# Author: Robert Hijmans
# May 2021
# License GPL3
write_files <- function(path=NULL, metadata, records, timerecs=NULL, wth=NULL, options=NULL) {
group <- metadata$group
cleanuri <- metadata$dataset_id
stopifnot(nrow(metadata) == 1)
if (!is.null(timerecs)) {
timerecs$dataset_id <- cleanuri
if (!is.null(wth)) {
wth$dataset_id <- cleanuri
to_mem <- FALSE
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "carob")
to_mem <- TRUE
if (!to_mem) {
dir.create(file.path(path, "data", "clean"), FALSE, FALSE)
list.files(file.path(path, "data", "clean", group), cleanuri, full.names=TRUE) |> file.remove()
if (missing(records)) {
if (!grepl("_nodata$", cleanuri)) {
stop("records missing")
d <- data.frame(ignore=TRUE)
outf <- file.path(path, "data", "clean", group, paste0(cleanuri, ".csv"))
write.csv(d, outf, row.names=FALSE)
mf <- gsub(".csv$", "_meta.csv", outf)
utils::write.csv(metadata, mf, row.names=FALSE)
if (nrow(records) > 0) {
dir.create(file.path(path, "data", "messages", group), FALSE, TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(path, "data", "evaluation", group), FALSE, TRUE)
records$dataset_id <- metadata$dataset_id
opt <- options("carobiner_check")
answ <- check_terms(metadata, records, timerecs, wth, group, check=opt)
fmsg <- file.path(path, "data", "messages", group, paste0(cleanuri, ".csv"))
if (file.exists(fmsg)) file.remove(fmsg)
feval <- file.path(path, "data", "evaluation", group, paste0(cleanuri, ".csv"))
if (file.exists(feval)) file.remove(feval)
e <- evaluate_quality(records, group)
data.table::fwrite(e, feval, row.names=FALSE)
if (!to_mem) {
answ <- check_pubs(metadata, path, answ)
if (nrow(answ) > 0) {
answ$group <- group
answ$dataset_id <- cleanuri
answ$contributor <- metadata$carob_contributor
fign <- file.path(path, "scripts", group, "ignore.csv")
if (file.exists(fign)) {
ign <- utils::read.csv(fign)
ign <- apply(ign, 1, \(i) paste(i, collapse="#"))
ans <- apply(answ, 1, \(i) paste(i, collapse="#"))
m <- stats::na.omit(match(ign, ans))
if (length(m) > 0) {
answ <- answ[-m, ]
if (nrow(answ) > 0) {
data.table::fwrite(answ, fmsg, row.names=FALSE)
for (i in 1:nrow(answ)) {
message(paste(" ", answ$msg[i]))
message(paste(" contributor:", metadata$carob_contributor))
if (is.null(records$record_id) && (nrow(records) > 0)) {
records$record_id <- 1:nrow(records)
records <- sort_by_terms(records, "records", group)
metadata <- sort_by_terms(metadata, "metadata", group)
timerecs <- sort_by_terms(timerecs, "timerecs", group)
if (to_mem) {
return(list(meta=metadata, data=records, long=timerecs))
outf <- file.path(path, "data", "clean", group, paste0(cleanuri, ".csv"))
dir.create(dirname(outf), FALSE, FALSE)
data.table::fwrite(records, outf, row.names=FALSE)
if (!is.null(timerecs)) {
outfw <- file.path(path, "data", "clean", group, paste0(cleanuri, "_long.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(timerecs, outfw, row.names=FALSE)
if (!is.null(wth)) {
wthf <- file.path(path, "data", "clean", group, paste0(cleanuri, "_wth.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(wth, wthf, row.names=FALSE)
mf <- gsub(".csv$", "_meta.csv", outf)
data.table::fwrite(metadata, mf, row.names=FALSE)
get_function <- function(name, path, group="") {
f <- file.path(path, "scripts", group, "_functions.R")
source(f, local=TRUE)
sort_by_terms <- function(x, type, group) {
trms <- accepted_variables(type, ifelse(group == "doi", "", group))
trms <- trms$name[trms$name %in% names(x)]
x[, trms]
compile_carob <- function(path, group="", split_license=FALSE, zip=FALSE, excel=FALSE, cache=FALSE) {
warn <- options("warn")
if (warn$warn < 1) {
dir.create(file.path(path, "data", "compiled"), showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
