
Defines functions weighted_combine_predictions assemble_predictions assemble_stacking_inputs fit_stacked_model fit_unregularized_stacked_model fit_kernel_smoothed_stacked_model_fixed_bw

Documented in assemble_predictions assemble_stacking_inputs fit_kernel_smoothed_stacked_model_fixed_bw fit_stacked_model fit_unregularized_stacked_model weighted_combine_predictions

## utility functions that might be useful for multiple prediction methods

#' Compute a weighted combination of prediction results
#' @param component_preds data frame of predictions from component models
#' @param weights data frame of model weights
#' @param log_weights data frame of (log) model weights
#' @return data frame with weighted combination of predictions
#' @export
weighted_combine_predictions <- function(
  log_weights) {
  log_weights_missing <- missing(log_weights)
  if(log_weights_missing) {
    if(!missing(weights)) {
      log_weights <- weights
    } else {
      stop("Must provide at least one of weights, log_weights")
  ## all possible prediction targets and types
  prediction_targets <- c("onset", "peak_inc", "peak_week", "ph_1_inc", "ph_2_inc", "ph_3_inc", "ph_4_inc")
  prediction_types <- c("log_score", "competition_log_score", "bin_log_probs")
  ## prediction targets for which weights were supplied
  prediction_targets_used <- colnames(log_weights)[colnames(log_weights) %in% prediction_targets]
  ## variables on which weights depend
  weighting_covars <- colnames(log_weights)[!(colnames(log_weights) %in% prediction_targets)]
  ## variables that, taken together, uniquely identify cases for which predictions were made
  unique_case_id_vars <- c("region", "analysis_time_season", "analysis_time_season_week")
  ## if log weights was missing, need to take log of provided weights
  if(log_weights_missing) {
    log_weights[, prediction_targets_used] <- log(log_weights[, prediction_targets_used])
  ## add log_weights columns to predictions from component models
  component_preds <- left_join(component_preds,
    by = weighting_covars)
  ## number of models
  num_models <- length(unique(log_weights$model))
  ## compute weighted sum of model predictions for each prediction target
  for(prediction_target in prediction_targets) {
    for(prediction_type in prediction_types) {
      ## which columns contain predictions for given target/type.  use column
      ## names because column indices may differ in component_preds and combined_preds
      prediction_cols_to_combine <- grep(
        paste0(prediction_target, "_", ifelse(prediction_type == "bin_log_probs", "bin_.*_log_prob", prediction_type)),
      prediction_cols_to_combine <- colnames(component_preds)[prediction_cols_to_combine]
      ## if prediction target has associated weights, weight predictions from component models
      ## otherwise, set predictions from component models to NA
      if(prediction_target %in% prediction_targets_used) {
        component_preds[, prediction_cols_to_combine] <-
          component_preds[, prediction_cols_to_combine] +
          component_preds[, prediction_target]
      } else {
        component_preds[, prediction_cols_to_combine] <- NA
  cols_to_summarize <- colnames(component_preds)[
    !(colnames(component_preds) %in% c("model", prediction_targets_used, "kcde_model_confidence", "sarima_model_confidence", "weighted_ili"))
  cols_to_sum <- cols_to_summarize[!(cols_to_summarize %in% unique_case_id_vars)]
  ## split by unique_case_id_vars, summarize each, and rejoin
  split_component_preds <- split(component_preds[, cols_to_summarize],
    component_preds[, unique_case_id_vars])
  combined_preds <- rbind.fill(lapply(split_component_preds,
    function(comp) {
      res <- cbind(
        comp[1, cols_to_summarize[!(cols_to_summarize %in% cols_to_sum)], drop = FALSE],
        apply(comp[, cols_to_sum], 2, logspace_sum) %>%
          `dim<-`(c(1, length(cols_to_sum))) %>%
          as.data.frame() %>%
      if(!identical(nrow(comp), num_models)) {
        warning("predictions from all component models not available.")
        res[, cols_to_sum] <- NA

#' Assemble leave-one-season-out or test phase predictions made by kde, kcde, and sarima
#' models on training data.
