## Exporters for files and images
#' File exporter
#' Export Reactome pathway diagrams in SBGN or SBML format.
#' @param id a stable or db id of an Event (Pathway or Reaction)
#' @param format either in "sbgn" (SBGN, Systems Biology Graphical Notation) or
#' "sbml" (SBML, Systems Biology Markup Language)
#' @param writeToFile If set to `TRUE`, the returned data would be written into
#' a file. If `file=NULL`, the output file will be automatically saved into the
#' working directory and named based on the `id` and `format`
#' @param file full path of the output file
#' @return a character object with the content of SBGN/SBML for a given id, or
#' a SBGN/SMBL file saved into the specified path. If the output is empty character
#' or list, please check on \href{https://reactome.org/ContentService/}{ContentService}
#' or contact HelpDesk \email{help@@reactome.org}.
#' @examples
#' exportEventFile("R-HSA-432047", "sbgn", writeToFile=FALSE)
#' \dontrun{exportEventFile("R-HSA-68616", "sbml", file="orc.assembly.sbml")}
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @rdname exportEventFile
#' @family exporter
#' @export
exportEventFile <- function(id, format=c("sbgn", "sbml"),
writeToFile=TRUE, file=NULL) {
# write url
path <- "exporter/event"
if (missing(format)) {
message("Format argument not specified, exporting in SGBN format... For SBML, specify format='sbml'")
format <- match.arg(format, several.ok=FALSE)
url <- file.path(getOption("base.address"), path, paste0(id, ".", format))
file.content <- .retrieveData(url, fromJSON=FALSE, as="text")
# save into a file
if (writeToFile) {
# get the current working directory if file path not specified
if (is.null(file)) file <- file.path(getwd(), paste0(id, ".", format))
message("File exported to ", sQuote(file))
write.table(file.content, file=file, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
} else {
#' Image exporter
#' The diagram exporter allows researchers to include images of their favorite
#' pathway diagrams into their publications, posters or presentations. For details
#' see Reactome [diagram exporter](https://reactome.org/dev/content-service/diagram-exporter) guide.
#' @param id stable or db id of a ReactionLikeEvent for "reaction" output, or id of an Event for "diagram"
#' @param output type of exported image including "diagram", "fireworks", "reaction"
#' @param species name or db id or taxon id of a species. Used in "fireworks" output
#' @param format output format including "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "gif"
#' @param quality result image quality between 1-10, default is 5
#' @param flg gene name, protein or chemical identifier or Reactome identifier used to flag elements in the diagram
#' @param flgInteractors defines whether to take into account interactors for the flagging
#' @param sel highlight element(s) selection in the diagram
#' @param title whether the name of the pathway is shown below
#' @param margin defines the image margin between 0-20, default is 15
#' @param ehld whether textbook-like illustration are taken into account
#' @param diagramProfile color profile, "modern" or "standard"
#' @param token token from Reactome [Analysis Service](https://reactome.org/dev/analysis)
#' @param resource the analysis resource for which the results will be overlaid on top of the given pathways overview
#' @param analysisProfile analysis color profile including "Standard", "Strosobar", "Copper%20plus"
#' @param expColumn the specific expression analysis results column to be
#' overlaid. If it is not specified (null), the first one is selected. If it is
#' not specified (null) and format is gif, then an animated gif is generated
#' with all the columns.
#' @param fireworksCoverage set `TRUE` to overlay analysis coverage values in a fireworks image
#' @param file full path of the output file
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to [magick::image_write()]
#' @return an image saved into the specified path or a magick image object.
#' More magick processing see the [package](https://docs.ropensci.org/magick).
#' @examples
#' # fireworks
#' exportImage(species="9606", output="fireworks",
#' format="jpg", quality=7)
#' \dontrun{
#' # animated gifs of EHLDs
#' # can use your own token from your Reactome Analysis
#' gif <- exportImage(id="R-HSA-69278", output="diagram", format="gif",
#' sel="R-HSA-69242", token="MjAyMDA2MTcyMDM5NDBfMzU2")
#' print(gif)
#' # reaction
#' exportImage(id="R-HSA-6787403", output="reaction", format="svg",
#' flg="MTO1", analysisProfile="Copper%20plus", file="R-HSA-6787403.svg")
#' }
#' @importFrom magick image_read_svg image_read image_write
#' @rdname exportImage
#' @family exporter
#' @seealso [magick] to further process the image object
#' @export
exportImage <- function(id=NULL, output=c("diagram", "fireworks", "reaction"),
species=NULL, format=c("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "gif"),
quality=5, flg=NULL, flgInteractors=TRUE, sel=NULL, title=TRUE,
margin=15, ehld=TRUE, diagramProfile="Modern", token=NULL,
resource="TOTAL", analysisProfile="Standard", expColumn=NULL,
fireworksCoverage=FALSE, file=NULL, ...) {
# ensure the arguments
if (missing(format)) {
message("Format argument not spcified, exporting as 'png'... For 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'gif', specify 'format'")
output <- match.arg(output, several.ok=FALSE)
format <- match.arg(format, several.ok=FALSE)
args <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...)) #collect arguments
#replace id with taxon id
if (output == "fireworks") id <- .matchSpecies(species, "taxId")
# add path and quality parameter to url
url <- file.path(getOption("base.address"), "exporter", output,
paste0(id, ".", format, "?quality=", quality))
# add other parameters to url
## turn boolean arguments into lower case characters
boolean.args <- vapply(args, is.logical, logical(1))
args[boolean.args] <- lapply(args[boolean.args], tolower)
args <- args[!names(args) %in% c("id", "output", "species", "format", "quality", "file", names(list(...)))]
if (output != "diagram") args <- args[names(args) != "ehld"]
ifelse(output == "fireworks",
args <- args[names(args) != "analysisProfile"],
args <- args[names(args) != "fireworksCoverage"])
# concatenate specified parameters
for (arg in names(args)) {
if (!is.null(args[[arg]])) url <- paste0(url, "&", arg, "=", args[[arg]])
# get image using magick package
if (format == "svg") {
img <- image_read_svg(url)
} else {
img <- image_read(url)
# write into a file if file path provided
if (!is.null(file)) {
message("Image exported to ", sQuote(file))
image_write(image=img, path=file, format=format, ...)
} else {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.