fff <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "clean", group), pattern=".csv$", recursive=TRUE)
if (group == "") {
grps <- unique(sapply(strsplit(fff, "/"), function(i) ifelse(length(i) > 1, i[1], "doi")))
} else {
fff <- file.path(group, fff)
grps <- group
ret <- NULL
if (zip) {
pzip <- Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD")
if (pzip == "") {
pzip <- "zip"
zipflags <- "-jq9"
fgrp <- dirname(fff)
for (grp in grps) {
wgroup <- ifelse(grp == "doi", "", paste0("_", grp))
ff <- file.path(path, "data", "clean", fff[fgrp == grp])
outft <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_terms.csv"))
if (file.exists(outft) && cache) {
ft <- file.info(outft)$mtime
fftime <- file.info(ff)$mtime
if (all(fftime < ft)) next
mi <- grepl("_meta.csv$", ff)
li <- grepl("_long.csv$", ff)
x <- sort_by_terms(.binder(ff[mi]), "metadata", grp)
x[is.na(x)] <- ""
x[] <- sapply(x, \(i) gsub("\n", " ", i))
x[] <- sapply(x, \(i) gsub("\t", " ", i))
y <- sort_by_terms(.binder(ff[!(mi|li)]), "records", grp)
# should be dealt with in source file
# if ("reference" %in% colnames(y)) {
# y$reference <- gsub("\n", " ", y$reference)
# y$reference <- gsub("\t", " ", y$reference)
# }
z <- sort_by_terms(.binder(ff[li]), "records", grp)
wf <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "messages", grp), full.names=TRUE)
wrn <- .binder(wf)
gterms <- accepted_variables("records", grp)
gterms <- gterms[, c("name", "type", "unit", "description")]
# utils::write.csv(gterms, outft, row.names=FALSE)
data.table::fwrite(gterms, outft, row.names=FALSE)
if (split_license) {
xx <- x[grepl("CC|ETALAB", x[,"license"]), ]
yy <- y[y$dataset_id %in% xx[, "dataset_id"], ]
wwrn <- wrn[wrn$dataset_id %in% xx[, "dataset_id"], ]
if (nrow(xx) > 0) {
outmf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_metadata-cc.csv"))
#utils::write.csv(xx, outmf, row.names=FALSE)
data.table::fwrite(xx, outmf, row.names=FALSE)
outff <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "-cc.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(yy, outff, row.names=FALSE)
outwf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_warnings-cc.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(wwrn, outwf, row.names=FALSE)
if (length(z) > 0) {
zz <- z[z$dataset_id %in% xx[, "dataset_id"], ]
if (nrow(zz) > 0) {
outlf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_long-cc.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(zz, outlf, row.names=FALSE)
} else {
outlf <- NULL
} else {
outlf <- NULL
if (zip) {
fzip <- gsub(".csv$", ".zip", outff)
if (file.exists(fzip)) file.remove(fzip)
utils::zip(fzip, c(outft, outmf, outff, outlf, outwf), zipflags, zip=pzip)
if (excel) {
fxls <- gsub(".csv$", ".xlsx", outff)
dx <- list(sources=xx, terms=gterms, data=yy, warnings=wwrn)
writexl::write_xlsx(dx, fxls)
outwf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_warnings.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(wrn, outwf, row.names=FALSE)
outmf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_metadata.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(x, outmf, row.names=FALSE)
outff <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, ".csv"))
data.table::fwrite(y, outff, row.names=FALSE)
if (length(z) > 0) {
outlf <- file.path(path, "data", "compiled", paste0("carob", wgroup, "_long.csv"))
data.table::fwrite(z, outlf, row.names=FALSE)
} else {
outlf <- NULL
if (zip) {
fzip <- gsub(".csv$", ".zip", outff)
if (file.exists(fzip)) file.remove(fzip)
utils::zip(fzip, c(outft, outmf, outff, outlf, outwf), flags=zipflags, zip=pzip)
if (excel) {
fxls <- gsub(".csv$", ".xlsx", outff)
dx <- list(sources=x, terms=gterms, data=y, warnings=wrn)