#' @param preds_path path to leave-one-season-out or test phase predictions.
#' @param regions character vector specifying regions for which to get predictions,
#'   "National" or "Regionk" for k in 1, ..., 10.
#' @param seasons character vector specifying seasons for which to get predictions,
#'   "2011/2012" or "2011-2012"
#' @param models character vector specifying models for which to get predictions,
#'   "kde", "kcde", or "sarima"
#' @param prediction_targets character vector specifying prediction targets,
#'   "onset", "peak_week", "peak_inc", "ph_1_inc", ..., "ph_4_inc"
#' @param prediction_types character vector specifying prediction types,
#'   "log_score", "competition_log_score", or "bin_log_probs"
#' @return a data frame with predictions.
#' @export
assemble_predictions <- function(
  preds_path = "inst/estimation/loso-predictions",
  regions = c("National", paste0("Region", 1:10)),
  seasons = paste0(2010:2016, "-", 2011:2017),
  models = c("kde", "kcde", "sarima_seasonal_difference_TRUE", "sarima_seasonal_difference_FALSE"),
  prediction_targets = c("onset", "peak_week", "peak_inc", "ph_1_inc", "ph_2_inc", "ph_3_inc", "ph_4_inc"),
  prediction_types = c("log_score", "competition_log_score", "bin_log_probs")
  ) {
  ## Seasons in format used in prediction file names
  seasons <- gsub("/", "-", seasons)
  ## names of files with prediction results to load
  file_name_patterns <- sapply(models,
    function(model) {
      if(identical(preds_path, "inst/prospective-predictions")) {
        if(model %in% c("sarima_seasonal_difference_TRUE", "sarima_seasonal_difference_FALSE")) {
          paste0(preds_path, "/sarima/prospective_predictions_", model, "/", "*")
        } else if(identical(model, "kcde")) {
          paste0(preds_path, "/kcde/prospective_predictions_kcde/*")
        } else if(identical(model, "kde")) {
          paste0(preds_path, "/kde/*")
        } else {
          stop("Invalid model.")
      } else {
        stop("Currently the only supported path for predictions files is inst/prospective-predictions")
  file_names <- Sys.glob(file_name_patterns)
  ## Subset file_names to only files for the specified seasons
  file_name_seasons <- sapply(file_names,
    function(file_path) {
      file_start_ind <- regexpr("EW[0-9]{2}-201[0-7]", file_path)
      ew <- as.integer(substr(file_path, file_start_ind + 2, file_start_ind + 3))
      year <- as.integer(substr(file_path, file_start_ind + 5, file_start_ind + 8))
      if(ew > 30) {
        season <- paste0(year, "-", year + 1)
      } else {
        season <- paste0(year - 1, "-", year)
  file_names <- file_names[file_name_seasons %in% seasons]
  ## load the prediction results
  pred_res <- rbind.fill(lapply(
    function(file_path) {
      file_start_ind <- regexpr("EW[0-9]{2}-201[0-7]", file_path)
      ew <- as.integer(substr(file_path, file_start_ind + 2, file_start_ind + 3))
      year <- as.integer(substr(file_path, file_start_ind + 5, file_start_ind + 8))
      if(ew > 30) {
        season <- paste0(year, "-", year + 1)
      } else {
        season <- paste0(year - 1, "-", year)
      read.csv(file_path) %>%
          ew = ew,
          year = year,
          season = season)
  ## narrow down to the specified prediction targets
  targets_submission_format <- prediction_targets
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "onset"] <- "Season onset"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "peak_week"] <- "Season peak week"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "peak_inc"] <- "Season peak percentage"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "ph_1_inc"] <- "1 wk ahead"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "ph_2_inc"] <- "2 wk ahead"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "ph_3_inc"] <- "3 wk ahead"
  targets_submission_format[targets_submission_format == "ph_4_inc"] <- "4 wk ahead"
  target_pred_res <- pred_res %>%
    filter(Target %in% targets_submission_format & Type == "Bin")

#' Assemble a data frame of inputs to stacking
#' @param regions string with region: either "National" or in the format
#'   "Regionk" for k in {1, ..., 10}
#' @param seasons character vector specifying seasons for which to get predictions,
#'   "2011/2012" or "2011-2012" or "*" for all seasons
#' @param prediction_target string with either "onset", "peak_week",
#'   "peak_inc", "ph1_inc", ..., "ph4_inc"
#' @param component_model_names character vector with names of component models
#' @param explanatory_variables character vector with names of explanatory variables
#'   to include for weights; a non-empty subset of "analysis_time_season_week",
#'   "kcde_model_confidence", "sarima_model_confidence", "weighted_ili"
#' @param include_model_performance boolean; should measures of model
#'   performance be included in the return result? Generally, should be TRUE if
#'   we're getting inputs for model training and FALSE if we're just getting
#'   covariates to calculate model weights.
