#' @title Parameter-list creation
#' @description This function creates a list of parameter settings. Vegetation settings, by default, represent the findings of the WHH-KW project.
#' @param df.ids a data frame that contains at least the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ID_custom} - a unique ID-column for assignment that all intermediate products as well as the output will be assigned to.
#' \item \code{easting} and \code{northing} - coordinates in UTM EPSG:32632
#' } \cr and may further contain the following meta information:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{slope} - slope at the modelling points in degree
#' \item \code{aspect} - aspect of the modelling points in degree
#' \item \code{coord_x} - longitude of points in degree, will be calculated automatically if missing
#' \item \code{coord_y} - latitude of points in degree, will be calculated automatically if missing
#' } \cr OR: A simple feature of type "POLYGON" with any of the columns above. If df.ids is a simple feature, site information "aspect" and "slope" will be averaged over the polygon area. Coord_y and coord_x will be taken from the centroid.
#' @param tree_species name of the tree species to be modelled with. Either a single species name that is then used for all points in \code{df.ids}, or a vector of the same length as \code{df.ids$ID} if the main tree species of each point is known and differs. Must be one of \code{beech}, \code{oak}, \code{spruce}, \code{pine}, \code{larch}, \code{douglasfir}. \cr It is recommended (findings of project WHH-KW) to use the settings of spruce for fir and the settings of pine for larch. If certain tree specific parameters should be changed permanently, the corresponding object \code{params_...} should be overwritten manually before running the function.
#' @param df.ind.info a data frame containing individual site information for each ID or if parameters are presumed to be different than the default settings of \code{\link[LWFBrook90R]{set_paramLWFB90}}. They need to be given here in the form of a data frame containing the column \code{ID_custom}, which should be identical to the \code{ID_custom}-column of\code{df.ids}, and additional columns that are named exactly like the parameters in \code{\link[LWFBrook90R]{set_paramLWFB90}}.
#' @param wuchsmaechtigkeit function in progress. provides an approximation for the mean growth of an area in BW. Adjusts LAI, SAI and max height of the vegetation. Default is \code{F}, as still in progress.
#' @return Returns a list of parameter settings that can be read and further processed by \code{\link[LWFBrook90R]{run_multisite_LWFB90}} or \code{\link[LWFBrook90R]{run_LWFB90}}
#' @example inst/examples/fnc_get_params_ex.R
#' @export
# df.ids <- st_read("J:/FVA-Projekte/P01765_StWM_KPW/Daten/Urdaten/GIS/Exkursionsgebiet/Stoka.shp")[1:3,] %>%
# mutate(ID_custom = paste0("ID_0", 1:nrow(.))) %>% select(ID_custom)
fnc_get_params <- function(df.ids,
tree_species = "spruce",
df.ind.info = NULL,
BW_or_D = "BW"
# IDs okay? ------------------------------------------------- ####
# sort dfs according to IDs
df.ids$ID <- 1:nrow(df.ids)
# df or sf? ------------------------------------------------- ####
if(all(c("sf", "data.frame") %in% class(df.ids))){
is_sf = T
is_sf = F
if(!identical(sort(df.ids$ID_custom), sort(df.ind.info$ID_custom))){
message("Careful! IDs of df.ids and df.ind.info are not identical.")
sf_cent <- sf::st_centroid(df.ids[,"ID"])%>%
dplyr::mutate(X = round(sf::st_coordinates(.)[, "X"]),
Y = round(sf::st_coordinates(.)[, "Y"]))
cents_on_polys <- sf::st_intersection(sf_cent, df.ids) %>%
dplyr::filter(ID == ID.1) %>% pull(ID)
sf_points <- sf::st_point_on_surface(df.ids[,"ID"]) %>%
dplyr::filter(!ID %in% cents_on_polys)
if(nrow(sf_points) > 0){
sf_points <- sf_points %>%
dplyr::mutate(X = round(sf::st_coordinates(.)[, "X"]),
Y = round(sf::st_coordinates(.)[, "Y"]))
sf_cent <- sf_cent %>%
dplyr::filter(ID %in% cents_on_polys) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(., sf_points) %>%
# SLOPE & ASPECT -------------------------------------------- ####
# df.ids as polygons -> exactextractr::exact_extract
if(!all(c("slope", "aspect") %in% colnames(df.ids))){
# load slope and aspect
aspect <- terra::rast(paste0(ifelse(BW_or_D == "BW", path_DGM, path_DGM_D), "aspect.tif"))
