0("read sbs: |",delim,"| ",lineno," ",lineend," ",lineend-lineno-3 ))
    SubBasinTab<-read.table(text=gsub(",", "\t", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE)),
                            skip=lineno+2, nrows=lineend-lineno-3, sep="",fill=TRUE,
                            col.names=cnames,header=FALSE,blank.lines.skip=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE,
                            stringsAsFactors=FALSE,flush=TRUE,comment.char = "#")

    ## I believe this section is redundant and handled by the read.table function already
    # clean up names and entries - 'untabify'
    # SubBasinTab$Name<-trimws(SubBasinTab$Name)
    # SubBasinTab <- as.data.frame(sapply(SubBasinTab, function(x) gsub("\t", "", x), simplify=FALSE))
    # SubBasinTab <- SubBasinTab[,1:length(cnames)]

  # read HRUs table ------------------------------------
  lineno<-grep("^\\s*\\t*:HRUs", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE), value = FALSE)
  lineend<-grep("^\\s*\\t*:EndHRUs", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE), value = FALSE)
  if ((length(lineno)==0) | (length(lineend)==0)){
    warning('rvn_rvh_read: no :HRUs block found; HRUtable and SBnetwork will be returned as NULL')
    HRUtab <- NULL
  } else {

    if (length(lineno) >= 2) {
      warning("rvn_rvh_read: multiple lines matching :HRUs found; using first matching line in reading file")
      lineno <- lineno[1]
    if (length(lineend) >=2 ) {
      warning("rvn_rvh_read: multipe lines matching :EndHRUs found; using first matching line in reading file.")
      lineend <- lineend[1]


    #print(paste0("read HRUs: |",delim,"| ",lineno," ",lineend," ",lineend-lineno-3 ))
    HRUtab<-read.table(text=gsub(",", "\t", readLines(ff,warn=FALSE)),
                       skip=lineno+2, nrows=lineend-lineno-3, sep="",col.names=cnames,
                       stringsAsFactors=FALSE,flush=TRUE,comment.char = "#",
    HRUtab <- HRUtab[!is.na(HRUtab$ID),]

    #print('done reading HRUs')
    # clean up names and entries - 'untabify'
    # HRUtab <- as.data.frame(sapply(HRUtab, function(x) gsub("\t", "", x), simplify=FALSE))

  # additional operations if both SBtab and HRUtab are present
  if (!is.null(SubBasinTab) & !is.null(HRUtab)) {
    # sum area-------------------------------------------
    A<-aggregate(Area ~ SBID, FUN = sum, data=HRUtab)
    Elev<-aggregate(Elevation ~ SBID, FUN = mean, data=HRUtab)
    SBtab<-merge(SBtab, round(Elev,1),by="SBID")

    # area-weighted lat and long--------------------------
    test<-aggregate(tmpA ~ SBID, FUN=sum,data=HRUtab)

    test<-aggregate(tmpA ~ SBID, FUN=sum,data=HRUtab)

    # mean slope, aspect (area-weighted)
    test<-aggregate(tmpA ~ SBID, FUN=sum,data=HRUtab)

    test<-aggregate(tmpA ~ SBID, FUN=sum,data=HRUtab)

    # delete tmpA
    HRUtab<-HRUtab[ , !(names(HRUtab) %in% c("tmpA"))]

    #dominant land use, vegetation,
    LU<-LU[with(LU, order(SBID, -Area)),]# sort by area cover
    newdata<-LU[which(LU$Area %in% maxlist$Area),]
    newdata <- newdata[ !duplicated(newdata$SBID), ]
    SBtab<-merge(SBtab,newdata,by="SBID") # something wrong with this merge

    Veg<-Veg[with(Veg, order(SBID, -Area)),]# sort by area cover
    newdata<-Veg[which(Veg$Area %in% maxlist$Area),]
    newdata <- newdata[ !duplicated(newdata$SBID), ]



    #calculate total upstream area
    links<-subset.data.frame(links,downID>=0) # get rid of -1

    #create network graph structure
    net <- graph_from_data_frame(d=links, vertices=SBtab, directed=TRUE)
    egon <- ego(net,order=100, nodes=V(net),mode="in")
    # size <- ego_size(net,order=100, nodes=V(net),mode="in")
    for (i in 1:nrow(SBtab)){
      SBID = SBtab$SBID[i]
      up <- subset.data.frame(SBtab, SBID %in% as_ids(egon[[i]]))
      SBtab$TotalUpstreamArea[i] <- sum(up$Area)
  } else if (!is.null(SubBasinTab) & is.null(HRUtab)) {
    SBtab <- SubBasinTab

  return(list(SBtable = SBtab, HRUtable = HRUtab, SBnetwork = net))
rchlumsk/RavenR documentation built on June 28, 2024, 12:27 p.m.