#' @param preds_path path to directory with leave-one-season-out or test phase
#'   predictions from each component model.  Predictions should be saved in
#'   files named like "kde-National-loso-predictions.rds"
#' @return a data frame with covariates that model weights depend on
#'   (as specified by explanatory_variables) and possibly log scores from each
#'   component model
#' @export
assemble_stacking_inputs <- function(
  seasons = paste0(2010:2016, "-", 2011:2017),
  include_model_performance = FALSE,
) {
  ## Load prediction results
  target_pred_res <- assemble_predictions(
    preds_path = preds_path,
    regions = c("National", paste0("Region", 1:10)),
    seasons = seasons,
    models = component_model_names,
    prediction_targets = prediction_target
  ## For each season, ...
  for(season in seasons) {
    ## get observed value of prediction target
    if(identical(prediction_target, "onset")) {
      ## get observed onset week
      flu_data_for_create_truth <- flu_data %>%
          location = gsub(
            "US National",
            gsub("Region ",
              "HHS Region ",
          week = week,
          season = season,
          season_week = season_week,
          wILI = weighted_ili,
          ILI = weighted_ili # as of 20171016, FluSight::create_truth operates on ILI column
      obs_target_values_by_season <- map_df(seasons,
        function(season_val) {
          FluSight::create_truth(fluview = FALSE,
            year = as.integer(substr(season_val, 1, 4)),
            weekILI = filter(flu_data_for_create_truth,
              season == gsub("-", "/", season_val) & season_week >= 10),
            challenge = "ilinet") %>%
          mutate(season = season_val)
      #.... ##MORE TO DO -- other targets

    ## subset to weeks that are actually used in scoring.
    ## From Flu_Challenge_2017-18_v3.docx, these weeks are as follows:
    ## For the seasonal targets, the evaluation period will begin with the first
    ## forecast submission. The evaluation period for season onset will end with
    ## the forecast that is received six weeks after the observed onset week while
    ## the evaluation period for season peak and intensity will end with the first
    ## forecast received after ILINet is observed to go below baseline for the
    ## final time during an influenza season. For short-term forecasts, the
    ## evaluation period will begin with the forecast received four weeks prior to
    ## the onset week and will end with the forecast received three weeks after
    ## ILINet is observed to go below baseline for the final time during an
    ## influenza season.


