
Defines functions SCnormFit

Documented in SCnormFit

#' @title Fit group quantile regression for K groups
#' @inheritParams SCnorm
#' @inheritParams normWrapper

#' @description For each group K, a quantile regression is fit over all genes
#'    (PropToUse) for a grid of possible degree's d and quantile's tau. 
#' For each value of tau and d, the predicted expression values are obtained
#'    and regressed against the original sequencing depths.  The optimal tau
#'    and d combination is chosen as that closest to the mode of the gene
#'    slopes.
#' @return normalized expression matrix and matrix of scaling factors.
#' @author Rhonda Bacher
#' @importFrom cluster clara
#' @importFrom moments skewness
#' @importFrom data.table data.table melt

SCnormFit <- function(Data, SeqDepth, Slopes, K, PropToUse = .25, Tau = .5, ditherCounts) {

    SeqDepth <- data.table::data.table(Depth = log(SeqDepth), Sample = names(SeqDepth))

    Genes <- rownames(Data)
    DataFiltered <- Data[names(Slopes),]
    logData <- data.table::data.table(Gene = rownames(DataFiltered), redoBox(DataFiltered, 0))
    sreg <- list()
    grouping <- cluster::clara(as.matrix(Slopes), K)
    for(i in seq_len(K)) {
        sreg[[i]] <- Slopes[names(which(grouping$clustering == i))] }

    #merge small clusters together, groups with less than 100 genes.
    Centers <- as.vector(grouping$medoids)
    SIZES = unlist(lapply(sreg, function(x) length(x)))
    while(any(SIZES < 100)) {
        i = which.min(SIZES)
        tomatch <- sort(abs(Centers - Centers[i]))[2]
        ADDTO <- which(abs(Centers - Centers[i]) == tomatch)
        sreg[[ADDTO]]<-c(sreg[[ADDTO]], sreg[[i]])
        sreg[[i]] <- NULL
        Centers <- Centers[-i]

    SIZES <- unlist(lapply(sreg, function(x) length(x)))

    K = length(sreg) # update k

    NormData <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Data), ncol=ncol(Data))
    rownames(NormData) <- Genes
    colnames(NormData) <- colnames(Data)
    ScaleFactors <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(Data), ncol=ncol(Data))
    rownames(ScaleFactors) <- Genes
    colnames(ScaleFactors) <- colnames(Data)
    for(i in seq_len(K)) {
      qgenes <- names(sreg[[i]])
      try(dskew <- moments::skewness(sreg[[i]])) 

      ##only want to use modal genes for speed
      rqdens <- density(Slopes[qgenes], from = min(Slopes[qgenes], 
          na.rm=TRUE), to = max(Slopes[qgenes], na.rm=TRUE))
      peak <- which.max(rqdens$y)
      if (is.na(dskew) == FALSE & abs(dskew) > .5) {
          PEAK <- rqdens$x[peak]
          } else { PEAK <- mean(sreg[[i]])}
      NumToSub <- ceiling(length(qgenes) * PropToUse) 
      ModalGenes <- names(sort(abs(PEAK - Slopes[qgenes]))[seq_len(NumToSub)])
      InData <- subset(logData, logData$Gene %in% ModalGenes)
      Melted <- data.table::melt(InData, id="Gene")
      colnames(Melted) <- c("Gene", "Sample", "Counts")

      LongData <- merge(Melted, SeqDepth, by="Sample")
      O <- LongData$Depth
      Y <- LongData$Counts
      taus <- seq(.05, .95, by=.05)
      Grid <- expand.grid(taus, seq_len(6))
      AllIter <- unlist(BiocParallel::bplapply(X = seq_len(nrow(Grid)), FUN = GetTD, 
          InputData = list(O, Y, SeqDepth$Depth, Grid, Tau, ditherCounts)))
      DG <- Grid[which.min(abs(PEAK - AllIter)),2]
      TauGroup <- Grid[which.min(abs(PEAK - AllIter)),1]
      polyX <- poly(O, degree = DG, raw = FALSE)
      Xmat <- data.table::data.table(model.matrix( ~ polyX ))
      polydata <- data.frame(Y = Y, Xmat = Xmat[,-1])

      rqfit <- quantreg::rq(Y ~ ., data = polydata, na.action = na.exclude, 
                  tau = TauGroup, method="fn")
      revX <- data.frame(predict(polyX, SeqDepth$Depth))
      colnames(revX) <- colnames(polydata[-1])
      pdvalsrq <- predict(rqfit, newdata=data.frame(revX))
      names(pdvalsrq) <- rownames(SeqDepth)

      SF_rq <- exp(pdvalsrq) / exp(quantile(Y, probs = TauGroup, na.rm = TRUE))
      normdata_rq <- t(t(DataFiltered[qgenes, ]) / as.vector(SF_rq))
      rownames(normdata_rq) <- qgenes

      NormData[qgenes,] <- normdata_rq
      SFmat <- matrix(rep(SF_rq, length(qgenes)), nrow = length(qgenes), byrow = TRUE)
      rownames(SFmat) <- qgenes
      colnames(SFmat) <- names(SF_rq)
      ScaleFactors[qgenes,] <- SFmat


    toput1 <- names(which(is.na(rowSums(NormData))))
    if(length(toput1) > 0) {
      NormData[toput1,] <- Data[toput1,]
      SFones <- matrix(rep(rep(1,ncol(Data)), length(toput1)), nrow=length(toput1), byrow=TRUE)
      rownames(SFones) <- toput1
      colnames(SFones) <- colnames(ScaleFactors)
      ScaleFactors[toput1,] <- SFones

    normSlots = list(NormData = NormData, ScaleFactors = ScaleFactors)
rhondabacher/SCnorm documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:36 p.m.