
#' @title  Downloads data for a specified data product or products,
#'  and saves the data to a specified directory

#' @author Robert Lee \email{rlee@battelleecology.org}\cr

#' @description For the specified dates, site, package parameters,
#' and data product or name of family of data products,
#' data are downloaded and saved to the specifed directory.
#' @param site Parameter of class character. The NEON site data should be downloaded for.
#' @param dp.id Parameter of class character. The data product code in question. See
#' \code{Noble::tis_pri_vars} for a selected list of data product names and codes, or
#' \url{http://data.neonscience.org/data-product-catalog} for a complete list.
#' @param bgn.month Parameter of class character.
#' The year-month (e.g. "2017-01") of the first month to get data for.
#' @param end.month Parameter of class character.
#' The year-month (e.g. "2017-01") of the last month to get data for.
#' @param time.agr Parameter of class numeric.
#' The data agregation interval requested, must be 1, 2, or 30.
#' @param package Parameter of class character. Optional.
#' The type of data package to be returned If not specified, defaults to basic.
#' @param save.dir Parameter of class character.
#' The local directory where data files should be saved.
#' @param complete.times Optional. Parameter of class logical.
#' Should gaps in the endDateTime column be filled? Defaults to FALSE (No gap filling).
#' @return Writes data files to the specified directory.

#' @keywords process quality, data quality, gaps, commissioning
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Make a temporary directory for the example:
#' tempDir<- tempdir()
#' pull.data(site = "CPER", dp.id = "DP1.00002.001", bgn.month = "2017-04", end.month = "2017-05",
#' time.agr = 30, package="basic", save.dir= tempDir)}

#' @export

# changelog and author contributions / copyrights
#   Robert Lee (2017-07-18)
#     original creation

pull.data = function(site, dp.id, bgn.month, end.month, time.agr, package="basic", save.dir, complete.times=F){
    options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    bgn_temp <- as.Date(paste0(bgn.month, "-01"), tz="UTC")
    end_temp <- as.Date(paste0(end.month, "-01"), tz="UTC")

    #Make a list of months to get data for
    date_range<-substr(seq.Date(bgn_temp, end_temp, "month"), 0, 7)

    #read in current IS site info

    #make sure to request valid packages!
    valid.pack<-c("basic", "expanded")
    #save.dir = paste0(save.dir, "/")

    if(!dir.exists(save.dir)){stop("Invalid directory specified! Please correct the parameter given to 'save.dir'.")}

    if(!package %in% valid.pack){stop("Please specify a package of 'basic' or 'expaned'")}

    #figure out if a code or keyword for a data product has been passed to the fucntion.
    if(!grepl(pattern = "^DP1.*", x=dp.id)){

        stop("Please enter a data product code, eg: dp.id='DP1.00001.001'.")

    # Make a sequence of dates and times for the requested period
    bgn_temp <- as.POSIXct(paste0(bgn.month, "-01"), tz="UTC")
    end_temp<- as.POSIXlt(paste0(end_temp, "-01"), tz="UTC")

    # make a reference sequence
    ref_seq<-Noble::help.time.seq(from=bgn_temp, to=end_temp+lubridate::seconds(1), time.agr = time.agr)

    # Get site metadata
                                 site=site, dp.id=dp.id,

    #Make our start timestamps, which data are matched to.

    ##### Data Pull section #####
    #Set the expected data filename for the data product
    file.name<- paste0("NEON.", curr_site_config$Domain,".", site, ".", dp.id, "_REQ_", bgn_temp, "_", as.character(as.Date(end_temp)), "_", time.agr, "min_", package,".csv.gz")

    ## If the file isn't there, get it
    if(!file.exists(paste0(save.dir, file.name))){
        data.wad=lapply(date_range, function(m) lapply(call.df$url_list[grepl(x=call.df$url_list, pattern = m)],
                                                       function(l) as.data.frame(utils::read.csv(as.character(l)), stringsAsFactors = F))) #Get all data in one lump, (list of lists of data frames)
        data.lump=do.call(rbind, data.wad) #make into data frame of lists, with dimensions nrow=n_months, ncol=n_measurementLocations
        data.chunk=lapply(seq(length(data.lump[1,])), function(x) do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, data.lump[,x])) # merge down rows, so that only data frames of measurement levels exist

        ## Clean up column naming (apply location info to measurement columns)
        for(i in 1:length(data.chunk)){
            colnames(data.chunk[[i]])[which(!grepl(x = colnames(data.chunk[[i]]), pattern = "time", ignore.case = T))]=
                paste0(colnames(data.chunk[[i]][which(!grepl(x = names(data.chunk[[i]]), pattern = "time", ignore.case = T))]), ".", unique(call.df$loc_list)[i])
            data.chunk[[i]]$startDateTime=as.POSIXct(data.chunk[[i]]$startDateTime, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", tz="UTC")

        # Make a reference sequence to match to

        #Perform the matching
        data.raw=data.frame(lapply(data.chunk, function(x) dplyr::left_join(x=dates, y=x, by="startDateTime")))

        #strip out unneeded datetime columns
        time.index=grep(x = colnames(data.raw), pattern = "time", ignore.case = T)

        # ## Remove duplicates

        ## Fill a sequence of endDateTimes?
            end_ref=as.POSIXct(ref_seq, tz = "UTC")+lubridate::minutes(x=time.agr)

        #Zip and write the files
        file.path<-paste0(save.dir, file.name)
        zip.dir<-base::gzfile(file.path, open = "wb")
        utils::write.csv(x=data.out, file=zip.dir, row.names = F)
    }else{#if the file is there, read it
        data.out<-utils::read.csv(paste0(save.dir, file.name))
    ## Return to parent environment
rhlee12/Noble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:36 a.m.