    ## Get scores via FluSight::score_entry()
    ## https://github.com/jarad/FluSight/blob/master/R/score_entry.R
  ## drop rows where any of the (response or) explanatory variables for weights
  ## have NA values.  this is aggressive.
  if(include_model_performance) {
    vars_to_check <- c(paste0(component_model_names, "_log_score"), explanatory_variables)
  } else {
    vars_to_check <- explanatory_variables
  target_pred_res <- target_pred_res[
    apply(target_pred_res[, vars_to_check, drop = FALSE],
      function(x) {!any(is.na(x))}), # row has na?  drop if so
    , # all columns
    drop = FALSE]


#' Fit a stacking model that assigns weights to component models
#' The weights are a function of observed covariates (which?),
#' and are obtained via gradient tree boosting
#' @param prediction_target string with either "onset", "peak_week",
#'   "peak_inc", "ph1_inc", ..., "ph4_inc"
#' @param component_model_names character vector with names of component models
#' @param explanatory_variables character vector with names of explanatory variables
#'   to include for weights; a non-empty subset of "analysis_time_season_week",
#'   "kcde_model_confidence", "sarima_model_confidence", "weighted_ili"
#' @param loso_preds_path path to directory with leave-one-season-out
#'   predictions from each component model.  Predictions should be saved in
#'   files named like "kde-National-loso-predictions.rds"
#' @param seasons_to_leave_out optional character vector of seasons to leave out
#'   of stacking estimation
#' @param booster what form of boosting to use? see xgboost documentation
#' @param subsample fraction of data to use in bagging.  not supported yet.
#' @param colsample_bytree fraction of explanatory variables to randomly select
#'   in growing each regression tree. see xgboost documentation
#' @param colsample_bylevel fraction of explanatory variables to randomly select
#'   in growing each level of the regression tree. see xgboost documentation
#' @param max_depth maximum depth of regression trees. see xgboost documentation
#' @param min_child_weight not recommended for use. see xgboost documentation
#' @param eta learning rate. see xgboost documentation
#' @param gamma Penalty on number of regression tree leafs. see xgboost documentation
#' @param lambda L2 regularization of contribution to model weights in each
#'   round. see xgboost documentation
#' @param alpha L1 regularization of contribution to model weights in each round.
#'   see xgboost documentation
#' @param nrounds see xgboost documentation
#' @param cv_params optional named list of parameter values to evaluate loss
#'   via cross-validation. Each component is a vector of parameter values with
#'   name one of "booster", "subsample", "colsample_bytree",
#'   "colsample_bylevel", "max_depth", "min_child_weight", "eta", "gamma",
#'    "lambda", "alpha", "nrounds"
#' @param cv_folds list specifying observation groups to use in cross-validation
#'   each list component is a numeric vector of observation indices.
#' @param cv_nfolds integer specifying the number of cross-validation folds to
#'   use.  if cv_folds was provided, cv_nfolds is ignored.  if cv_folds was not
#'   provided, the data will be randomly partitioned into cv_nfolds groups
#' @param cv_refit character describing which of the models specified by the
#'   values in cv_params to refit using the full data set. Either "best",
#'   "ttest", or "none".
#' @param update an object of class xgbstack to update
#' @param nthread how many threads to use. see xgboost documentation
#' @param verbose how much output to generate along the way. 0 for no logging,
#'   1 for some logging
#' @return a model stacking fit
#' @export
fit_stacked_model <- function(
  explanatory_variables =
    c("analysis_time_season_week", "kcde_model_confidence", "sarima_model_confidence", "weighted_ili"),
  booster = "gbtree",
  subsample = 1,
  colsample_bytree = 1,
  colsample_bylevel = 1,
  max_depth = 10,
  min_child_weight = -10^10,
  eta = 0.3,
  gamma = 0,
  lambda = 0,
  alpha = 0,
  nrounds = 10,
  cv_params = NULL,
  cv_folds = NULL,
  cv_nfolds = 10L,
  cv_refit = "ttest",
  update = NULL,
  nthread = NULL,
  verbose = 0) {
  ### Assemble training data
  target_loso_pred_res <- assemble_stacking_inputs(
    regions = regions,
    prediction_target = prediction_target,
    component_model_names = component_model_names,
    explanatory_variables = explanatory_variables,
    include_model_performance = TRUE,
    preds_path = loso_preds_path
  ## if requested, drop season(s)
  if(!missing(seasons_to_leave_out)) {
    target_loso_pred_res <- 
      target_loso_pred_res[!(target_loso_pred_res$analysis_time_season %in% seasons_to_leave_out), ]
  ## get cross-validation groups if requested
  if(identical(cv_folds, "leave-one-season-out")) {
    cv_folds <- lapply(unique(target_loso_pred_res$analysis_time_season),
      function(season_val) {
        which(target_loso_pred_res$analysis_time_season == season_val)
  ## fit stacking model for weights
  fit_formula <- as.formula(paste0(
    paste0(component_model_names, "_log_score", collapse = " + "),
    " ~ ",
    paste(explanatory_variables, collapse = " + ")))
  xgbstack_fit <- xgbstack(fit_formula,
    data = target_loso_pred_res,
    booster = booster,
    subsample = subsample,
    colsample_bytree = colsample_bytree,
    colsample_bylevel = colsample_bylevel,
    max_depth = max_depth,
    min_child_weight = min_child_weight,
    eta = eta,
    gamma = gamma,
    lambda = lambda,
    alpha = alpha,
    nrounds = nrounds,
    cv_params = cv_params,
    cv_folds = cv_folds,
    cv_nfolds = cv_nfolds,
    cv_refit = cv_refit,
    update = update,
    nthread = nthread,
    verbose = verbose)

#' Estimate "optimal" unregularized weights for a linear combination of
#' predictive models.