slope <- terra::rast(paste0(ifelse(BW_or_D == "BW", path_DGM, path_DGM_D), "slope.tif"))
# exact extract:
df.ids$slope <- round(exactextractr::exact_extract(slope, df.ids, 'mean'))
df.ids$aspect <- round(exactextractr::exact_extract(aspect, df.ids, summarize_df = FALSE,
fun = custom_aspect_func))
# df.ids as df -> simple extract
if(!all(c("slope", "aspect") %in% colnames(df.ids))){
# transform to GK3-terra object
df.dgm <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids,
coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = 32632) %>%
df.dgm <- terra::vect(df.dgm)
# extract
dgm_spat <- terra::rast(list.files(ifelse(BW_or_D == "BW", path_DGM, path_DGM_D), pattern = "aspect.tif$|slope.tif$", full.names=T))
df.dgm <- round(terra::extract(dgm_spat, df.dgm), 0)
# append dgm
df.ids <- dplyr::left_join(df.ids, df.dgm, by = "ID") %>%
dplyr::mutate(aspect = case_when(is.na(aspect) & slope == 0 ~ 0, T ~ aspect))
# remove IDs outside DGM:
outside <- which(is.na(df.ids$slope))
message(paste0("\nIDs: \n",
paste(df.ids %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% slice(outside) %>% pull(ID_custom), collapse = ", "),
"\n\nlie outside BW/forest area and won't be modelled. \n\n"))
df.ids <- df.ids[-outside, ]
sf_cent <- sf_cent[-outside, ]
# LAT & LON ------------------------------------------------- ####
df.latlon <- cbind("ID" = df.ids$ID,
setNames(as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(sf_cent, crs = 4326))),
c("coords_x", "coords_y")))
df.ids <- dplyr::left_join(df.ids, df.latlon, by = "ID")
}else if(!all(c("coords_x", "coords_y") %in% colnames(df.ids))){
sf.ids <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids, coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = 32632)
df.latlon <- cbind("ID" = df.ids$ID,
setNames(as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(sf::st_transform(sf.ids, crs = 4326))),
c("coords_x", "coords_y")))
df.ids <- dplyr::left_join(df.ids, df.latlon, by = "ID")
# prepare tree type ----------------------------------------- ####
df.ids <- df.ids %>% st_drop_geometry()
df.site.infos <- df.ids %>%
dplyr::rename(eslope = slope) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dslope = eslope,
tree_species = tree_species,
budburst_species = case_when(tree_species == "beech" ~ "Fagus sylvatica",
tree_species == "spruce" ~ "Picea abies (spaet)",
tree_species == "MRS_beech" ~ "Fagus sylvatica",
tree_species == "MRS_spruce" ~ "Picea abies (frueh)",
tree_species == "oak" ~ "Quercus robur",
tree_species == "pine" ~ "Pinus sylvestris",
tree_species == "larch" ~ "Larix decidua",
tree_species == "douglasfir" ~ "Picea abies (spaet)",
T ~ NA_character_))
if(all(is.na(df.site.infos$budburst_species))){df.site.infos <- df.site.infos %>% select(-budburst_species)}
# add additional data if present ---------------------------- ####
df.site.infos <- df.site.infos %>%
dplyr::left_join(df.ind.info, by = "ID_custom")
# ls.param list creation with respective tree parameters
ls.param <- lapply(df.ids$ID, function(x, df.site.infos) {
parms <- get(paste0("params_", df.site.infos[df.site.infos$ID == x, "tree_species"]))
parms[match(names(df.site.infos),names(parms), nomatch = 0)] <-
df.site.infos[df.site.infos$ID == x, which(names(df.site.infos) %in% names(parms))]
}, df.site.infos = df.site.infos)
# add pdur ------------------------------------------------- ####
if(!"pdur" %in% colnames(df.ids)){
# transform points to spatvect
sf.ids <- sf_cent
sf.ids <- sf::st_as_sf(df.ids, coords = c("easting", "northing"), crs = 32632) %>%
spat.ids <- terra::vect(sf.ids)
# load pdur-rasters.
out <- terra::rast(paste0(ifelse(BW_or_D == "BW", path_pdur, path_pdur_D), "pdur.tif"))
extr_vals <- terra::extract(out, spat.ids)
extr_vals[is.na(extr_vals)] <- 4
extr_vals <- split(extr_vals[,2:13], seq(nrow(extr_vals)))
extr_vals <- lapply(extr_vals, function(x) as.numeric(x))
rm(out); gc()
ls.param <- mapply(FUN = function(liste, vals){
liste$pdur <- vals
liste = ls.param,
vals = extr_vals,
names(ls.param) <- df.ids$ID_custom
# function for mean aspect ---------------------------------------------------- ####
custom_aspect_func <- function(values, cov_frac){
if( all(is.nan(values)) | length(values) == 0 ){
out <- circular::weighted.mean.circular(rad(values), cov_frac, modulo = "2pi", na.rm = T) *180/pi
out <-out+360
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