writexl::write_xlsx(dx, fxls)
ret <- c(ret, outmf, outff)
run_carob <- function(cleanuri, path, group="", quiet=FALSE) {
w <- options("warn")
if (w$warn < 1) {
ff <- list.files(file.path(path, "scripts", group), pattern="R$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
f <- grep(cleanuri, ff, value=TRUE)
carob_script <- function() {FALSE}
if (!quiet) cat(basename(f), "\n"); utils::flush.console()
source(f, local=TRUE)
if (!exists("carob_script")) {
stop(" ", basename(f), " does not have a 'carob_script' function", call.=FALSE)
if (!carob_script(path)) {
cat(paste(" ", basename(f), " failed\n"))
process_carob <- function(path, group="", quiet=FALSE, check=NULL, cache=TRUE) {
if (!file.exists(path)) {
stop("path does not exist")
w <- options("warn")
if (w$warn < 1) {
on.exit(options(warn=w$warn), add=TRUE)
if (group != "") {
base <- file.path(path, "scripts")
ffR <- list.files(file.path(base, group), pattern="\\.R$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
ff_un <- grepl("^_", basename(ffR))
ffR <- ffR[!ff_un]
ffR <- ffR[!grepl("/_pending/", ffR)]
#ffR <- ffR[!grepl("/_removed/", ffR)]
#ffR <- ffR[basename(ffR) != "template.R"]
if (length(ffR) == 0) {
fcsv <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "clean", group), pattern="_meta.csv$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
fcsv <- gsub("_nodata", "", fcsv)
if (length(fcsv) == 0) cache = FALSE
if (cache) {
have_csv <- data.frame(
group = basename(dirname(fcsv)),
URI=tolower(gsub("_meta.csv$", "", basename(fcsv), ignore.case = TRUE)),
csvfile = fcsv,
csvtime = file.mtime(fcsv),
data = TRUE)
have_R <- data.frame(
group = basename(dirname(ffR)),
URI= tolower(gsub("\\.R$", "", basename(ffR), ignore.case = TRUE)),
Rfile = ffR,
Rtime = file.mtime(ffR),
script = TRUE)
have <- merge(have_csv, have_R, by=c("group", "URI"), all=TRUE)
i <- which(is.na(have$script))
if (length(i) > 0) {
# remove compiled data for which there is no matching script
file.remove(gsub("_meta", "", have$csvfile[i]))
have <- have[-i, ,drop=FALSE]
keep <- which(is.na(have$data) | (have$Rtime > have$csvtime))
ffR <- have$Rfile[keep]
if (length(ffR) == 0) {
} else {
fcsv <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "clean", group), pattern=".csv$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
fmsg <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "messages", group), pattern="\\.csv$", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
ffR <- sort(ffR)
tab <- table(basename(ffR))
if (any(tab > 1)) {
dups <- names(tab[tab>1])
message(paste("duplicate files: ", paste(dups, collapse=", ")))
carob_script <- function() {FALSE}
for (f in ffR) {
if (!quiet) cat(gsub(base, "", f), "\n"); utils::flush.console()
source(f, local=TRUE)
if (!exists("carob_script")) {
stop(basename(f), " does not have a 'carob_script' function", call.=FALSE)
ok <- FALSE
try(ok <- carob_script(path))
if (!ok) {
message(paste(" processing failed for:\n", basename(f)))
ffm <- list.files(file.path(path, "data", "messages"), pattern=".csv$", full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
msg <- lapply(ffm, utils::read.csv)
msg <- do.call(rbind, msg)
utils::write.csv(msg, file.path(path, "data", "messages.csv"), row.names=FALSE)
make_carob <- function(path, group="", quiet=FALSE, check="all", report=FALSE, cache=TRUE, ...) {
message(" === process ===")
process_carob(path, group=group, quiet=quiet, check=check, cache=cache)
message(" === compile ===")
compile_carob(path, group=group, cache=cache, ...)
if (report) {
message(" === report ===")
make_reports(path, group="", cache=TRUE)
message(" === done ===")
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