#' This function uses either a grid search or the "degenerate EM" algorithm
#' outlined at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~roni/11761-f16/Presentations/degenerateEM.pdf
#' @param component_model_log_scores a data frame or matrix of log scores.
#'   Each column gives log scores for a particular predictive model.
#'   Each row corresponds to one observation
#' @param method character, either "em" for degenerate EM or "grid-search" for
#'   grid search
#' @param tol numeric, if method was "em", stopping tolerance
#' @param grid_size number of grid points for each model to evaluate in a grid
#'   search
#' @param return_type character, if method was "grid-search", either "optimal"
#'   to return only the best weights examined or "all" to return the full grid
#' @return model weights
#' @export
fit_unregularized_stacked_model <- function(
  method = "em",
  tol = .Machine$double.eps,
  grid_size = 101,
  return_type = "optimal") {
  component_model_log_scores <- as.matrix(component_model_log_scores)
  if(identical(method, "em")) {
    weights <- rep(1 / ncol(component_model_log_scores), ncol(component_model_log_scores))
    log_weights <- log(weights)
    prev_score <- -Inf
    curr_score <- mean(logspace_sum_matrix_rows(sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)))
    while((curr_score - prev_score) > tol[1] && (curr_score - prev_score) / abs(curr_score) > tol[1]) {
      log_weight_update_num <- sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)
      log_weight_update_denom <- logspace_sum_matrix_rows(log_weight_update_num)
      log_weights <-
        logspace_sum_matrix_rows(t(log_weight_update_num - log_weight_update_denom)) -
      prev_score <- curr_score
      curr_score <- mean(logspace_sum_matrix_rows(sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)))
  } else if(identical(method, "em-safe")) {
    weights <- rep(1 / ncol(component_model_log_scores), ncol(component_model_log_scores))
    prev_score <- -Inf
    curr_score <- mean(log(exp(component_model_log_scores) %*% matrix(weights)))
    while((curr_score - prev_score) / abs(curr_score) > tol[1]) {
      weight_update_num <- exp(component_model_log_scores) *
        matrix(rep(weights, each = nrow(component_model_log_scores)), nrow = nrow(component_model_log_scores))
      weight_update_denom <- apply(weight_update_num, 1, sum)
      weights <- apply(weight_update_num / weight_update_denom, 2, mean)
      prev_score <- curr_score
      curr_score <- mean(log(exp(component_model_log_scores) %*% matrix(weights)))
  } else if(identical(method, "grid-search")) {
    weights_grid <- expand.grid(
        seq_len(ncol(component_model_log_scores) - 1),
        function(i) seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = grid_size)
    weights_grid <- weights_grid[apply(weights_grid, 1, sum) <= 1, ]
    weights_grid <- cbind(weights_grid, 1 - apply(weights_grid, 1, sum)) %>%
      `colnames<-`(colnames(component_model_log_scores)) %>%
      mutate(combined_log_score = NA)
    for(weights_ind in seq_len(nrow(weights_grid))) {
      weights_grid$combined_log_score[weights_ind] <-
          exp(component_model_log_scores) %*%
            matrix(unlist(weights_grid[weights_ind, seq_len(ncol(component_model_log_scores))]))
          ) %>%
        log() %>%
    if(identical(return_type, "optimal")) {
      inds <- which(weights_grid$combined_log_score == max(weights_grid$combined_log_score))
    } else {
      inds <- seq_len(nrow(weights_grid))
    return(weights_grid[inds, seq_len(ncol(component_model_log_scores)), drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    stop("invalid method")

#' Estimate weights for a linear combination of predictive models.
#' This function uses the "degenerate EM" algorithm outlined at
#' http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~roni/11761-f16/Presentations/degenerateEM.pdf,
#' but modified in a way that is ad hoc but I think could be justified
#' to use kernel-weighted observations.
#' @param component_model_log_scores a data frame or matrix of log scores.
#'   Each column gives log scores for a particular predictive model.
#'   Each row corresponds to one observation
#' @param covariate a single covariate over which weights should be smoothed
#'   (more than one covariate may be supported later)
#' @param bw a bandwidth for the smoothing
#' @param tol numeric, if method was "em", stopping tolerance
#' @return model weights
#' @export
fit_kernel_smoothed_stacked_model_fixed_bw <- function(
  tol = .Machine$double.eps) {
  component_model_log_scores <- as.matrix(component_model_log_scores)
  covariate <- as.matrix(covariate)
  prediction_covariate <- as.matrix(prediction_covariate)
  method <- "em-safe"
  if(identical(method, "em")) {
    weights <- rep(1 / ncol(component_model_log_scores), ncol(component_model_log_scores))
    log_weights <- log(weights)
    prev_score <- -Inf
    curr_score <- mean(logspace_sum_matrix_rows(sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)))
    while((curr_score - prev_score) > tol[1] && (curr_score - prev_score) / abs(curr_score) > tol[1]) {
      log_weight_update_num <- sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)
      log_weight_update_denom <- logspace_sum_matrix_rows(log_weight_update_num)
      log_weights <-
        logspace_sum_matrix_rows(t(log_weight_update_num - log_weight_update_denom)) -
      prev_score <- curr_score
      curr_score <- mean(logspace_sum_matrix_rows(sweep(component_model_log_scores, 2, log_weights, `+`)))
  } else if(identical(method, "em-safe")) {
    combined_weights <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(prediction_covariate),
      ncol = ncol(component_model_log_scores))
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(combined_weights))) {
      cat(paste0("Getting weights for covariate ", i, " of ", nrow(combined_weights), ".\n"))
      obs_weights <- dnorm(covariate, prediction_covariate[i, ], sd = bw)
      obs_weights <- obs_weights / sum(obs_weights)
      weights <- rep(1 / ncol(component_model_log_scores), ncol(component_model_log_scores))
      prev_score <- -Inf
      curr_score <- weighted.mean(
        log(exp(component_model_log_scores) %*% matrix(weights)),
        w = obs_weights)
      while((curr_score - prev_score) / abs(curr_score) > tol[1]) {
        weight_update_num <- exp(component_model_log_scores) *
          matrix(rep(weights, each = nrow(component_model_log_scores)), nrow = nrow(component_model_log_scores))
        weight_update_denom <- apply(weight_update_num, 1, sum)
        weights <- apply(weight_update_num / weight_update_denom, 2, weighted.mean, w = obs_weights)
        prev_score <- curr_score
        curr_score <- weighted.mean(
          log(exp(component_model_log_scores) %*% matrix(weights)),
          w = obs_weights)
#        cat(curr_score)
      combined_weights[i, ] <- weights
  } else {
    stop("invalid method")
reichlab/2017-2018-cdc-flu-contest documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:17 a.m.